





‘A Swarm of Living Robjects Around Us’ 74
Aarts, E. 72
Abbot, E. A. 83
academic publishing: Google Books 117; online 91; sharing 127, 137n5
accelerometers 62
activist groups/political movements 96
advertising: funding from 1312; Google and 117; information screens 12, 645
Ageh, T. 5, 6, 7, 13, 126, 2267
Airbnb 128
algorithms: bias 165, 168, 170, 175, 176, 177; CCTV data 1578; data harvesting/mining 145; discrimination 179; face recognition 1589; Google knowledge vault 174; privacy maintenance 160; smart cities 923
Aliaga, D. G. 623, 64
Allan, A. 145
Amazon: Alexa 224; buying CDs from 122; cloud services 127; deleted users’ books 120; intentional bias 169; Kindle book covers 136; Mechanical Turk 62, 128; Prime 121; transactional archive 15
ambient awareness/intimacy 1013
American Gods 130
Andrews, A. 856, 100
anonymity 105, 141, 1434, 154 see also privacy
anticipatory computing see pervasive computing
Apple: AirPod 64; iPhones and privacy 145; iTunes 120, 136; Siri 188, 202, 209, 224; smartphone development 219; transparent technology 224; watch 135
Arab Spring 96
architecture in cyberspace 58
‘Archive of Our Own’ website 17
archives: BBC’s 5, 6, 11617, 128, 2267; bias and 175; digital public space and 14; externalisation of memory 88; four categories of 1517; futures of 18994; sharing 7; spatial metaphors 54; Tyne and Wear 1712
arphids 212
Artemis 200
artificial intelligence 206; ethical considerations 204; existing technology 202; IBM’s ‘Watson’ 190; Iron Man 205; superintelligence 209
Atluri. V. 160
audience, actual/perceived 10
audio cassettes 120, 1224
augmented reality 12, 627; bias and 213; fully augmented mind 205; games 200; sound as 2001; soundscapes 64 see also Google Glass
Australopithecines 29
‘AutoRip’ (Amazon) 122
avatars 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62
Awakening project 656
Ayalon, O. 153, 194


‘Babel’ effect 94
‘backchannels’ 12
Bakardjieva, M. 105
Bakioglu, B. S. 57
Balkan, A. 160
Balsamo, A. 46, 64, 91, 94, 209, 227, 229, 231
Banks, I. M. 203
barcodes 689
BBC: Big Screens 64; Digital Public Space project 57, 13, 117, 126, 189; funding of 116; iPlayer 15; lost programme tapes 193; Physical Playlist project 1224; red button 22; Scrubbables 128; sharing and collaboration 2267; World Service 11617
Beam telepresence robot 61
Beer, D. 15, 16
Being John Malkovich 18
Ben-Ze’ev, A. 105
Bendell, J. 134
Benkler, Y. 11, 94, 125, 127, 210
BFI 5, 6
bias 16584; augmented reality and 213; connected environments 213; consequences of 16870; design and 225; future challenges 213; Google Books and 118; health data and 190; maps and 1658; missing information 1756; Open Planning project (case study) 1801; political tool/propaganda 179; power of 170; social 1769; as a tool 17982; truth in digital public space 1724 see also perception bias
big data 92, 106, 135, 145, 168
Binder, J. 103, 104
Biobank 190
biotechnology 197, 203
biots 70, 196, 198, 230
Bitcoin 134, 150
BitLogic 122
Blizzard Entertainment 57, 116
blogging and microblogging 11, 14, 15, 96, 101, 2067, 226
blood data visualisation (case study) 1489
body language 59, 61
Booth, P. 94, 206, 226
Botfighters 67
botnets, internet of things 202
boyd, d. 10, 12, 43, 100, 142
brain: adding digital storage to 196; changes in function 195; neuroplasticity 401, 445, 90; sensory experience and 415; size of 2931, 39, 96
Bridle, J. 9
British Library 6
British Museum 6, 117
Brody, N. 6, 845
Brooks, D. 90
BT Cloud hotspots 86
bulletin boards 100
bullying and abuse 105
Burrows, R. 15, 16
Bush, V. 867
businesses: collecting data 1415; remote working 601
Byrne, R. 31


