If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.
—G. K. Chesterton 1910, British Author and Journalist
To start the chapter, I want to explain why I chose the starting quote. The sentence that you probably have heard a lot more frequently is “If something is worth doing, it is worth doing right.” Behind that quote stands a certain amount of perfectionism that is very often necessary to achieve extraordinary results.
But sometimes there is not enough time or resources to do it per fectly or even right. So the question is whether it is worth doing at all. It could be that with an 80 percent solution, you could be much better off than with a perfect solution that will never come. Speed is very important. Time to market is an important factor, whether exter nally to your customers or internally in competition with others in your organization.
It is worthwhile to realize that there are many situations where a suboptimal solution is actually more successful. I am not advocating striving for general mediocrity but for you to realize that a solution that misses its time to market might be useless, while one that hits the market quickly can create high value. One thing often overlooked is that results today are much more team oriented and collaborative then they were in the past. If you have a single actor creating something to be used in its final stage and have an organization that expects everything it receives in that final state, you will need people to produce near-perfect results. If instead you are building on collaborative forces (e.g., when building on social media and Web 2.0 technologies and processes), then handing some thing “imperfect” to the community “fast” can be a lot more valu able than if you held a contribution back just to improve on it in your hidden little office. One of the core principles of these types of knowledge exchanges is to have a high flow of knowledge, so you are better off with a larger number of building blocks versus a few black boxes.
The next sections discuss some aspects of this line of thinking including a look at quality and time-to-market delivery.


In a study on knowledge management by the Fraunhofer Institute,1 one of the questions asked participants what barriers of knowledge management they see.
The top 10 responses were:
1. Lack of time
2. Missing knowledge management awareness
3. Missing awareness of knowledge
4. “Knowledge is power”
5. Missing reward systems
6. Missing transparency
7. Specialization
8. Inappropriate information technology (IT) structure
9. No organized knowledge sharing
10. Inappropriate company culture
The interesting part about the order of the responses was that the top two each got over 70 percent of the responses, while items 3 through 10 got only between 30 and 40 percent. So the two top barriers were seen as the major barriers for knowledge management to succeed.
I will discuss the top three in more detail and suggest some methods to attack those barriers.
1. Lack of time. Although the first item is formulated as “lack of time,” I believe in reality it is “lack of priority.” As we definitely do not have time for all activities that might be important, where we put our priorities becomes significant. If you want to really improve your knowledge flow, especially on the side where the knowledge enters the flow, and you are serious about it, you will need to make it a priority and ensure that employees have time to contribute. You can embed contribution into processes (e.g., as steps of a methodology). Another way to raise the priority is through clear goals that emphasize the value of leveraging knowledge. Leading by example drives some people to make things a priority because they might want to emulate management behavior.
2. Missing knowledge management awareness. This barrier speaks to the fact that people in your organization are not aware that sharing knowledge is even part of their job. They think it is something extra that they do on a Friday night, when their day job is done. It is not necessary that all knowledge flow management-related activities are visible under that label; in fact, it is actually a very good sign when they are so much embedded into standard processes that they are not visible anymore. But in the launch phases of any initiative, it is important that participants understand and are aware that there is an activity that they are specifically asked to engage in. They also need to understand that they will increase the value of the organization through participation. Methods to break down this barrier are marketing or embedding activities related to knowledge sharing into job descriptions, bonus plans, or review cycles.2 Another way to raise the awareness is through stories that link business success to knowledge-sharing behavior or activity.
3. Missing awareness of knowledge. In the initiatives that I have run over the years, the effects of this barrier are most interesting, and I think it is one that is often underestimated. What I have seen again and again is that people are not aware of their knowledge and specifically not aware of the real or potential value of their knowledge. In the ToolPool initiative, we have repeatedly experienced cases where somebody sends in a technical tool with a comment that goes as follows: “I am not sure if it worth anything to anybody, but if you think it is, why don’t you publish it in ToolPool.” And after we published it, it was downloaded hundreds of times by consultants worldwide. The first reason people underestimate the value of their contribution is that they overestimate its uniqueness. People tend to think that the challenge, and the need to look for a solution to it, happens only to them. More often than not, this is not the case. And even if there is a uniqueness to it, there are usually also commonalities, and users of that contribution can do some translation. They can pick up pieces of it, for example, and apply parts of it to their specific problem. There are a couple of methods to deal with this barrier:
• Create transparency. If people know in what ways and how frequently their contributions are reused, they tend to be surprised and the barrier slowly becomes smaller. Analysis and feeding that analysis back to the author is a great way to tackle this barrier.
