
Page numbers in italics indicate figures.

ABC (American Business Conference), 214, 23335, 242, 245

Abramoff, Jack, 10

A. C. Nielsen (firm), 239

advertising: anti-CPA, 16364, 169; consumer and economic education via, 70, 7071, 73, 151; on federal deficit, 22425; personalized terms in, 145; PIC’s use of, 96; political, 250; on wage-price controls, 115

Aetna, 235

Afghanistan War, 260

AFL-CIO: conservative leadership of, 18; labor law reform and, 12829; merger as model for other organizations, 47, 8687; NAFTA and, 245, 247; reaffiliation of, 54, 276n20; wage-price controls and, 116, 117, 121. See also CIO; Meany, George

Agnew, Spiro, 166

Airline Deregulation Act (1978), 185

Air Quality Act (1967), 32

Akroyd, Dan, 141

Albertine, John, 234

Alcoa, 77, 23435, 238. See also Harper, John D.

Alexander, Henry, 21

Alexander, Magnus, 15

Allen, James, 15760, 172, 292n51

AMA (American Medical Association), 2627

American Bankers Association, 135

American Bar Association, 18990

American Business Conference (ABC), 214, 23335, 242, 245

American Business Network, 63

American Conservative Union, 39

American Council for Capital Formation, 229, 232, 249. See also Walker, Charls E.

American Enterprise Institute, 7, 74, 298n41

American Express, 235, 250

American Legislative Exchange Council, 7

American Liberty League, 16, 18, 52

American Medical Association (AMA), 2627

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009), 257

American Retail Federation, 135

American Smelting and Refining, 79

American Stock Exchange (AMEX), 215, 233

American Tobacco Institute, 250

Anderson, Jack, 59

Anderson, James, 194

Anderson, John, 211

antibusiness bias: anticorporate populism as, 1; antimonopolist spirit in, 6; business leaders’ response to, 3742; economic literacy distinguished from, 7273; elitism charged against, 4244; regulations blamed on, 1415. See also populism

antilabor efforts: business’s focus on, 50, 5254, 67, 8889, 9899, 25859; indirect lobbying in, 12630; labor costs protested in, 82, 8384; nationalization of, 99. See also Labor Law Study Committee

antistatism: “Big Brother” and “national nanny” invoked, 164, 165, 172; “big government” critiqued, 16667, 16972, 186, 192; conservatives’ touting of, 78; deregulation arguments, 18486; fuel for and persistence of, 17, 19; liberalism challenged, 14243; Reagan’s antiregulatory rhetoric as, 163; tax cuts demanded, 20812. See also populism

antitax movement: capital accumulation, 2038; in ERTA and TEFRA context, 21220; supply-side ideas, 20812. See also federal budget; taxes and taxation

Armstrong Cork, 156

Around the World in 80 Days (Verne), 155

Arthur Andersen (firm), 188, 195, 234

AT&T, 4042, 77, 185, 245. See also deButts, John; Lund, Paul

Atkinson, Fred, 79

“Attack on American Free Enterprise System” (Powell Memorandum), 5860, 61, 63, 68, 258, 277n33

automobile industry: bailouts of, 17479, 256, 257; differential impact of standards on, 190; foreign competition in, 17475, 223, 238, 251; industrial policy and, 242; Nader’s exposé of safety issues, 38, 148; Tax Reform Act and, 23031

BAC. See Business Advisory Council

bailouts: Chrysler, 17477, 257; corporate debates about, 176, 17779; opposition to, 176, 177, 178, 256

Bain Capital, 1, 257

Baker, Howard, 28

Baker, James A., 127, 214, 216, 303n41

balanced budget amendment, 223

Ball Corporation, 178. See also Fisher, John

Bank of America, branches firebombed, 40

Baroody, William J., Jr., 167, 181

Baroody, William J., Sr., 74

Bates, Wallace, 123

Beck, Robert, 22526

Becker, Carl, 232

Bell, Daniel, 42

Bergen, Candace, 141, 144

Bernstein, Carl, 68

Bethlehem Steel, 24, 156. See also Foy, Lewis

B. F. Goodrich, 122, 167

“bigness,” critiques of, 16667, 16972, 186, 192

BIPAC. See Business-Industry Political Action Committee

Bipartisan Campaign Finance (McCain-Feingold) Act (2002), 255

Birnbaum, Jeffrey, 23031

Black Panthers, 14950

Blough, Roger: Business Roundtable position of, 87, 97, 258; on Business Roundtable structure, 95; on CEOs’ compensation, 82; as CUAIR leader, 8485, 90; as March Group member, 77, 88, 94; politics of, 94; in steel crisis with Kennedy, 24; wage-price controls and, 11819, 123

Blount, Winton M. “Red,” 8384, 85

Bolling, Richard, 292n45

Booth, Arch: background, 6061, 63; on consumers, 151; on inflation, 10910; in PSA, 70, 71

Borch, Fred: background, 9091; Business Roundtable position of, 87, 97, 204; call for political mobilization, 90, 9192; on CUAIR strategy, 85; diversification into financial services, 236; as March Group member, 8788, 89, 90

Boulware, Lemuel Ricketts, 89, 92

Brenner, Robert, 180

Bretton Woods agreement (1944), 34, 107

Breyer, Stephen, 184

Brinkley, Alan, 6

Brophy, Theodore: call to cut federal spending, 222; Dole’s memo to, 218; on ERTA and TEFRA, 21213, 217, 220; Reagan’s meeting with, 216; on tax deductions and depreciation, 206

Brownlee, Elliot, 231

Buchanan, Patrick, 246, 247

Buckley, James, 160

Buckley, William F., Jr., 116

Buckley v. Valeo (1976), 10

Budget Act (1990), 226

Bumpers, Dale (Bumpers Amendment), 18991, 194

Burford, Ann Gorsuch, 19596

Burke-Hartke bill, 243

Burns, Arthur F., 92, 119, 239

Bush, George H. W.: BIPAC support for, 28; free trade issues, 24445; as Reagan’s vice president, 192, 212; Regulatory Relief Task Force under, 19396; tax and budget proposals and policies of, 21112, 226, 232; TEFRA lobbying and, 219

Bush, George W., 260

business: concept, 6; context of 1960s, 2025; deceptive trade practices targeted, 14748; full employment bill opposed, 13032; inflation as framed by, 11113; liberal consensus framework on, 1819; wage-price controls accepted, 11517; wage-price controls opposed, 11823. See also business leaders; capitalism; corporations; free enterprise system

Business Advisory Council (BAC, later Business Council): accommodationist stance of, 19; CEOs’ frustration with, 89; Chamber compared with, 64; consumerism and response of, 150; Cordiner removed from leadership of, 88; Johnson’s relations with, 25; Kennedy’s relations with, 22, 24; limits of, 54, 9192; origins and operation of, 2223; socializing among members, 90; Treasury Consultant group, 85; voluntary restraint requested of, 134

business associations. See employers’ associations; policy institutes; trade associations; and specific organizations

Business Coalition on Regulatory Reform, 19495

“Business-Consumer Relations Code” (Chamber), 150

Business Council on National Issues (Canada), 244

Business-Government Relations Council, 29, 272n42

Business-Industry Political Action Committee (BIPAC): educational arm of, 126; establishment and goals, 2729, 47; Political Education Division, 60; reinvestment in, 60; struggles of, 91

business leaders: bailouts debated among, 176, 17779, 256, 257; case against liberal economic policies, 3537, 36; challenges and contradictions, 37; cultural changes in 1970s, 3745; demographics, 4344; divisions among, 5455, 200, 21011, 21920, 221, 224, 22628, 23032, 24750; financial crisis in 2008–9 and, 25758; global changes overlooked, 18081, 22728; lobbying boom despite unity’s decline among, 23132, 24750; perceived isolation from politics, 2125; as political candidates, 12; remaking public image of, 4849, 6671; single-employer generation of, 91, 227; social gatherings, 7677, 85, 88, 9293 (see also Links Club). See also capitalism; chief executive officers; crisis of confidence; lobbyists and lobbying; political mobilization; and specific individuals and organizations

Business Roundtable: ABC compared, 234; Chamber–White House alliance and, 214; composition of, 9596, 99100; current status, 257; decline of influence, 22526; divisions in, 224; early years, summarized, 97100; establishment and origins, 77, 7882, 87; institutional grounding for, 3031; leadership listed (1973), 1045; leadership listed (1988), 25354; leadership transitions, 233, 235; March Group integrated with, 94, 1045; member corporations listed (2013), 26164; member corporations listed (original), 1014; member corporation types, 235; as model for Europe, 252; Nader vs., 39; offices, 174; organizational structure, 9497, 118; Public Information Committee (PIC) of, 95, 96; Reagan and, 22021; significance of, 3, 7, 78; voluntary restraint requested of, 134, 135, 136. See also Construction Users’ Anti-Inflation Roundtable; Labor Law Study Committee; Policy Committee

