Chapter 10. Advanced Kubernetes Networking

In this chapter, we will examine the important topic of networking. Kubernetes as an orchestration platform manages containers/pods running on different machines (physical or virtual) and requires an explicit networking model. We will look at the following topics:

  • Kubernetes networking model
  • Standard interfaces that Kubernetes supports, such as EXEC, Kubenet, and in particular, CNI
  • Various networking solutions that satisfy the requirements of Kubernetes networking
  • Network policies and load balancing options
  • Writing a custom CNI plugin

At the end of this chapter, you will understand the Kubernetes approach to networking and be familiar with the solution space for aspects such as standard interfaces, networking implementations, and load balancing. You will even be able to write your very own CNI plugin if you wish.

Understanding the Kubernetes networking model

The Kubernetes networking model is based on a flat address space. All pods in a cluster can directly see each other. Each pod has its own IP address. There is no need to configure any NAT. In addition, containers in the same pod share their pod's IP address and can communicate with each other through localhost. This model is pretty opinionated, but once set up, it simplifies life considerably both for developers and administrators. It makes it particularly easy to migrate traditional network applications to Kubernetes. A pod represents a traditional node and each container represents a traditional process.

Intra-pod communication (container to container)

A running pod is always scheduled on one (physical or virtual) node. That means that all the containers run on the same node and can talk to each other in various ways, such as the local filesystem, any IPC mechanism, or using localhost and well-known ports. There is no danger of port collision between different pods because each pod has its own IP address and when a container in the pod uses localhost, it applies to the pod's IP address only. So if container 1 in pod 1 connects to port 1234 that container 2 listens to on pod 1, it will not conflict with another container in pod 2 running on the same node that also listens on port 1234. The only caveat is that if you're exposing ports to the host then you should be careful about pod to node affinity. This can be handled using several mechanisms, such as DaemonSet and pod anti-affinity.

Inter-pod communication (pod to pod)

Pods in Kubernetes are allocated a network-visible IP address (not private to the node). Pods can communicate directly without the aid of network address translation, tunnels, proxies, or any other obfuscating layer. Well-known port numbers can be used for a configuration-free communication scheme. The pod's internal IP address is the same as its external IP address that other pods see (within the cluster network; not exposed to the outside world). That means that standard naming and discovery mechanisms such as DNS work out of the box.

Pod to service communication

Pods can talk to each other directly using their IP addresses and well-known ports, but that requires the pods to know each other's IP addresses. In a Kubernetes cluster, pods can be destroyed and created constantly. The service provides a layer of indirection that is very useful because the service is stable even if the set of actual pods that respond to requests is ever-changing. In addition, you get automatic, highly available load balancing because the Kube-proxy on each node takes care of redirecting traffic to the correct pod:

Pod to service communication

External access

Eventually, some containers need be accessible from the outside world. The pod IP addresses are not visible externally. The service is the right vehicle, but external access typically requires two redirects. For example, cloud provider load balancers are Kubernetes aware, so they can't direct traffic to a particular service directly to a node that runs a pod that can process the request. Instead, the public load balancer just directs traffic to any node in the cluster and the Kube-proxy on that node will redirect again to an appropriate pod if the current node doesn't run the necessary pod.

The following diagram shows how all that the external load balancer on the right side does is send traffic to all nodes that reach the proxy, which takes care of further routing if needed:

External access

Kubernetes networking versus Docker networking

Docker networking follows a different model, although over time, it starts to gravitate towards the Kubernetes model. In Docker networking, each container has its own private IP address from the address space confined to its own node. It can talk to other containers on the same node via their own different IP addresses. This makes sense for Docker because it doesn't have the notion of a pod with multiple interacting containers, so it models every container as lightweight VMs that have their own network identity. Note that with Kubernetes, containers from different pods that run on the same node can't connect over localhost (unless exposing host ports, which is discouraged). The whole idea is that, in general, Kubernetes can kill and create pods anywhere, so different pods shouldn't rely, in general, on other pods available on the node. DaemonSets are a notable exception, but the Kubernetes networking model is designed to work for all use cases and doesn't add special cases for direct communication between different pods on the same node.

