Chapter 6
Topic 106: User Interfaces and Desktops


  • images  106.1 Install and configure X11.
    • Key knowledge areas:
      • Understanding of the X11 architecture
      • Basic understanding and knowledge of the X Window configuration file
      • Overwrite specific aspects of Xorg configuration, such as keyboard layout.
      • Understand the components of desktop environments, such as display managers and window managers.
      • Manage access to the X server and display applications on remote X servers.
      • Awareness of Wayland
    • The following is a partial list of the used files, terms, and utilities:
      • /etc/X11/xorg.conf
      • /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
      • ~/.xsession-errors
      • xhost
      • xauth
      • DISPLAY
      • X
  • images106.2 Graphical desktops
    • Key knowledge areas:
      • Awareness of major desktop environments
      • Awareness of protocols to access remote desktop sessions
    • The following is a partial list of the used files, terms, and utilities:
      • KDE
      • Gnome
      • Xfce
      • X11
      • XDMCP
      • VNC
      • Spice
      • RDP
  • images  106.3 Accessibility
    • Key knowledge areas:
      • Basic knowledge of visual settings and themes
      • Basic knowledge of assistive technology
    • The following is a partial list of the used files, terms, and utilities:
      • High contrast/large print desktop themes
      • Screen reader
      • Braille display
      • Screen magnifier
      • On-screen keyboard
      • Sticky/repeat keys
      • Slow/bounce/toggle keys
      • Mouse keys
      • Gestures
      • Voice recognition

  1. Within which configuration file is the greeter configured for LightDM?

    1. /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
    2. /etc/lightdm/greeter.conf
    3. /etc/lightdm.conf
    4. /var/lib/lightdm/lightdm.conf
  2. Which section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf is used to describe configurations for a given graphics card and monitor pair?

    1. Server
    2. Screen
    3. VidMode
    4. Video
  3. When you’re setting the frequency options for a given monitor, which of the following is not an available frequency unit?

    1. uHz
    2. MHz
    3. kHz
    4. M
  4. Which command on a systemd-based system is used to disable booting into a GUI?

    1. systemctl gui-boot disable
    2. systemctl set-default boot-gui false
    3. systemctl set-default
    4. systemctl set-default-multi false
  5. Assuming X forwarding has been enabled on the SSH server, which environment variable is used to set the location for newly spawned windows from within an SSH session?

    1. DISPLAY
    3. XTERM
    4. XDISP
  6. Within the greeter section of a display manager such as GNOME Display Manager (GDM), which option sets the welcome message for users logging in locally?

    1. LoginMessage
    2. Login
    3. WinGreet
    4. Welcome
  7. Within GNOME, enabling sticky keys can be done by pressing which key five times in a row?

    1. Ctrl
    2. Enter
    3. Shift
    4. Tab
  8. Which option in the Module section of the xorg.conf configuration file causes a default module to be unloaded or not loaded by default?

    1. Disable
    2. Unload
    3. LoadDisable
    4. DisableLoad
  9. Which program is used in a GNOME environment as a screen reader?

    1. Orca
    2. Screed
    3. Screen
    4. Reader
  10. Assuming a monitor that is currently set at 1024×768, which command will change the screen resolution so that icons and other elements appear larger?

    1. xterm -r 0
    2. xset res 1024x768
    3. xrandr -s 800x600
    4. xVGA
  11. LightDM typically allows guest login by default. Which configuration option within SeatDefaults changes this to disallow guests?

    1. guest-login=false
    2. guest=false
    3. allowg=false
    4. allow-guest=false
  12. When using XFree86 as the X server, which command will cause the X server to query for hardware and create a new configuration file?

    1. XFree86 --newconfig
    2. XFree86 --query
    3. XFree96 -configure
    4. xf -config
  13. Which configuration option for X is used to configure the keyboard model?

    1. XkbLayout
    2. XkbModel
    3. XkbType
    4. XkbInput
  14. Which configuration line with a Monitor section of an X server configuration file will set the vertical refresh rate between 55 and 75 hertz?

    1. Vert 55-75
    2. VertRefresh 55.0 - 75.0
    3. VertSync 55.0 - 75.0
    4. RefreshMode 55.0 - 75.0
  15. Within which file can a user place commands for executing X clients?

