Income statement

An income statement is an essential report for all the business's stakeholders. We'll take an executive's perspective for our user story.


As an executive, I want to know whether the business made or lost money over a certain period of time. I also want to know the possible reasons for this result so that I can measure the results of the strategic actions that I took during that period.

Financial statements have been around for so long that most business users are going to want to see them in the format that they are accustomed to. As legacy reporting in QlikView involves using advanced methods, let's take the time to create them in their standard format. We will then look at how we can make a report more visual and easier to understand at a glance.

In the following income statement example, we start by calculating the sales that we generated during the course of the year. Proceeding downward through the report, we subtract the costs and expenses that were incurred in these same period. Then at certain moments in the report, we calculate a subtotal. For example, gross profit is sales minus costs, operating profit is gross profit minus expenses, and net profit is operating profit minus other concepts, such as taxes and interest.

Each of these main groups (sales, costs, and expenses) can be divided into further subgroups. These subgroups depend on the business and what the stakeholders want to measure. For example, we want to dissect expenses into various subgroups, such as travel and payroll, and see how each affects whether we make money or not. Let's create an income statement in the following Exercise 3.2.

Income statement

Exercise 3.2

In the Financial_Perspective_Sandbox.qvw application that is found in the C:QlikSourceData1002.Finance_Perspective1.Application, let's start by creating a straight table with the following properties:

  1. Add the [Account - Concept] field as a dimension.
  2. Add the following five metrics:




only({1<[Account - Report]
[Account - Order]) 

[AsOf Year-Month]
& 'Monthly'

sum({$<[Account - Report]={'Income_Statement'},[Month]=,[Year]=,_MonthSerial={'$(=max(_AsOfMonthSerial))'}>} [GJ Amount]) * only([Account - Factor])


sum({$<[Account - Report]={'Income_Statement'},[Month]=,[Year]=,_MonthSerial={'$(=max(_AsOfMonthSerial))'}>} [GJ Amount]) * only([Account - Factor])/sum({$<[Account - Report]={'Income_Statement'},[Account - Concept]={'Total  Revenue'},[Month]=,[Year]=,_MonthSerial={'$(=max(_AsOfMonthSerial))'}>} Total [GJ Amount]) * -1

=chr(10) & 'YTD'

sum({$<[Account - Report]={'Income_Statement'},[Month]=,[Year]={$(=max(AsOfYear))},_MonthSerial={'<=$(=max(_AsOfMonthSerial))'}>} [GJ Amount]) * only([Account - Factor])


sum({$<[Account - Report]={'Income_Statement'},[Month]=,[Year]={$(=max(AsOfYear))},_MonthSerial={'<=$(=max(_AsOfMonthSerial))'}>} [GJ Amount])* only([Account - Factor])/sum({$<[Account - Report]={'Income_Statement'},[Account - Concept]={'Total  Revenue'},[Month]=,[Year]={$(=max(AsOfYear))},_MonthSerial={'<=$(=max(_AsOfMonthSerial))'}>} Total [GJ Amount])* -1 

The first expression looks unusual. It doesn't aggregate anything and doesn't even appear in the example income statement. That's because it works as a placeholder for account groups that do not have any GJ entries during the selected period. Unlike QlikView, legacy reports usually show dimensions even when the sum of their corresponding metric is zero. We change the expression's Text Color to white() so that it is hidden from the user.

Now that we've added the necessary dimension and expressions let's change a few detailed properties and apply the financial report metadata to the QlikView object:

Exercise 3.2
  1. In the Dimensions tab, select the Account – Concept and insert a blank space in the Label field.
  2. Click Edit… and insert the following code to enable the text indentation:
    =Repeat(' ',[Account - Text Indent]) & [Account - Concept]
  3. Expand the dimension's properties and click Background Color. Click Edit… and insert the following code:
    =Only({1} [Account - Background Color]) 
  4. Click Text Color and click Edit… and insert the following formula:
    =Only({1} [Account - Text Color]) 
  5. Finally, click Text Format and then click Edit… and insert the following formula:
    =Only({1} [Account - Text Format]) 
  6. In the Dimensions tab, there is a little-used option that we can use to adjust the row spacing to make the table more readable and aesthetically pleasing. Click Advanced… in the Dimensions tab and make the two changes that appear in the following diagram:
    Exercise 3.2
  7. Now, let's apply the same formatting changes to the expressions, as follows:
    Exercise 3.2
  8. In the same way that we defined the properties of the dimension, we define the Background Color, Text Color, and Text Format in the Definition field for every expression except for the one we use as a placeholder:

