Chapter 4. Creating and Calling Subroutines

This chapter shows how to create and call subroutines in a script.

The topics covered in this chapter are as follows:

  • Show some simple subroutines.
  • Show more advanced routines.
  • Mention return codes again and how they work in scripts.

In the previous chapters we have seen mostly simple scripts that were not very complicated. Scripts can actually do a whole lot more which we are about to see.

First, let's start with a selection of simple but powerful scripts. These are mainly shown to give the reader an idea of just what can be done quickly with a script.

Clearing the screen

The tput clear terminal command can be used to clear the current command-line session. You could type tput clear all the time, but wouldn't just cls be nicer?

Here's a simple script that clears the current screen:

Chapter 4 - Script 1

# 5/8/2017
tput clear

Notice that this was so simple I didn't even bother to include a Usage message or return code. Remember, to make this a command on your system do this:

  • cd $HOME/bin
  • create/edit a file named cls
  • copy and paste the preceding code into this file
  • save the file
  • run chmod 755 cls

You can now type cls from any terminal (under that user) and your screen will clear. Try it.

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