Chapter 10: Real-Time Monitoring and Resource Management of a Kubernetes Cluster

The availability of services is one of the critical components of the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA) triad. There have been many instances of malicious attackers using different techniques to disrupt the availability of services for users. Some of these attacks on critical infrastructure such as the electricity grid and banks have resulted in significant losses to the economy. One of the most significant attacks was an attack on Amazon AWS Route 53 infrastructure that resulted in the disruption of core IT services all over the world. To avoid such issues, infrastructure engineers monitor resource usage and application health in real time to ensure the availability of services offered by an organization. Real-time monitoring is often plugged into an alert system that notifies the stakeholders when symptoms of service disruption are observed.

In this chapter, we will look at how you can ensure that services in the Kubernetes cluster are always up and running. We will begin by discussing monitoring and resource management in monolith environments. Next, we will discuss resource requests and resource limits, two concepts at the heart of resource management in Kubernetes. We will then look at tools such as LimitRanger, which Kubernetes provides for resource management, before shifting our focus to resource monitoring. We will look at built-in monitors, such as Kubernetes Dashboard and Metrics Server. Finally, we will look at open source tools, such as Prometheus and Grafana, that can be used to monitor the state of a Kubernetes cluster.

In this chapter, we will discuss the following:

  • Real-time monitoring and management in monolith environments
  • Managing resources in Kubernetes
  • Monitoring resources in Kubernetes

Real-time monitoring and management in monolith environments

Resource management and monitoring are important in monolith environments as well. In monolith environments, infrastructure engineers often pipe the output of Linux tools such as top, ntop, and htop to data visualization tools in order to monitor the state of VMs. In managed environments, built-in tools such as Amazon CloudWatch and Azure Resource Manager help to monitor resource usage.

In addition to resource monitoring, infrastructure engineers proactively allocate minimum resource requirements and usage limits for processes and other entities. This ensures that sufficient resources are available to services. Furthermore, resource management ensures that misbehaving or malicious processes do not hog resources and prevent other processes from working. For monolith deployments, resources such as CPU, memory, and spawned processes are capped for different processes. On Linux, process limits can be capped using prlimit:

$prlimit --nproc=2 --pid=18065

This command sets the limit of child processes that a parent process can spawn to 2. With this limit set, if a process with a PID of 18065 tries to spawn more than 2 child processes, it will be denied.

Similar to monolith environments, a Kubernetes cluster runs multiple pods, deployments, and services. If an attacker is able to spawn up Kubernetes objects such as pods or deployments, the attacker can cause a denial-of-service attack by depleting resources available in the Kubernetes cluster. Without adequate resource monitoring and resource management in place, unavailability of the services running in the cluster can cause an economic impact to the organization.

Managing resources in Kubernetes

Kubernetes provides the ability to proactively allocate and limit resources available to Kubernetes objects. In this section, we will discuss resource requests and limits, which form the basis for resource management in Kubernetes. Next, we explore namespace resource quotas and limit ranges. Using these two feature, clusters, administrators can cap the compute and storage limits available to different Kubernetes objects.

Resource requests and limits

kube-scheduler, as we discussed in Chapter 1, Kubernetes Architecture, is the default scheduler and runs on the master node. kube-scheduler finds the most optimal node for the unscheduled pods to run on. It does that by filtering the nodes based on the storage and compute resources requested for the pod. If the scheduler is not able to find a node for the pod, the pod will remain in a pending state. Additionally, if all the resources of the node are being utilized by the pods, kubelet on the node will clean up dead pods – unused images. If the cleanup does not reduce the stress, kubelet will start evicting those pods that consume more resources.

Resource requests specify what a Kubernetes object is guaranteed to get. Different Kubernetes variations or cloud providers have different defaults for resource requests. Custom resource requests for Kubernetes objects can be specified in the workload's specifications. Resource requests can be specified for CPU, memory, and HugePages. Let's look at an example of resource requests.