How do Docker containers communicate across nodes? The container must publish ports to the host. This obviously requires port coordination because if two containers try to publish the same host port, they'll conflict with each other. Then containers (or other processes) connect to the host's port that get channeled into the container. A big downside is that containers can't self-register with external services because they don't know what's their host's IP address. You could work around it by passing the host's IP address as an environment variable when you run the container, but that requires external coordination and complicates the process.

The following diagram shows the networking setup with Docker. Each container has its own IP address; Docker creates the docker0 bridge on every node:

Kubernetes networking versus Docker networking

Lookup and discovery

In order for pods and containers to communicate with each other, they need to find each other. There are several ways for containers to locate other containers or announce themselves. There are also some architectural patterns that allow containers to interact indirectly. Each approach has its own pros and cons.


We've mentioned self-registration several times. Let's understand what it means exactly. When a container runs, it knows its pod's IP address. Each container that wants to be accessible to other containers in the cluster can connect to some registration service and register its IP address and port. Other containers can query the registration service for the IP addresses and port of all registered containers and connect to them. When a container is destroyed (gracefully), it will unregister itself. If a container dies ungracefully then some mechanism need to be established to detect that. For example, the registration service can periodically ping all registered containers, or the containers are required periodically to send a keepalive message to the registration service.

The benefit of self-registration is that once the generic registration service is in place (no need to customize it for different purposes), there is no need to worry about keeping track of containers. Another huge benefit is that containers can employ sophisticated policies and decide to unregister temporarily if they are unavailable based on local conditions; for example, if a container is busy and doesn't want to receive any more requests at the moment. This sort of smart and decentralized dynamic load balancing can be very difficult to achieve globally. The downside is that the registration service is yet another non-standard component that containers need to know about in order to locate other containers.

Services and endpoints

Kubernetes services can be considered as a registration service. Pods that belong to a service are registered automatically based on their labels. Other pods can look up the endpoints to find all the service pods or take advantage of the service itself and directly send a message to the service that will get routed to one of the backend pods.

Loosely coupled connectivity with queues

What if containers can talk to each other without knowing their IP addresses and ports? What if most of the communication can be asynchronous and decoupled? In many cases, systems can be composed of loosely coupled components that are not only unaware of the identities of other components, but they are unaware that other components even exist. Queues facilitate such loosely coupled systems. Components (containers) listen to messages from the queue, respond to messages, perform their jobs, and post messages to the queue, on progress, completion status, and error. Queues have many benefits:

  • Easy to add processing capacity without coordination, just add more containers that listen to the queue
  • Easy to keep track of overall load by queue depth
  • Easy to have multiple versions of components running side by side by versioning messages and/or topics
  • Easy to implement load balancing as well as redundancy by having multiple consumers process requests in different modes

The downsides of queues are the following:

  • Need to make sure that the queue provides appropriate durability and high-availability so it doesn't become a critical SPOF
  • Containers need to work with the async queue API (could be abstracted away)
  • Implementing request-response requires a somewhat cumbersome listening on response queues

Overall, queues are an excellent mechanism for large-scale systems and they can be utilized in large Kubernetes clusters to ease coordination.

Loosely coupled connectivity with data stores

Another loosely coupled method is to use a data store (for example, Redis) to store messages and then other containers can read them. While possible, this is not the design objective of data stores and the result is often cumbersome, fragile, and doesn't have the best performance. Data stores are optimized for data storage and not for communication. That being said, data stores can be used in conjunction with queues, where a component stores some data in a data store and then sends a message to the queue that data is ready for processing. Multiple components listen to the message and all start processing the data in parallel.

Kubernetes ingress

Kubernetes offers an ingress resource and controller that is designed to expose Kubernetes services to the outside world. You can do it yourself, of course, but many tasks involved in defining ingress are common across most applications for a particular type of ingress such as a web application, CDN, or DDoS protector. You can also write your own ingress objects.

The ingress object is often used for smart load balancing and TLS termination. Instead of configuring and deploying your own Nginx server, you can benefit from the built-in ingress. If you need a refresher, hop on to Chapter 6, Using Critical Kubernetes Resources, where we discussed the ingress resource with examples.

