
  • Acceptable audit ratings
  • access protocol
  • accountability
  • Action Learning
  • added value
    • assignments
      • delivery
      • follow-up/follow on
    • boundaries
    • challenges/dilemmas
    • communication and quality standards
    • dissatisfiers
    • performance measurements
    • recommended practices
    • resource allocation
      • challenges/dilemmas
      • common practices
      • IIA standards
      • recommended practices
    • stakeholders
  • ad hoc work
  • advisors, guest
  • advisory assignments
  • Amber audit ratings
  • Andon techniques
  • assignments
    • added value
    • challenges/dilemmas
    • common practices
    • communication and quality standards
    • delivery
      • challenges/dilemmas
      • common practices
      • IIA standards
      • recommended practices
      • slippage
    • follow-up/follow on
      • challenges/dilemmas
      • common practice
      • IIA standards
    • IIA standards
    • performance measurements
    • postponement
    • recommended practices
    • resource allocation
    • role clarity in assurance
    • scheduling
    • scoping
      • challenges/dilemmas
      • common practices
      • IIA standards
      • recommended actions
    • slippage
  • assignment scope
  • assurance
    • added value/resource allocation
    • core work
    • risk
      • challenges/dilemmas
      • common practices
      • IIA standards
      • recommended practices
    • role clarity
      • challenges/dilemmas
      • IIA standards
      • recommended practices
    • wider organization cultural change
  • assurance mapping
  • AstraZeneca
    • assignments
      • delivery
      • follow-up/follow on
      • and planning
    • benefits/development
    • communication and quality standards
    • performance measurements
    • staff-related prioritizing
  • audit/auditing terminology
  • auditor bias
  • auditor preference
  • auditor prejudice
  • autonomation
  • Baker, Chris
    • added value
    • assignment follow-up/follow on
    • leading the audit function
    • performance measurements
    • resource allocation
    • role clarity in assurance
    • value approaches
  • banks
  • Bejjani, Rania
    • added value
    • leading the audit function
    • risk assurance
  • benefits
  • best practice updates
  • “beyond reasonable doubt”
  • Blackburn, Sarah
  • “black swan” risks
  • boards of directors
  • bottlenecks
  • branding
  • bullet proof CAEs
  • Butler, Ivan
  • buy-ins
  • CAEs see Chief Audit Executives
  • capability issues
  • case study approaches
  • CEOs see Chief Executive Officers
  • Chief Audit Executives (CAEs)
    • added value
      • clarity of components
      • cost
      • customers
      • delighters
      • problematic areas
      • resource allocation
    • assignments
      • delivery
      • follow-up/follow on
    • benefits/development
    • communication and quality standards
      • audit workpapers
      • branding
      • findings rating criteria
      • “in flight” quality control
      • management engagement
      • report evolution
      • “to and fro” of audits
      • wording/word count
    • co-sourcing
    • grading
    • hallmarks
    • internal audits
      • audit function
      • board primacy
      • committee primacy
      • external customers
      • priority customers
      • senior management primacy
      • stakeholders
    • leading the audit function
    • outsourcing
    • parking lot metaphors
    • people's strengths
    • performance measurements
    • promoting internal audits
    • right auditor mindsets
    • risk assurance
      • explicit addressing of
      • known or suspected issues
      • motivations
    • role clarity in assurance
    • selection
    • skill development
    • staff-related prioritizing
    • staff selection
    • strategic recruits
    • technical skills development
    • value approaches
      • common practices
      • cost
      • IIA standards
      • planning processes
      • problems
      • risk
    • wider organization cultural change
  • CFOs see Chief Financial Officers
  • Chambers, Richard
    • added value
    • assignment delivery
    • communication and quality standards
    • leading the audit function
  • change and diversity
  • Chief Executive Officers (CEOs)
  • Chief Financial Officers (CFOs)
  • Chief Information Officers (CIOs)
