Basic correlations

You probably noticed that detecting correlations from contingency tables is hard. Detecting patterns takes practice, but many people are much better at recognizing the patterns visually. Detecting actionable patterns is one of the primary goals of machine learning. While advanced supervised machine learning techniques that will be covered in Chapter 4, Supervised and Unsupervised Learning and Chapter 5, Regression and Classification exist, initial analysis of interdependencies between variables can help with the right transformation of variables or selection of the best inference technique.

Multiple well-established visualization tools exist and there are multiple sites, such as, which specialize on ranking and providing recommendations on data analysis, data explorations, and visualization software. I am not going to question the validity and accuracy of such rankings in this book, and very few sites actually mention Scala as a specific way to visualize the data, even if this is possible with, say, a D3.js package. A good visualization is a great way to deliver your findings to a larger audience. One look is worth a thousand words.

For the purposes of this chapter, I will use Grapher that is present on every Mac OS notebook. To open Grapher, go to Utilities (shift + command + U in Finder) and click on the Grapher icon (or search by name by pressing command + space). Grapher presents many options, including the following Log-Log and Polar coordinates:

Basic correlations

Figure 01-7. The Grapher window

Fundamentally, the amount of information that can be delivered through visualization is limited by the number of pixels on the screen, which, for most modern computers, is in millions and color variations, which arguably can also be in millions (Judd, Deane B.; Wyszecki, Günter (1975). Color in Business, Science and Industry. Wiley Series in Pure and Applied Optics (3rd ed.). New York). If I am working on a multidimensional TB dataset, the dataset first needs to be summarized, processed, and reduced to a size that can be viewed on a computer screen.

For the purpose of illustration, I will use the Iris UCI dataset that can be found at To bring the dataset into the tool, type the following code (on Mac OS):

[akozlov@Alexanders-MacBook-Pro]$ pbcopy < chapter01/data/iris/in.txt

Open the new Point Set in the Grapher (command + alt + P), press Edit Points… and paste the data by pressing command + V. The tools has line-fitting capabilities with basic linear, polynomial, and exponential families and provides the popular chi-squared metric to estimate the goodness of the fit with respect to the number of free parameters:

Basic correlations

Figure 01-8. Fitting the Iris dataset using Grapher on Mac OS X

We will cover how to estimate the goodness of model fit in the following chapters.

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