—specific issues: antilabor views, 9899, 25859; budget deficit and high interest rates, 215, 22226; Chrysler bailout, 17477; common situs picketing, 12728; corporate responsibility, 23738; cost-benefit analysis, 18283; CPA, 156, 16264, 167, 169, 17172; DEFRA, 22324; deregulation, 185; environmentalism, 19798; ERTA, 21213; free trade, 24347; full employment bill, 13031; health care, 258; industrial policy, 24243; labor law reform, 129; partisan politics, 94; product liability and tort law, 19899; regulatory reform, 186, 18791, 192; regulatory relief bill, 19496; taxation, 204, 206, 2078, 21213, 21516; tax reform, 22930; TEFRA, 21718; wage-price controls, 11819, 120, 122, 123

Business Week, 116, 128, 129, 240

CAB (Civil Aeronautics Board), 31, 133, 185, 186

Caldwell, Philip, 175, 242

California: property tax cuts in, 209

campaign finance issues, 1011, 2627, 98, 250, 25556. See also electoral politics

Campbell’s Soup. See Murphy, William Beverly

Canada: NAFTA and, 24447

capital accumulation movement: context, 2036; described, 2068

Capital Cost Recovery Act (proposed), 2078, 21011, 212

capitalism: American agreement on, 72; democracy in tension with, 2; depression-era defense of, 5152; managerial to shareholder shift in, 23638; multinational firms and, 248; redefined in 1980s, 202. See also crisis of confidence; economy; free enterprise system; global capitalism; global economy

Carlton Group, 229, 234

Carnegie, Andrew, 23

Carolina Power and Light, 87, 135

Carter, Jimmy: as anti-big government, 186; Chrysler bailout and, 175, 177; common situs picketing bill and, 127; CPA and, 16870; “crisis of confidence” speech of, 166; election, 46; federal agencies created by, 196; full employment bill signed, 131; income inequality under, 40; inflation and, 106, 11011, 13233; malaise symbolized by, 16, 139, 142; on national limits, 180; reelection bid, 202; regulatory reform of, 18791; tax policies of, 208, 211, 302n34; voluntary restraint appeals of, 13237

Cary, Frank T., 18788, 190, 192

Caterpillar Tractor. See Morgan, Lee

Cato Institute, 7, 67

CED (Committee for Economic Development), 19, 54, 64, 91

CFPB. See Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Chamber of Commerce. See U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., 16, 227

Cheney, Dick, 166

Chicago Tribune, 196

chief executive officers (CEOs): compensation questions, 82; as lobbyists, 9394, 11819, 12223; public relations and low profiles, 9697; social gatherings, 7677, 85, 88, 9293 (see also Links Club). See also business leaders; and specific individuals and organizations

Child Labor Law, 33

Chiles, Lawton, 128

Chrysler Corporation: bailout, 17477, 257; debates in aftermath of bailout, 17779, 181; differential impact of standards on, 190; wage-price controls and, 115

Chrysler Corporation Guarantee Act (1980), 177

Cigna, 22223

CIO, 26, 5253, 54, 89. See also AFL-CIO Citizen’s Choice (Chamber organization), 61, 62

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010), 10, 25556

Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), 31, 133, 185, 186

CIWG. See Consumer Issues Working Group

class action lawsuits, 19899

Claybrook, Joan, 154, 183

Clean Air Act (1963): amendments to (1970), 33, 176; amendments to (1980s), 198

climate change, 198

Clinton, Bill, 68, 226, 241, 24647, 260

Coalition for Trade Expansion (USA-NAFTA Coalition), 245

Coalition to Stop the Raid on America, 23738

Cohen, Lizabeth, 147

collective bargaining: classic view of, 109; common situs picketing fight and, 12728; federal commitment to, 54; labor law reform and, 12829; rights of, 1819

Collins, Robert, 52, 55

Colt, Samuel, 8

Columbia Books and Information, 249

Commerce Department, 2223, 50. See also Business Advisory Council

Committee for Economic Development (CED), 19, 54, 64, 91

Committee to Fight Inflation, 239

common situs picketing, 12728

communism, 53, 67

Conable, Barber, 206, 2078, 224

Confederation of British Industry, 252

Conference Board, 1516, 17

Congressional Quarterly Almanac, 248

Congressional Research Service (Library of Congress), 163

Congress Watch (group), 148

Connally, John: Business Roundtable and, 92; presidential bid, 192, 211; on wage-price control program, 10810, 117

Connecticut General Life Insurance, 222

conservatism: anti-establishment populism in, 25; Chrysler bailout and, 17677;

communications tactics of, 6364; diversity and divisions in, 35, 203, 212, 224; economic ideas institutionalized, 7; emergence, 98; inflation blamed on government by, 8182; liberalism critiqued, 2; Powell Memorandum discussed in, 5960; race and racism issues, 267n4; regulatory reform coalition with, 18991; supply-side tax cuts and, 20812. See also antistatism

construction industry: business organizations merged, 78, 8687; common situs picketing fight of, 12728; labor costs protested by, 8384. See also Construction Users’ Anti-Inflation Roundtable; Davis-Bacon Act

Construction Users’ Anti-Inflation Roundtable (CUAIR): approach of, 8586; Business Roundtable structure and, 95; leadership and headquarters, 8485; LLSC merged with, 78, 8687; member corporations listed, 1014; origins and activities, 7879, 8384; summary of, 98. See also Business Roundtable

“Consumer Bill of Rights,” 147

Consumer Federation of America, 148, 160, 183

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), 143

consumerism and consumers: business’s response to, 14951; business values elided with, 17173; increased borrowing and spending, 22122; labor law reform and, 129; March Group committee on, 93; political identity of, 14449, 17273, 19697; politics of inflation and, 80, 11112; SNL skit on, 14042, 144. See also consumer protection movement

Consumer Issues Working Group (CIWG): anti-CPA strategies, 15657, 16771; congressional allies of, 15860, 161, 166; members and structure, 15556, 169; mobilization concerns, 16162; success, 16061, 17072

Consumer Price Index, 80

“Consumer Probe” (SNL skit), 14042, 144

Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), 149, 151, 196

Consumer Protection Agency (CPA): budget proposed, 162, 170, 293n64; context of development, 143, 15152; corporate offensive against, 144, 15565, 165, 16771; demise, 16672; labor unions and, 16465; policy cost-benefit analysis compared, 18182; popularity among public, 16566; proposed, 15255; public opinion battle over, 16166; supporters’ explanations of, 16970, 18687

consumer protection movement: accomplishments of, 14243; business’s response to, 14951; historical context of, 3739, 14445; institutionalization of, 14849, 151; legal cases of, 19899; Nickel Campaign of, 170; on ORC poll bias, 163; producer vs. consumer interests in, 14344; source of opposition to, 17172; state-level focus, 3233, 147; strategies, 159; “third wave,” 14748; White House position and, 14849, 290n19. See also consumerism and consumers; Consumer Protection Agency

consumer protection regulations: federal focus of (centralization), 33; risk management and safety in, 199. See also social regulations

“Consumer Representation Plans,” 167, 168

Consumers Union, 148

Continental Can, 100

Coolidge, Calvin, 51

Corcoran, Tommy “The Cork,” 8

Cordiner, Ralph J., 8889, 92

corporate liberalism, 52, 18485

corporate personhood notion, 12

corporate social responsibility debates, 6465, 15051

corporations: contingent nature of power, 25661; increased compliance burdens on, 3234; merger wave in 1980s, 23638; Nader’s concept of, 15253; N.Y. headquarters of, 7677; scandals of, 40. See also business leaders; industrial corporations; labor organizing and labor power; taxes and taxation

Cost of Government Regulation (report), 188

Cost of Living Council, 108

Council for a Competitive Economy, 177

Council of Better Business Bureaus (BBB), 3334

Council of Economic Advisors: Ford, 124; Nixon, 35, 119; Reagan, 224

Council on Wage and Price Stability (COWPS), 13334, 136, 137, 193

Cowie, Jefferson, 99

CPA. See Consumer Protection Agency

CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission), 149, 151, 196

crisis of confidence (1960s–70s): approach to, 1820; beginnings of business mobilization due to, 2531; business and political context, 2025; cultural context, 3745; historical context, 1418; NAM and Chamber’s response to, 55; proposed NAM-Chamber merger and, 4648; structural changes dominating concerns, 3137. See also political mobilization

Cronkite, Walter, 68

CUAIR. See Construction Users’ Anti-Inflation Roundtable

The Culture of Narcissism (Lasch), 3940

Davis, Archie K., 115

Davis-Bacon Act (1931), 48, 8586

Day, Virgil, 7980, 84, 86

deButts, John: Business Roundtable position of, 87; on Carter and voluntarism, 134, 135, 136; on public’s negativity, 4041; wage-price controls and, 11819

Defense Department (military), 166, 21516, 260

Deficit Reduction Act (DEFRA, 1984), 22325

Deficit Reduction Action Group, 220

deindustrialization, 100, 239, 242

Delta (airlines), 185

Delton, Jennifer, 267n4

Democratic Party: business relations fraught for, 2225; congressional majorities, 53, 79, 126, 130, 157, 195; division in, 247; increasingly liberal stance, 27; labor power in, 106; McKinley’s attempts to split, 4950; shift from conservative southern power, 126. See also electoral politics; U.S. Congress; and specific leaders

Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Decontrol Act (1980), 185

deregulation: antistatist arguments for, 18486; “by administrative appointment,” 195; credit-market, 18081; impetus for, 199200; regulatory reform based in, 189

Dexter, Lewis Anthony, 9, 55

direct lobbying: concept, 11; escalation of, 1718; by March Group committees, 93; NAM’s commitment to, 57; on wage-price controls, 11819. See also indirect lobbying; lobbyists and lobbying

District of Columbia Bar Association, 248

Dodd, Christopher, 168, 172, 258

Dodd, Thomas, 168

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010), 143, 258, 260

Dole, Elizabeth, 218, 220

Dole, Robert, 166, 218, 223, 225

Dominici, Pete, 223

Donohue, Thomas J., 61, 257

drug concerns and safety, 26, 148. See also consumer protection movement; pharmaceutical industry

Dunkin’ Donuts, 234

Dunlop, John, 129

du Pont, Irénée, 16, 17

DuPont Company, 87, 235, 245, 256. See also McCoy, Charles B.; Shapiro, Irving

Earned Income Tax Credit, 230

Earth Day celebrations, 198

Eastern (airlines), 185

economic education: history of, 6667; limits of, 7173; philosophical debates and, 6768; political mobilization fostered through, 7374; reconsideration

of, 93; strategies, 6871, 70

economic policies: Bretton Woods agreement, 34, 107; business’s case against liberal regulations, 3537, 36; end of planning, 13032, 287n76; focus of, 32; inflation problems and, 124; monetarist, 65, 81, 124, 137, 202; supply-side ideas, 145, 20812; taxing and spending in recovery, 22126. See also deregulation; economy; federal budget; Keynesianism; neoliberalism; wage-price controls

Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA, 1981): corporate support for, 21214, 21819, 234; passage, 21415, 220; proposed, 212; revenue lost to, 224; TEFRA’s repeal of part, 216, 217

Economic Stabilization Act (1970), 114, 121, 123

Economic Stabilization Program, 106, 108, 113, 11920, 123. See also wage-price controls

economy: boom in 1960s, 147; contraction, inflation, and recessions in 1970s, 31, 3435, 46, 90, 107, 180; CPA proposal in context of, 170; financial crisis in 2008–9, 25558, 260; growth and prosperity in 1960s, 2021; Japan compared, 180; new industries and sectors in 1980s, 19697, 224, 23536; Panic of 1893, 4950; “pocketbook politics” and, 5, 146; recession (1980s), 19697, 2012, 21516, 22122, 238; regulatory costs linked to ailing, 18889; rise of service-and finance-oriented, 100, 236. See also capitalism; economic policies; free enterprise system; free market; global economy; inflation

education. See economic education

Education Department, 196

E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Company. See DuPont Company

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 18, 2122, 24, 55, 76

Eisner, Marc Allen, 172

Eizenstat, Stuart, 189, 249

electoral politics: anti-incumbent waves, 126; business’s increased role in, 201; campaign finance issues, 1011, 2627, 98, 250, 25556; corporate attitudes toward Reagan, 192, 202; early PAC role in, 2829; federal reforms of, 48; McKinley’s economic focus in, 4950; Reagan’s policies rejected, 195; taxation debates in, 12. See also political action committees; and specific individuals

Eli Lilly (pharmaceuticals). See Wood, Richard

Elisha, Walter, 24546

elites: antibusiness bias alleged of, 4244

Emergency Committee for American Trade, 29

employers’ associations: accommodationist stance of some, 1920; beginnings

of, 47; indirect lobbying preferred by, 1213; national focus of, 78; revival of, 11011; wage-price guidelines opposed by, 113. See also Business Roundtable; National Association of Manufacturers; U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Employment Act (1946), 130

Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA, 1974), 30

Energy Department, 196

energy industry. See oil industry

Energy Policy Conservation Act (1975), 176

entertainment industry, 42

environmental issues and regulations: federal focus of (centralization), 33; March Group committee on, 93; PSA about, 70, 71

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Burford appointed to head, 19596; elitism charged against, 43; established, 32, 109, 151; increased conservative rhetoric against, 64; inefficiencies blamed on, 186; regulatory role of, 196; voluntarism and, 19798

environmental protection movement: beginnings of, 3233; corporate acceptance of, 19798; historical context, 3739; legal cases of, 19899; source of opposition to, 17172

Equal Opportunity and Full Employment Act (Humphrey-Hawkins Act, 1974), 13032, 287n76

ERISA (Employment Retirement Income Security Act, 1974), 30

ERTA. See Economic Recovery Tax Act

Ervin, Sam: on CPA’s “labor exemption,” 164; CPA stalled by, 15760, 172, 292n51; retirement, 161, 166

ESPN (network), 63

Ethics and Profits (Silk and Vogel), 1516

Europe: business mobilization, 244, 25152; consumer protection regulations, 199; corporatism, 199200; free trade, 244

Executive Orders: Carter, 18788; Ford, 18182; Reagan, 192, 19394

Exxon Mobile. See Garvin, Clifton; Jamieson, J. K.

Fales, Haliburton, 82

FCC (Federal Communications Commission), 185

FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 32, 145

FEC (Federal Election Commission), 10, 2829, 25556

federal agencies: administrative expansions of, 51; Carter’s creation of new, 196; CPA conceived as oversight, 15354; information overload for, 9; public interest activism and creation of, 32; Reagan’s appointees to, 19596; for wage-price controls, 108. See also specific agencies and departments

federal budget: balanced budget amendment and, 223; bipartisan division over, 215; call to cut spending, 124, 222; continuing debates on, 26061; supply-side ideas about, 20912; taxation linked to, 203, 21112, 216; tax hikes and, 21620

—deficit: in 1960s, 81; in 1980s, 221; call for reduction, 125, 2056, 21819, 22126; corporate acceptance of, 52; eliminated, 226, 260; inflation and, 25, 3435, 8081, 13235, 139; party politics blamed for, 90; reduction measures, 21213, 214, 21516; Romney on, 1

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 185

Federal Election Commission (FEC), 10, 2829, 25556

Federal Energy Office, 121

Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1938), 26, 32, 145, 148

federal government: as battleground for business groups, 78, 1617; consumers’ turn to, 14748; critique of “big,” 16667, 16972, 186, 192; industrial policy debates and, 24143; inflation blamed on, 8182; NAM’s changing attitude toward, 50; New Left and others’ critique of, 32; as “picking winners and losers,” 177; “revolving door” of, 11, 249; right to petition, 8. See also bailouts; federal agencies; public policy; regulatory policies; U.S. Congress

Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act (1946), 910, 29, 249

Federal Reserve, 119, 137, 202, 221

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 51, 145, 14748, 164, 196

Fein, Michael, 184

Ferguson, James, 169

Figueiredo, John M. de, 9

Filene, Edward, 52

financialization concept, 236

financial sector: call for regulation of, 260; credit card issues, 250; crisis in 2008–9, 25558; deregulation of, 185; lobbying by, 256; profits, 306n13; rise of, 36, 19697, 224, 232, 23538; wage-price controls and, 115. See also economic policies

FIRE (financial, insurance, and real estate) firms, 23536. See also specific sectors

First National City Bank, 83. See also Wriston, Walter

Fisher, John, 17778, 179, 190

Fitzsimmons, Frank, 117, 120

Fletcher, Miles, 251

flexibility clause, 19091

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 32, 145

food safety, 14445. See also consumer protection movement

Forbes, Malcolm, 54

Forbes, Steve, 1

Ford, Gerald R.: common situs picketing bill vetoed, 127; CPA debates and, 156, 161, 163, 16667, 168; deregulation by, 186; economic slowdown under, 34; electoral defeat, 46; inflation-fighting agenda of, 12425, 125, 18183; on producers vs. consumers, 14344; vice presidential nomination declined, 212

Ford, Henry, 301n18

Ford, Henry, II, 30, 175

Ford Motor Company: as CIWG member, 156; construction industry problems and, 83; diversification into financial services, 236; foreign competition for, 17475; lobbyist of, 229. See also Caldwell, Philip

Foreign Agents Registration Act (1938), 9

Foreign Corrupt Practice Act (1911), 10

foreign policy (U.S.), 121, 24344. See also free trade; global economy

Fortune, 83

Foundation for Economic Education, 67, 71

Fowler, Henry “Joe,” 23839

Foy, Lewis, 131

Fraser, Douglas, 129

“Freedom 2000” (school program), 69

free enterprise system: bailouts in context of, 17579; definitions, 26869n6; perceived attack on, 15; Powell Memorandum on, 5860, 61, 63, 68; public education about, 6671; public support for, 72; social regulations viewed as threat to, 34. See also capitalism

free market: contradictory debates over, 17980; Friedman’s ideas about, 65, 67; industrial policy vs., 24143; price-control opposition in defense of, 11819, 12023