  • clarity
    • assignments
      • delivery
      • follow-up/follow on
    • communication and quality standards
    • risk assurance
  • closing of meetings
  • coach/coaching
  • Coleman, Greg
    • added value
    • communication and quality standards
    • leading the audit function
    • performance measurements
    • value approaches
  • collaborative ways of working
  • Colt Technology Group see Bejjani, Rania
  • “Combined Assurance”
  • Committee on Internal Audit Guidance for Financial Services
  • committee primacy
  • communication
    • added value
    • audit workpapers
    • branding
    • challenges/dilemmas
    • clarity of reports
    • closing of meetings
    • common practices
    • compensating controls
    • control remediation
    • findings rating criteria
    • “in flight” quality control
    • IIA standards
    • management comments
    • management engagement
    • recommended practices
    • report evolution
    • software
    • timelines for remediation
    • “to and fro” of audits
    • waste
    • wording/word counts
  • compensating controls
  • compliance
  • contingency in assignments
  • continuous assurance
  • continuous improvement
  • continuous professional education (CPE)
  • control processes, added value
  • control remediation
  • controls monitoring functions
  • controls streamlining
  • co-sourcing
  • cost
  • coverage, effective audit
  • CPE see continuous professional education
  • culture
    • problematic aspects
    • right team culture
    • see also wider organization cultural change
  • current performance evaluations
  • customers
    • added value
    • external customers
    • internal audits
      • challenges/dilemmas
      • common practices
      • IIA standards
      • recommended practices
    • internal clients
    • performance measurements
    • points of view
    • priority customers
    • tools and techniques
  • dashboard, risk assurance
  • data advances
  • data analytics
  • data flow
  • delighter factors
  • deployment flowcharts
  • design level observations
  • detective mode/gene
  • development
    • challenges/dilemmas
    • common practices
    • IIA standards
    • recommended actions
  • Dignan, Karen
    • added value
    • assignments
    • communication and quality standards
    • leading the audit function
    • performance measurements
  • direct access approach
  • direct risk assurance
  • dissatisfiers
  • diversity
  • document advances
  • document flow
  • Earley, John
  • effective audit coverage
  • efficiency
  • emerging risk
  • engagement
  • EQAs see External Quality Assessments
  • exciter factors, Kano model
  • external best practice updates
  • external customers
  • external intelligence
  • External Quality Assessments (EQAs)
    • assignment delivery
    • communication and quality standards
    • leading the audit function
    • performance measurements
    • problematic aspects
  • fads
  • financial services
  • findings
    • assignment delivery
    • communication and quality standards
    • rating criteria
  • first line of defence
    • see also risk
  • “flagship” appointments
  • Flanigan, Leigh
  • flexibility of audits
  • Ford, Henry
  • Foster, Stephen
  • fraud
  • fully assured risk
  • Ganason, Shagen
  • Gemba
  • Gerrard, Phil
    • added value
    • assignments
    • communication and quality standards
    • leading the audit function
    • performance measurements
    • resource allocation
    • role clarity in assurance
    • wider organization cultural change
  • “getting it right first time”
  • Godyn, Marcyn
  • Goldratt, E M
  • Good audit ratings
  • good practice
  • grading
  • Green audit ratings
  • gross risk
  • Groundhog Day
  • guest auditors and advisors
  • Haig, Nancy
  • hallmarks
  • Health and Safety
  • health, safety or environment (HSE) risk
  • Heijunka techniques
  • Hertfordshire SIAS, see also Maneuf, Helen
  • high level reviews
  • history
    • benefits
    • key principles
    • origins
    • tools and techniques
  • Hock Kee, Wee
  • hot spot updates
  • “how big and how bad” frameworks
  • HSE see health, safety or environment risk
  • “if time permits”
  • IIA see Institute of Internal Auditors
  • “in control” audit ratings
  • independent risk assurance
  • “in-flight” quality control
  • influence
  • initial hypotheses
  • “innocent until proven guilty?”
  • Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
    • added value
      • assignments and planning
      • resource allocation
    • assignments
      • delivery
      • follow-up/follow on
    • communication
    • development
    • driving improvements
    • internal audits, customers
    • leading the audit function
    • performance measurements
    • quality standards
    • risk assurance
    • role clarity in assurance
    • selection
    • training
    • value approaches
    • ways of working
    • wider organization cultural change
  • internal auditing terminology
  • internal clients
  • interview techniques
  • Jidoka techniques
  • junior level staff rotation
  • “just in time” approach
  • “Kaizen” notion
  • Kano model
  • key controls
  • key risks
  • Kidd, Jonathan
    • added value
    • assignments
    • communication and quality standards
    • value approaches
  • “killer facts”
  • known or suspected issues
  • large assignments
  • leadership
  • leading the audit function
    • challenges/dilemmas
    • common practices
    • IIA standards
    • recommended actions
  • lean auditing terminology
  • Lean Six Sigma
  • “Lean Thinking” (book)
  • “lessons learned” reviews
  • liaison roles
  • “lines of defence” models
  • “lowest common denominator” role
  • “The machine that changed the world” (book)
  • McKinsey RACI accountability frameworks
  • management comments
  • management engagement
  • Maneuf, Helen
  • Marks, Norman
    • assignments
    • communication and quality standards
    • resource allocation
    • value approaches
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • meeting disciplines
  • meetings, closing
  • mentor/mentoring
  • methodology
  • metrics
  • milestones
  • mindsets
  • mobile phones
  • “money in the bank”
  • Muda (waste)
  • multi-layered, multi-speed staff rotation
  • National Health Service (NHS)
  • “near misses”
  • net risk
  • new generation auditing
  • NHS see National Health Service
  • Nilsson, Hans
  • “no audit function is perfect” maxims
  • non-standard assignments
  • organizational culture
  • outsourcing
  • parking lot metaphors
  • Parkinson's law
  • performance factors, Kano model
  • performance measurements
    • challenges/dilemmas
    • common practices
    • current evaluations
    • IIA standards
    • recommended practices
  • pet topic management
  • pharmaceutical companies
  • pit stops
  • planning processes
    • added value
      • fieldwork
      • initial and working hypotheses
      • project planning
      • risk and control
      • sponsors
      • time
    • strategic developments
    • value approaches
  • Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
  • policy compliance landscape
  • political savvy
  • politics, leading the audit function
  • Poor audit ratings
  • poor returns on large assignments
  • poor staff capability
  • post-assignment learning
  • postponement of assignments
  • Powell, David
  • pre-close meetings
  • priority customers
  • process documentation
  • process mapping
  • process streamlining
  • professional reporting
  • progressive auditing
  • project planning
  • “proof beyond reasonable doubt”
  • QC see quality control
  • quality assessments see External Quality Assessments
  • quality control (QC)
  • quality process
  • quality standards
    • added value
    • audit workpapers
    • branding
    • challenges/dilemmas
    • clarity of reports
    • closing of meetings
    • common practices
    • compensating controls
    • control remediation
    • findings rating criteria
    • “in flight” quality control
    • IIA standards
    • management comments
    • management engagement
    • recommended practices
    • report evolution
    • software
    • timelines for remediation
    • “to and fro” of audits
    • waste
    • wording/word counts
  • quick wins
  • “rabbit holes”
  • RACI accountability frameworks
  • RandD see Research and Development
  • ratings
  • RCA see Root Cause Analysis
  • recruiting
  • Red audit ratings
  • remediation
    • assignment follow-up/follow on
    • communication and quality standards
    • role clarity in assurance
  • reports
    • assignment delivery
    • communication and quality standards
    • findings and wording
    • leading the audit function
    • risk assurance
  • Research and Development (RandD)
  • resources
    • added value
    • assignments
    • challenges/dilemmas
    • common practices
    • IIA standards
  • resourcing assignments
  • retrofitting of audits
  • right auditor mindsets
