Special cases with groups

Python provides us with some forms of groups that can help us to modify the regular expressions or even to match a pattern only when a previous group exists in the match, such as an if statement.

Flags per group

There is a way to apply the flags we've seen in Chapter 2 Regular Expressions with Python, using a special form of grouping: (?iLmsux).















For example:

>>>re.findall(r"(?u)w+" ,ur"ñ")

The above example is the same as:

>>>re.findall(r"w+" ,ur"ñ", re.U)

We've seen what these examples do several times in the previous chapter.

Remember that a flag is applied to the whole expression.


This is a very useful case of groups. It tries to match a pattern in case a previous one was found. On the other hand, it doesn't try to match a pattern in case a previous group was not found. In short, it's like an if-else statement. The syntax for this operation is as follows:


This expression means: if the group with this ID has already been matched, then at this point of the string, the yes-pattern pattern has to match. If the group hasn't been matched, then the no-pattern pattern has to match.

Let's see how it works continuing with our trite example. We have a list of products, but in this case the ID can be made in two different ways:

  • The country code (two digits), a dash, three or four alphanumeric characters, a dash, and the area code (2 digits). For example: 34-adrl-01.
  • Three or four alphanumeric characters. For example: adrl.

So, when there is a country code, we need to match the country area:

>>>pattern = re.compile(r"(dd-)?(w{3,4})(?(1)(-dd))")
<_sre.SRE_Match at 0x10f68b7a0>
<_sre.SRE_Match at 0x10f68b828>

As you can see in the previous example, there is a match when we have a country code and area code. Note that when there is a country code but no area code, there is no match:


And what's no-pattern for? Let's add another constraint to the previous example: if there is no country code there has to be a name at the end of the string:

  • The country code (2 digits), a dash, three or four alphanumeric characters, a dash, and the area code (2 digits). For example: 34-adrl-01
  • Three or four alphanumeric characters, followed by three or four characters. For example: adrl-sala.

Let's see it in action:

>>>pattern = re.compile(r"(dd-)?(w{3,4})-(?(1)(dd)|[a-z]{3,4})$")
<_sre.SRE_Match at 0x10f6ee750>

As expected, if there is a country code and an area code, there is a match.


In the preceding example, we do have a country area, but there is no area code, so there is no match.

<_sre.SRE_Match at 0x10f6ee880>

And finally, when there is no country area, there must be a name, so we have a match.

Note that no-pattern is optional, so in the first example, we've omitted it.

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