Free to Choose (documentary), 67

free trade: triumph of, 24347

Friedman, Milton: on corporate social responsibility notion, 65, 15051; free market touted by, 67; monetarist arguments of, 81, 124; on wage-price controls, 116

FTC (Federal Trade Commission), 51, 145, 14748, 164, 196

Fulbright, William, 160

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 22

Garvin, Clifton, 192, 193, 216, 217

Gaudion, Donald A., 149

General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT), 244

General Electric (GE): as Business Roundtable member, 77; corporate liberalism short-lived in, 52, 88; diversification into financial services, 236; expanding interests of, 204; labor negotiations of, 89; limits to lobbying influence, 229; LLSC’s founding and, 7980; NAFTA supported by, 245; political sophistication of, 220; poll on consumerism by, 142; price-fixing and bid-rigging case against, 88; tax policies and, 227. See also Alexander, Magnus; Borch, Fred; Cordiner, Ralph J.; Day, Virgil; Jones, Reginald; Welch, Jack

General Foods, 169

General Motors (GM): bailout (2009), 256, 257; Chrysler bailout and, 176; decline of influence by, 23435, 256; differential impact of standards on, 190; diversification into financial services, 236; foreign competition for, 17475; headquarters, 77; Nader investigated by, 38; protests at Lordstown plant, 44; wage-price controls and, 115. See also Gerstenberg, Richard; Murphy, Thomas A.; Smith, Roger

General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (Keynes, 1936), 81

Germany: as competition for U.S., 21, 34, 75, 100, 180, 226; inflation and response in, 138

Gerstenberg, Richard, 77, 87, 11819, 181

Gingrich, Newt, 220

Glickman, Lawrence B., 172

global capitalism: free trade and, 24347; lobbying changes and, 24752; neoliberalism expanded, 199200; production and distribution effects of, 3637, 78; realignment of, 23238. See also financial sector; postindustrialism

global economy: consumers’ role in, 146; financial crisis in 2008–9, 25558, 260; foreign competition for U.S. in, 17, 21, 34, 100, 17475, 180, 226, 23839; inflation in, 119, 138; international monetary policy and, 34, 107; shifting contours of, 75, 78, 18081, 22728

globalization: of environmentalism, 197; institutionalizing forces of, 24447

GM. See General Motors

GMA (Grocery Manufacturers of America), 151, 155, 158, 163

Goldwater, Barry, 5, 18, 25, 27, 79, 163

Gore, Al, 247

Graham, Otis, 241

Gramm-Latta Omnibus Reconciliation Act (1981), 212, 214, 215

Grant, Carl, 61, 63

grassroots lobbying. See consumer protection movement; indirect lobbying; local user groups; public interest movement

Gray, Elisha, 3334

Gray, Robert, 250

Great Britain: business mobilization, 252; industrial policy, 242; neoliberalism, 199

Great Depression, 5152, 145, 242. See also New Deal

Green, Mark, 143, 171

Greenpeace USA, 277n33

Greenspan, Alan, 124

Greider, William, 301n23

Griffin, Robert, 164

Grocery Manufacturers of America (GMA), 151, 155, 158, 163

Group of Nine meetings, 13536

GTE. See Brophy, Theodore

Gullander, Werner P., 5657, 60, 6869, 115, 285n29

“Halt the Deficit” campaign, 22426

Hanchett, Thomas, 207

Hanna, Marcus, 49

Hanna-Barbera Studios, 70, 71, 73

Harper, John D.: background, 91; Business Roundtable position of, 87, 95, 97, 233; call for political mobilization, 90, 9192, 100, 122; on common situs picketing, 127; on corporate social responsibility, 6465; as Ford’s Labor-Management Committee member, 181; on labor power, 124; as March Group member, 8788, 94; on public attitudes, 38, 40, 93, 96; successor, 132; wage-price controls and, 11819, 122

Harris, Louis, 3839

Harris, Richard, 33

Harris, Shearon, 87, 135

Harvard Business Review, 205, 209

Harvey, Paul, 302n28

Hatch, Orrin, 129, 131

Hatfield, Robert, 100

Hawkins, Augustus, 13032

health care: debates over insurance, 26, 258; rise of sector, 23536; workplace safety and, 6465, 145, 150, 164, 182, 187, 203. See also Occupational Safety and Health Administration; Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Helms, Jesse, 129

Herblock (cartoonist), 124, 125

Heritage Foundation, 7, 67, 211

Hewlett-Packard, 87

Hill and Knowlton (firm), 29

Hines, Emmett, 156, 16061

Hodges, Luther, 2223

Homestead strike (1892), 23

Honeywell, 244

Hoover, Herbert, 52, 145, 242

Humphrey, Hubert, 13032, 287n76

Humphrey, Robert, 27, 28

Humphrey-Hawkins Act (Equal Opportunity and Full Employment Act, 1974), 13032, 287n76

Iacocca, Lee, 17579

IBM Corporation, 235, 245. See also Cary, Frank T.; Opel, John

Immigration and Nationality Act (1965), 79

“imperial presidency,” coining of term, 92

indirect lobbying: business-sponsored groups for, 61, 62; on common situs picketing bill, 12728; efficacy and growth of, 1213; on full employment bill, 13032; “Halt the Deficit” campaign, 22526; on labor law reform, 12830; “letterhead theory” of, 15859; of March Group committees, 93. See also direct lobbying; lobbyists and lobbying; local user groups

industrial corporations: as ABC members, 234; consumers’ political identity due to expanding, 14446; decline of profits in, 99100; declining dominance of, 31, 3637, 78, 19697, 22223, 22627, 23638; diversification into financial services, 236; early 1980s recession’s impact on, 22122; East Coast relations of, 77; low public approval bemoaned, 1617; managerial mind-set in, 5051, 227; overproduction in low-profit firms, 18081; pan-industrial collective action of, 8889; revitalization campaigns, 23843; “steel crisis” and, 2324, 85; tariff protections sought by, 4950; traditional leverage of, 9899. See also Consumer Issues Working Group; corporations; manufacturing; National Association of Manufacturers

industrial policy debate, 24143

industries and sectors. See automobile industry; construction industry; entertainment industry; financial sector; health care; insurance sector; oil industry; pharmaceutical industry; real estate sector; retail sector; service sector; steel industry; technology sector; tobacco industry

inflation: Booth on government response to, 10910; budget deficit and, 25, 3435, 8081, 13235, 139; Business Roundtable focus on, 9899; causes debated, 119, 285n36; cost-push vs. demand-pull explanations, 8082, 83; feared, 21, 110; jumps in, 11921, 123, 2012; labor power and, 53, 80, 82, 83, 12324; low level since 1980s, 221; oil embargo preceding, 68; politics of, 80, 11013, 116, 120, 13739; tax credits indexed to, 230; unfinished campaign against, 12326. See also wage-price controls; and specific presidents

“Inflation Quotient” (IQ) segments, 126

Insurance Company of North America, 222

insurance sector: competition for, 222; debates over health insurance, 26, 258; lobbying by, 256; rise of, 224, 23536; wage-price controls and, 115

interest groups: “consumerists” depicted as, 17273; heavy industry and manufacturing as, 208; lobbying favored over campaign finance, 11; opportunities expanded, 4849. See also business leaders; consumerism and consumers; lobbyists and lobbying; public interest movement

interest rates: budget deficit and, 215, 21819, 22226; deregulation and, 185; inflation and, 209; recession and, 22122; wage-price controls and, 115

Interior Department, 19596

international trade. See free trade; global capitalism; global economy

Interstate Commerce Commission, 31, 185

Iranian Revolution (1979), 136, 202

Iraq War, 260

Israel: U.S. support for, 121

It’s Your Business (television program), 63

Jacobs, Meg, 146

Jacoby, Sanford, 16

Jamieson, J. K., 87

Japan: automobile industry, 17475, 223, 238; competition for U.S., 21, 34, 75, 100, 226; corporatism, 199200; environmentalism, 197; industrial policy, 24142, 251; tax policy, 305n67; trade policies, 240; U.S. economy compared, 180

Japan-U.S. Economic Relations, 242, 251

Jasinowski, Jerry, 233

Javits, Jacob, 30

Jefferson, Thomas, 15253, 154, 170, 189

John Birch Society, 55, 56

Johnson, Lyndon B.: business relations of, 25, 27, 29, 85; Connally’s work for, 108; consumer ethos and, 147, 148; economic policies, 3435, 113; Great Society of, 25, 79; inflation blamed on, 8182, 90; private retirement system report of, 30

Jones, Jim, 206, 207

Jones, Reginald: Business Roundtable position of, 129, 204, 233; Charls Walker and, 229; diversification into financial services, 236; as Ford’s Labor-Management Committee member, 181; on Meet the Press, 97; tax reform ideas of, 2046, 227; voluntary restraint requested of, 135

Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation, 24

J. P. Morgan & Co., 2, 21, 49, 256

judicial system: class action suits in, 19899

Justice Department, 24, 4042

Kahn, Alfred E., 133, 134, 13536, 137

Kefauver, Estes, 26, 152

Kefauver-Harris Amendment (1962), 26, 32, 148

Keidanren (Federation of Economic Organizations, Japan), 197, 251

Kemp, Jack, 21013, 220, 301n20

Kemp-Roth tax bill, 21012, 301n20. See also Economic Recovery Tax Act

Kendall, Donald, 116, 219

Kenna, Edgar Douglas (Doug): media relations of, 69; NAM-Chamber merger and, 46, 47; NAM reorganization of, 5657; wage-price control testimony of, 12122

Kennedy, Edward, 160, 18485, 186

Kennedy, John F.: background, 2122; business relations of, 2224, 85; “Consumer Bill of Rights” of, 147; economic growth under, 34; election, 55; wage-price “guideline” program of, 113

Kennedy, Robert, 24

Keynes, John Maynard, 81

Keynesianism: acceptance of, 81; conservatives’ changing stance on, 52, 55, 64; consumers and, 146; liberal consensus and, 1820; monetarist critique of, 6566; tax rates and, 209

Kilpatrick, Robert, 22223

Kissinger, Henry, 108

Knauer, Virginia, 149, 161, 290n19

Koch, George W., 151, 155, 158, 163

Korean War (1950–53), 2324

Kreps, Juanita, 136

Krippner, Greta, 180

Kristol, Irving, 4243

Krooss, Herman, 22

labor law reform: indirect lobbying on, 12830

Labor Law Study Committee (LLSC): Business Roundtable structure and, 9495; CUAIR and, 78, 84, 8687; headquarters, 80; member corporations listed,

Labor Law Study Committee (LLSC) (cont.) 1014; origins and activities, 7882; summary of, 98. See also Business Roundtable

labor organizing and labor power: anti-authoritarianism and, 44; business feeling of impotence in face of, 10810; business’s focus on, 50, 5254, 67, 8889, 9899, 25859 (see also Labor Law Study Committee); Chamber “protest” against, 112; common situs picketing, 12728; decline of influence by, 259; in Democratic Party, 106; inflation and, 53, 80, 82, 83, 12324; liberal consensus framework on, 1819; Progressive Era, 16; “steel crisis” of 1962 and, 2324, 85. See also collective bargaining; labor unions

labor unions: construction wages and, 8384; contract negotiations, 24, 85, 89, 116; CPA’s treatment of, 16465; free trade opposed by, 24347; on industrial policy, 241; inflation as framed by, 11113; NAM’s shopfloor strategies against, 67; neoliberalism vs., 199; PACs of, 26, 28, 4647, 91; postwar strikes and, 5253; Reagan’s confrontation with, 259; regulatory reform opposed, 191; Taft-Hartley’s impact on, 53, 79; unrest and cultural shifts in 1970s, 4445; voluntary restraint requested of, 13334; wage-price controls and, 116, 117, 120, 121. See also collective bargaining; labor organizing and labor power

Laffer, Arthur (Laffer Curve), 21011, 301n18, 301n23

Larry, R. Heath, 44, 72, 128, 136, 181

Larry King Live (television program), 247

Larsen, Carl E. “Chick,” 165

Lasch, Christopher, 3940

Legislative Reorganization Act (1970), 48

Lesher, Richard L.: ABC dismissed, 234; background, 61, 63; on Carter and voluntarism, 13536; as Chamber president, 46, 233, 257; on corporate social responsibility, 6566; economic philosophy, 6768; ERTA supported by, 21314; on industrial policy, 24142; on lobbying success, 130; Reagan’s outreach to, 221; reorganization under, 6364, 74; TEFRA opposed by, 21819; television outreach of, 72

Levitt, Arthur, Jr., 23334

liberal consensus: conservatives’ rejection of, 64; executives’ accommodation to, 1920; tenets and challenges, 1819. See also New Deal liberalism

libertarianism: conservatism and, 74, 139, 177, 224, 25758; economic, 4, 7, 67, 98, 196; health care and, 258; think tanks, 17, 67, 74

Lichtenstein, Nelson, 44

Links Club (New York): Business Roundtable founded at, 87; as CEOs’ social gathering spot, 7677, 85; March Group associated with, 8794

literacy. See economic education

LLSC. See Labor Law Study Committee

Lobbying Disclosure Act (1995), 10, 249

lobbyists and lobbying: changing face of, 24750; concept, 810; corporate unity’s decline vs. boom in, 23132, 24750; failures, 22932; fragmentation, 22628; labor’s dominance in, 26, 28, 4647, 91; legacy of, 13, 25052, 25861; opportunities expanded, 4849; quantity vs. quality, 171; reactive vs. proactive, 155, 200, 229; regulation and registration, 910, 29; stigmatization of, 9, 24950; success, 16061, 17072, 201. See also direct lobbying; employers’ associations; indirect lobbying; trade associations; Washington Representatives; and specific issues (e.g., taxes and taxation)

local user groups (business): anti-CPA campaign, 15657, 15859, 169, 170; common situs picketing fight, 12728; federal deficit concerns, 22425; indirect lobbying by, 126; labor law reform lobbying, 12830; political races and, 28, 49. See also advertising; public relations; and specific organizations

Lockheed Corporation, 177, 178

LTV Corporation, 219

Lund, Paul, 96

Macdonald, Charles Blair, 76

MacLean, Nancy, 267n4

Macy’s Department Stores, 79

Madden, Carl, 35, 68, 123

Madison, James, 155

“Main Street,” 47. See also small business

manufacturing: business synonymous with, 7; decline of, 31, 3637, 78, 19697, 22223, 22627, 23638; foreign competition in, 17, 21, 34, 100, 17475, 180, 226, 23839; global shifts in, 202, 22223; number of workers declining in, 235. See also industrial corporations; unemployment

March Group: founding and goals, 8788, 9294; integrated with Business Roundtable, 9495, 1045; members, 77; precursor to official, 8892

Markley, Herbert, 134, 135

Marshall, John, 15253

Martin, Cathie, 216

Matusow, Allen, 44

Maytag, 156

McCain-Feingold (Bipartisan Campaign Finance) Act (2002), 255

McCoy, Charles B., 87, 90, 93, 96, 97, 132

McGovern, George, 126

McKinley, William, 4950

McQuaid, Kim, 2223, 270n28

Meany, George, 18, 44, 8687, 117, 121. See also AFL-CIO

“Me Decade,” 3940

media: biases alleged of, 4142, 68; “consumer protection” stories of, 146, 148. See also advertising; public relations

Medicaid, 26, 79

medical profession mobilization, 2526

Medicare, 26, 79, 222

Meese, Edwin, 214, 219

Meet the Press (television program), 97

Mellon, Andrew, 209, 301n18

Merchant Marine Act (1936), 9

Metropolitan Life Insurance, 115

Mettler, Ruben F., 233

Mexico: NAFTA and, 24447

Michigan: Chrysler bailout and, 176

Milkis, Sidney, 33

Miller, James, 196

Miller and Chevalier (firm), 28

Milliken, William, 176

Mills, Wilbur, 239

Mondale, Walter, 135

monetarist views, 65, 81, 124, 137, 202. See also free market

Morgan, Iwan W., 224

Morgan, J. P. (J. P. Morgan & Co.), 2, 21, 49, 256

Morgan, Lee, 223, 242, 24344

Morrison, Clinton, 43

Moss, David, 184

Motor Carrier Act (1980), 185

multinational firms, 8, 122, 224, 243, 248. See also global capitalism

Murphy, Thomas A.: bailouts opposed by, 176, 177, 178, 256; Business Roundtable position of, 233; voluntary restraint requested of, 135, 136

Murphy, William Beverly, 80, 86, 87, 94, 11819

Murray, Alan, 231

Murray, Philip, 54

Nader, Ralph: as consumer protection leader, 148; corporate attacks on, 3839, 144, 14950, 172; on corporate power, 160, 170; CPA and, 143, 15255, 157, 169; declining influence of, 142; as deregulator, 186; OIRA’s implications for, 191; on regulatory capture practice, 153, 167, 182, 184, 189; as SNL host, 141; Unsafe at Any Speed, 38, 148, 260. See also public interest movement

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 24447

National Association of Manufacturers (NAM): attitudes toward Reagan, 221; Chamber–White House alliance and, 214; current status, 257; depression-era attitudes toward, 5152; direct-mail techniques of, 58; early political relations of, 4950; extremism, 5455; founding, 47; headquarters, 57, 239; limits of, 91; membership numbers, 51, 5455, 56; merger with Chamber proposed and rejected, 4648; postwar contraction of, 19; Reagan’s appeal to, 220; reorganization, 4849, 5558, 7475, 98; significance of, 3, 7; “Tax Impact Report” of, 205; voluntary restraint requested of, 134, 135, 136. See also Business-Industry Political Action Committee