  • right team culture
  • Rimmer, Nicola
  • risk
    • added value
      • assignments and planning
      • resource allocation
    • assurance
      • challenges/dilemmas
      • common practices
      • IIA standards
      • recommended practices
    • and control culture observations
    • control matrices
    • framework reviews
    • HSE
    • role clarity in assurance
    • value approaches
  • risk appetite
  • risk control matrices
  • risk culture
  • road map, development
  • role clarity
    • assignment follow-up/follow on
    • challenges/dilemmas
    • IIA standards
    • recommended practices
  • role models
  • roll-on/roll-off processes
  • “roll out a policy”
  • Rolls-Royce see Gerrard, Phil
  • Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
  • Sarbanes–Oxley legislation
  • Sarens, Gerrit
  • Satisfactory audit ratings
  • satisfiers
  • savings
  • scheduling assignments
  • second line of defence
  • selection
    • challenges/dilemmas
    • common practices
    • IIA standards
    • recommended actions
  • selective audit follow-ups
  • senior “flagship” appointments
  • senior management
  • “Seven elements of an effective compliance programme”
  • Shared Internal Audit Service (SIAS)
    • see also Maneuf, Helen
  • “sharpen your saw”
  • Shingo, Shigeo
  • “side tracking” by managers
  • SIPOC value stream mapping
  • sixth sense see detective mode/gene
  • skills development
  • “skin in the game”
  • slippage of assignment delivery
  • software
    • audit management
    • opportunities
    • performance measurements
  • SOX compliance
  • sponsors
  • staff
    • assignment delivery
    • attracting problems
    • capability
    • prioritizing
    • rotation
    • selection
  • stakeholders
    • added value
    • assignments
    • communication and quality standards
    • leading the audit function
    • resource allocation
    • role clarity in assurance
    • value gaps
    • wider organization cultural change
  • standard assignments
  • step-by-step testing approaches
  • streamlining
    • assignment delivery
    • value approaches
    • wider organization cultural change
  • suspected issues see known or suspected issues
  • Swim Lane Diagrams
  • systems documentation
  • systems mapping
  • systems streamlining
  • “Taking it on trust report”
  • technical skills development
  • “The machine that changed the world” (book)
  • Theory of Constraints
  • “three lines of defence” models
  • time resources
    • added value
    • assignments
    • communication and quality standards
  • timescales
  • Timewell, Roger
  • “to and fro” of audits
  • tools and techniques
    • caution
    • five key principles of lean
    • Gemba
    • Kano model
    • Muda
    • value stream mapping
  • Toyota Production System (TPS)
  • training
    • challenges/dilemmas
    • common practices
    • IIA standards
    • recommended actions
  • transparency
    • added value
    • leading the audit function
  • trust building
  • uncertainty
  • United Kingdom financial services
  • Universities Internal Audit Consortium (UNIAC)
    • see also Young, Richard
  • upgraded audits
  • value approaches
    • assignment delivery
    • challenges/dilemmas
    • Committee on Internal Audit Guidance for Financial Services
    • common practices
    • co-sourcing/outsourcing support
    • destruction of value
    • financial services
    • gross risk
    • IIA standards
    • net risk
    • performance measurements
    • recommended practices
    • staff capability
    • stream identification and mapping
    • streamlined planning processes
    • value gaps
    • see also added value
  • verification evidence
  • visualization techniques
  • “voice of the customer” see customers
  • waste
    • assignment delivery
    • communication and quality standards
    • Gemba
    • identifying of
    • Muda
  • “watching the clock” mindsets
  • ways of working
    • challenges/dilemmas
    • common practices
    • IIA standards
    • recommended actions
    • right team culture
  • Weintraub, Andy
    • added value
    • assignment delivery
    • communication and quality standards
  • whistleblowers
  • Whitehouse, David
  • wider organization cultural change
    • challenges/dilemmas
    • common practices
    • IIA standards
    • recommended practices
  • wording/word counts
  • working see ways of working
  • working hypotheses
  • working papers
  • Young, Richard
    • assignments
    • leading the audit function
    • wider organization cultural change
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