Abdi-Noor, Sophia, 165

Abplanalp, Don, 178

Accenture, 165

Achieving the Dream program, 146

ACT (American College Testing), 33, 36–37

Adolescents, 12, 16, 99–100, 187

Adult development theory, 53, 55–57

Adult education and training, 5–6, 17–18, 166–167

Africa-America Institute (AAI), Transformational Leadership Program, xviii, 154, 155–169

African Development Bank, 154

African Leadership Academy, 34

Africa, 154–155. See also specific countries

Alliance for Strong Children and Families, 98, 101

Amato, Elizabeth, xvii, 84–87

American Association of Community Colleges, 146

American Board of Thoracic Surgeons, 23, 25

American College Testing (ACT), 33, 36–37

American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, 146, 147

American Statistical Association, 147

Americans with Disabilities Act, 64–65

Angula, Nahas, 154

Apprenticeship programs, 4, 170–182, 184, 193

Aramark, workforce development community partnerships of, xvii, 97–102

Assembly lines, 8

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), 72, 79, 80–81

Astute Technologies, 24

Austria, 190, 205

Barron’s Profile of American Colleges, 37

Bigombe, Betty, 154

Boeing, lifelong learning programs, xvii, 103–111, 212, 213

Bond, Horace Mann, 155

Boston Private Industry Council (PIC), 191–192

Boston University, 66

Brazil, education outcomes in, 20

Bressin, Josh, 113

Buschser, Marjorie, 49

Butler, Marleen, 175, 178

Cabot Oil and Gas, 173–174, 177, 179

California, 146, 185, 192–193

Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education (1917), 5

Career academies, 192–193

Career and technical education. See Vocational education and training

Career development, federal government’s investment in, 212

Career guidance services, 20

Cargill, 177, 179

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, developmental mathematics program, xvii, 142–153, 211

Carnevale, Anthony, 144

Carpenter, Mark, 180

Carper, Thomas, 119

Center on Education and the Workforce, 144

Chandaria School of Business, 157

Charter schools, 61

Chesapeake Energy, 177, 179

China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), 50

Cisco, 89–90, 210

Cisco Telepresence, 117

City University of New York, 144, 192

CiviCRM, 137

Claverack Electric, 180

Coca-Cola Africa Foundation, 157

Collaboration, 8, 9, 211, 213

College athletes, 88, 89, 90–91

College education, 7, 14, 15, 20, 184–186

College Summit, 34–35

Columbia University, 31, 50, 186

Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Education, 5

Communication, 8, 9, 211, 213

Community centers, partnership with Aramark, 97–102

Community college graduates, 68

Community College of Denver, FastStart program, 147

Community College Pathways (CCP) Networked Improvement Community (NIC), 144, 146, 147, 149–150

Community colleges, 68, 142–143. See also names of specific community colleges

Community context, of lifelong learning, 217, 220

Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA), 6

Computer science degree programs, women enrolled in, 113

Computing occupations, women employed in, 113

Content management systems, 24, 25, 26, 137

Continuing education, 20, 26. See also Lifelong learning programs

Coordinating agencies, role in lifelong learning programs, 210–213

Corporations, 27. See also specific corporations

Cote d’Ivoire, 154

“Country ownership” concept, of international development, 157, 166

Creativity, 8, 9, 211


medical, 214

occupational/professional, 189, 214

Swiss Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology program, 195–206

Critical thinking, 8, 9, 211

Cross-border skills policies, 18–19

Cyber risk security management, 116–117

Dangote, 169

David, George, 84

Davis, Alice, 172–173

Denmark, skills-oriented job training in, 16

De Sola, Isabel, 49

DesRosiers, Bill, 173–174, 177

Developmental/remedial education, in mathematics, 142–153

Disadvantaged youth, 6–7

Urban Youth Empowerment Program (UYEP) for, 131–141

Distance learning, 18, 72–73. See also Online degree programs

Doctoral programs, online, 74

Drupal web platform, 137

Education, 16, 20

4 C’s of, xii–xiii, 8–9, 211

Educational level, relationship to literacy and numeracy skills, 14–15

Egon Zehnder International Association of Leadership Potential, 53

Elk Lake Public Schools, Pennsylvania, 170–171

Emory University, Goizueta Business School, 157

Employers, investments in lifelong learning programs, 222

Employer-sponsored training, limitations of, 5

Employment protection policies, 19

English as a second language (ESL), 6

Enterprise Development Centers (EDCs), 158, 159, 160, 163

Esoda, Eric, 172

European Qualifications Framework, 205, 206

European Society for Thoracic Surgery, 26

European Union, 188, 205, 206

Europe, 188 See also specific countries

Farmer’s cooperatives, 156–157

FastStart program, 147

Federal government, 6–7. See also specific federal agencies and departments

Federation of Neighborhood Centers, Teens 4 Good program, 99–200

Fellowship Initiative. See JPMorgan Chase Foundation, The Fellowship Initiative

FIRST®, 104

“First chance” programs, xvii, 103–123, 180–182, 185–187, 191–192, 209, 212, 213, 215, 217–218, 220, 222