Kubernetes network plugins

Kubernetes has a network plugin system since networking is so diverse and different people would like to implement it in different ways. Kubernetes is flexible enough to support any scenario. The primary network plugin is CNI, which we will discuss in depth. But Kubernetes also comes with a simpler network plugin called Kubenet. Before we go over the details, let's get on the same page with the basics of Linux networking (just the tip of the iceberg).

Basic Linux networking

Linux, by default, has a single shared network space. The physical network interfaces are all accessible in this namespace. But the physical namespace can be divided into multiple logical namespaces, which is very relevant to container networking.

IP addresses and ports

Network entities are identified by their IP address. Servers can listen to incoming connections on multiple ports. Clients can connect (TCP) or send data (UDP) to servers within their network.

Network namespaces

Namespaces group a bunch of network devices such that they can reach other servers in the same namespace, but not other servers even if they are physically on the same network. Linking networks or network segments can be done via bridges, switches, gateways, and routing.

Virtual Ethernet devices

Virtual Ethernet (veth) devices represent physical network devices. When you create a veth that's linked to a physical device you can assign that veth (and by extension the physical device) into a namespace where devices from other namespaces can't reach it directly, even if physically they are on the same local network.


Bridges connect multiple network segments to an aggregate network, so all the nodes can communicate with each other. Bridging is done at the L1 (physical) and L2 (data link) layers of the OSI network model.


Routing connects separate networks, typically based on routing tables that instruct network devices how to forward packets to their destination. Routing is done through various network devices, such as routers, bridges, gateways, switches, and firewalls, including regular Linux boxes.

Maximum transmission unit

The maximum transmission unit (MTU) determines how big packets can be. On Ethernet networks, for example, the MTU is 1,500 bytes. The bigger the MTU, the better the ration between payload and headers, which is a good thing. But the downside is that minimum latency is reduced because you have to wait for the entire packet to arrive and, furthermore, in case of failure, you have to retransmit the entire big packet.

Pod networking

Here is a diagram that describes the relationship between pod, host, and the global Internet at networking level via veth0:

Pod networking


Back to Kubernetes. Kubenet is a network plugin. It's very rudimentary and just creates a Linux bridge called cbr0 and a veth for each pod. Cloud providers typically use it to set up routing rules for communication between nodes, or in single-node environments. The veth pair connects each pod to its host node using an IP address from the host's IP addresses range.


The Kubenet plugin has the following requirements:

  • The node must be assigned a subnet to allocate IP addresses for its pods
  • The standard CNI bridge, lo, and host-local plugins are required at version 0.2.0 or greater
  • The Kubelet must be run with the --network-plugin=kubenet argument
  • The Kubelet must be run with the --non-masquerade-cidr=<clusterCidr> argument

Setting the MTU

The MTU is critical for network performance. Kubernetes network plugins such as Kubenet make their best efforts to deduce optimal MTU, but sometimes they need help. For example, if an existing network interface (for example, the Docker docker0 bridge) sets a small MTU then Kubenet will reuse it. Another example is IPSEC, that requires lowering the MTU due to the extra overhead from IPSEC encapsulation overhead, but the Kubenet network plugin doesn't take it into consideration. The solution is to avoid relying on the automatic calculation of the MTU and just tell the Kubelet what MTU should be used for network plugins via the --network-plugin-mtu command-line switch that is provided to all network plugins. Although, at the moment, only the Kubenet network plugin accounts for this command-line switch.

Container networking interface

Container Networking Interface (CNI) is a specification as well as a set of libraries for writing network plugins to configure network interfaces in Linux containers (not just Docker). The specification actually evolved from the rkt network proposal. There is a lot of momentum behind CNI and it's on a fast track to become the established industry standard. Some of the organizations that use CNI are:

  • Rkt
  • Kubernetes
  • Kurma
  • Cloud foundry
  • Mesos

The CNI team maintains some core plugins, but there are a lot of third-party plugins too that contribute to the success of CNI:

  • Project Calico: A layer 3 virtual network
  • Weave: A multi-host Docker network
  • Contiv networking: Policy-based networking
  • Infoblox: Enterprise IP address management for containers

Container runtime

CNI defines a plugin spec for networking application containers, but the plugin must be plugged into a container runtime that provides some services. In the context of CNI, an application container is a network-addressable entity (has its own IP address). For Docker, each container has its own IP address. For Kubernetes, each pod has its own IP address and the pod is the CNI container and not the containers within the pod.

