Deployment considerations

By this point, we have covered the architecture and the two different ways that you can deploy DSC in your environment. When choosing the deployment method, you should be aware of some additional considerations and observations that have come through experience of using DSC in production.

General observations

You will generally use the DSC push mode deployments to test new configurations or perform one-off configurations of servers. While you can use the push mode against several servers at once, you lose the benefits of the Pull Server.

Setting up a DSC Pull Server is the best option for a large set of nodes or environments that frequently build and destroy servers. It does have a significant learning curve in setting up the DSC resources and MOF files, but once done it is reliably repeatable without additional effort.

When using Pull Servers, each target node is assigned a configuration ID that is required to be unique and is expected to stay with that server for its lifetime. There is currently no built-in tracking of configuration IDs inside DSC or in the Pull Server, and there are no checks to avoid duplicate collisions. This is by design, as it allows greater deployment flexibility.

You can choose either to have a unique ID for every target node in your environment or to have one single ID for a group of systems. An example of sharing a configuration ID is a web farm that creates and destroys VMs based on demand during certain time periods. Since they all have the same configuration ID, they all get the same configuration with significantly less work on your part (not having to make multiple MOF files and maintain lists of IDs for temporary nodes).

Maintaining a list of used IDs and which targets they refer to is currently up to you. Some have used the active directory IDs for the target node as an identifier. This is awkward to support as often we are running configurations on target nodes before they are joined to an AD domain. We recommend using a GUID as an identifier and keeping the configuration data files where the node identifiers are kept: in a source control system.

LCM gotchas

The LCM service runs under the system account and so has high-privilege access to the system. However, the system account is not a user account, which causes trouble when you assume DSC can perform an action just like you did a moment ago. Common gotchas include accessing network file shares or accessing parts of the system that require user credentials. These will typically fail with a generic Access Denied, which will most likely lead you down the wrong path when troubleshooting. Unfortunately, the only way to know this beforehand is to hope that the DSC Resource or application you are executing documented the permissions they needed to run. Some DSC Resources have parameters that accept a PSCredential object for this very purpose, so be sure to inspect examples or the DSC Resource itself to find out how best to handle access permissions. Trial and error will prove things one way or the other for you here.

As described in the execution phase in The general workflow section, when first deploying using push or pull and trying out new configurations, or troubleshooting existing ones, the frequent executions often cause problems. If the configuration run is interrupted or stopped mid-run, a pending.mof file is often left in place. This signals to DSC either that a configuration is in flight or that something else occurred and it should not run. When you try to run another configuration, you get an error saying that a configuration is currently in flight. To solve this, you need to delete the pending.mof file before running the Update-DscConfiguration or Start-DscConfiguration -Force cmdlet.

Deployment mode differences

When used with a DSC Pull Server, the LCM does a lot of work for you. It will pull down the required DSC Resources for your DSC configuration file automatically, instead of you having to copy them there yourself. It will also report the status back to the Pull Server, so you can see the status of all your targets in one place.

When used in the push mode, the LCM does all the work of applying your DSC configuration file for you, but does not do as much when in the pull mode. It does not automatically download dependent DSC Resources for you.

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