+ (addition operator), 48–49

+= (addition shorthand), 62

* (asterisk), importing all functions with, 241

/ (division operator), 58

/= (division shorthand), 62

"" (double quotation marks), for strings, 66

= (equal sign), assigning values to variables with, 28

== (equal to), 84

** (exponential operator), 60–61, 91–92

> (greater than), 88

>= (greater than or equal to), 89–90

# (hash mark), for comments, 35

< (less than), 88–89

<= (less than or equal to), 89–90

* (multiplication operator), 58

*= (multiplication shorthand), 62

!= (not equal to), 86–87

'' (single quotation marks), for strings, 66

[] (square brackets), for defining lists, 168

- (subtraction operator), 48

-= (subtraction shorthand), 62

""" (triple quotation marks), for docstrings, 152–153

2D lists, 208–213, 216

3D lists, 218–225


a (append permission), 233

addition operator (+), 48–49

shorthand (+=), 62

aliases, for modules, 241

and operator, 93

API (application programming interface), Minecraft Python

installing on Mac, 15

installing on Windows, 6

append permission (a), 233

append() function, 171–172

application programming interface. See API

arguments, 34, 147–148

line breaks in, 153

math operators in, 54–55

arrays. See lists

asterisk (*), importing all functions with, 241

attributes, 257. See also variables

accessing, 259–260

class, 271–273


block hits program, 180–182, 196–198

scoreboard, 192–194, 205–206


changing, 52–53, 138–139, 196–198

finding highest, 90

identifying, 85


cheat sheet, 283

finding by, 97–98, 186–187, 207–208

reminder program, 155–156

moving, 163–165

placing, 49, 55–56

by user input, 74–75

random, 160–161, 183

replacing, 173–174

stacking, 49–50

state, 158–159

wool, setting color by name, 158–159

Boolean operators. See logical operators

Boolean values, 82–83

break statements, 139, 207

building quickly, 55–57



persistent, 139–140

posting to, 67–68, 69–70

usernames, 72–73

cheat sheet, block IDs, 283

choice() function, 182

class attributes, 271–273. See also attributes, global variables

classes, 257–260, 273–274

close() function, 233–234, 247–248

color of wool blocks, setting by name, 158–159

command prompt, 21, 23–24

comments, 35, 152–153

comparators, 83–91, 104–105, 131–132

concatenation, 71–72, 83

conditions, 81, 104–105, 131–132

connecting to Minecraft, 34

constructor, 259

coordinates, 31–32

copying structures, 225–229, 242–246, 248–252

count variables, 124, 127–128

crater program, 105–106

curse program, 128–129


dance floor, generating, 135–137

data. See also files

storing with variables, 28

types, 31

debugging, 42–44

decimal values, 37–38

decrementing values, 128

def keyword, 146

del keyword, 172–173

delays, setting in programs, 39–40

dictionaries. See also shelve module

defining, 188–189


accessing, 189

adding, 191–192

changing, 191–192

deleting, 192

looping over, 205

readability, 205

diving contest program, 132–134

division operator (/), 58

shorthand (/=), 62

docstrings, 152–153

double quotation marks (""), for strings, 66

dump() function, 239–240


elif statements, 109–110, 112–113

else statements, 107, 141, 206–207

else-if statements. See elif statements

equal to (==), 84