Let's create a pod without a resource request in the yaml specification, as follows:

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: demo



  - name: demo

The pod will use the default resource request for deployment:

$kubectl get pod demo —output=yaml

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  annotations: |

      {"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"Pod","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"demo","namespace":"default"},"spec":{"containers":[{"image":"nginx","name":"demo"}]}} 'LimitRanger plugin set: cpu request for container


  creationTimestamp: "2020-05-07T21:54:47Z"

  name: demo

  namespace: default

  resourceVersion: "3455"

  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/demo

  uid: 5e783495-90ad-11ea-ae75-42010a800074



  - image: nginx

    imagePullPolicy: Always

    name: demo



        cpu: 100m

For the preceding example, the default resource request is for 0.1 CPU cores for the pod. Let's now add a resource request to the .yaml specification and see what happens:

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: demo



  - name: demo

    image: nginx



          hugepages-2Mi: 100Mi


        cpu: 500m         memory: 300Mi         hugepages-2Mi: 100Mi

This specification creates a pod with a resource request of 0.5 CPU cores, 300 MB, and hugepages-2Mi of 100 MB. You can check the resource request for a pod using the following command:

$kubectl get pod demo —output=yaml

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  creationTimestamp: "2020-05-07T22:02:16Z"

  name: demo-1

  namespace: default

  resourceVersion: "5030"

  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/demo-1

  uid: 6a276dd2-90ae-11ea-ae75-42010a800074



  - image: nginx

    imagePullPolicy: Always

    name: demo



        hugepages-2Mi: 100Mi


        cpu: 500m

        hugepages-2Mi: 100Mi

        memory: 300Mi

As you can see from the output, the pod uses a custom resource request of 0.5 CPU cores, 300 MB of memory, and 100 MB of 2 MB hugepages, instead of the default 1 MB.

Limits, on the other hand, are hard limits on the resources that the pod can use. Limits specify the maximum resources that a pod should be allowed to use. Pods are restricted if more resources are required than are specified in the limit. Similar to resource requests, you can specify limits for CPU, memory, and HugePages. Let's look at an example of limits:

$ cat stress.yaml

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: demo



  - name: demo

    image: polinux/stress

    command: ["stress"]

    args: ["--vm", "1", "--vm-bytes", "150M", "--vm-hang", "1"]

This pod initiates a stress process that tries to allocate memory of 150M at startup. If no limits are specified in the .yaml specification, the pod runs without any issues:

$ kubectl create -f stress.yaml pod/demo created

$ kubectl get pods NAME         READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE demo         1/1     Running            0          3h

Limits are added to the container section of the yaml specification for the pod:


  - name: demo

    image: polinux/stress



        memory: "150Mi"

    command: ["stress"]

args: ["--vm", "1", "--vm-bytes", "150M", "--vm-hang", "1"]

The stress process fails to run and the pod runs into CrashLoopBackOff:

$ kubectl get pods


demo     1/1     Running            0          44s

demo-1   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   1          5s

You can see that the pod was terminated with an OOMKilled error when you described the pod:

$ kubectl describe pods demo

Name:         demo

Namespace:    default




    Container ID:  docker://a43de56a456342f7d53fa9752aa4fa7366 cd4b8c395b658d1fc607f2703750c2

    Image:         polinux/stress

    Image ID:      docker-pullable://polinux/stress@sha256:b61 44f84f9c15dac80deb48d3a646b55c7043ab1d83ea0a697c09097aaad21aa











    State:          Waiting

      Reason:       CrashLoopBackOff

    Last State:     Terminated

      Reason:       OOMKilled

      Exit Code:    1

      Started:      Mon, 04 May 2020 10:48:14 -0700

      Finished:     Mon, 04 May 2020 10:48:14 -0700

Resource requests and limits are converted, mapped to docker arguments – —cpu-shares and —memory flags – and passed to the container runtime.

We looked at examples of how resource requests and limits work for pods, but the same examples apply to DaemonSet, Deployments, and StatefulSets. Next, we look at how namespace resource quotas can help set an upper limit for the resources that can be used by namespaces.

Namespace resource quotas

Resource quotas for namespaces help define the resource requests and limits available to all objects within the namespace. Using resource quotas, you can limit the following:

  • request.cpu: The maximum resource request for CPU for all objects in the namespace.
  • request.memory: The maximum resource request for memory for all objects in the namespace.
  • limit.cpu: The maximum resource limit for CPU for all objects in the namespace.
  • limit.memory: The maximum resource limit for memory for all objects in the namespace.
  • The sum of storage requests in a namespace cannot exceed this value.
  • count: Resource quotas can also be used to limit the count of different Kubernetes objects in a cluster, including pods, services, PersistentVolumeClaims, and ConfigMaps.