• Having good knowledge intermediaries is another way to fight this barrier. Just by their experience, they can help to estimate the value of a contribution and motivate people to “risk” a contribution for the sake of potential benefit.
It was interesting to see that in 1997, the respondents to the survey considered the IT structure as significantly less important than a number of softer factors. Nevertheless, in the years after that survey, technology was very often the main point of focus.
I will not go into detail on all the barriers that made the list, but one that is worth a deeper discussion is the fourth, knowledge is power.


This barrier is often mentioned because it inhibits people from sharing their knowledge. Their knowledge represents their value and seems to give them power; they believe that it will save them from becoming obsolete and getting fired. As a consequence, they have a tendency to hoard their knowledge. If this line of thinking is common with participants/employees, they are quite often on the wrong track.
Today’s organization is much less about the knowledge you have. It is a lot more about the potential of knowledge that you can build. In the thirteenth century, the city of Venice moved all of its glassmaking facilities to the island of Murano in order to preserve the secret knowledge of glassmaking. It took until the end of the sixteenth century for the knowledge finally to slip out. At that time, Venice lost some of its power to its competition. In spite of harsh measures (i.e., death penalty for any glassmaking expert trying to leave), some of the knowledge made it into other parts of Europe, but there is still a lot of special expertise on Murano.
Things have changed since the thirteenth century. Most of the knowledge that people need today renews itself at breathtaking speed. Today we are talking more about days, months, maybe a few years but not centuries before knowledge might become obsolete. Due to this speed of change, it is usually dangerous for an individual to think that having knowledge represents power and to rely on it. The real power comes to those who are best at building and transferring knowledge, not at having knowledge. We are living in dynamic times. The most valuable people in the organization of the future are not those with knowledge that might be out-of-date tomorrow but those who are most capable of building new valuable knowledge. And to build knowledge, you need a network. But the network will not continue to share with you if you do not give something back. Hence it is those who invest in their network who are most likely to be good at building new (very much needed) knowledge. But people are often still stuck in the old model.
There is one more aspect to the “knowledge is power” barrier. I usually urge people to turn themselves into moving targets. One big misconception is that if I share my knowledge, the person I shared it with will automatically be at the same level as I. But as I explained before, this is not true; there is no one-to-one knowledge transfer. So I share some information with somebody, who then needs to re-create knowledge in his head out of that information. People learn during the sharing process. Learning happens during the formulation of the information about the knowledge I want to share. I usually learn something every time I formulate the information, and by doing so, I am basically getting ahead of where I was the minute I started the sharing process.
Those who are very much afraid of competition often underestimate this effect. They fear that the person they share with will use the information to get ahead. But through the complete learning that comes from frequent interactions, you can turn yourself into a moving target. Each individual you share with gain from the information, but you can get even further ahead in your area of expertise. Some recent studies confirm what I have experienced over the years.3
These effects are often not visible. Via some education, stories, and examples, you can educate people to realize how wrong they are. In some cases, it is also a matter of getting the right people into your organization. It could very well be the smarter choice to pick people who show potential to build knowledge in dynamic environments over those with knowledge from the past.


For a good flow of knowledge, there needs to be sufficient input. But sharing information in a way that others can create new knowledge from it does not come for free.4 It will always need effort. Expecting that this process will happen without additional effort would be like asking for a perpetual motion machine, producing energy output without any energy input. Nevertheless I have found that often stakeholders expect that sharing knowledge is possible without spending any extra effort. As a result there is no plan or budget for the effort but a clear expectation that there will be positive outcomes.