equal sign (=), assigning values to variables with, 28


debugging, 42–44

handling, 76–78

index, 168–169

scope, 162

syntax, 30

type, 147–148, 154–155

exception handling, 76–78

exponential operator (**), 60–61, 91–92

expressions, 47–48


False (Boolean value), 82

files, 231–235

opening, 232–233, 247

reading, 234–235

saving, 233–234, 247–248

shelve module, using with, 247–248

writing to, 233–234

Flask module, 253–255. See also modules, pip

floats, 37–38

converting to strings, 71–72

flower trail, creating, 130–131

forest, building, 148–150

for loops, 195–196

with dictionaries, 205

generating 2D lists with, 216

with multidimensional lists, 208–213, 218–225

for-else loops, 206–207

functions, 145. See also methods

arguments, 147–148

calling, 146–147

defining, 146

returning values with, 153–155, 179, 266


getBlock() function, 85

getHeight() function, 90

getPos() function, 56

getTilePos() function, 51

ghost structures

castle, 266–268

hotel, 275–277

house, 263–265

tree, 280–281

village, 269–271

gifts program, 110–111

global variables, 162–163

greater than (>), 88

greater than or equal to (>=), 89–90


hardcoded values, 68

hash marks (#), for comments, 35

"Hello, Minecraft World", posting to chat, 67–68

hot and cold game, 141–143


IDLE, 20–24

if statements, 103–105

with Boolean operators, 119–120

in functions, 157–158

with lists, 185–186

nested, 115, 137

with range checks, 117

importing modules, 39–40, 238–241


strings, 175

world, 82–83, 108–109

in operator, 185–186

increment, 127–128

indentation, 76, 104, 146

index, of a list, 168–169, 213–214, 223–225

infinite loops, 127–128

inheritance, 273–275, 278–280

__init__() method, 258–260, 278–280


numbers only, 77–78

placing blocks by, 74–75

input() function, 68–69

installation. See Mac, Raspberry Pi, Windows

int() function, 74

integers, 31

converting to a string, 71–72

range checks, 117, 135

iteration, 123–124



installing on Mac, 14

installing on Windows, 4–5

joining strings, 71–72


keys, in dictionaries, 188–189


lava trap, setting, 52–53

len() function, 179

less than (<), 88–89

less than or equal to (<=), 89–90

lists, 167–169, 208–213

copying, 183–185

creating, 168

generating with range(), 198–199, 200–201

index positions of, 168–169, 213–214, 223–225

items in

accessing, 168–169

adding, 171–172

changing, 169

deleting, 172–173

finding, 185–186

inserting, 172

length, 179

slicing, 184–185

three-dimensional, 218–225

two-dimensional, 208–213, 216

list slice, 184–185

list() function, 200–201

load() function, 241

local variables, 162–163

logical operators, 92–100

and, 93

and if statements, 119–120

not, 96–97

or, 95

order of operations, 98–99

and while loops, 134–135

loops. See for loops, while loops


Mac, setup instructions, 11–18

magic wand program, 196–198

math module, 142

math operators, 48–58

addition (+), 48–49

exponential (**), 60–61, 91–92

division (/), 58

multiplication (*), 58

order of operations, 61

shorthand, 62

subtraction (-), 48

methods, 257, 261–263. See also classes, functions

adding to subclasses, 275

inheritance, 274

overriding, 278–280

returning values with, 266

Midas touch program, 138–139


API (application programming interface)