    Background Color

    =Only({1} [Account - Background Color])

    Text Color

    =Only({1} [Account - Text Color])

    Text Format

    =Only({1} [Account - Text Format])

  9. Finally, for each expression select the No Totals radio button in the Total Mode section.
  10. Let's move on to the Sort tab. Go through the steps in the following diagram to properly sort the report's concepts. The sort expression is =only({1<[Account - Report]={'Income_Statement'}>} [Account - Order]):
    Exercise 3.2


    We can reduce the work in this step if we use the dual() function in the script to combine the text description and order number into one field:

    dual([Account – Concept], [Account – Order]) as [Account – Sorted Concept]

    We would then only need to sort [Account – Sorted Concept] by Numeric Value.

  11. Now in the Presentation tab, let's copy the options that are seen the following diagram:
    Exercise 3.2

It is good practice to align the column label in the same way that we did to its data. We also keep the label close to the data and vertically align the label on the bottom of a two-line header. Make sure to set these alignments for every expression.

Along with proper formatting, we want to alert users to any negative values. Such values in one of the income statement's calculated groups, such as Gross Profit or Operating Profit, indicate a loss. If found in other groups they may indicate an unusual transaction that affects an account contrary to its normal balance. We enable these alerts in the Visual Cues tab.

If we have room enough to only use whitespace to divide columns, let's remove the borders in the Style tab in two easy steps:

  1. Uncheck Vertical Dimension Cell Borders.
  2. Uncheck Vertical Expression Cell Borders.

Finally, let's perform these last two steps to clean the number format and to hide the caption:

  1. In the Number tab, define both expressions as integers.
  2. In the Caption tab, uncheck Show Caption.

We should now have a fairly clean income statement, but what if we want to go a little further and change the background of the column header or row borders? We can use a hidden feature called Custom Format Cell to make these additional changes.

Custom format cell

Straight tables and pivot tables have an additional properties dialog to further customize a table's style. It is not available by default, so first we go to the Settings file menu, and then User Preference….

In the Design tab of User Preferences, tick the option to Always Show Design Menu Items, as shown in the following screenshot:

Custom format cell

We now have a new option called Custom Format Cell when we right-click over any table:

Custom format cell

This option opens a window that allows us to define the cell borders, cell backgrounds, text color, text style, and text size of each dimension and expression. Any change that we make to one cell applies to all other cells belonging to the same expression or dimension. In other words, we cannot define a different format for two different cells of the same expression or dimension.

Regardless of this limitation, Custom Format Cell does provide us with several options to create a custom table style. Let's go ahead and make our final changes to the format of the income statement as follows:

Custom format cell

You will notice that on the left-hand side of the window, we can navigate throughout the table and define the style for each dimension and expression without having to close the window and reopen it by right-clicking on a different area of the table. Let's start by clicking on the first expression's column header:

  1. Change the Background Color to white.
  2. Now, click on the first cell with data.
  3. Change the Border before cell to nothing.
  4. Change the Border after cell to nothing.
  5. Select All Dimensions and Expression in the Apply change to drop-down box and click OK.

If we add a few more metrics and move the account names to the center of the table, we can achieve a more detailed winged report with monthly metrics on one side and year-to-date metrics on the other. You can review the following example in the exercise solution file:

Custom format cell

Now that we have a well-formatted income statement, let's examine how we can use common visualization techniques to make it more effective. We use a slightly modified version of the previous user story to identify the key points that executives look for in an income statement.


As an executive, I want to quickly see how the income statement has been changing over the course of this year. I also want to see how each period compares to the same period last year so that I can discover whether my strategies are improving our financial results.

Modern accounting has been around for more than 500 years, and we are probably not going to change how accountants visualize data in our lifetime. The accountant's instinct to use numbers and tables to solve this user story may result in something like the following example, which is a common format to analyze how an income statement is trending:

Custom format cell

Any argument to say that they shouldn't analyze data in this way will cause them to question QlikView's ability to satisfy their reporting needs. Therefore, I recommend that we do it in the way that they are most comfortable with. Luckily, the AsOfCalendar table makes this report possible without reverting to methods, such as island tables and if-statements, that can cause the report's calculation time to grow exponentially. You can review the details on how to make the table in the exercise solution file.

