B.2. Standard Modules

The following is a list of all Perl pragmas and modules included with the current Perl distribution (Version 5.004). The classification of the modules is admittedly arbitrary.

Table B.1. General Programming: Miscellaneous
autouseDefers loading of a module until it's used
constantCreates compile-time constants
BenchmarkChecks and compares running times of code
ConfigAccesses Perl configuration information
EnvImports environment variables
EnglishUses English or awk names for punctuation variables
FindBinFinds path of currently executing program
Getopt::LongExtended processing of command-line options
Getopt::StdProcesses single-character switches with switch clustering
libManipulates @INC at compile-time
ShellRuns shell commands transparently within Perl
strictRestricts unsafe constructs
SymbolGenerates anonymous globs; qualifies variable names
subsPredeclares subroutine names
varsPredeclares global variable names

Table B.2. General Programming: Error Handling and Logging
CarpGenerates error messages
diagnosticsForces verbose warning diagnostics
sigtrapEnables stack backtrace on unexpected signals
Sys::SyslogPerl interface to UNIX syslog (3) calls

Table B.3. General Programming: File Access and Handling
CwdGets pathname of current working directory
DirHandleSupplies object methods for directory handles
FcntlLoads the C Fcntl.h defines
File::BasenameParses file specifications
File::CheckTreeRuns many tests on a collection of files
File::CopyCopies files or filehandles
File::FindTraverses a file tree
File::PathCreates or removes a series of directories
FileCacheKeeps more files open than the system permits
FileHandleSupplies object methods for filehandles
SelectSaverSaves and restores selected filehandle

Table B.4. General Programming: Classes for I/O Operations
IOTop-level interface to IO::* classes
IO::FileObject methods for filehandles
IO::HandleObject methods for I/O handles
IO::PipeObject methods for pipes
IO::SeekableSeek-based methods for I/O objects
IO::SelectObject interface to select
IO::SocketObject interface to sockets

Table B.5. General Programming: Text Processing and Screen Interfaces
localeUses POSIX locales for built-in operations
Pod::HTMLConverts pod data to HTML
Pod::TextConverts pod data to formatted ASCII text
Search::DictSearches for key in dictionary file
Term::CapTermcap interface
Term::CompleteWord completion module
Text::AbbrevCreates an abbreviation table from a list
Text::ParseWordsParses text into an array of tokens
Text::SoundexImplements the Soundex Algorithm described by Knuth
Text::TabsExpands and unexpands tabs
Text::WrapWraps text into a paragraph

Table B.6. Database Interfaces
AnyDBM_FileProvides framework for multiple DBMs
DB_FileAccess to Berkeley DB
GDBM_FileTied access to GDBM library
NDBM_FileTied access to NDBM files
ODBM_FileTied access to ODBM files
SDBM_FileTied access to SDBM files

Table B.7. Mathematics
IntegerDoes arithmetic in integer instead of double
Math::BigFloatArbitrary-length, floating-point math package
Math::BigIntArbitrary-length integer math package
Math::ComplexComplex numbers package

Table B.8. The World Wide Web
CGIWeb server interface (Common Gateway Interface)
CGI::ApacheSupport for Apache's Perl module
CGI::CarpLog server errors with helpful context
CGI::FastSupport for FastCGI (persistent server process)
CGI::PushSupport for server push
CGI::SwitchSimple interface for multiple server types

Table B.9. Networking and Interprocess Communication
IPC::Open2Opens a process for both reading and writing
IPC::Open3Opens a process for reading, writing, and error handling
Net::PingChecks whether a host is online
SocketLoads the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
Sys::HostnameTries every conceivable way to get hostname

Table B.10. Automated Access to the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
CPANSimple interface to CPAN
CPAN::FirstTimeUtility for creating CPAN configuration file
CPAN::NoxRuns CPAN while avoiding compiled extensions

Table B.11. Time and Locale
Time::LocalEfficiently computes time from local and GMT time
I18N::CollateCompares 8-bit scalar data according to the current locale

Table B.12. Object Interfaces to Built-in Functions
Class::StructDeclares struct-like datatypes as Perl classes
File::statObject interface to stat function
Net::hostentObject interface to gethost* functions
Net::netentObject interface to getnet* functions
Net::protoentObject interface to getproto* functions
Net::serventObject interface to getserv* functions
Time::gmtimeObject interface to gmtime function
Time::localtimeObject interface to localtime function
Time::tmInternal object for Time::{gm,local}time
User::grentObject interface to getgr* functions
User::pwentObject interface to getpw* functions

Table B.13. For Developers: Autoloading and Dynamic Loading
AutoLoaderLoads functions only on demand
AutoSplitSplits a package for autoloading
Devel::SelfStubberGenerates stubs for a SelfLoading module
DynaLoaderAutomatic dynamic loading of Perl modules
SelfLoaderLoads functions only on demand

Table B.14. For Developers: Language Extensions/Platform Development Support
blibFinds blib directory structure during module builds
ExtUtils::EmbedUtilities for embedding Perl in C programs
ExtUtils::InstallInstalls files from here to there
ExtUtils::LiblistDetermines libraries to use and how to use them
ExtUtils::MakeMakerCreates a Makefile for a Perl extension
ExtUtils::ManifestUtilities to write and check a MANIFEST file
ExtUtils::MiniperlWrites the C code for perlmain.c
ExtUtils::MkbootstrapMakes a bootstrap file for use by DynaLoader
ExtUtils::MksymlistsWrites linker option files for dynamic extension
ExtUtils::MM_OS2Methods to override UNIX behavior in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils::MM_UnixMethods used by ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils::MM_VMSMethods to override UNIX behavior in ExtUtils::MakeMaker
ExtUtils::testlibFixes @INC to use just-built extension
OpcodeDisables opcodes when compiling Perl code
opsPragma for use with Opcode module
POSIXInterface to IEEE Std 1003.1
SafeCreates safe namespaces for evaluating Perl code
Test::HarnessRuns Perl standard test scripts with statistics
vmsishEnables VMS-specific features

Table B.15. For Developers: Object-Oriented Programming Support
ExporterDefault import method for modules
overloadOverloads Perl's mathematical operations
Tie::RefHashBase class for tied hashes with references as keys
Tie::HashBase class definitions for tied hashes
Tie::ScalarBase class definitions for tied scalars
Tie::StdHashBase class definitions for tied hashes
Tie::StdScalarBase class definitions for tied scalars
Tie::SubstrHashFixed-table-size, fixed-key-length hashing
UNIVERSALBase class for all classes

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