Fong, Bernadine Chuck, 146

Foothill College, 144, 146

Forbes, 113

Foucault, Michel, 156

Frontier Communications, 179

General equivalency diploma (GED), 6, 61, 132

Georgia, 185, 193

Georgia Tech, 94

Germany, 8, 16, 190, 205

GI Bill, 7

Gipson, Gayle, 176–177

Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, 46

Global Leadership Fellows Program (GLEP). See World Economic Forum, Global Leadership Fellows Program (GLEP)

Goizueta Business School, 157

Graduate programs, online, 72–82

Great Depression, secondary education during, 7

Green River Community College, Auburn, Washington, 105

Habitat for Humanity, 119

Hands-on training, 16, 210

Hansberry, Will Leo, 155

Harvard University Graduate School of Education, 56, 85

Pathways to Prosperity: Meeting the Challenge of Preparing Young Americans for the 21st Century, 184

Pathways to Prosperity Network, 185

Hasselbeck, Tim, 96

Health, relationship to literacy, 10–11

Heroes of Charity, 169

Higher Education Funding Council, 73

High-school athletes, 88–91

High-school dropouts

in Switzerland, 205

Urban Youth Empowerment Program (UYEP) for, 131–141

High schools, 7, 61, 187

Hispanics, literacy skills of, 15

Hogan Leadership Forecast Series, 54

Howard University, 155

Hugo, Marius, 49

IBM, Pathways in Technology Early College Through High School program, 192

IEEE Computer Magazine, 113

Illinois, Pathways to Prosperity Network, 185

Improvement science, applied to mathematics education, 144, 146, 149–152

Individual Training Accounts, 6–7

Industrialization, effect on workforce, 3–5

Information technology, 116–117, 189


Institute for Financial Analytics, 116, 118

Institute for Veterans and Military Families, 115, 116, 118

International development, “country ownership” concept of, 157, 166

International policies, for workers’ skills development, 18–19

International students, 18

Internships, 120–121

Jackson Community College, SMART Math program, 147

Japan, 8, 12, 13

Jobs for the Future, xviii, 185, 212. See also Pathways to Prosperity Network mission

Job skills. See Work-related skills

Job Training Partnership Act, 6

Job training. See also Vocational education and training

for the disadvantaged, 6–7

government funding for, 20

history of, 3–5

market for, 5–6

national policies for, 5–6

national programs for, 6–7

Joint Council on Thoracic Surgery Education, e-learning and surgical residency course, xvi, 22–26

JPMorgan Chase, university partnership-based technology education programs, xvii, 112–123

JPMorgan Chase Foundation, The Fellowship Initiative, xvi, 27–44

Kegan, Robert, 53, 55–57

Kenya, 154, 157, 165

Ki ThoughtBridge, 158

Knowledge economy, ix, 8

Labor costs, in developing countries, 8

Labor policy

in Germany, 7

in Japan, 7

for workforce development, 5–6

Labor unions, 4–5, 16, 19

Lackawanna College, 174

Laureate International Universities, 73, 79

Leadership, as lifetime learning program focus, 213

Leadership development programs

of Africa-America Institute, 154–169

of Boeing, 106–111

for high-school athletes, 91

of National Urban League, 131–141, 213

of World Economic Forum, 45–59

Leadership theory, integrated model of, 158

LEAD Global, 30

Leahy Clinic, 62

Learner-centric education, 216–217

Learning management system, for surgical residency program, 24

Levin, Henry, 186

Lifelong learning programs

coordinating agencies’ role in, 210–213

factors contributing to success of, 214–215, 214–218

funding, 214–215

implementation, 221, 223

needs assessment for, 220, 222–223

organizations’ investments in, 209

pilot phase, 221

planning of, 223

regional factors in, 219–220

stakeholders’ role in, 215, 216, 217

steps for development of, 219–221

Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, 155

Literacy, 10–16

London Business School, 50

London Summer Olympic Games, 100

Long Depression (1873), 3–4, 8–9

Lord’s Resistance Army, 154

Love On The Streets (LOTS) Charity Foundation, 164–165

Lowell General Hospital, Lowell, Massachusetts, 62–63

Lowry, Mary, 144–146

Low-skilled workers, employment status, 16

Lutheran Settlement House, Philadelphia, 99–100

Maathai, Wangari, 154

Manpower Development Training Act of 1962, 7

Manufacturing, ix, x, 3–4, 7–8

Mapes, Melissa, 176


community colleges in, 60. See also Middlesex Community College, lifelong learning programs