Card, Stu 87, 90, 94, 173
Carr, N. 40, 91, 93, 117
Cart-load-o-fun 67
Castells, M. 86, 102, 165
CCTV cameras 15, 72, 106, 1578
CDs, Amazon ‘AutoRip’ 122
censorship 20 see also bias
Chabris, C. F. 42
Chambers, Paul 152, 155
change blindness 42
chat rooms 100
Chattr project 956, 136
cities 64; smart 923
Clark, A. 46, 53, 90, 223, 224, 230
cloud computing/services/storage 14, 82, 91, 127, 128, 129, 136, 144
co-design and co-creation, key principle 2312
codejects 69, 73
cognitive/behavioural information, use of in design 2237
cognitive surplus 92, 127, 206
Cohen, J. 46
Cold Sun 67
collaboration: case study 12930; collective knowledge base 92; information sharing 207; mapping 745; problem solving 206 see also crowdsourcing
collective intelligence 207
Commonwealth Saga books 205
Communications Act 152
communities 99104
comobility 83
compensation, Google Books and 117
connectedness 189, 2049
consensus, truth and bias 174
consent 150
contact lenses 12, 201
context: privacy and 1513, 211; public/private 910
cookies 144
Coolidge, F.L. 37
Cooper, R. 237
copyright 10, 11920, 121, 1247; Copyright Hub 1256; Creative Commons licensing 126, 135, 210; Google Books and 117; images 156; transformative works 125; You Tube 130
Coulton, P. 71, 77, 123, 230
Cousins, J. 89
Cowlishaw, T. 126
Crang, M. 22, 23, 101
Cranor, L. F. 135
Creative Exchange: ‘Blockanomics’ project 56; case study 1213; Chattr project 956; digital mementos 89; ‘discovery engine’ website 1712; invisibility project 159; Kendal Blood Data Visualisation project 1489; multidisciplinary design 221; Open Planning project 1801; Physical Playlist project 1224
crime: CCTV and privacy 1578; data protection 1434; Design against Crime 2325; PredPol 213
CRISPR 191, 197
crowdfunding 1323
crowdsourcing 1516, 92
culture: digital public space as next revolution 456; technology and 3941, 1958
currency: development of 11516; virtual 57, 1334
CV Dazzle project 158
cyberstalking 105


3D: cinema 59; Oculus Rift 43, 60, 199; printing 131, 202, 203
Dalton, B. 159
data: genetic code storage 191; harvesting/mining 1045, 145; storage centres 82; trails 106, 14350
DataFade 122
Davey, Alan 5
Davis, Marc 102
De Michelis, G. 222
de Ruiter, J. 98
de Souza e Silva, A. 67, 76
DeepMind 149
degradation 122
democratisation of information 945
design: beyond now 2301; and development process for digital public space 2369; Double Diamond process 2368; interactions 2223, 226; key principles for digital lives 2316; social responsibility 21920
Design Against Crime cycle 2323
Designing Culture 46
developing countries, internet populations 20
Dewey decimal system 6
digital divide 1923, 24
digital drawing 88
digital/internet banking 20, 22, 85 see also virtual currency
digital locker 18
digital mementos (case study) 89
‘digital mile’ project 18
digital paint 73
digital public space: definitions 234; what exists in 1418; who exists in 1823
Digital Rights Management (DRM) 119
DiMaggio, P. 100
Disney Infinity 67
display blindness 65
display screens 647
distributed ambient computing 734
distributed cognition 41, 206
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) 198, 202
distributed fabrication, ownership and 20910
distributed information sharing 18990
distributed self 208
distribution, new forms of 12831, 203
diversity/reactivity, environment-affecting technology 2034
DNA: storing data in 191; synthetic biology 197
Doctor Who 193, 196
Doctorow, C. 9, 158, 212
doctors: Blood Data visualisation (case study) 1489; medical monitoring 106; Medopad 190; telepresence and 61
Dodge, M. 54, 57, 69, 179
Donath, J. 59, 99, 229
Double Diamond, design and development process 2368
Dourish, P. 222
Downey, S. 55, 56
Dowthwaite, L. 132
Dropbox 129, 144
Duane, D. 95, 211
Dunbar, R. 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 96
Dunbar’s number 97, 98
Dunne, A. 1889
Dyson 219


