
Accuracy, short-term commodity prices, 41–43

Arbitrage, 70–71

Asian calls and puts option, 121–122

Building-in financial slack, 77–78

Call option, 120–121

Calls and puts option, 120–121

Collar approach, 125–126

Collar with knock-in (KI) approach, 126–127

Commodities as collateral, 112–113

Commodity-based financing, 112–113

Commodity price analysis, 8–9

Commodity price fluctuations, 6

Commodity price-risk appetite, 21

Commodity price volatility

creating value from, 6–10

downside of, 5–6

Commodity swap, 123–124

Commodity traders, 33

Correlations, 63–69

Cross-hedging, 84–85

De-escalation clause, 95–98


basics of, 59–60

factors affecting, 60–63

Direct commodity purchase

building-in financial slack, 77–78

characteristics and approaches, 75–77

cross-hedging, 84–85

financial hedging, 80–84

forward buying, 78–79

improving product/production designs and systems, 85–86

staggering contracts, 79–80

substitution strategy, 86–89

switching suppliers, 80

Dow, Charles, 29

DuPont model, 7

Escalation clause, 95–98

Financial hedging, 80–84

Firm fixed-price contracts, 93–94

Forecast accuracy, 41–43

Forecast error, 41

Forward buying, 78–79

Fundamental analysis process. See Long-term commodity prices, forecasting

Future prices, 69–71

Heavy rare earth metals (HREM), 103–106

Hedging, 17, 127–132

Hedging structures

non-plain vanilla structures, 124–127

plain vanilla structures, 120–124

Historical commodity price data, 30

HREM. See Heavy rare earth metals

Internal spend analysis, 15–18

International Institute for Sustainable Development, 3

Linear regression models, 38

Long-term commodity prices, forecasting

correlations, 63–69

demand basics, 59–60

developing and monitoring, 71

factors affecting demand, 60–63

factors affecting supply, 55–59

future prices, 69–71

gathering information, 48–51

regression models, 63–69

supply basics, 51–55

MAD. See Mean absolute deviation

MAPE. See Mean absolute percent error

Mean absolute deviation (MAD), 43

Mean absolute percent error (MAPE), 43

Mean forecast error (MFE), 42

MFE. See Mean forecast error

Non-plain vanilla structures, 124–127

OPEC. See Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Organizational dependence, 15–18

Organizational price risk exposure, 14–15

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 54

Pearson correlation coefficient, 65

Piggyback contracting, 94–95

Plain vanilla structures, 120–124

Political risk

heavy rare earth metals-case study, 103–106

practical implications, 106–108

Price patterns

identifying, 31–33

seasonal, 40–41

stable, 34–38

with trends, 38–40

Price risk exposure

dependence, 15–18

organization, 14

overall estimate, 14–15

Price volatility

creating value from, 6–10

determine degree of, 18–20

downside of, 5–6

Product price flexibility, 23

Regression models, 63–69

Risk appetite analysis, 21

Risk aversion, 20

Risk objectives, setting, 21–23

Risk tolerance, 20–21

Seasonal price indices, 40

Seasonal price patterns, 40–41

SFCs. See Synthetics forward contracts

SFCs with knock-in (KI) approach, 125–126

Short-term commodity prices, forecasting

accuracy, 41–43

historical commodity price data, 30–31

improving forecast, 43–44

monitoring forecast, 44

price patterns, identifying, 31–33

price patterns with trends, 38–40

seasonal price patterns, 40–41

selecting forecasting model, 33–34

stable price patterns, 34–38

Simple exponential smoothing model, 36

Spot prices, 30

Stable price patterns, 34–38

Staggering contracts, 79–80

Stocks-to-use ratio, 68

Substitution strategy, 86–89


basics of, 51–55

factors affecting, 55–59

Supply chain managers, 33

Switching suppliers, 80

Synthetics forward contracts (SFCs), 122–123

Technical analysis process. See Short-term commodity prices, forecasting

Time-series models, 34

Trend-adjusted exponential smoothing, 38

U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service, 31

Value chain purchase

characteristics and approaches, 91–93

escalation/de-escalation clauses, 95–98

firm fixed-price contracts, 93–94

improving product/production designs and systems, 98–99

piggyback contracting, 94–95

vertical integration, 99–100

Value creation, price volatility, 6–10

Vertical integration, 99–100

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