Pathways to Prosperity Network, 185

Massachusetts State University system, 67

Master’s degree programs, online, 72–82, 214

Mathematical Association of America, 147

Mathematics, developmental/remedial education programs in, 142–153

Mathematics skills, international comparison of, 12, 14

Matins, Felicia, 168–169

Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), 53

Mentoring, 33–34, 42–43, 52

in Urban Youth Empowerment Program (UYEP), 132, 136

in World Economic Forum Global Leadership Fellows Program, 51–52

Merrill Lynch, 89–90, 210

Microsoft, 89–90, 210

Middle-class lifestyle, 7

Middlesex Community College, lifelong learning programs, xvi, 60–71

Missouri, Pathways to Prosperity Network, 185

Mountain View High School, Pennsylvania, 180

Multinational companies, workforce for, 18

Namibia, 154

National Center for Academic Transformation, 147

National Center for Women and Information Technology, 113

National Collegiate Association (NCAA), 89

National Football League Player Engagement Program (NFLPE), xvii, 88–96

National Governors’ Association, 119

National Numeracy Network, 147

National policies, 18–19, 219–220

National Science Foundation, 113

National Urban League (NUL), xvii, 130, 131–141

Natural gas industry, 173–174, 177

Needs assessment, for lifelong learning programs, 220, 222–223

Netherlands, 187–190

New York City, vocational education and training in, 192

New York City Department of Education, 192

New York State, Pathways to Prosperity Network, 185

Nigeria, 154

Love On The Streets (LOTS) Charity Foundation, 164–165

So-Said Charity Home, 168–169

Nigerian Breweries, 169

Nongovernmental organization (NGOs) leaders, Transformational Leadership Program for, 154, 155–169

Nordic countries, vocational education and training in, 190

North Carolina Community College System, workforce development programs, xvi, 126–129

Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center (NEPIRC), 172

Northeastern University, 66

Northern Tier Industry and Education Consortium (NTIEC), xviii, 170–182, 213

Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management, 89

Notre Dame University, 89

Numeracy skills. See also Mathematics

international comparison of, 12, 14

Ohio, Pathways to Prosperity Network, 185

One-stop-shop approach, in lifelong learning, 6–7, 17–18, 64

Online degree programs

Joint Council on Thoracic Surgery, 22–26, 214, 215

plagiarism in, 79, 81

University of Liverpool, 72–82, 214

Open educational resources approach, 18

Open University, 73

Opportunity zones, 98–99

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Osram Sylvania, 180

Outtara, Alassane, 154

Pan-Atlantic University, Enterprise Development Centers (EDCs), 158, 159, 160, 163

Partnerships, for lifelong learning programs, xiv–xv, 209–221

Pathways in Technology (PTECH), 192

Pathways to Prosperity: Meeting the Challenge of Preparing Young Americans for the 21st Century (Harvard Graduate School of Education), 184

Pathways to Prosperity Network, 185–187

PDSA (plan-do-study-act) cycles, 151

Pennsylvania Department of Education, 170

Pennsylvania Workforce Investment Board, 179

regional career education partnerships (RCEPs), 179, 181

People’s Bank, 179

Perkins Act, 185

PersonalBrain content management system, 24, 25, 26

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, 6–7

PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), 12, 20, 186

Plagiarism, in online education, 79, 81

Poland, education outcomes in, 20

Political efficacy, relationship to literacy, 10–11

Porter, Donna, 180

Poverty reduction programs, “country ownership” model for, 157

Princeton Review, for ACT and SAT, 30, 33

Problem-solving skills, international comparison of, 14

Proctor & Gamble, partnership with Northern Tier Industry and Education Consortium (NTIEC), 170–182

