
  • AC Nielsen
  • activation
    • digital marketing
    • direct marketing
    • evidence-based
    • golden rules
    • mass media
  • activity-based budgeting
  • advertising
    • agencies
    • Apple
    • classical
    • econometric modelling
    • expenditure on
    • investment thresholds
    • John Lewis
    • metrics
    • native
    • objectives
    • Procter & Gamble
    • RCQ approach
    • see also online advertising
  • affective quality
  • affiliate marketing
  • agencies
    • activation
    • briefings
    • fees
    • full cost perspective
    • media
    • metrics used by
  • agility
  • Allergan
  • allocation
    • criteria for
    • granular growth
    • investment thresholds
    • sticking to the rules
  • Always
  • Amazon
  • analytics
    • attribution modelling
    • choosing an approach
    • econometric modelling
    • hierarchy of approaches
    • online advertising
    • RCQ approach
    • survey-based approaches
  • Andrews, Bob
  • Apple
  • attention
  • attributes, brand
  • attribution modelling
  • awareness

  • banner advertising
  • Baumgartner, Felix
  • Beats by Dre
  • behavioural quality
  • benchmarking
  • billboards
  • BMW
  • brand
    • attributes
    • brand extensions
    • budget allocation
    • customer perceptions
    • customer segmentation
    • differentiation of brand portfolios
    • Marketing Navigator
    • positioning
    • purchase funnel
    • storytelling
    • strength
    • values
  • branded content
  • BrandMatics
  • BrandNavigator
  • briefings
  • budgets
    • activity-based budgeting
    • allocation
    • benchmarking
    • IT solutions
    • Marketing Navigator
    • RCQ approach
    • transparency
  • business-to-business (B2B) markets
  • business units

  • capabilities
  • catalogues
  • Chobani
  • cinemas
  • co-funding
  • Coca-Cola
  • cognitive quality
  • communication, in-house
  • consideration
  • consistency
  • consumer decision journey (CDJ)
  • consumer durables
  • contact quality
  • content aggregators
  • content fit
  • content marketing
  • continuity-based investment thresholds
  • conversations
  • costs
    • budgeting
    • classical advertising
    • digital marketing
    • direct marketing
    • full cost perspective
    • printing
    • qualified reach per cost
    • switching costs
    • TV advertising
    • weighted average cost of capital
  • creativity
  • credibility
  • customer relationship management (CRM)
  • customers
    • brand attributes
    • checks and balances
    • customer experience
    • decision journey
    • digital marketing
    • purchase funnel
    • retention
    • segmentation
    • storytelling

  • data see analytics
  • de-specification
  • decision journey
    • see also purchase decisions
  • decisions, types of
  • Demandbase
  • demographics
  • differentiation
  • digital attribution (DA)
  • digital marketing
    • see also online advertising; social media
  • direct mail
  • direct marketing
  • discounts
  • display advertising
  • Dunkin Donuts

  • e-mail
    • attribution modelling
    • contact quality
    • metrics
    • reach
  • Ebiquity
  • econometric modelling
  • effectiveness
  • efficiency
  • emergency funds
  • emotion
  • events
  • Expedia
  • expert workshops

  • Facebook
  • fact-based budgeting
  • familiarity
  • fast-moving consumer goods
  • fees
  • financial performance
  • full cost perspective

  • Gallup, George
  • geographical allocation
  • geomarketing
  • girls
  • Google
  • growth
    • budget allocation
    • granular growth analysis

  • IBM
  • IKEA
  • impact measurement
  • in-house marketing
  • incremental benefit mindset
  • information technology (IT)
    • see also digital marketing
  • infrastructure
  • Instagram
  • internet see online advertising
  • investment cells
  • investment thresholds
  • iPhone

  • Jefferson, Thomas
  • John Lewis

  • Kayak
  • key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • keywords

  • law of diminishing returns
  • leaflets
    • metrics
    • smart activation
  • Local Media Excellence (LoMEX)
  • L’Oréal
  • low-cost country (LCC) sourcing
  • loyalty
    • loyalty loop
    • loyalty programmes
    • purchase funnel