Then, in addition to the table, we should propose more abstract ways to view the data more efficiently. Converting a table full of metrics into an abstract visualization is one of the most difficult challenges that we will ever face as data visualization designers. We have to come to terms with the fact that we cannot fit every metric into one chart without making it as hard to read as the originating table. Regardless of whether we use lines, bars, points, or some purportedly omniscient chart, we cannot fit everything into one visualization.

The best solution is to create a group of charts in which each element highlights a different aspect of the income statement. For example, we can create one bar chart to analyze year-to-date amounts and variations, and another graph to analyze monthly amounts and variations. Then we can add a line chart to view the trend of the most important account groups, and another to view the trend of detailed expense accounts.

Another alternative is to use the same familiar table structure to create a grid chart. Again, if we try to fit everything into one chart, we have to sacrifice a certain level of detail, metrics, or dimensions. At the same time, we can use the following grid chart to start a story that will lead us to look at specific charts and tables as we dive deeper into our story:

Custom format cell

In order to make this chart, we have to sacrifice measuring year-to-date metrics. We've maintained the same number of dimensions, but we've replaced actual numbers with color and year-over-year variation with an arrow. Even so, we can quickly perceive that we had our highest sales in July and August 2015, while strangely, our cost of goods sold was highest in December 2014. The fact that cost of goods sold is not always correlated to sales is curious. Such an observation may be a great place for a business user to start a story that leads to price and inventory analysis.

Exercise 3.3

In the Financial_Perspective_Sandbox.qvw application, let's first create a variable that makes the chart expressions cleaner, as follows:

  1. Add the following variables that calculate the GJ amount for the current month and the same month last year:




    sum({$<[Account - Report]={'Income_Statement'},  [AsOf Months Ago]={0}>} [GJ Amount])


    sum({$<[Account - Report]={'Income_Statement'},  [AsOf Months Ago]={12}>} [GJ Amount])

  2. Clone the income statement that we created in Exercise 3.2 and change the chart type to pivot table.
  3. Add the dimensions AsOfYear and AsOfMonth to the cloned table and pivot them so that they become columns as in the previous figure.
  4. Replace the existing metric with the following that creates an up arrow, or chr(9650) if the current month is greater than the same month last year and a down arrow otherwise, or chr(9660). This expression also serves as a placeholder for inactive accounts:




      $(vExp_CYMTD_GJAmount) * only([Account - Factor])
      $(vExp_LYMTD_GJAmount) * only([Account - Factor])
        $(vExp_CYMTD_GJAmount) * only([Account - Factor])
        $(vExp_LYMTD_GJAmount) * only([Account - Factor])
        if(not isnull(only({1< [Account - Report]={'Income_Statement'}>} [Account - Concept]))

  5. Add the following code as a background color of the expression. The aggr() function helps define a different range of lightness and darkness for each account. Otherwise, the accounts with the largest numbers like revenue and costs would always be a dark color and every other smaller account a light one:
    ColorMix2 (
      if($(vExp_CYMTD_GJAmount) * -1  < 0
        ,-Sqrt(($(vExp_CYMTD_GJAmount) * -1)/min(total <[Account - Concept]> aggr($(vExp_CYMTD_GJAmount)* -1,[Account - Concept],AsOf Month,AsOf Year)))
        ,Sqrt(($(vExp_CYMTD_GJAmount) * -1)/max(total <[Account - Concept]> aggr($(vExp_CYMTD_GJAmount)* -1,[Account - Concept],AsOf Month,AsOf Year))))
      , ARGB(255, 255, 128, 0), ARGB(255, 0, 64, 128), ARGB(255, 255, 255, 255)) 
  6. Add white(150) as the expression's text color. We make the arrow slightly transparent so that it contrasts less with the background, which makes for easier reading and a more refined look.

We now have an income statement grid chart. We can experiment with the options that we learned earlier in this section to add cell borders and any fine-tuning adjustments. After doing so, let's move on to the next important financial report—the balance sheet.

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