—committees and task forces: construction issues, 84; Government Affairs, 57; Marketing, 149; Organization Services, 68; Public Affairs, 58, 66, 68, 69, 73

—specific issues: antilabor efforts, 50, 5254; anti–New Deal efforts, 1819; Chrysler bailout, 177, 17879; common situs picketing, 12728; consumerism, 149, 151; CPA, 155, 156, 168; DEFRA, 223; deregulation, 185; ERTA, 213; full employment bill, 131; industrial policy, 24142; industrial revitalization campaign, 23841; NAFTA, 245; over-regulation, 183; public education and outreach, 6673; regulatory relief, 194, 195; tax reform, 207, 229, 230; TEFRA, 217; wage-price controls, 113, 115, 118, 120, 12122, 285n29

National Association of Realtors, 136, 223

National Center for Resource Recovery, 61

National Chamber Alliance for Politics, 201

National Chamber Foundation, 61

National Chamber Litigation Center (NCLC), 61

National Consumers League, 14445, 148

National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB): Chamber–White House alliance and, 214; CPA opposed by, 155, 157, 160; expansion of, 7; influence noted, 234; Reagan’s appeal to, 220; TEFRA and, 217; voluntary restraint requested of, 135

National Highway Safety Act (1966), 32, 148

National Labor Relations Act (1935), 1819, 23, 52, 80, 82. See also Taft-Hartley Act

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), 52, 80, 12829, 16465

National Recovery Administration (1933–35), 23, 52, 145

National Retail Merchants Association, 135

National Review, 116

National Right to Work Committee, 7980

National Small Business Association, 7, 217

National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act (1966), 38, 176

The Nation’s Business (Chamber of Commerce), 63, 66

Nation’s Business Today (television program), 63

NBC. See Meet the Press; Saturday Night Live

NCLC (National Chamber Litigation Center), 61

neoliberalism: ascent of, 24, 232; intellectual power of, 248; triumph of free trade and, 24347. See also free enterprise system; free market; global capitalism

Network (1976), 39

New Class theory, 4244

New Deal: consumers’ purchasing power and, 14546; disparate constituencies supporting, 6; institutions created in, 31; New Left and others’ critique of, 32; opposition to, 16, 17, 1819, 52, 258; regulatory structures of, 184; socialism alleged of, 16, 17, 52. See also specific acts and boards

New Deal liberalism: business’s case against, 3537, 36; Cold War rhetoric against, 74; conservative critique of, 2, 3, 7; consumer protections and, 14748; contradictions in, 5; corporate co-opting of language of, 17273; decline of, 2; health care proposals, 26, 258; increasingly organized challenge to, 14243; persistence of, 17980; populist strand of, 15253; Reagan’s rhetoric on, 163; regulatory reform coalition with, 18991; resistance to Reagan, 195

New Economic Policy (Nixon), 11415. See also wage-price controls

New Federalism, 109

New Left, 32, 18485

New York City: Business Roundtable’s office in, 174; CEOs’ social gathering spot in, 7677, 85

New York Stock Exchange, 135

New York Times, 65

NFIB. See National Federation of Independent Business

Nickel Campaign, 170

Nielsen, Art, 239

Nissan (earlier Datsun), 174

Nixon, Richard M.: background, 2122; bailouts of, 177; Connally’s work for, 108; consumerism and, 14849, 150, 15152, 16061; economy under, 14, 34, 35, 90, 111; election, 83; federal agencies created by, 32, 109, 151; gold convertibility suspended, 107; mandatory controls as viewed by, 11314; Moscow visit, 116; New Federalism of, 109; pardoned, 125; reelection concerns, 106, 114; resignation, 12324, 137, 161, 166; “Silent Majority” of, 44; steelworkers’ contract negotiations and, 24; Supreme Court nominee of, 59. See also wage-price controls; Watergate scandal

NLRB. See National Labor Relations Board

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 24447

North American Precis Syndicate, 169

North Carolina: economic development, 22

Obama, Barack, 2, 255, 257, 258, 259, 26061

O’Brien, Lawrence, 247

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): accident investigation by, 193; established, 32, 109, 151; opposition to, 48, 64; political stakes of, 57; regulatory role of, 196; “simple and clear” executive order for, 187

Occupy Wall Street, 256

Office of Consumer Affairs, 14849, 161, 168, 290n19

Office of Economic Opportunity, 154

Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), 191, 193, 196, 200

Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 18183, 191, 19596

Office of Price Administration, 113

oil industry: CIWG members from, 156; crises and inflation in, 68, 121, 136, 13738, 166, 180, 202

O’Neill, Tip, 17071, 195, 214

Opel, John, 192, 19495

opinion. See public opinion

Opinion Research Corporation (ORC), 16263, 167

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 68, 121, 137, 180

OSHA. See Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Packard, David, 87

PACs. See political action committees

Pan American Airlines, 115

pan-business mobilization: attempted NAM-Chamber merger as sign of, 4648; Chamber and NAM’s changing influence and, 4955; collective action problem in, 12; demise, 23132, 24750; fracturing of, 6466, 23239; legacy of, 13, 25052, 25861; public education and outreach efforts, 6674, 70; reorganizing for, 4849, 5566, 7475; rise and fall summarized, 23235. See also American Business Conference; Business Roundtable; economic education; National Association of Manufacturers; political mobilization; public relations; U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Paperwork Reduction Act (1980), 191

Parry, Charles, 238

Patashnik, Eric, 231

PATCO (Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization), 259

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010), 258

Patman, Wright, 172

Peale, Rembrandt, 76

Penn Central railroad, 177, 178

Penney, J. C., 135

Pension Report Group, 30

PepsiCo, 116, 219

Perot, H. Ross, 2, 246, 247

Pertschuk, Michael, 164

Peterson, Esther, 168, 169, 17071, 290n19

Pfizer, 235

pharmaceutical industry, 26, 224, 23536

Phillips Curve, 11011

PIC (Public Information Committee, Business Roundtable), 95, 96

Pickens, T. Boone, 237

“pocketbook politics,” 5, 146

policy. See economic policies; public policy; regulatory policies; social programs; social regulations

Policy Committee (Business Roundtable): budget deficits and high interest rate concerns, 215; Chrysler bailout and, 17476, 177; leadership in 1988, listed, 25354; Reagan’s appeal to, 220; taxation and TEFRA concerns, 216, 21718, 219

policy institutes: business support increased, 7, 1718; Cold War rhetoric among conservative, 74; context of emergence, 23233; response to Chrysler bailout, 177. See also specific institutes

political action committees (PACs): emergence of, 2728; expenditures of, 250; explosion in corporate-funded, 10, 1718, 2829; legalization of, 2627, 28, 48, 248, 271n41. See also electoral politics

political mobilization: changing attitude toward, 1720; for Chrysler bailout, 17579; context, 68, 3637; CPA targeted in, 15565, 165, 16772; for ERTA, 21315; failed methods in, 9192; fostered by specific debates, 2526; legacy of, 13, 25052, 25861; legal questions in, 2627, 28, 271n41; limits of, 200; obstacles to, 11213; outlook for 1980s, 2012; for regulatory reform, 18691, 199200. See also crisis of confidence; lobbyists and lobbying; pan-business mobilization; political action committees; Washington Representatives

politics: business constituency in, 45; changing terrain of, 24752; context of 1960s, 2025; contingent nature of business’s power in, 25661; Green Party, 19798; of inflation, 80, 11013, 116, 120, 13739; “pocketbook,” 5, 146; stagflation as reshaping, 13739; of wage-price controls, 11317. See also conservatism; Democratic Party; electoral politics; libertarianism; New Deal liberalism; regulatory reform politics; Republican Party; U.S. Congress

populism, 6, 25, 44. See also antibusiness bias; antistatism

Post, John, 39

postindustrialism: emergence of, 23238; free trade and, 24347; lobbying changes in, 24752; revitalization campaigns in response to, 23843

Powell, Lewis: memorandum of, 5860, 61, 63, 66, 68, 258, 277n33

Proctor & Gamble, 229

producers: consumers elided with, 17173; consumers vs., 14344. See also industrial corporations; manufacturing

Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO), 259

profitability and productivity: capital investments and debts in relation to, 2036; crisis of, 100, 18081; decline, 22223; defense of, 4042, 65; focus and rhetoric on, 3437; public criticism of, 40, 41; public education about, 68; taxation and export issues, 224; tax deductions and depreciation, 2068; wage-price controls and, 117, 12223, 285n29. See also crisis of confidence

Progressive Era: antimonopolist spirit in, 6; Chamber’s role in, 51; consumer groups in, 14445, 148; employers’ associations founded in, 47; labor-business battles in, 16, 18; Links Club founded in, 76; New Left and others’ critique of, 32; regulatory structures of, 31, 184

Prudential. See Beck, Robert

PSAs (public service announcements), 70, 71, 73, 151. See also advertising

publications: economic education, 6970; The Nation’s Business, 63, 66; PIC’s advertising, 96; “Tax Impact Report,” 205; workplace propaganda, 54. See also advertising

public choice theory, 231

Public Citizen (group), 148, 154, 159, 170, 171

public debates: business’s attempt to influence, 9394; framing issues in, 163, 16970, 17173, 208