installing on Mac, 15–16

installing on Windows, 6–7

connecting programs to, 34


installing on Mac, 12–13

installing on Windows, 2–3

playing offline

on Mac, 18

on Windows, 9–10


installing on Mac, 15–16

installing on Windows, 6–7

worlds, creating new

on Mac, 17

on Windows, 8–9

modules, 238–241

installing with pip, 252–253

nicknames for, 241

pickle, 238–241

shelve, 247–248

time, 39–40

moving block program, 163–165

multiplication operator (*), 58

shorthand (*=), 62


nicknames, for modules, 241

night vision sword program, 186–187

not equal to (!=), 86–87

not operator, 96–97


object-oriented programming, 257–258

objects, 257–260, 269–270

offline, playing Minecraft

on Mac, 18

on Windows, 9–10

open() function, 232–233, 247

operators. See logical operators, math operators

or operator, 95

order of operations

logical operators, 98–99

math operators, 61

OS X, setup instructions, 11–18


package manager, 252

parameters, of functions, 148

permissions, for files, 232–233, 239

pickle module, 238–241

pillars, building, 202–203

pip, installing modules with, 252–253

pixel art, 214–215

pollBlockHits() function, 180–182, 196–198

position, of player, 31–33. See also teleporting

changing, 34

finding, 51, 56

in specific environments, 85–86, 87–88, 90–91, 93–96

in specific locations, 91–92, 100–101

highest and lowest, 169–171

postToChat() function, 67–68

print() function, 66–67

progress bar, 173–174

pyramid, building, 203–204


installing on Mac, 13

installing on Windows, 3–4

Python shell, 20–21, 23–24


quotation marks

for docstrings, 152–153

for strings, 66


r (read permission), 233

r+ (read-and-write permission), 233

randint() function, 62–63

random module, 62–63, 182–183

range checks, 117, 135

range() function, 198–199, 200–201

Raspberry Pi, setup instructions, 18–19

read-and-write permission (r+), 233

read permission (r), 233

read() function, 234

readline() function, 234–235

refactoring, 150–152

return keyword, 153–155, 179, 266

reversed() function, 201–202

running a program, 36


scope, of variables, 162–163

scoreboard, for block hits game, 192–194, 205–206

secret passage, building, 115–116


installing on Mac, 15

installing on Windows, 6

setBlock() function, 49, 158–159

setBlocks() function, 55–56

setPos() function, 38

setTilePos() function, 34–35

setting() function, 82–83

setup instructions

for Mac, 11–18

for Raspberry Pi, 18–19

for Windows, 2–11

shell, 20–21, 23–24

shelve module, 247–248

shorthand operators, 62

shower program, 120–122

sightseeing guide, creating, 190–191

single quotation marks (''), for strings, 66

sleep() function, 39–40

slices, of lists, 184–185

sliding program, 177–178

smashing, preventing, 82–83, 108–109


on Mac, 15–18

on Windows, 6–11

spires, creating, 58–60

sprint record, 78–80

sqrt() function, 142

square brackets ([]), for defining lists, 168

square root, calculating, 142

stairs, building, 199–200

state, of blocks, 158–159

statements, 29–30, 47–48

str() function, 71–72, 83

strings, 66

accessing characters in, 175

concatenating, 71–72

converting to integers, 74

subclasses, 273–275, 278–280

subtraction operator (-), 52

shorthand (-=), 62

super jump program, 63–64

superclasses, 273–275, 278–280

survival mode

on Mac, 18

on Windows, 10–11


hits, 180–182, 196–198

magic wand, 196–198

night vision, 186–187

syntax, 29–30


teleporting, 31–35, 40–42

by location name, 190–191, 260–261

by point score, 113–114

precisely, 38–39

to random locations, 125–126

restrictions, 118–119

text. See files, strings

text editor, 21–23

three-dimensional lists, 218–225

throwing an exception, 76

time module, 39–40

to-do list, 235–237

triple quotation marks ("""), for docstrings, 152–153

True (Boolean value), 82

try-except statements, 76–78

tuples, 175–176, 179

two-dimensional lists, 208–213, 216

TypeError, 147–148, 154–155


UnboundLocalError, 162

usernames, adding to chat, 72–73



in dictionaries, 188–189, 191–192

of variables, 28

variables, 28–31, 168

assigning values to, 28

changing values of, 31

global, 162–163

local, 162–163

naming, 28–29

syntax, 29–30


w (write permission), 232–233

waiting, in programs, 39–40

wand, magic, 196–198

watery curse program, 128–129

weather-worn wall, building, 217–218

website, creating with Flask, 253–255

while loops, 123–124

conditions, 131–132

ending, 127–128, 139

with if statements, 137

infinite, 127–128, 130

with return statements, 160

while-else statements, 141

Windows, setup instructions, 2–11

wool blocks, setting color by name, 158–159

worlds (Minecraft), creating new

on Mac, 17

on Windows, 8–9

write permission (w), 232–233

write() function, 233–234


x, y, and z coordinates, 31–32

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