  • Ma Perkins
  • magazines
  • Maimonides, Moses
  • market dynamics
  • market research
  • market segmentation
  • market share (SoM)
  • marketing
    • allocation criteria
    • capabilities
    • digital
    • econometric modelling
    • expenditure on
    • in-house
    • investment thresholds
    • marketing services
    • scientific
    • speed
    • storytelling
    • substance
    • see also advertising
  • marketing and media mix (MMM) modelling
  • marketing mix
    • econometric modelling
    • IT solutions
    • optimization
  • Marketing Navigator
  • marketing return on investment
    • agency fees
    • analytics
    • digital marketing
    • IT solutions
    • vendors
  • marketing technology officers (MTOs)
  • Marketo
  • McKinsey
  • media
    • classical advertising
    • econometric modelling
    • expenditure
    • metrics
    • quality
    • Red Bull
    • relevant reach
    • see also social media; television
  • media planning and buying
  • Mercedes-Benz
  • messages
  • metrics
  • mobile devices
    • see also smartphones
  • Morgenstern, Oskar
  • motivating
  • multiplatform content creation

  • native advertising
  • negotiation
  • Nestlé
  • Netflix
  • new brands
  • new products
  • Nike
  • Nivea
  • Novartis

  • objectives
    • see also targets
  • Oduwole, Zuriel
  • online advertising
    • metrics
    • opportunities to see
    • qualified reach per cost
    • tactical decisions
    • vouchers
    • see also digital marketing; social media
  • online content aggregators
  • opportunities to see (OTS)
  • Oreo
  • organizational structure
  • originality
  • out-of-home advertising
    • see also billboards
  • outbound calls
  • outsourcing
  • Oxydol

  • partners
  • partnerships
  • people
  • performance
    • brand attributes
    • capabilities and
    • evaluation of data
    • financial
    • integrated performance metric
    • tracking codes
    • see also key performance indicators
  • performance-based fees
  • point-of-sale (POS)
    • contact quality
    • metrics
    • service providers
  • positioning
  • posters
  • preferences
  • print advertising
  • printing costs
  • processes
  • Procter & Gamble (P&G)
  • profit
  • promotions
  • psychographics
  • public relations (PR)
  • purchase decisions
    • digital attribution
    • econometric modelling
    • emotions
    • touch points
    • see also consumer decision journey
  • purchase funnel analysis

  • qualified reach per cost
  • quality

  • RACI
  • radio advertising
  • reach
  • Reach-Cost-Quality (RCQ) approach
  • recall
  • Red Bull
  • regression modelling
  • relevance
    • brand attributes
    • relevant reach
    • storytelling
  • response curves
  • retailers
  • return on investment (ROI)
    • attribution modelling
    • econometric modelling
    • investment thresholds
    • John Lewis
    • processes
    • saturation analysis
    • TV advertising
    • see also marketing return on investment
  • revenues

  • sales
    • ad-to-sales ratios
    • budget allocation
    • econometric modelling
    • Procter & Gamble
    • sales support
    • same-store
  • saturation analysis
  • scenario modelling
  • science
    • see also analytics
  • search engine marketing (SEM)
  • search engine optimization (SEO)
  • segmentation
  • service provider management
  • share of spending (SoS)
  • share of voice
  • simplicity
  • Sixt
  • smartphones
    • see also mobile devices
  • social media
    • econometric modelling
    • full cost perspective
    • metrics
    • Red Bull
    • sharing on
    • storytelling
    • see also Facebook
  • sociographics
  • speed
  • sponsorships
  • storytelling
    • consistency
    • credibility
    • definition of
    • differentiation
    • emotional campaigns
    • inventive
    • motivating
    • originality
    • relevance
    • simplicity
  • strategic priorities
  • strategy-based investment thresholds
  • substance
  • supplier management
  • surveys
  • switching costs

  • tablets
  • target groups
  • targets
  • technology
    • see also digital marketing; mobile devices; online advertising
  • television
    • analytics
    • contact quality
    • econometric modelling
    • full cost perspective
    • metrics
    • multiplatform content creation
    • objectives
    • reach
    • share of voice
    • smart activation
  • ThriveHive
  • Tipp-Ex
  • total cost of ownership
  • touch points
    • attribution modelling
    • consumer decision journey
    • cost of
    • definition of
    • Marketing Navigator
    • multiplatform content creation
    • online purchasing
    • quality
    • RCQ approach
  • tracking codes
  • training
  • transparency
  • TripAdvisor
  • Twitter

  • Uber
  • Unilever

  • vendors
    • see also agencies; partners
  • video
  • video billboards
  • viral marketing
  • Visa
  • Vodafone
  • Volkswagen
  • volume discounts
  • Von Neumann, John

  • websites
    • see also online advertising; social media
  • weighted average cost of capital (WACC)
  • word of mouth

  • yogurt
  • YouTube
    • attribution modelling
    • storytelling

  • zero-based approach
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