Likewise, rkt's app containers are similar to Kubernetes pods in that they may contain multiple Linux containers. If in doubt, just remember that a CNI container must have its own IP address. The runtime's job is to configure a network and then execute one or more CNI plugins, passing them the network configuration in JSON format.

The following diagram shows a container runtime using the CNI plugin interface to communicate with multiple CNI plugins:

Container runtime

CNI plugin

The CNI plugin's job is to add a network interface into the container network namespace and bridge the container to the host via a veth pair. It should then assign an IP address via an IPAM (IP address management) plugin and setup routes.

The container runtime (rkt or Docker) invokes the CNI plugin as an executable. The plugin needs to support the following operations:

  • Add a container to the network
  • Remove a container from the network
  • Report version

The plugin uses a simple command-line interface, standard input/output, and environment variables. The network configuration in JSON format is passed to the plugin through standard input. The other arguments are defined as environment variables:

  • CNI_COMMAND: Indicates the desired operation; ADD, DEL, or VERSION.
  • CNI_CONTAINERID: Container ID.
  • CNI_NETNS: Path to network namespace file.
  • CNI_IFNAME: Interface name to set up; plugin must honor this interface name or return an error.
  • CNI_ARGS: Extra arguments passed in by the user at invocation time. Alphanumeric key-value pairs separated by semicolons, for example, FOO=BAR;ABC=123.
  • CNI_PATH: List of paths to search for CNI plugin executables. Paths are separated by an OS-specific list separator, for example : on Linux and ; on Windows.

If the command succeeds, the plugin returns a zero exit code and the generated interfaces (in the case of the ADD command) are streamed to standard output as JSON. This low-tech interface is smart in the sense that it doesn't require any specific programming language or component technology or binary API. CNI plugin writers can use their favorite programming language too.

The result of invoking the CNI plugin with the ADD command looks as follows:

  "cniVersion": "0.3.0",
  "interfaces": [              (this key omitted by IPAM plugins)
          "name": "<name>",
          "mac": "<MAC address>", (required if L2 addresses are meaningful)
          "sandbox": "<netns path or hypervisor identifier>" (required for container/hypervisor interfaces, empty/omitted for host interfaces)
  "ip": [
          "version": "<4-or-6>",
          "address": "<ip-and-prefix-in-CIDR>",
          "gateway": "<ip-address-of-the-gateway>",     (optional)
          "interface": <numeric index into 'interfaces' list>
  "routes": [                                           (optional)
          "dst": "<ip-and-prefix-in-cidr>",
          "gw": "<ip-of-next-hop>"                      (optional)
  "dns": {
    "nameservers": <list-of-nameservers>                (optional)
    "domain": <name-of-local-domain>                    (optional)
    "search": <list-of-additional-search-domains>       (optional)
    "options": <list-of-options>                        (optional)

The input network configuration contains a lot of information: cniVersion, name, type, args (optional), ipMasq (optional), ipam, and dns. The ipam and dns parameters are dictionaries with their own specified keys. Here is an example of a network configuration:

  "cniVersion": "0.3.0",
  "name": "dbnet",
  "type": "bridge",
  // type (plugin) specific
  "bridge": "cni0",
  "ipam": {
    "type": "host-local",
    // ipam specific
    "subnet": "",
    "gateway": ""
  "dns": {
    "nameservers": [ "" ]

Note that additional plugin-specific elements can be added. In this case, the bridge: cni0 element is a custom one that the specific bridge plugin understands.

The CNI spec also supports network configuration lists where multiple CNI plugins can be invoked in order.

Later, we will dig into a fully-fledged implementation of a CNI plugin.

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