By default, cloud providers or different variations have standard limits applied to the namespace. On Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), the cpu request is set to 0.1 CPU cores:

$ kubectl describe namespace default

Name:         default

Labels:       <none>

Annotations:  <none>

Status:       Active

Resource Quotas

Name:                       gke-resource-quotas

Resource                    Used  Hard

--------                    ---   ---

count/ingresses.extensions  0     100

count/jobs.batch            0     5k

pods                        2     1500

services                    1     500

Resource Limits

Type       Resource  Min  Max  Default Request  Default Limit  Max Limit/Request Ratio

----       --------  ---  ---  ---------------  -------------  -----------------------

Container  cpu       -    -    100m             -              -

Let's see an example of what happens when resource quotas are applied to a namespace:

  1. Create a namespace demo:

    $ kubectl create namespace demo

    namespace/demo created

  2. Define a resource quota. In this example, the quota limits the resource request CPU to 1 CPU:

    $ cat quota.yaml

    apiVersion: v1

    kind: ResourceQuota


      name: compute-resources



        requests.cpu: "1"

  3. Apply the quota to the namespace by using the following command:

    $ kubectl apply -f quota.yaml --namespace demo

    resourcequota/compute-resources created

  4. You can check whether the resource quota is applied successfully to the namespace by executing the following command:

    $ kubectl describe namespace demo

    Name:         demo

    Labels:       <none>

    Annotations:  <none>

    Status:       Active

    Resource Quotas

    Name:         compute-resources

    Resource      Used  Hard

    --------      ---   ---

    requests.cpu  0     1

    Name:                       gke-resource-quotas

    Resource                    Used  Hard

    --------                    ---   ---

    count/ingresses.extensions  0     100

    count/jobs.batch            0     5k

    pods                        0     1500

    services                    0     500

  5. Now, if we try to create two pods that use 1 CPU, the second request will fail with the following error:

    $ kubectl apply -f nginx-cpu-1.yaml --namespace demo

    Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "nginx-cpu-1.yaml": pods "demo-1" is forbidden: exceeded quota: compute-resources, requested: requests.cpu=1, used: requests.cpu=1, limited: requests.cpu=1

Resource quotas ensure quality of service for namespaced Kubernetes objects.


We discussed the LimitRanger admission controller in Chapter 7, Authentication, Authorization, and Admission Control. Cluster administrators can leverage limit ranges to ensure that misbehaving pods, containers, or PersistentVolumeClaims don't consume all available resources.

To use limit ranges, enable the LimitRanger admission controller:

$ ps aux | grep kube-api

root      3708  6.7  8.7 497216 345256 ?       Ssl  01:44   0:10 kube-apiserver --advertise-address= --allow-privileged=true --authorization-mode=Node,RBAC --client-ca-file=/var/lib/minikube/certs/ca.crt --enable-admission-plugins=NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,DefaultStorageClass,DefaultTolerationSeconds,NodeRestriction,MutatingAdmissionWebhook,ValidatingAdmissionWebhook,ResourceQuota

Using LimitRanger, we can enforce default, min, and max limits on storage and compute resources. Cluster administrators create a limit range for objects such as pods, containers, and PersistentVolumeClaims. For any request for object creation or update, the LimitRanger admission controller verifies that the request does not violate any limit ranges. If the request violates any limit ranges, a 403 Forbidden response is sent.

Let's look at an example of a simple limit range:

  1. Create a namespace in which a limit range will be applied:

    $kubectl create namespace demo

  2. Define a LimitRange for the namespace:

    $ cat limit_range.yaml

    apiVersion: "v1"

    kind: "LimitRange"


      name: limit1

      namespace: demo



      - type: "Container"


          memory: 512Mi

          cpu: 500m


          memory: 50Mi

          cpu: 50m

  3. Verify that the limitrange was applied:

    $ kubectl get limitrange -n demo


    limit1   2020-04-30T02:06:18Z

  4. Create a pod that violates the limit range:

    $cat nginx-bad.yaml

    apiVersion: v1

    kind: Pod


      name: nginx-bad



      - name: nginx-bad

        image: nginx-bad



            memory: "800Mi"

            cpu: "500m"

    This request will be denied:

    $ kubectl apply -f nginx-bad.yaml -n demo

    Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "nginx-bad.yaml": pods "nginx-bad" is forbidden: maximum memory usage per Container is 512Mi, but limit is 800M

If a LimitRanger specifies a CPU or memory, all pods and containers should have the CPU or memory request or limits. LimitRanger works when the request to create or update the object is received by the API Server but not at runtime. If a pod has a violating limit before the limit is applied, it will keep running. Ideally, limits should be applied to the namespace when it is created.