Those expectations are unrealistic. It is important to acknowledge that there are barriers to overcome. It takes time and effort to talk to somebody, to lay down information in documents or produce assets that then can be moved around the organization and used as pointers to experts. If you acknowledge that a certain amount of effort needs to be spent, you can start looking at ways to minimize that effort.
Sometimes people want to share, but they want to expend almost zero effort doing so. But if people do not put any effort into the sharing, the contribution is often of very limited value. In the ToolPool initiative, for example, people might complain about the time it takes to describe a tool in a good introduction. However, everyone expects that the tools they explore will all start with a great introduction. A good introduction and categorization are very hard to produce automatically. Sometimes people complain about missing information in others’ contributions, but their own contributions lacked the necessary diligence as well.
More effort is not always better. The trick is to shoot for the perfect amount of effort to get the best possible output for that effort. Finding the best effort-to-result ratio needs regular tuning of processes. Finding that right balance is critical as spending effort of this type represents cost to the organization. You want to minimize the cost but maximize the result. If you tune effort to zero, you will not get any value; if the effort is too high, you might get great contributions, but at what cost? Is it worth it for those involved in day-to-day activities to spend that much time on sharing their knowledge and cut into other activities? At the same time, conditions change constantly. People get more sophisticated, topics change, or you are facing different and changing cultures. This is why continuously looking at the effort-output equation is very important. Analyze frequently whether you are asking too much from your contributors and might lose them, or if you are not asking enough of them and might lose the ones who are expecting a certain level of output quality.
A quick word on quality. This is an area where people often say: “In my knowledge initiative, I only want the highest-quality knowledge being shared.” I do not want to dispute that quality is important. In an ideal world, all contributions are very nicely prepared and present extremely useful knowledge. But you have to define what quality you are talking about. With ToolPool, we primarily have two types of qualities: technical and contribution quality.
1. Technical Quality
• Is it immediately ready to use?
• What is the effort/time saved by using that tool?
• Is it well rounded and 100 percent in line with the current company strategy?
• Does it contain an extensive and complete set of technical documentation?
The issue with this type of quality is that it might sometimes be hard or at least very costly to judge or predict. If you focus too hard on this type of quality, you might cut out some innovative ideas, just because they are not perfectly prepared. If you can get that quality, I am all for it, but if you cannot, it should not be a reason to pass up contributions.
2. Contribution Quality
• Does it have a concise but sensible introduction and some describing parameters to be able to find it?
• Does it follow a minimum documentation standard such that those considering reuse can easily and quickly decide if this is worth a second look?
• Does the minimum documentation feature information about limitations as well?
• Does it provide some visuals that make it easy for people to imagine if they might want to reuse it?
• Are contact details complete, so those interested can reach out for further information and clarification?
• Are all authors properly acknowledged?
Contribution quality is a lot easier/cheaper to judge than technical quality. I am not saying that technical quality should not be considered. If a contribution is clearly technically poor (and we check that by having experts look over contributions), it should not pass the contribution process. But very often it is hard to predict the real potential value of a contribution. For innovation purposes, I would be careful not to be too strict about it. It has been amazing how often something that looked very simple and standard inspired people to do innovative things or extract pieces from the full contribution that turned out to be excellent reusable components.
With contribution quality, however, you should be rather strict. Otherwise, you are endangering the potential that somebody can pick it up, judge it, and finally reuse it. With a poor contribution quality, you are limiting the chance that someone will put in the effort to learn more about the contribution.
To tune the effort-to-outcome ratio, it is important to check where the effort is spent and whether it is actually a smart effort. If people are asked to spend a lot of effort to prepare a contribution or provide support information with it and it is never used, the effort would have been wasted.
It is not easy to get the tuning right, but I always try to teach contributors to think about their contribution not like a contributor but as if they were a reuser. Contributors should keep in mind the basic and most important pieces of information they would expect from someone’s contribution. It is fine to make it easy for yourself, but put some smart effort into making it easy for users. Put yourself into their shoes.