Productive persistence principle, 147–148, 150–152

Professional development, market for, 5–6

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), 12, 20, 186

Public education, history of, 7

Qualifications systems

as educational system focus, 16

European Qualifications Framework, 205, 206

in Switzerland, 205

Raju, Vijay, 49

Ralls, Scott, xvi, 126–129

Ramp-Up Mathematics© program, 65, 67, 69, 70

Ravitch, Sharon, 160

Recession (2008), 8–9

Regional career education partnerships (RCEPs), 179, 181

Reichert, Michael, 160

Robinson, Fred, 180

Rochester Institute of Technology, Girlz Summer Camp, 119

Rogers, Rebecca, 166

Salem State University, 66

Sangosanya, Tolulope, 164–165

SAP, 192

SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test), 33, 36

School systems, role in lifelong learning, xiv–xv

Schwab, Klaus, 45

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines

Boeing program in, 104–105

shortage of students in, 113

Secondary education, 5, 7, 8, 14–15, 184–186. See also High schools

“Second chance” programs, 17, 61–62, 64–65, 93–95, 130–141, 142–153, 209, 217

Semi-skilled workers, 3–4, 7–8

Serfass, Richard, 170–171

Siemens, 177

Sire Power Select, 180

SMART Math program, 147

Smith, Minturn, 180

Smith-Hughes Act, 7

Society of Thoracic Surgeons, 25

“Soft skills,” as lifetime learning programs’ focus, 16, 109, 132, 137, 209, 213, 217

So-Said Charity Home, 168–169

South Africa, 34, 154

South Carolina, youth apprenticeship program, 193

South Georgia State College, 144

Sponsors for Education Opportunities (SEO), 30, 32

Stakeholders, in lifelong learning programs, 215, 216, 217

Stanford University, 89

Steve Harvey Mentoring Weekend, 33–34

Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts, 62, 65–66

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), 136

Surgical residency program, e-learning use in, 21, 22–26

Susquehanna County Career and Technology Center, 172–173

Swiss Economic Institute, 204

Swiss Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology, xviii, 195–206, 214

Switzerland, 16, 46, 187, 190, 196, 197, 205

Syracuse University, technology education partnership with JPMorgan Chase, xvii, 112–123

Talent Hunt, 169

Taylor Communications, 79

Technology, effect on access to lifetime learning, 214

Technology industry, skills required for, 8

Teens 4 Good program, 99–200

Temporary workers, 19, 20

Tennessee, 185, 193

Thoracic surgery residency program, e-learning use in, 21, 22–26

ThoughtBridge, Ki, 158

Trio program, 61, 65

Tulwo, Joshua R. K., 156–157

Turnover, of workers, 4, 19

Tuskegee airmen, 33–34

Tyler Memorial Hospital, Pennsylvania, 176–177

Uganda, 154

Under Armour, 90–91

Unemployed workers, federal job training programs for, 6–7

Unemployment, 10, 11, 187

Unilever, “Hygiene Pack,” 165

United States Agency for International Development (USAIDS), 164

United States Army, 89

United States Census Bureau, 98

United States Department of Labor, 98, 131, 192–193

United States International University (USIU), 156–164

United Technologies Corporation, Employee Scholar Program, xvi, 83–87

United Way, 89–90

University of Delaware, technology education partnership with JPMorgan Chase, xvii, 112–123, 209–210, 215

University of Liverpool, online degrees programs for professionals, xvii, 72–82, 214

University of Massachusetts, 62, 65–66, 67

Donohue Institute, 69

University of Massachusetts-Lowell, 66

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business, 50, 89, 91, 157, 210

University of Stellenbosch Business School-Executive Development, 158

University of Washington School of Medicine, e-learning and surgical residency course, 21, 22–26

Urban farms, 99–100

Urban League Program Data Management (PDM) Application, 137–138

Urban Youth Empowerment Program (UYEP). See National Urban League (NUL), Urban Youth Empowerment Program (UYEP)

Verrier, Edward, xviii, 21, 22–26

Vocational education and training, 7, 183–194

Volunteer activities, 10, 11

Wages, hourly, 10

Wei Wei Farmers’ Cooperative Society, 156–157

Wharton School of Business, 50, 89, 91, 157, 210

Why Not Sports, 91

Williams Pipeline, 177

Wisconsin, youth apprenticeship program, 193

Women, employed in computing occupations, 113

Womenkind Kenya, 165

Workforce development, 5–6, 64, 170–182, 222

Workforce Investment Act, 6–7, 179, 180–181

Workforce Investment Boards, 220

Work-related skills

4 C’s, 8, 9, 211

demand for, 12

hands-on training in, 16, 210

mismatch of, 19, 184–185

relationship to education, 4

for twenty-first century, 8

underutilization of, 19

World Bank, 154, 157

World Economic Forum (WEF), xvi, 45–59

World War I, 4

World War II, 7

Wyoming County (Pennsylvania) Community Health Foundation, 179–180

Yale University, 85

Young adults. See also Adolescents

entry into workforce, 20

Urban Youth Empowerment Program (UYEP) for, 131–141

Youth About Business (YAB), 30

Youth Career Connection, 192–193

Zeidner, Brian, 180

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