Now that we have looked at a couple of features that can be used for proactive resource management, we switch gears and look at tools that can help us monitor the cluster and notify us before matters deteriorate.

Monitoring resources in Kubernetes

As we discussed earlier, resource monitoring is an essential step for ensuring the availability of your services in your cluster. Resource monitoring uncovers early signs or symptoms of service unavailability in your clusters. Resource monitoring is often complemented with alert management to ensure that stakeholders are notified as soon as any problems, or symptoms associated with any problems, in the cluster are observed.

In this section, we first look at some built-in monitors provided by Kubernetes, including Kubernetes Dashboard and Metrics Server. We look at how we can set it up and discuss how to use these tools efficiently. Next, we look at some open source tools that can plug into your Kubernetes cluster and provide far more in-depth insight than the built-in tools.

Built-in monitors

Let's look at some tools provided by Kubernetes that are used for monitoring Kubernetes resources and objects – Metrics Server and Kubernetes Dashboard.

Kubernetes Dashboard

Kubernetes Dashboard provides a web UI for cluster administrators to create, manage, and monitor cluster objects and resources. Cluster administrators can also create pods, services, and DaemonSets using the dashboard. The dashboard shows the state of the cluster and any errors in the cluster.

Kubernetes Dashboard provides all the functionality a cluster administrator requires in order to manage resources and objects within the cluster. Given the functionality of the dashboard, access to the dashboard should be limited to cluster administrators. The dashboard has a login functionality starting v1.7.0. In 2018, a privilege escalation vulnerability (CVE-2018-18264) was identified in the dashboard that allowed unauthenticated users to log in to the dashboard. There were no known in-the-wild exploits for this issue, but this simple vulnerability could have wreaked havoc on many Kubernetes distributions.

Current login functionality allows logging in using a service account and kubeconfig. It is recommended that service account tokens should be used to access Kubernetes Dashboard:

Figure 10.1 – Kubernetes Dashboard

Figure 10.1 – Kubernetes Dashboard

To allow a service account to use the Kubernetes dashboard, you need to add the cluster-admin role to the service account. Let's look at an example of how a service account can be used to access the Kubernetes dashboard:

  1. Create a service account in the default namespace:

    $kubectl create serviceaccount dashboard-admin-sa

  2. Associate the cluster-admin role with the service account:

    $kubectl create clusterrolebinding dashboard-admin-sa --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:dashboard-admin-sa

  3. Fetch the token for the service account:

    $ kubectl describe serviceaccount dashboard-admin-sa

    Name:                dashboard-admin-sa

    Namespace:           default

    Labels:              <none>

    Annotations:         <none>

    Image pull secrets:  <none>

    Mountable secrets:   dashboard-admin-sa-token-5zwpw

    Tokens:              dashboard-admin-sa-token-5zwpw

    Events:              <none>

  4. Use the following command to fetch the token for the service account:

    $ kubectl describe secrets dashboard-admin-sa-token-5zwpw

    Name:         dashboard-admin-sa-token-5zwpw

    Namespace:    default

    Labels:       <none>

    Annotations: dashboard-admin-sa





    ca.crt:     1119 bytes

    namespace:  7 bytes

    token:      <token>

  5. Use the service account token to log in to the dashboard:
Figure 10.2 – Kubernetes dashboard login

Figure 10.2 – Kubernetes dashboard login

Using Kubernetes Dashboard, administrators have insight into resource availability, resource allocation, Kubernetes objects, and event logs:

Figure 10.3 – Kubernetes Dashboard – resource allocation

Figure 10.3 – Kubernetes Dashboard – resource allocation

The preceding screenshot shows resource allocation on a node for resource requests and limits. The following screenshot highlights the events for a node on the Kubernetes dashboard:

Figure 10.4 – Kubernetes Dashboard – event logs

Figure 10.4 – Kubernetes Dashboard – event logs

Kubernetes Dashboard runs as a container on the master node. You can see this by enumerating the Docker containers on the master node:

$ docker ps | grep dashboard

a963e6e6a54b        3b08661dc379           "/metrics-sidecar"       4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes                            k8s_dashboard-metrics-scraper_dashboard-metrics-scraper-84bfdf55ff-wfxdm_kubernetes-dashboard_5a7ef2a8-b3b4-4e4c-ae85-11cc8b61c1c1_0

c28f0e2799c1        cdc71b5a8a0e           "/dashboard --insecu…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes                            k8s_kubernetes-dashboard_kubernetes-dashboard-bc446cc64-czmn8_kubernetes-dashboard_40630c71-3c6a-447b-ae68-e23603686ede_0

10f0b024a13f   "/pause"                 4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes                            k8s_POD_dashboard-metrics-scraper-84bfdf55ff-wfxdm_kubernetes-dashboard_5a7ef2a8-b3b4-4e4c-ae85-11cc8b61c1c1_0

f9c1e82174d8   "/pause"                 4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes                            k8s_POD_kubernetes-dashboard-bc446cc64-czmn8_kubernetes-dashboard_40630c71-3c6a-447b-ae68-e23603686ede_0

The dashboard process runs with a set of arguments on the master node:

$ ps aux | grep dashboard

dbus     10727  0.9  1.1 136752 46240 ?        Ssl  05:46   0:02 /dashboard --insecure-bind-address= --bind-address= --namespace=kubernetes-dashboard --enable-skip-login --disable-settings-authorizer

docker   11889  0.0  0.0  11408   556 pts/0    S+   05:51   0:00 grep dashboard

Ensure that the dashboard container is running with the following arguments:

  • Disable insecure port: --insecure-port enables Kubernetes Dashboard to receive requests over HTTP. Ensure that it is disabled in production environments.
  • Disable insecure address: --insecure-bind-address should be disabled to avoid a situation where Kubernetes Dashboard is accessible via HTTP.
  • Bind address to localhost: --bind-address should be set to to prevent hosts from being connected over the internet.
  • Enable TLS: Use tls-cert-file and tls-key-file to access the dashboard over secure channels.
  • Ensure token authentication mode is enabled: Authentication mode can be specified using the --authentication-mode flag. By default, it is set to token. Ensure that basic authentication is not used with the dashboard.
  • Disable insecure login: Insecure login is used when the dashboard is available via HTTP. This should be disabled by default.
  • Disable skip login: Skip login allows unauthenticated users to access the Kubernetes dashboard. --enable-skip-login enables skip login; this should not be present in production environments.
  • Disable settings authorizer: --disable-settings-authorizer allows unauthenticated users to access the settings page. This should be disabled in production environments.

Metrics Server

Metrics Server aggregates cluster usage data using the Summary API exposed by each kubelet on each node. It is registered with kube-apiserver using kube-aggregator. Metrics Server exposes the collected metrics through the Metrics API, which are used by the horizontal pod autoscalar and the vertical pod autoscalar. kubectl top, which is used to debug clusters, also uses the Metrics API. Metrics Server is specifically designed for autoscaling.

Metrics Server is enabled by default on some Kubernetes distributions. You can enable it on minikube by using the following command:

$ minikube addons enable metrics-server

You can check whether Metrics Server is enabled by using the following command:

$ kubectl get apiservices | grep metrics                 kube-system/metrics-server   True        7m17s

Once Metrics Server is enabled, it takes some time to query the Summary API and co-relate the data. You can see the current metrics by using kubectl top node:

$ kubectl top node

NAME       CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%

minikube   156m         7%     1140Mi          30%

$ kubectl top pod

NAME         CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)

nginx-good   0m           2Mi

Similar to other services and components, Metrics Server also has configuration parameters. In production clusters, make sure that Metrics Server does not use the --kubelet-insecure-tls flag, which allows Metrics Server to skip verification of certificates by the CA.

Third-party monitoring tools

Third-party monitoring tools integrate in Kubernetes to provide many more features and insights into the health of Kubernetes resources. In this section, we will discuss Prometheus and Grafana, which are the most popular monitoring tools in the open source community.