eBooks 120, 122, 133, 169
eduroam network 86
Ehn, P. 222
emails: collaborative creation 129; design beyond now 2301; employee/employer 76; privacy and 142, 143, 144, 151, 160
embodied cognition 43
embodied interaction 222
employers: emails and 76; monitoring social media profles 152; privacy and 147
encryption 10, 1434 see also privacy
environment: designing for 22930; physicality of interactions 199204
‘epigenetic’ change 195
Estonia, e-residency 76
ethical questions: design teams 236; environment-affecting technology 2034; gene editing 197; health data 190; internet of things 202; National Health Service data usage 149; ownership and transformative material 1256; social media sharing information 1516
Europeana 7, 9
Evans, J. A. 91
Evers, S. 155
evolutionary history 2831, 1958
extelligence 46, 913, 206
extreme body modifcations, privacy and 151
Eynon, R. 21


fabrication, 3D printing and 203
face recognition technology 1589
Facebook: algorithms and bias 176, 177; archive of everyday 15; content ownership 134, 210; data analysis 145; different faces to different groups 1034; groups 10, 15, 100; multidisciplinary teams 221; news feed 102; number of friends 97; privacy 151, 152, 1534; pseudonyms 1045; social connectedness and 31; social relationships 98; unconsenting participants on 155; volume of data 91
‘fair use’ 119, 125
fandom 95, 1245
fanfiction 17, 94, 125
Featherstone, M. 14, 206
film piracy 120
filter bubble 1767
‘Findface’ 158
Fischer, G. 41
Fitbit 14, 72, 135, 147
Flatland 83
Flickr 14, 126, 127, 135
flight simulation 54
Floridi, L. 86, 198, 220
Foldit 92, 128
Forsythe, C. 196
forums: privacy and 151; type of archive 15; Usenet 178
forward thinking 33, 35
fossil record 289
Friends Reunited 98
Fritsch, M. 156
future-proofing 192


Gaden, G. 105
Gaiman, N. 130
gait recognition 158, 212
Gall-Peters projection 167
games 37, 556, 57, 589, 623, 67, 92; physical digital 2001, 210; virtual currency and 1334
Garfield, S. 55, 74, 75, 87, 132, 145, 166, 167
Garner, J. 200
gene editing 197
genetic code, data storage and 191
‘geography’ of digital public space 548, 813
Ghena, B. 93
Gibson, K. 34
Gibson, W. 11
Gmail, privacy and 1445, 151, 160
Gonçalves, B. 97
Goodman, M. 141
Google: advertising and 117; Contributor service 1312; Cultural Institute 7, 9, 117; data storage centres 82; DeepMind 149; Docs 12930, 230; Drive 128; Hangouts 61; image search 124; information overload 93; Knowledge Vault 174; multidisciplinary teams 221; ‘Nest’ thermostat 912; ownership of data 149; Print/Books 11718; pseudonyms. 1045; ‘right to be forgotten’ 17, 161; Scholar 1756; search engine and bias 165, 168; Voice 188
Google Glass 12, 634, 198, 200, 201, 225; privacy and 157
Google Maps 74, 91, 165; centred on location of user 106, 168; inaccuracies in navigation information 169; Me-mapping 106; personal 177; streetview cars 157
gorilla experiment 42
gossip, social media and 154
GPS 73, 74, 75, 91, 106, 145, 229
Gradinar, A. 71, 123
Grand Theft Auto 55
Granovetter, M.S. 99
graphene 203
Green, J. 46, 100
grooming, social interaction 97, 115
Gulotta, R. 122


