Setup parameters

The previous chapters have actually already shown us a couple of examples, but let's reiterate and review what the most important parts actually do. The core function you will be using in this entire chapter is setuptools.setup.


For the most simple packages, the distutils package bundled with Python will be sufficient as well, but I recommend setuptools regardless. The setuptools package has many great features that distutils lacks and nearly all Python environments will have setuptools available anyhow.

Before we continue, make sure you have the latest version of both pip and setuptools:

pip install -U pip setuptools


The setuptools and distutils packages have changed significantly over the last few years and the documentation/examples written before 2014 are most likely out of date. Be careful not to implement deprecated examples and skip any documentation/examples using distutils.

Now that we have all the prerequisites, let's create an example containing the most important fields with inline documentation:

import setuptools

if __name__ == '__main__':

        # This automatically detects the packages in the specified
        # (or current directory if no directory is given).

        # The entry points are the big difference between
        # setuptools and distutils, the entry points make it
        # possible to extend setuptools and make it smarter and/or
        # add custom commands.

            # The following would add: python
            # command_name
            'distutils.commands': [
                'command_name = your_package:YourClass',

            # The following would make these functions callable as
            # standalone scripts. In this case it would add the
            # spam command to run in your shell.
            'console_scripts': [
                'spam = your_package:SpamClass',

        # Packages required to use this one, it is possible to
        # specify simply the application name, a specific version
        # or a version range. The syntax is the same as pip
        # accepts.

        # Extra requirements are another amazing feature of
        # setuptools, it allows people to install extra
        # dependencies if you are interested. In this example
        # doing a "pip install name[all]" would install the
        # python-utils package as well.
            'all': ['python-utils'],

        # Packages required to install this package, not just for
        # running it but for the actual install. These will not be
        # installed but only downloaded so they can be used during
        # the install. The pytest-runner is a useful example:

        # The requirements for the test command. Regular testing
        # is possible through: python test The Pytest
        # module installs a different command though: python
        # pytest

        # The package_data, include_package_data and
        # exclude_package_data arguments are used to specify which
        # non-python files should be included in the package. An
        # example would be documentation files.  More about this
        # in the next paragraph
            # Include (restructured text) documentation files from
            # any directory
            '': ['*.rst'],
            # Include text files from the eggs package:
            'eggs': ['*.txt'],

        # If a package is zip_safe the package will be installed
        # as a zip file. This can be faster but it generally
        # doesn't make too much of a difference and breaks
        # packages if they need access to either the source or the
        # data files. When this flag is omitted setuptools will
        # try to autodetect based on the existance of datafiles
        # and C extensions. If either exists it will not install
        # the package as a zip. Generally omitting this parameter
        # is the best option but if you have strange problems with
        # missing files, try disabling zip_safe.

        # All of the following fileds are PyPI metadata fields.
        # When registering a package at PyPI this is used as
        # information on the package page.
        author='Rick van Hattem',
        author_email='[email protected]',

        # This should be a short description (one line) for the
        # package
        description='Description for the name package',

        # For this parameter I would recommend including the
        # README.rst

        long_description='A very long description',
        # The license should be one of the standard open source
        # licenses:

        # Homepage url for the package

That was quite a lot of code and comments, but it covers most of the options you will ever encounter in real-life packages. The most interesting and versatile parameters discussed here will be covered in the following sections separately.

Additional documentation can be found in the pip and setuptools documentation, as well as in the Python Packaging User Guide:

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