
This is my favorite part of the book to write, where I get to thank my darling wife, Shelley. Thanks also to my family for your kindness and encouragement.

I have had the great opportunity to work with many wonderful people who have influenced my career and provided wisdom, guidance, and friendship. I want to thank my friends and colleagues at Clark Nexsen, where I have been given the opportunity to grow and learn in a terrific working environment, which I could never take for granted. Thanks Johan, Jeff, Creighton, Freddy, Cheryl, Kat, and Larry. Thank you to all the great people I've met at the Revit Technology Conference events and those I've had the opportunity to work with at Autodesk University, especially Joel and Jarrod. Peer-networking is such a great way to learn and develop new ideas. Thank you also to Phil and Adam at Read|Thomas.

I cannot bypass the opportunity to thank all the incredible people at Sybex. Thank you, Willem, for once again keeping things moving. Thank you, Susan, Becca, and Judy for being such great editors. I'm sure there are many others who have worked hard to bring this book together. Thank you, all!

Thank you, Simon. I truly enjoy working with you on these books. Thanks also for your friendship. Thank you, Dan, for coming on board and providing your wisdom and experience. Thank you, Steve, for doing the dirty work of the technical edit. Your input has proven invaluable. It has been my pleasure to work with you all.

Don Bokmiller

To my wife, Carole, and daughter, Jess, thank you both for your continued support over the past year while I have been working on this and other projects; it doesn't come anywhere near the thanks due for all your hard work and patience during the time I have been either working away from home or writing late into the night. The support from you both over the years has helped me achieve so much—what else can I say but thank you and I love you.

On the move… Again! I've been able to broaden my skills back in the United Kingdom and as I write this, I am settling into a new role, with Autodesk, providing BIM and Revit support to Enterprise clients. Life is never dull. Thank you also to everyone at Sybex who helped to get this edition moving. It seems unfair to single out any one person; suffice it to say that without you, there would be no book.

Finally, a special thanks to Don Bokmiller. What? You came back for more? You wanted to collaborate…again? With Dan now on board, and Steve who doesn't get enough credit, it's been a pleasure. THIS time we have a great team; let's keep it going!

Simon Whitbread

To my wonderful wife, Rachel, thank you for your understanding, patience, and support over the last year and for all the time we have known each other. Without you I would not be where I am and would not have achieved what I have. To my beautiful children, I love you. Each of you is more important to me than you know.

I would also like to thank those who have been a big part of my journey with Revit MEP. There have been too many over the years to name them all, but the group of us that had worked together until recently was as good a team as I have ever been a part of: Matt, Graham, Eoin, and Lee, thank you so much for all the help you have given me. Thank you as well to all the fantastic people I have met through the West Australian Revit Users Group and the Revit Technology Conference events. These events are great forums for learning and mixing up new ideas. I must also thank those at BPi, particularly the rest of the VDC team, Levi, Tenae and Chris, for giving me a fantastic opportunity to continue to grow and learn at the cutting edge of what we do.

Thank you also to everyone at Sybex, from Willem who first gave me the chance to be a part of the book, to editors Pete, Susan, and Becca and all the rest of the team.

A special thanks to Simon, who recommended me to become a part of the authoring team, and to Don, who for some unknown reason actually listened to him and agreed, and to Steve, who did his best to remove my errors in the technical edit. I do look forward to working with you all in the future.

Dan Morrison

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