Habermas, J. 11
Habitat 55
Hachette books 169
Hamilton, P. F. 205
Hampton, K. N. 99, 101
Harbisson, Neil 196
Hardman, I. 174
Harry Potter 75, 211
Hartevelt, M. 856, 100
Harvey, Adam 158
Hawkins, J. 36
Haythornthwaite, C. 100
headset technology 60 see also Google Glass; Oculus Rift
health data 18990; blood data visualisation project 148; digital footprint 106, 147; employer tracking devices 76; patient records and augmented reality 201; smart homes 70; use of Kinect 62; wearable devices 72, 147
Heinlein, Robert 199
Hello Lamp Post project 701
Helsper, E. J. 21
Henson, Jim 199
Her 209
Hess, A. 105
High Fidelity (virtual world) 60
Hillis, K. 88
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 188
Holland, J. 230
holodecks 60, 199
Hologoggles (Microsoft) 64
‘hologrammatic’ displays 189
Homo erectus 29, 30, 33, 34(tab.) 38(tab.)
Homo habilis 29, 34(tab.), 38(tab.)
Homo sapiens 29, 30
homophily 1767
Hongladarom, S. 208
Horng, Steven 201
human cognition 415, 96; augmentation 8691; cognitive surplus 913; distributed 206; physicality 534
human evolution and experience, futures of 1959
Hut, P. 57, 58
Hutchins, E. 88
hybrid digital/physical spaces 12, 22, 628; mobile devices 767; ownership 210; value in digital objects 1204


IBM (‘Watson’) 190
Ikegami, E. 57, 58
IMAX screens 59
Imperial Radch (book series) 208 160
‘inforgs’ 198
information: appliances 2245; commodification of 1045; not static 934; overload 11, 93, 103; screens 12
Ingress 63
intellectual property: copyright 119; Linden Labs 57
intentionality 313, 35
interactive displays 645
interdisciplinarity, key design principle 231
internet 1823; banking 85; developing countries 20; number of users 19, 21; voting systems 76
internet of things 18, 6874, 77, 146, 189, 194, 198, 201, 2025; bias and 170; limits of computer technology 73
invention, human faculties of 35
Iron Man 189, 205
ISBN numbers 6
iTunes 15, 120, 136


Jacobs, N. 44
James, C. 125, 142, 151, 155
Jenkins, H. 94, 124, 125, 155, 207


Kanai, R. 97
Katz, J. E. 98
Kennedy, J.B. 84
Kickstarter 132, 133
Kinect (Microsoft game) 62
Kirsh, D. 53
Kitchin, R. 54, 57, 69
‘Knowledge Age’ 46
Kosinski, M. 105, 145
Koslowski, B. 84
Kuhn, S. 389
Kurzweil, R. 209
Kwan, Alan 14


Lai, C. H. 98
language 30, 369; spatial analogies 82, 84
large data sets 92; bias and 179
healthcare 190
laughter and jokes 36
Leckie, A. 208
Legilimency 211
Lerman, K. 177
Lessig, L. 119, 121, 125, 210
libraries 14; Google Books and 117
‘life simulation’/‘virtual social world’ 57
lifelogging 14, 15, 90, 193 see also memory/memories
Linden Labs 57, 58, 1334; ownership of digital items 116
Lindley, J.G. 229, 235
Lingel, J. 151
Little Brother (novel) 158, 212
Ljubič Fister, K. 191
location data 145; developing world 20; maps 745, 168; Northpaw device 445; privacy and 145
Lock In (book) 199
logjects 6970, 73, 1467
Lothian, A. 1945
loyalty cards 15, 106; data harvesting and 145