Public Information Committee (PIC, Business Roundtable), 95, 96

public interest movement: on industrial policy, 241; legislation promoted by, 32, 3839; Nader’s concept of, 153; regulatory capture concerns of, 33, 57; regulatory focus of, 182, 183, 184, 191, 194; strategies of, 159. See also consumer protection movement; environmental protection movement

public opinion: difficulties of long-term changes in, 96; economic education’s limited impact on, 7173

—specific issues: business leaders’ and corporations’ ethics, 15, 3738, 39, 42; corporate taxes, 230; CPA, 16166; environmentalism, 19798; federal deficit, 22425; free enterprise system, 72; hostility toward business, 4042, 66, 149, 156; institutions, 17, 39, 166; labor unions, 259; military budget cuts, 215; Nader, 142; regulatory policies, 73; tax revolt, 20912; wage-price controls, 82, 116, 120, 122, 137. See also Watergate scandal

public policy: alleged antibusiness bias in, 1415; divisions over, 34; protecting people against business abuses, 32. See also regulatory policies; social regulations

public relations: anti-CPA actions, 16165, 165, 169, 170; central for Business Roundtable, 9697; “The Consumer Revolution” filmstrip, 149, 150; economic education via, 6871, 70; ERTA support, 213; failure of, 7173; federal deficit concerns, 22425; inflation and wage-price controls, 111, 115, 12326; organization of, 6364; over-regulation decried in, 183; PIC’s proposal for, 96; regulatory reform campaign, 18889, 190; revive/rebuild programs, 24041; taxation issues, 205; television programs, 6869, 111; Washington Representatives’ concerns about CEOs and, 9394. See also advertising

Public Relations Journal, 6465

public service announcements (PSAs), 70, 71, 73, 151. See also advertising

Public Utilities Holding Company Act (1935), 9

Pure Food and Drug Act (1906), 145

race and racism, 267n4

Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act (1976), 185

Raynes, Burt, 40

Read, Leonard, 67

Reader’s Digest, 96, 16364, 22425

Reagan, Ronald: ABC’s relations with, 234; anti-CPA ORC poll and, 16263, 167; antilabor, pro-business campaign of, 72, 127; big government critique of, 169, 192; conservatism of, 5, 18; economic policies, 40, 172, 179; election, 202; military spending under, 215; PATCO confrontation of, 259; personal lobbying by, 220; reelection, 196, 221; regulatory reform under, 19296, 200; tax and budget policies of, 206, 210, 21112, 21516, 22126, 300301n17, 303n41; Tax Reform Act signed, 22930; trade policy, 24344. See also Deficit Reduction Act; Economic Recovery Tax Act; Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act

Reaganomics: coining of, 302n28; ERTA as, 21215; legacy of, 228; TEFRA as, 21620

real estate sector, 136, 223, 256

Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), 145, 242

Regan, Donald, 21718

regulatory capture: business’s view, 155; Nader’s concept, 153, 167, 168, 182, 184, 189; reformers’ confrontation of, 33, 57

Regulatory Flexibility Act (1980), 191

regulatory policies: antiregulatory efforts in historical context, 1617; business animus toward, 18283, 183; business’s failure to stop, 17980; Chrysler as victim of over reaching, 17679, 181; command-and-control type, 33, 64, 69, 198; cost-benefit analysis required, 18183, 19394; costs for corporations, 18889, 29798n41; declining support for, 14243; health insurance and pharmaceutical regulation, 26; industrialization’s impact on, 14445; legal challenges to, 61; private interests as served by, 18485; producer vs. consumer interests in, 14344; public opinion of, 73; “rights-consciousness” as influence, 2021; “simple and clear” executive order for, 18788; structural reconfiguration of, 3137. See also Consumer Protection Agency; regulatory reform politics; social regulations

regulatory reform politics: business’s limitations in, 17980; corporate campaign for, 18691, 199200; deregulation drive in, 18486; economic and political context, 18084; legacy of, 260; in post-crisis context, 19699; Reagan’s commitment to, 19296; revive/rebuild programs and, 24041

Regulatory Relief Task Force, 193, 194, 195, 196

Reich, Robert, 241

“Remember the Future” (school program), 69

Republican Party: congressional majorities, 53, 212; consumer agency in platform, 149; cronyism and corruption exposed, 167; in disrepute due to Watergate, 12425; health care debates, 258; rightward shift, 48; setback in 1970 elections, 106. See also electoral politics; U.S. Congress; and specific leaders

Republic Steel, 24, 115

retail sector, 135, 257. See also consumerism and consumers

Reuther, Walter, 44, 53

Revenue Acts: 1940, 207; 1978, 302n34

revenue neutrality concept, 225, 230

RFC (Reconstruction Finance Corporation), 145, 242

Ribicoff, Abraham, 152

Riccardo, John, 175

Richmond Times-Dispatch, 165

“right-to-work” clause, 19, 53, 67, 7980, 259

R. J. Reynolds Corporation, 158

Rockefeller, John D., 301n18

Rockefeller, Nelson, 22, 25

Roderick, David M., 19798

Rodgers, Daniel, 45, 232

“Roger’s Roundtable.” See Construction Users’ Anti-Inflation Roundtable

Romney, George, 257

Romney, Mitt, 12, 4, 257

Roosevelt, Franklin D.: BAC formed by, 2223; consumers and policy regime of, 14546; corporate liberalism and, 52; elitism charged against, 42; liberal coalition of, 6. See also New Deal

Roosevelt, Theodore, 51

Roper, Daniel, 22

Rostenkowski, Dan, 214, 245

Roth, William, 21011, 301n20

Roundtable. See Business Roundtable

Round Table of European Industrialists, 244, 252

Rowan, Hobart, 21

“RW80D,” 155

Salinas, Carlos, 244

Saturday Night Live (television program), 14042, 144

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 22, 92

Schmidt, Helmut, 138

schools. See economic education

Sears, Roebuck, 128

Securities and Exchange Commission, 31, 154

Seibert, Donald, 135

self-interest, 75

service sector: lobbyist of (see American Business Conference); rise of, 19697, 224, 23436

Shapiro, Irving, 129, 132, 18283, 187, 233

Shumway, Ritter F., 150

Sigler, Andrew, 23738

Silk, Leonard, 1516, 17, 42, 43, 44, 45

Simon, William, 177

Sinclair, Upton, 144

small business: big business vs., 6; Chamber as voice of, 47, 51, 21314; differential impact of regulations on, 160, 162, 187, 19091; labor issues for, 12728; lobbying by, 15657; tax issues for, 2078, 214, 217. See also corporations

Smith, Adam, 67

Smith, Charles, 12122

Smith, Roger, 230

Smith-Connally Act (1943), 26

socialism: elites accused of, 44; irrelevance of question, 72; New Deal as, 16, 17, 52; rhetoric on, 6667, 71, 74, 154

social movements: civil rights, 48; consumerism linked to, 14950; replaced by “Me Decade,” 3940. See also consumer protection movement; environmental protection movement; public interest movement

social programs: call to cut spending on, 22226; continuing debates over, 261; Great Society spending on, 25, 79. See also health care

social regulations: administrative functions and, 17, 57; business animus toward, 3031, 18283, 183; business’s case against costs of, 3537, 36; corporate compliance burdens under, 3234, 2034; deregulation of, 18486; as evidence of cultural turn, 3745; key agencies of, 196; as protecting people against business abuses, 32. See also regulatory policies

Social Security Act (1935): amendments (1965) to, 26, 79, 271n36; call to cut spending on program, 222; opposition to, 1819, 23, 52

Soutar, Doug, 79

special interests. See interest groups

Spencer, Edson, 244

Spivak, Lawrence, 97

Springs Industries, 246

stagflation: “pocketbook politics” and, 5, 146; politics reshaped by, 13739. See also inflation

states. See local user groups; “right-to-work” clause

steel industry: “crisis” of 1962 and Kennedy’s handling, 2324, 85; foreign competition in, 238

Stein, Herbert, 119

Stigler, George, 184

Stockman, David A., 209, 21011, 260, 300301n17, 301n23

Students in Free Enterprise, 67

Swope, Gerard, 52, 88

Sybron, Inc., 149

Sydnor, Eugene, 58, 59, 60, 71

Taft, Robert, 18

Taft, William, 5051

Taft-Hartley Act (1947): debates over, 67; failure to repeal 14(b), 7980; invoked in current debates, 259; labor’s attempts to amend, 12829; labor structure affected by, 5354; passage, 19. See also National Labor Relations Act; “right-to-work” clause

