Data operations

We have already presented some of the most common methods you will use with DataShapes (for example, .peek()), and ways to filter the data based on the column value. Blaze has implemented many methods that make working with any data extremely easy.

In this section, we will review a host of other commonly used ways of working with data and methods associated with them. For those of you coming from pandas and/or SQL, we will provide a respective syntax where equivalents exist.

Accessing columns

There are two ways of accessing columns: you can get a single column at a time by accessing them as if they were a DataShape attribute:


The preceding script produces the following output:

Accessing columns

You can also use indexing that allows the selection of more than one column at a time:

(traffic[['Location', 'Year', 'Accident', 'Fatal', 'Alcohol']]

This generates the following output:

Accessing columns

The preceding syntax would be the same for pandas DataFrames. For those of you unfamiliar with Python and pandas API, please note three things here:

  1. To specify multiple columns, you need to enclose them in another list: note the double brackets [[ and ]].
  2. If the chain of all methods does not fit on one line (or you want to break the chain for better readability) you have two choices: either enclose the whole chain of methods in brackets (...) where the ... is the chain of all methods, or, before breaking into the new line, put the backslash character at the end of every line in the chain. We prefer the latter and will use that in our examples from now on.
  3. Note that the equivalent SQL code would be:
    SELECT *
    FROM traffic
    LIMIT 2

Symbolic transformations

The beauty of Blaze comes from the fact that it can operate symbolically. What this means is that you can specify transformations, filters, or other operations on your data and store them as object(s). You can then feed such object with almost any form of data conforming to the original schema, and Blaze will return the transformed data.

For example, let's select all the traffic violations that occurred in 2013, and return only the 'Arrest_Type', 'Color', and 'Charge` columns. First, if we could not reflect the schema from an already existing object, we would have to specify the schema manually. To do this, we will use the .symbol(...) method to achieve that; the first argument to the method specifies a symbolic name of the transformation (we prefer keeping it the same as the name of the object, but it can be anything), and the second argument is a long string that specifies the schema in a <column_name>: <column_type> fashion, separated by commas:

schema_example = bl.symbol('schema_exampl', 
                           '{id: int, name: string}')

Now, you could use the schema_example object and specify some transformations. However, since we already have an existing traffic dataset, we can reuse the schema by using traffic.dshape and specifying our transformations:

traffic_s = bl.symbol('traffic', traffic.dshape)
traffic_2013 = traffic_s[traffic_s['Stop_year'] == 2013][
    ['Stop_year', 'Arrest_Type','Color', 'Charge']

To present how this works, let's read the original dataset into pandas' DataFrame:

traffic_pd = pd.read_csv('../Data/TrafficViolations.csv')

Once read, we pass the dataset directly to the traffic_2013 object and perform the computation using the .compute(...) method of Blaze; the first argument to the method specifies the transformation object (ours is traffic_2013) and the second parameter is the data that the transformations are to be performed on:

bl.compute(traffic_2013, traffic_pd).head(2)

Here is the output of the preceding snippet:

Symbolic transformations

You can also pass a list of lists or a list of NumPy arrays. Here, we use the .values attribute of the DataFrame to access the underlying list of NumPy arrays that form the DataFrame:

bl.compute(traffic_2013, traffic_pd.values)[0:2]

This code will produce precisely what we would expect:

Symbolic transformations

Operations on columns

Blaze allows for easy mathematical operations to be done on numeric columns. All the traffic violations cited in the dataset occurred between 2013 and 2016. You can check that by getting all the distinct values for the Stop_year column using the .distinct() method. The .sort() method sorts the results in an ascending order:


The preceding code produces the following output table:

Operations on columns

An equivalent syntax for pandas would be as follows:


For SQL, use the following code:

FROM traffic

You can also make some mathematical transformations/arithmetic to the columns. Since all the traffic violations occurred after year 2000, we can subtract 2000 from the Stop_year column without losing any accuracy:

traffic['Stop_year'].head(2) - 2000

Here is what you should get in return:

Operations on columns

The same could be attained from pandas DataFrame with an identical syntax (assuming traffic was of pandas DataFrame type). For SQL, the equivalent would be:

SELECT Stop_year - 2000 AS Stop_year
FROM traffic

However, if you want to do some more complex mathematical operations (for example, log or pow) then you first need to use the one provided by Blaze (that, in the background, will translate your command to a suitable method from NumPy, math, or pandas).