A very good example to illustrate this point comes from a few years back with ToolPool. A consultant sent in a tool (a collection of SAS programs) and she had put in some effort to write a special service routine to package the tool. While from her point of view, this type of packaging service routine was very useful, it would have been more sensible to provide a service routine that unpackaged the tool. She was probably one of very few who needed to change the tool and then repackage it; likely there were hundreds who needed to reuse the tool; all they needed was to unpackage it.
Often it is not about more or less effort but the right effort. Knowledge intermediaries can help to tune the effort on a case-by-case basis by working with contributors to help them find a good balance of effort to outcome.


Very often when I ask a consultant to give me one of his cool tools, the response is “Sure, I am happy to share it, but I need two more weeks.” Fact is, these people very rarely ever find time (it does not become a priority) to finish the tool. You may get it within a year or perhaps never. A year from now the knowledge represented by the tool might be outdated, and it might have missed the time to market completely. The turnover of knowledge and information is increasing. So if getting a tool takes too long, it might be useless by the time other employees receive it, or many others may have reinvented the wheel, wasting time, money, and opportunity.
Instead of giving the potential contributors two weeks, I encourage them to contribute the tool now; in the documentation under limitations /notes, they should write down what they would be doing if they had two more weeks.
If they contribute the tool and someone else uses it, that user knows that it is not perfect, since the status has been indicated. For example, say Consultant A provides a tool that is missing features a, b, and c. The author puts the tool out there, describing in a positive way its limitations. Consultant B finds the tool and thinks, “Well, not bad, but I need features a and b.” So she uses the tool as a basis and develops features a and b on top of what she picked up. Here comes the big difference to Consultant A adding features a and b. Consultant A would have done it on normal company time or maybe in free time on the weekend. If Consultant B needs the features of the tool for a customer, likely she will develop it as part of a project; that is usually paid time. This is a much more effective method. Because it is in a real project, it is a lot more likely that features a and b are implemented not how a consultant thinks it should be done but how a customer really needs it. And if things work out well, Consultant B will contribute the enhanced tool back to ToolPool, or at a minimum let Consultant A know that she actually did features a and b. Together they might figure out how to best contribute it so others who might find it useful can also get it.
Because a tool might get shared early, a lot of people might think that the quality of the contribution might be poor. However, this brings up a good question on how to define quality. Knowledge quality is very hard, if not impossible, to judge because a small raw idea can be much more valuable than a cleaned-up and finished big programming system that is seldom needed or hard to fit into existing environments. This type of quality is dependent on the person judging it. It is difficult to predict if something will be a success or not. Spending a lot of effort to get it to a level that I call “presumed perfect” could be a waste of time and effort. I am not trying to encourage the production of low-quality material, but without an easy way to judge a tool’s worth, trying to focus on finished contributions only can be too limiting.
Exhibit 6.1 The Sharing Point
Exhibit 6.1 exemplifies what often happens during the creation of a potential contribution. A consultant has a great idea and implements it rather quickly, getting a good amount of functionality done in only a few days. The functionality/quality curve rises sharply. At one point the curve flattens; it takes more and more effort to standardize and raise a tool to perfection, which it never reaches. For innovation, a good time to share is in the time frame depicted by the shaded area. There is no perfect sharing point, but picking one in that area has some advantages.
When we looked at more detail on how people reuse contributions in ToolPool, we found that unless it is a small component or a complete system, they will not be able to reuse it exactly as is. With some exceptions, they will need to adapt it to the specific (and dynamically changing) environment of the customer they are working for. So if Consultant A puts really big efforts into ensuring that the tool is “standardized” and cleans it up to be really nice looking before contributing, there is a likelihood that Consultant B, who picks it up, will spend a considerable time to restandardize it for his customer potentially pulling out changes that were added based on preferences that Consultant A had. In that case the effort is wasted twice.
There are reasons other than the need-more-time argument that keep people from contributing. Sometimes the argument might be—and this is somewhat in contrast to the time-to-market argument—that a contribution is for a product or solution that is not the very latest or does not support the current strategy. In the case of solutions to older products, you will have to ask: How likely is it that there will be a customer problem with that product? From a marketing point of view, you do not want to push old messages, but from a technical support point of view you are likely to have customers still using a solution prior to the latest version. It is not possible or wise to force an upgrade in all cases; sometimes it can be very convenient to have a solution for this older product that the customer dearly loves or is not ready to throw out.