Tarbell, Ida, 144

Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA, 1982): ABC’s support for, 234; balanced budget amendment and, 223; components, 21617; debates over, 21720, 227; economic context, 21516; limited effects, 221; passage, 220

taxes and taxation: 510-10 (Kemp-Roth) model for cuts, 21415, 302n34; 1053 model for depreciation, 2078, 21012, 213, 214, 215, 217, 22324, 229, 240; business leaders’ divisions over, 21920, 221, 224, 22628, 23032; capital accumulation movement and, 2068; capital investments and corporate debts in relation to, 2036, 230; continuing debates on, 26061; corporate arguments about, 205, 2056, 22728; depreciation and deductions in, 2068, 227; economic recovery and, 22126; electoral politics and, 12; inflation as, 111; loopholes and exemptions in, 216, 230; March Group committee on, 93; Reagan’s call for cuts, 192, 193, 194; Reagan’s hikes in, 21620; revenue-neutral reform to code, 225, 230; simplification of code, 22930; supply-side ideas about, 20812; of windfall profits, 68. See also antitax movement; Deficit Reduction Act; Economic Recovery Tax Act; federal budget; Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act; Tax Reform Act

Tax Reform Act (1986), 225, 22932

Teamsters Union, 117, 120

Tea Party Movement, 3, 256, 258

technology sector: advances in, 3637, 44, 18586, 239; Business Roundtable members of, 257; as competition with older manufacturing, 24041, 256, 257; consumers and, 146; investments in, 204; rise of, 99, 224, 235

Teeter, Robert M., 39, 166

TEFRA. See Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act

Teles, Steven, 5960

Texaco, 21718

thalidomide, 26, 148

Thatcher, Margaret, 199

Thayer, W. Paul, 219

think tanks. See policy institutes; and specific institutes

Thomas, Frank, 128

Thomas, O. Pendleton, 167

Tillman Act (1907), 10, 26, 255

Time magazine, 114

Timken Company. See Markley, Herbert

Timmons, William, 249

tobacco industry, 15758, 250

Townsend, Lynn, 175

Toyota, 174

Tozzi, Jim, 195

trade: deficits, 34, 180, 22223, 304n56; protections, manufacturers’ interest in, 4950. See also free market; free trade; global economy

trade associations: accommodationist stance of some, 1920; concept and function, 7; expanded number, 248. See also specific organizations

trade unions. See labor unions

Treasury Department, 2058, 223. See also federal budget

Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), 257

Trowbridge, Alexander “Sandy,” 15, 206, 214, 23841

Truman, Harry, 19, 2324, 53

Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819), 15253

TRW, 233

unemployment: construction industry, 83; corporate social responsibility in relation to, 65; crisis of confidence linked to, 16; inflation in relation to, 11012; production location changes, 22223; in recession of 1975, 180

United Airlines, 156

United Auto Workers, 129. See also Reuther, Walter

United States Steel Corporation, 24, 77, 83, 85, 197, 229. See also Blough, Roger; Larry, R. Heath; Roderick, David M.

United Steelworkers, 24, 85

Universal Oil Products Company of Illinois, 35

universities and colleges, 67, 6970. See also elites

Unsafe at Any Speed (Nader), 38, 148, 260

Uruguay Round, 244

USA-NAFTA Coalition (Coalition for Trade Expansion), 245

U.S. Chamber of Commerce: ABC compared, 234; “Business-Consumer Relations Code” of, 150; committees of, 58, 60, 7273; current status, 257; depression-era attitudes and positions, 5152; economist of, 35; founding, 47, 5051; headquarters, 63, 106; limits of, 19, 91, 1089; membership numbers, 51, 52, 58, 63; merger with NAM proposed and rejected, 4648; outlook for, 2012; Reagan’s outreach to, 221; reorganization, 4849, 58, 6066, 7475, 98; right-wing radicalism and declining power of, 54, 55; significance of, 3, 7; staff reduction of, 233; as voice of business, 47, 51, 21314; voluntary restraint requested of, 13334, 13536. See also Business-Industry Political Action Committee; Citizen’s Choice; Construction Users’ Anti-Inflation Roundtable; National Chamber Alliance for Politics; National Chamber Foundation; National Chamber Litigation Center; The Nation’s Business

—conferences: College-Business, 6970; Construction Problems, 8384; National Affairs, 10610; Union Power at Annual Meeting, 112

—specific issues: antilabor efforts, 5254; anti–New Deal efforts, 1819; business closures, 36; common situs picketing, 12728; consumerism, 149, 150, 151; corporate profits, 41; CPA, 155, 156, 157, 16162; DEFRA, 223; deregulation, 185; ERTA, 21314; full employment bill, 131; health care, 258; industrial policy, 24243; industrial revitalization, 24041; inflation, 111, 12526; labor law reform, 12830; NAFTA, 245; Powell Memorandum, 5860, 61, 63, 68; public education and outreach efforts, 6671, 70; regulatory relief bill, 194; tax reform, 2078, 229, 230; TEFRA, 21819; wage-price controls, 114, 115, 118, 120, 12122, 123

U.S. Congress: Chamber’s call for “inflation-proof,” 12526; changing composition of, 17, 27, 3738, 48, 248; Democratic majorities, 53, 79, 126, 130, 157, 195; domestic policy increasingly influenced by, 12425; economic role of, 92, 9899; information overload for, 9; passing vs. stopping bills in, 155, 200; Republican majorities, 53, 212. See also electoral politics; federal budget

—debates and bills: capital accumulation, 2068; Chrysler bailout, 175, 17778; common situs picketing, 12728; consumer protection, 26, 32, 148; corporate takeover issues, 23738; CPA, 15660, 16465, 16671, 292n45, 294n86; deficit reduction, 226; DEFRA, 22324; ERTA, 21415; full employment bill, 13032, 287n76; health care, 258; Kemp-Roth, 21012, 301n20; Kennedy/Johnson tax cut, 209; labor law reform, 12830; lobbying regulations, 910; NAFTA, 24547; regulatory reform, 18891, 19395; stimulus packages, 1089, 257; TEFRA, 218, 21920, 221; wage-price controls, 11415, 118, 12123. See also specific acts

U.S. Constitution, First Amendment, 8

users: use of term, 84. See also Construction Users’ Anti-Inflation Roundtable; local user groups

U.S. News and World Reports, 72

U.S. Supreme Court: on political donations, 10, 25556; steel nationalization halted by, 2324

Vallis, Wayne, 234

Venema, Pete, 35

Verne, Jules, 155

Vietnam War, 25, 68, 166

Viguerie, Richard, 5, 58

Vogel, David, 1516, 17, 20, 42, 43, 44, 199

Volcker, Paul, 137, 202, 221

voluntarism, 13335, 19798

Volvo, 244, 252

Voting Rights Act (1965), 79

Wachovia Bank, 115

wage-price controls: aftermath of, 13739; argument and legislation for, 11314; business’s acceptance of, 11517; business’s turn against, 11823; debates over, 1067, 10810, 118; demise, 12224, 132, 13637; details, 1078; historical context, 113, 120; implementation and phases, 82, 86, 106, 11415, 117, 11921; politics of inflation and, 11013, 13739; “voluntary,” under Carter, 13336. See also economic policies; Economic Stabilization Program

wages, 82, 8384, 89, 116, 131

Wagner Act (1935). See National Labor Relations Act

Walker, Charls E., 22932, 234, 238, 249

Wall, Wendy L., 26869n6

Wall Street, 6, 256. See also corporations; financial sector

Wall Street Journal, 4243, 210, 23031

Wanniski, Jude, 5, 210, 211

Warren, Elizabeth, 260

Washington Post, 59, 124, 125, 164, 240

Washington Representatives: business’s continued reliance on, 2930, 248; CEOs’ involvement with, 9293; changing situation and inefficacy of, 27, 3031; CPA targeted by, 155; described, 11; limits of, 91; regulatory relief bill and, 194. See also direct lobbying

“Watergate babies,” 17, 126, 161, 16768, 172

Watergate scandal: business’s avoidance of, 5; domestic policy in context of, 121, 137; exposé, 68; Nixon and, 121, 137, 161; political parties after, 12425, 130, 16668, 201; public confidence impacted by, 17, 37, 40, 64, 142, 161, 166, 186

Watt, James, 19596

Weather Underground, 150

Weidenbaum, Murray, 224, 29798n41

Weinberg, Sidney, 30

Weinberger, Caspar, 119

Welch, Jack, 220, 236

Welch, Robert, 55

“Whip Inflation Now” (WIN) slogan, 181

Whittaker Corporation, 193

Wiebe, Robert, 51

Wilhelm, Ross, 13031

Willkie, Wendell, 1

Wilson, Woodrow, 51

Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act (1894), 49

Wolfe, Tom, 39

Wood, Richard, 18889, 190

Woodward, Bob, 68

workplace safety: health and, 6465, 145, 150, 164, 182, 187, 203; historical context of, 3739. See also labor organizing and labor power; Occupational Safety and Health Administration

World Trade Organization, 244

World War II: business-government relations in aftermath, 1821, 29, 5253; consumerism after, 3940; cost of constructing factories in, 207; governmental growth after, 9; price controls during, 113

Wriston, Walter, 120, 181

Yankelovitch, Daniel, 3738

Yom Kippur War (1973), 121

Young, John, 157

Young, Owen, 88

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