For example, if you wanted to log-transform the Stop_year you need to use this code:


This will produce the following output:

Operations on columns

Reducing data

Some reduction methods are also available, such as .mean() (that calculates the average), .std (that calculates standard deviation), or .max() (that returns the maximum from the list). Executing the following code:


It will return the following output:

Reducing data

If you had a pandas DataFrame you can use the same syntax, whereas for SQL the same could be done with the following code:

SELECT MAX(Stop_year) AS Stop_year_max
FROM traffic

It is also quite easy to add more columns to your dataset. Say, you wanted to calculate the age of the car (in years) at the time when the violation occurred. First, you would take the Stop_year and subtract the Year of manufacture.

In the following code snippet, the first argument to the .transform(...) method is the DataShape, the transformation is to be performed on, and the other(s) would be a list of transformations.

traffic = bl.transform(traffic,
             Age_of_car = traffic.Stop_year - traffic.Year)


In the source code of the .transform(...) method such lists would be expressed as *args as you could specify more than one column to be created in one go. The *args argument to any method would take any number of subsequent arguments and treat it as if it was a list.

The above code produces the following table:

Reducing data

An equivalent operation in pandas could be attained through the following code:

traffic['Age_of_car'] = traffic.apply(
    lambda row: row.Stop_year - row.Year,
    axis = 1

For SQL you can use the following code:

    , Stop_year - Year AS Age_of_car
FROM traffic

If you wanted to calculate the average age of the car involved in a fatal traffic violation and count the number of occurrences, you can perform a group by operation using the .by(...) operation:['Fatal'], 
      Fatal_Count =traffic.Age_of_car.count()

The first argument to .by(...) specifies the column of the DataShape to perform the aggregation by, followed by a series of aggregations we want to get. In this example, we select the Age_of_car column and calculate an average and count the number of rows per each value of the 'Fatal' column.

The preceding script produces the following aggregation:

Reducing data

For pandas, an equivalent would be as follows:

        'Fatal_AvgAge': np.mean,
        'Fatal_Count':  np.count_nonzero

For SQL, it would be as follows:

    , AVG(Age_of_car)   AS Fatal_AvgAge
    , COUNT(Age_of_car) AS Fatal_Count
FROM traffic


Joining two DataShapes is straightforward as well. To present how this is done, although the same result could be attained differently, we first select all the traffic violations by violation type (the violation object) and the traffic violations involving belts (the belts object):

violation = traffic[
belts = traffic[

Now, we join the two objects on the six date and time columns.


The same effect could have been attained if we just simply selected the two columns: Violation_type and Belts in one go. However, this example is to show the mechanics of the .join(...) method, so bear with us.

The first argument to the .join(...) method is the first DataShape we want to join with, the second argument is the second DataShape, while the third argument can be either a single column or a list of columns to perform the join on:

violation_belts = bl.join(violation, belts, 

Once we have the full dataset in place, let's check how many traffic violations involved belts and what sort of punishment was issued to the driver:[['Violation_Type', 'Belts']],
).sort('Violation_count', ascending=False)

Here's the output of the preceding script:


The same could be achieved in pandas with the following code:

        'Violation_count':  np.count_nonzero
    .sort('Violation_count', ascending=False)

With SQL, you would use the following snippet:

SELECT innerQuery.*
    SELECT a.Violation_type
        , b.Belts
        , COUNT() AS Violation_count
    FROM violation AS a
    INNER JOIN belts AS b
        ON      a.Stop_month = b.Stop_month
            AND a.Stop_day = b.Stop_day
            AND a.Stop_year = b.Stop_year
            AND a.Stop_hr = b.Stop_hr
            AND a.Stop_min = b.Stop_min
            AND a.Stop_sec = b.Stop_sec
    GROUP BY Violation_type
        , Belts
) AS innerQuery
ORDER BY Violation_count DESC
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