Similarly, when you have a solution that does not support the current strategy, you could either police it or position it:
Police it. Do not let it into your knowledge base.
Position it. Let it in but with proper positioning on how and when it should or should not be used.
I have found the positioning approach to be the smarter one. Realistically it is hard to control knowledge that appears very valuable to some people by trying to ignore its existence. If you cut it out of the open knowledge-sharing process, it will usually trade under the table. In contrast, if you let it enter your initiative but add a clear positioning, you are bringing it into the open. People will know it is there, but they will also know that they should be making use of the contribution in only very limited situations, if at all. Positioning should always include a pointer to the official supported version that is fully in line with strategy. The knowledge will flow whenever people see value in it, no matter if they are correct or if it supports current strategy. You can divert that flow into the main knowledge stream that you are managing, or you can let it sink under the surface.


When creating a flow of knowledge via an initiative, how much of the existing knowledge do you want in that stream? The obvious answer seems to be “as much as possible.” This is not always the case, however. If your strategy is to go for quantity, you often sacrifice quality. If you are driving for as much as possible, you will usually use motivational elements (such as incentives) that will get some people to contribute things for the sake of contributing and not for the sake of potential value. I usually call that “throwing a contribution over the fence.” With growing quantity, you often get an even faster-growing need for quality control. And quality control of bad-quality contributions can be rather frustrating in comparison to processing high quality contributions. You are usually better off relying on a self-driven contribution instead of beating people to come up with some stuff to make their numbers or get that incentive you put out.
There is another issue with high numbers: attention. As part of ToolPool, we send a weekly e-mail to about 1,600 technical people worldwide every Sunday. Announcing between 5 and 15 new and updated ToolPool contributions per week produces a manageable e-mail that people like and find time to browse through. If the same e-mail had 100 new entries, you might think that it would be of higher value. But most people would not even read the first 5 to 15, as they are overwhelmed with the choices offered. The best you might get is that they scan over it but do not have time to look at any of them in more detail. From an attention point of view, I strongly believe that less can be more.
There is a similar effect on the contribution side of things. When you are asking for contributions and want 100 parameters (meta-information), a lot of people might give up at the third parameter, because they are overwhelmed and frustrated by what is ahead of them. If, however, you are asking for 10 parameters, you are more likely to get 9 good ones, and 9 are better than 3.
Usually the quality of the meta-information for each of the parameters is also better with a small manageable set. Finding the right amount needs regular tuning. This is not always easy to do if there are systems involved. Systems are not always flexible enough to add/ remove or change the meta-information structure.
Therefore, it is best to err on the low side and be firm on pushing back on requirements from somebody who is asking for all those parameters, especially if it is not clear whether the information will ever be used. Also, define parameters in an open way to cope with future changes. You are putting so much effort into launching and embedding an initiative that you want it to survive long term. This is possible, however, only if you are not getting tied down in today’s details and are open for the future.
The less-is-more theme can also be applied to system interfaces and underlying processes. Start with a smaller set of features, but make the interface flexible so users have room for adapting to changing processes, possibly by customizing the interface itself. Processes should be flexible as well to cope with changing conditions.
Collect frequent feedback and enhance the interface in small steps based on user input. The average user will be happier with the simple interface than with something overloaded that does not provide any immediate value. Of course, less is not the only guiding rule. Often users want the “perfect” amount of information in front of them. Not more and not less. Unfortunately, that perfect amount is different for different people, and what is considered good presentation will vary as well.