Prometheus and Grafana

Prometheus is an open source instrumentation and data collection framework developed by SoundCloud and adopted by CNCF. Prometheus can be used to see time series data for different data points. Prometheus uses a pull system. It sends an HTTP request called a scrape, which fetches data from the system components, including API Server, node-exporter, and kubelet. The response to the scrape and the metrics are stored in a custom database on the Prometheus server.

Let's see how Prometheus can be set up to monitor a namespace in Kubernetes:

  1. Create a namespace:

    $kubectl create namespace monitoring

  2. Define a cluster role to read Kubernetes objects such as pods, nodes, and services and add the role binding to a service account. In this example, we are using the default service account:

    $ cat prometheus-role.yaml


    kind: ClusterRole


      name: prometheus


    - apiGroups: [""]


      - nodes

      - nodes/proxy

      - services

      - endpoints

      - pods

      verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]

    - apiGroups:

      - extensions


      - ingresses

      verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]

    - nonResourceURLs: ["/metrics"]

      verbs: ["get"]

    $ kubectl create -f prometheus-role.yaml created

    Now, we create a role binding to associate the role with the default service account:

    $ cat prometheus-rolebinding.yaml


    kind: ClusterRoleBinding


      name: prometheus



      kind: ClusterRole

      name: prometheus


    - kind: ServiceAccount

      name: default

      namespace: monitoring

  3. Prometheus uses ConfigMap to specify the scrape rule. The following rule-scrapes the kube-apiserver. Multiple scraps can be defined to fetch metrics:

    $ cat config_prometheus.yaml apiVersion: v1

    kind: ConfigMap


      name: prometheus-server-conf


        name: prometheus-server-conf

      namespace: monitoring


      prometheus.yml: |-


          scrape_interval: 5s

          evaluation_interval: 5s

      scrape_configs:    - job_name: 'kubernetes-apiservers'


          - role: endpoints

          scheme: https


            ca_file: /var/run/secrets/

          bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/


          - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace, __meta_kubernetes_service_name, __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]

            action: keep

            regex: default;kubernetes;https

  4. Create a deployment for Prometheus:



            - name: prometheus

              image: prom/prometheus:v2.12.0


                - "--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml"

                - "--storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus/"


                - containerPort: 9090


                - name: prometheus-config-volume

                  mountPath: /etc/prometheus/

                - name: prometheus-storage-volume

                  mountPath: /prometheus/


            - name: prometheus-config-volume


                defaultMode: 420

                name: prometheus-server-conf

            - name: prometheus-storage-volume

              emptyDir: {}

  5. Once deployment is successful, port forwarding or Kubernetes services can be used to access the dashboard:

    $ kubectl port-forward <prometheus-pod> 8080:9090 -n monitoring

    This enables port forwarding for the Prometheus pod. Now, you can access it using the cluster IP on port 8080:

Figure 10.5 – Prometheus Dashboard

Figure 10.5 – Prometheus Dashboard

Queries can be entered as expressions and the results viewed as Graph or Console messages. Using Prometheus queries, cluster administrators can view the status of clusters, nodes, and services that are being monitored by Prometheus.

Let's look at some examples of Prometheus queries that will be helpful for cluster administrators:

  • Kubernetes CPU usage:


  • Kubernetes CPU usage by namespace:

    sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!="POD",namespace!=""}[5m])) by (namespace)

  • CPU requests by pod:

    sum(kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores) by (pod)

Let's look at CPU usage by namespace for the demo cluster:

Figure 10.6 – CPU usage by namespace

Figure 10.6 – CPU usage by namespace

Prometheus also allows cluster administrators to set alerts using ConfigMaps:

prometheus.rules: |-


    - name: Demo Alert


      - alert: High Pod Memory

        expr: sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{pod!=""})  by (pod) > 1000000000

        for: 1m


          severity: high


          summary: High Memory Usage

This alert triggers an alert with a label severity of high when container memory usage is greater than 1000 MB for 1 minute:

Figure 10.7 – Prometheus Alerts

Figure 10.7 – Prometheus Alerts

Using Alertmanager with Prometheus helps deduplicate, group, and route alerts from applications such as Prometheus and route it to integrated clients, including email, OpsGenie, and PagerDuty.

