
This book wouldn’t have been possible without the help of many people, more than we can mention here. We’d like to thank our tech editor, Anna Pinkas, for her tireless and thorough review of this text. An earlier version of this book also benefited from tech editing by Michael Colombo and Sharon Cichelli. Roger Stewart, our publisher and editor, has been supportive and helpful throughout the process of getting this book into print. Our production team from Happenstance Type-O-Rama has been a delight to work with, particularly Liz Welch and Maureen Forys. We met at the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University, and we will always be grateful to Tom Igoe for suggesting we work together on a project there. In fact, we’d like to thank all of the faculty and staff at ITP, especially Dan O’Sullivan and Marianne Petit.

Eric would like to thank his wife Marie for her endless support, without which this book would not be possible. He would also like to thank his parents, David and Tracey, who have always had so much faith in his work.

Jody would like to thank her husband Calvin Reid, who seems to think she can do anything and has done whatever he can to make that possible. And she would like to acknowledge the memory of her parents, Florence and Hosmer Culkin, who would be startled but proud that she has co-authored a book on technology.

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