McIntyre, Michael 158
Magic Leap 64
Maglio, P. 53
Malafouris, L. 44
‘Malkovich Bias’ 1819
Manjoo, F. 174
Mann, Steve 63, 155
maps 745, 87, 106; bias and 1658; crowdfunding and 132; games and 55 see also Google Maps
Marzano, S. 72, 209
mashup songs and videos 16, 94, 125
Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games (MMORPGs) 11, 55, 92
material engagement theory 44
Matrix, The 189, 193
Mayer-Schonberger, V. 211
McCaffrey, A. 200
McCarthy, J. F. 12
McDonald, A. M. 135
Mechanical Turk 62, 128
MedAfrica 20
Medopad 190
Meier, P. 75
memes/viral videos 16, 124, 156
memex 867
memory/memories 1925; augmenting 8691; bias and 1756, 213; digital 1212; episodic 193; externalising 401; shared 1934; time-limited 194
Mercator Projection 1658
metadata 6, 7, 1516, 144, 145, 146, 150, 189
micropayments 128, 132, 133, 134
Microsoft: cloud services 127; Hologoggles 64; Kinect 62; map content dispute 169; right to be forgotten 161; TWAM archive 171
Minecraft 55, 58
Minkel, E. 103
Minority Report 189, 213
Mithen, S. 34, 38
mobile data access 86
mobile devices/phones 83, 84, 85; augmented reality 63, 645; backchannels 12; developing world 20; ‘hybrid spaces’ 767; location data 145; ownership 21, 23; text messages 1012; young people 21 see also smartphones
Moggridge, B. 67
MOOCs (Massively Open Online Courses) 206
Moore’s Law 73, 192
moral issues, key design principle 236 see also ethical questions
MUDs (multi user dungeons) 55
multi-user virtual environment (MUVE) 57
multidisciplinary teams, design and development process 2212, 2369
Mundie, C. 150
Murdock, G. 127
music: Physical Playlist 1224; playlist bias 170; value of digital object 1212 see also iTunes
Myerson, J. 76


names, online 1045 see also anonymity
nanobots 198, 199, 203
nanosensors 203
NASA 64, 131
National Theatre Live project 17, 95
Natural-Born Cyborgs 90, 223
Negroponte, Nicholas 20
‘Nest’ thermostat 912
net neutrality 179
Netflix 121
networks: health related devices 147; internet of things 1467; networked technology 82 see also social networks
Neuromancer 11
neuroplasticity of the brain 401, 445, 90
Nintendo Wii 62
Nissen, B. 89
‘non-rival’ goods 116
noosphere 208, 212
Norman, D. 223, 224, 228
Norman, K. L. 105
Northpaw system 445, 196
nudges 179


Obama, Barack (‘Hope’ campaign poster) 16
Oculus Rift 43, 60, 199
older people, internet use 21
One Laptop Per Child programme 20
online shops, search algorithms 170
Open Data movement 15
Open Planning project (case study) 1801
Open Rights Group 144
Ordnance Survey maps 167
ownership: digital spaces 11619; digital trails 14350; e-books 120; future challenges 20910; health data 190; shared memory and 194; social media 1346; transactions and 11516


Pacific Rim 200
Palmer, Amanda 121, 132
Pariser, E. 176
Parks and Recreation 189
passports 146
Patreon 133
payment, new forms of 1314
perception and reality 412
perception bias 657, 1801
permanence, privacy and 150, 1534
persistence 17; online discourse 21112; virtual worlds 56
Person of Interest 209
pervasive computing 6874, 2245; games 67
Pfeiffer, M. 1967
Phantom Terrains system 196
phygital games 67
Physical Playlist project 1224
physicality 5380; digitally enhanced systems 747; hybrid spaces 628; importance of 534; interactions 5862; pervasive computing 6874; tangibility 189, 199; virtual worlds 548
piracy, digital media 1201, 125
playlists, bias and 170
Playstation Hack 141
Pokemon Go 63, 200, 210
pollution: ubiquitous devices and 2023; visual 65
PostSecret 105, 154
Potter, N. 221
predictive technology 213
PredPol 213
Prehistory of Mind, The 35
Prensky, M. 21
printing press 45, 94
privacy: definition 1401; digital social spaces 1516; in digital space 1403; digital trails 14350; future challenges 21013; invisibility case study 159; maintenance of 1601; ‘right to be forgotten’ 17, 73, 161, 174; semi-consensual loss of 155; smart devices/objects 73; surveillance and data 15660; telepresence and 62; workers and 76
Privacy by Design 2335
private/public dichotomy 811
profiles, digital 1047
prosthetics 43, 59 see also telepresence
prosumer 94, 124
pseudonymity, digital profiles 104
Psychology of Everyday Things, The 228
pub quizzes 84
public shaming 156