Prometheus integrates well with other third-party tools that enhance data visualization and alert management. Grafana is one such tool. Grafana allows visualization, querying, and alerting on data retrieved from Prometheus.

Let's now look at how we set up Grafana with Prometheus:

  1. Grafana needs a data source for ingestion; in this case, it is Prometheus. The data source can be added using the UI or can be specified using a ConfigMap:

    $ cat grafana-data.yaml                                   apiVersion: v1

    kind: ConfigMap


      name: grafana-datasources

      namespace: monitoring


      prometheus.yaml: |-


            "apiVersion": 1,

            "datasources": [



                    "editable": true,

                    "name": "prometheus",

                    "orgId": 1,

                    "type": "prometheus",

                    "url": "",

                    "version": 1




  2. Create a deployment for Grafana:

    apiVersion: apps/v1

    kind: Deployment


      name: grafana

      namespace: monitoring


      replicas: 1



          app: grafana



          name: grafana


            app: grafana



          - name: grafana

            image: grafana/grafana:latest


            - name: grafana

              containerPort: 3000


              - mountPath: /var/lib/grafana

                name: grafana-storage

              - mountPath: /etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources

                name: grafana-datasources

                readOnly: false


            - name: grafana-storage

              emptyDir: {}

            - name: grafana-datasources


                  name: grafana-datasources

  3. Port forwarding or Kubernetes services can then be used to access the dashboard:

    apiVersion: v1

    kind: Service


      name: grafana

      namespace: monitoring






        app: grafana

      type: NodePort


        - port: 3000

          targetPort: 3000

          nodePort: 32000

  4. The dashboard, by default, has admin as a username and password. Once logged in, you can either set up a new dashboard or import one from Grafana. To import one, you can click + > Import, where you will be presented with the following screen. Enter 315 in the first textbox to import dashboard 315 from Grafana:
    Figure 10.8 – Importing a dashboard in Grafana

    Figure 10.8 – Importing a dashboard in Grafana

  5. This dashboard was created by Instrumentisto Team. On import, all fields on the next screen will be filled up automatically:

    Figure 10.9 – Grafana Dashboard – 315

    Figure 10.9 – Grafana Dashboard – 315

  6. A new dashboard can also be created with custom Prometheus queries:
    Figure 10.10 – Custom dashboard

    Figure 10.10 – Custom dashboard

  7. Similar to Prometheus, you can set up alerts on each dashboard:
Figure 10.11 – New alerts in Grafana

Figure 10.11 – New alerts in Grafana

There are other tools that integrate with Prometheus that make it such a valuable tool for DevOps and cluster administrators.


In this chapter, we discussed availability as an important part of the CIA triad. We discussed the importance of resource management and real-time resource monitoring from a security standpoint. We then introduced resource requests and limits, core concepts for resource management in Kubernetes. Next, we discussed resource management and how cluster administrators can proactively ensure that Kubernetes objects can be prevented from misbehaving.

We dived deep into the details of namespace resource quotas and limit ranges and looked at examples on how to set it up. We then shifted gears to resource monitoring. We looked at some built-in monitors that are available as part of Kubernetes, including Dashboard and Metrics Server. Finally, we looked at a number of third-party tools – Prometheus and Grafana – that are much more powerful and preferred by most cluster administrators and DevOps engineers.

Using resource management, cluster administrators can ensure that services in a Kubernetes cluster have sufficient resources available for operation and that malicious or misbehaving entities don't hog all the resources. Resource monitoring, on the other hand, helps to identify issues and the symptoms in real time. With alert management used in conjunction with resource monitoring, stakeholders are notified of symptoms, such as reduced disk space or high memory consumption, as soon as they occur, ensuring that downtime is minimal.

In the next chapter, we will discuss Defense in Depth in detail. We will look at how cluster administrators and DevOps engineers can supplement secure configuration, resource management, and resource monitoring with a layered approach to security. Defense in Depth will introduce more toolkits to ensure that attacks are easily detected and mitigated in production environments.


  1. What is the difference between a resource request and limits?
  2. Define a resource quota that limits the memory limit to 500 mi.
  3. How does limit-range differ from resource-quotas?
  4. What is the recommended authentication method for Kubernetes Dashboard?
  5. Which is the most widely recommended resource monitoring tool?

Further references

You can refer to the following links for more information on topics covered in this chapter:

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