What is a word vector?

In its simplest form, a word vector is merely a one-hot-encoding, whereby every element in the vector represents a word in our vocabulary, and the given word is encoded with 1 while all the other words elements are encoded with 0. Suppose our vocabulary only has the following movie terms: Popcorn, Candy, Soda, Tickets, and Blockbuster.

Following the logic we just explained, we could encode the term Tickets as follows:

Using this simplistic form of encoding, which is what we do when we create a bag-of-words matrix, there is no meaningful comparison we can make between words (for example, is Popcorn related to Soda; is Candy similar to Tickets?).

Given these obvious limitations, word2vec attempts to remedy this via distributed representations for words. Suppose that for each word, we have a distributed vector of, say, 300 numbers that represent a single word, whereby each word in our vocabulary is also represented by a distribution of weights across those 300 elements. Now, our picture would drastically change to look something like this:

Now, given this distributed representation of individual words as 300 numeric values, we can make meaningful comparisons among words using a cosine similarity, for example. That is, using the vectors for Tickets and Soda, we can determine that the two terms are not related, given their vector representations and their cosine similarity to one another. And that's not all we can do! In their ground-breaking paper, Mikolov et. al also performed mathematical functions of word vectors to make some incredible findings; in particular, the authors give the following math problem to their word2vec dictionary:

V(King) - V(Man) + V(Woman) ~ V(Queen)

It turns out that these distributed vector representations of words are extremely powerful in comparison questions (for example, is A related to B?), which is all the more remarkable when you consider that this semantic and syntactic learned knowledge comes from observing lots of words and their context with no other information necessary. That is, we did not have to tell our machine that Popcorn is a food, noun, singular, and so on.

How is this made possible? Word2vec employs the power of neural networks in a supervised fashion to learn the vector representation of words (which is an unsupervised task). If that sounds a bit like an oxymoron at first, fear not! Everything will be made clearer with a few examples, starting first with the Continuous Bag-of-Words model, commonly referred to as just the CBOW model.

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