Portals are an example because they can be a flexible system that allows for customization. But a note of caution regarding customization: An argument often heard from the technical side is “This system is perfect because the users can customize it anyway they want.” In reality, the majority of users (who often are a lot less technical than the designers) do not want to customize, they want it to magically have the perfect interface without having to spend a lot of time on anything not related to the actual business process. That presents a certain dilemma regarding the customization scheme. So customization would need to be extremely simple.5 Alternatively, one idea would be to employ a knowledge intermediary in a role I call the portal customization coach. This person would be an expert on customization and would go sit with every new (or role-changing) employee and assist in product customization. Just as we have ergonomics consultants help us set up desk, chair, and equipment to be optimal from an efficiency and health point of view, portal customization coaches would set up the information ergonomics. This is a great example of a role that the human resources function should look into creating.


To have knowledge flowing, information needs to be exchanged. And usually the idea is to increase the flow, but one barrier is increasingly becoming an issue in many organizations, especially those bound to strict rules of what can be exchanged (i.e., government organizations, pharmaceutical companies, or financial institutions). Laws or regulations will be the reason for having to limit the knowledge flow.
One area where these limits are becoming more evident is in global companies, where the interaction from country to country is growing but information exchange is kept within boundaries, either geographic or divisional.
I am by no means a legal expert, so I will not go into great detail on the issues. In general, I would emphasize that those driving knowledge flow management need to be in regular contact with their legal department and involve them in strategy building. Integrating legal processes can cut into some of the desired freedom, but the consequences for the whole knowledge flow management program could be disastrous if legal limits are ignored. Some examples of where those limits might apply are:
Customer information cannot be shared across countries.
Employee information is often protected under country laws. This can vary from country to country, and you might have to go by the lowest denominator in a global initiative, which can be frustrating for those used to more liberal laws.
Import/export restrictions can apply for information just as much as for products (e.g., descriptions of encryption algorithms that are not allowed to be shared from the United States to certain countries).
• Intellectual property rights or nondisclosure agreements with customers or partners can limit information sharing.
Those are just some examples. The details of what is allowed and what is not can be complicated, and can also change over time, based on new regulations, laws, or bilateral agreements between countries.
But there are some general ideas on how you can tackle this barrier to at least some degree:
As mentioned earlier, there is a difference between information and knowledge. The information itself might be protected, but there is still a possibility that at a higher and more general level, the knowledge and the experience that has been obtained during a given process can be raised to a more abstract level. Information related to that higher-level knowledge might still be sharable. For example, you might not be allowed to share detailed information about a customer project, but some of the general discoveries you made during the project could well be safe to share.
Create legal awareness with those driving the initiatives but also with those involved in the contribution and usage processes on a daily basis. For ToolPool, for example, we integrated a process that automatically sends every contribution meeting certain criteria that mandate legal checking to a special contact in the legal department. This happens as the first step before further processing begins. It does slow down the overall process, but the overhead is definitely worth the reduced risk.
Find a good balance between central control and local responsibility. Central control is helpful, but the individuals involved in a knowledge-sharing process have to be aware that they have personal responsibility as well. There is no way to get full control of employees’ actions. As a result, it is important to communicate the responsibilities and train participants on legal issues, such as export laws and intellectual property rights.
As we have seen, there are a number of barriers that can inhibit organizational knowledge flow. Reducing those barriers is one way to improve your flow. Motivated by some of the drivers, people often like to share their knowledge. The barriers could be holding them back. Therefore, managing the barriers is a good way to positively influence the flow.


1 Hans-Jörg Bullinger, Kai Woerner, and Juan Prieto, “Wissensmanagement Heute,” Fraunhofer Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation, Stuttgart, Germany, 1997.
2 Note that this type of addition to performance-related documents and processes does not usually drive the behavior directly, as many incorrectly believe, but you can raise awareness in this way. A more detailed discussion follows in Chapter 8 about measuring.
3 “Fact is that those that ongoing share their knowledge have a better network, get better support from their colleagues, and usually outperform those that are less integrated and do hoard their knowledge. In economic downturns IBM recommends to have people increase their social network and better capture their knowledge” (
4 The term knowledge sharing is meant to represent the process by which information is exchanged and based on that information new knowledge is created by the receiver of that information. In the end portions of the knowledge are shared between sender and receiver.
5 A good example is the way gadgets (those little windows that you use to present news streams and other RSS feeds) can be placed and manipulated on iGoogle.
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