QR codes 68
quantifed self 14, 15, 712, 90, 106, 135, 190
quantum computing 1912


Raby, F. 1889
Rapoport, M. 70
Reamde 92
recording devices: chatter project 136; sousveillance 1556 see also CCTV cameras
region locking 117, 121
Reichelt, L. 101
remixing see mashup songs and videos
RepRap 131
revolutions: cumulative culture 39; digital public space next cultural 456; GPS mapping 745; ‘Knowledge Age’ as 46
RFID (radio frequency identifcation) tagging 6870, 146, 196, 212, 230
Rheingold, H. 85, 92, 220
right to be forgotten 17, 73, 161, 174, 213
risk, failure of smart devices/objects 723
Roberts, A. 74
robots, telepresence 61, 62
Ronson, J. 153
Ross, P. 76
rubber hand illusion 43, 60
Rule 34 203
rumour and gossip 1723


Salinas, L. 96, 136, 180
Samaritans, tweet tracking app 147
sapience 209
satnav 73, 87
Scalzi, J. 199
scents/smells, ubiquitous devices 2023
Schmidt, E. 117
Schwartz, L. 56
science fiction 60, 734, 188, 196, 199200, 203, 205, 209, 230
Second Life 11, 57, 58, 59, 60, 116, 1334
secrecy, privacy and 154
security: cloud storage 1445; emails 142; Playstation Hack 141; risks in smart cities 93; through obscurity 10, 142
seeds, data storage and 191
Seife, C. 172
self-driving cars 73
Sense8 207
sentience 204, 209
serendipitous discovery 1702; lack of in Google Maps 177
Shallows, The 117
Shaping Things 69
sharing: behaviours 36; co-creation and 1248, 12930; design and 2257; digital content 11920, 121; events 12; experiences 936; FAQs 92; memories 1224; storytelling 55
Shaw, I.G.R. 57, 59
Shaw-Williams, K. 37
Ship Who Sang, The 200
Shirky, C. 92, 127
silk, biocompatible and conductive 196
Simons, D. J. 42
singularity: privacy and 21011; technological 2089
Six Million Dollar Man, The 196
Skylanders 67
Skype 60, 61
smart: buildings 202; cities 923; contact lenses 12; dust 73, 202; homes 70, 71; molecules 203; packaging 69; textiles 72; watches 712
Smarter Than You Think 41
smartphones 12, 23, 106; anticipatory mobile computing 71; bodiliy augmentation 1956; digital augmentation 90; ownership 21; privacy and 1556; transparent technology 224; using maps with 74; wearables and 712
SMS apps 20
Snapchat 17, 103, 179, 194
Snooper’s Charter 144, 212 1723, 174
Snow Crash 11, 54
social bias 1769
social capital 979
social constructions in digital space 846
social/cultural context, designing for 2289
social group size 969
social media: ambient intimacy 102; consumer feedback through 95; ownership and 210; personal profiles 1047, 152, 154
social networks, size online 978
Solove, D. J. 141, 156
Sommer, A. F. 237
sousveillance 1556
Southern, J. 83
souvenirs, personalised 89
space 1113
Spaceteam 200
Spacewar! 55
speculative design/design fiction 1889
spimes 70, 146, 198, 230
Spotify 121, 123, 124
Star Trek 188, 203, 208; holodeck 60, 199
Starner, Thad 878, 196
Stephenson, N. 11, 54, 92
Sterling, B. 35, 69, 146, 192, 194, 196, 2045, 230
Steuer, J. 601
Stevenson, S. 61
Stewart, I. 46
Stiner, M.C. 389
Stornetta, S. 230
storytelling 37; early virtual world 55; transmedia 189, 2067
Stout, D. 29, 30
streaming media services 121
street furniture 701
Stross, C. 203
Sturgeon’s law 94
subscription services, media streaming 121
supply chains 69, 146
surveillance 15660; digital trails 14350
Susen, S. 140
Sutherland, I.E. 59
Swain, F. 196
Sykes, C.J. 143, 153, 155
synthetic biology 197


Tate 6, 7
tattoos, organic circuitry 205
technology: cognition and 3941; tools and 346
technounits 34
‘Technoviking’ video 156
telepresence 602, 199
television: on demand 95; Perceptive Media project 71; time and location constraints 678
Tesla, Nikola 84
Tetris 53
text messages 20, 23, 1012
text-based collaborative games 55
Textual Poachers 125
‘The Space’ initiative 5
theory of mind 314
Thimm, C. 57
Thompson, Bill 5, 13
Thompson, C. 41, 102, 103
TILO project 43, 656
Toch, E. 153, 194
tools: key design principle for digital lives 2325; and technology 335; technology and design 2235
touch screens 645
Traces app 67
8track 123
traffic data 143; smart cities 923
transactional archives 15
transactive memory 41, 901
transformative works 125
transhumanism 197, 198
transparent technology 2235
Trov 18
truth, in digital public space 1724
Tumblr 98, 124, 210; loss of attribution 1734; privacy and 153
Twitter 12, 15, 89, 92, 97, 989, 102; bias and 177; hashtags 16; privacy and 1523; retweets 10, 99; ‘stolen’ tweets 173
Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums (TWAM) 1712


Uber 128
ubiquitous computing 70, 2012; extension of self 208
Ulam, Stanislaw 208
Ultrahaptics 64
Universal Credit 22
Usenet 92, 178
user agreements, privacy and 1356, 144, 145
User-Centred System Design: New Perspectives on Human Computer Interaction 228
users, designing for 2278
Ushahidi maps 75, 92, 127


Vaidya, J. 160
value, digital objects 1204
Verbücken, M. 72, 200
VGo telepresence robot 61
video calling technologies 61
video tapes 120
viewpoint or opinion archive 15
‘village’ model. 101
Vinge,V. 209
vinyl records 122, 130
virtual currency 57, 1334 see also Bitcoins
virtual reality/worlds 11, 548, 199; Oculus Rift 60; sensory feedback 59
Virtual Unreality 172
viruses/malware, biological brains and 211
visual illusions 412
von Neumann, Jon 208


Wal-Mart 146
waldoes 199
Warden, P. 145
Warwick, Kevin 196
Watkins, John Elfreth Jr 1878
wearable devices/technology 712, 89, 1956; privacy and 106, 147; self-ownership and 210
webcomics 132
Weise, S. 64, 225
Weiser, M. 70
Weizenbaum, J. 39, 74, 75
Wellman, B. 100
Whiten, A. 31
wifi 86, 118, 219; Phantom Terrains 196
Wikimedia Commons 126
Wikipedia 92, 93, 126, 127; bias and ‘edit wars’ 168; ownership of knowledge 210; sharing knowledge through 226; vulnerable to systemic bias 175
Wildermann, invisibility project 159
wireless communication, cultural change and 845 see also mobile devices/phones; smartphones
working memory 36
workplaces 756
World of Warcraft 11, 55, 57, 58, 92, 116
world wide web 21, 84, 87, 173, 219
writing 40, 41, 45, 82, 86, 88, 220
Wynn, T. 37


Xerox Palo Alto research centre 70


Yee, N. 59
young people: mobile device/internet use 21; One Laptop programme 20; privacy and 142, 151
Young Wizards 211
YouTube 91, 94, 124, 127; content sharing 130; Flattr 133; Technoviking video 156; unconsenting participants on 155


Zhou, W. X. 98
Zombies Run! 67
Zuckerberg, Mark 102
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