    1. ∼/.xclients
    2. ∼/.xsess.rc
    3. ∼/.xsessrc
    4. ∼/.xsession
  16. Which AccelerationProfile for an input device such as a mouse enables linear acceleration (more speed and more acceleration)?

    1. 0
    2. –1
    3. 6
    4. 7
  17. Which of the following directories is used by an Xorg-based server for storage of fonts?

    1. /usr/share/fonts
    2. /usr/X11/fonts
    3. /etc/fonts
    4. /var/font/xorg
  18. Native support for a Braille display requires a minimum of which kernel version?

    1. 2.2.0
    2. 2.4.22
    3. 2.6.26
    4. 3.2.1
  19. Which configuration option in an xorg.conf file can be set to prevent a user from changing video modes using the Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Plus and Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Minus?

    1. DontZoom
    2. Modes=No
    3. NoModeSwitch
    4. DontZap
  20. In which location does the xauth utility look for the X authority file?

    1. ∼/.Xauth
    2. ∼/.xauth.cfg
    3. ∼/.Xauthority
    4. ∼/.xau
  21. Access to hosts controlled with XDMCP is configured in which file?

    1. xdmcp.access.conf
    2. XDMCPAccess.cfg
    3. Xaccess
    4. XDaccess.conf
  22. When using KDE, which program provides magnification functionality?

    1. xmag
    2. mag
    3. pmag
    4. kmag
  23. Which signal is used by an X server to cause a clean exit?

    1. SIGTERM
    2. SIGKILL
    4. SIGEX
  24. Within GNOME, which section of GNOME Control Center is used to choose a high-contrast theme?

    1. Display
    2. Appearance
    3. Locale
    4. Contrast
  25. Which of the following best describes the concept of a mouse gesture?

    1. A mouse gesture enables special clicks, such as a right-click context menu.
    2. A mouse gesture facilitates the use of programs by moving the mouse in a certain way.
    3. A mouse gesture is used for login purposes.
    4. A mouse gesture is used to capture screenshots.
  26. In GNOME 3.9 or later, which keyboard shortcut activates the screen reader?

    1. Super+R
    2. Super+S
    3. Ctrl+Super+S
    4. Alt+Super+S
  27. Assume that the display manager has been disabled on boot. Which command can be used after login to start the X server?

    1. xs
    2. xstart
    3. X -start
    4. startx
  28. Which option in an xorg.conf file configures the amount of time before the screen goes into blank mode but does not go into standby and is available on non-Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS)-capable monitors?

    1. StandbyTime
    2. BlankTime
    3. SuspendTime
    4. OffTime
  29. Which of the following commands helps you to determine information about a given window within an X session, including information on the window size and its position?

    1. xkbinfo
    2. xdspy
    3. xwininfo
    4. xver
  30. Which option/button on the GNOME On-Screen Keyboard (GOK) is used show the keys that would be used in place of a mouse?

    1. Mouse
    2. MouseKeys
    3. Movement
    4. Compose
  31. Which of the following commands allows a host named cwa to connect to the X server?

    1. xconnect cwa
    2. xterm +cwa
    3. xhost +cwa
    4. xf cwa
  32. Which of the following options in the client SSH configuration file needs to be enabled so that X sessions can be sent over an SSH connection?

    1. X11Connect yes
    2. ForwardX11 yes
    3. ForwardX yes
    4. XForward yes
  33. Which configuration option in a Files section of an xorg.conf configuration file can be used to add a path in which the server will search for fonts?

    1. FontSection
    2. Fonts
    3. FontLoc
    4. FontPath
  34. Which assistive technology is used to provide an input method for users who cannot type but can use a pointer, such as a mouse?

    1. Keyboard
    2. Sticky keys
    3. Mouse keys
    4. On-screen keyboard
  35. Which environment variable can be used to specify the location of a user’s xauth authority file?

    1. XAUTH
    4. xauthloc
  36. When using LightDM, which key combination is used to revert back to a terminal?

    1. Alt+Ctrl+F2
    2. Alt+Ctrl+F1
    3. Ctrl+F1
    4. Ctrl+Esc
  37. Which option in the LightDM configuration enables automatic login for a specific user?

    1. auto-login
    2. autologin-user
    3. autologin
    4. auto-login-user
  38. Which of the following is a legacy utility that can be used to set accessibility options on older systems?

    1. Xaccessibility
    2. Xas
    3. AccessX
    4. setX
  39. Which command, when executed on a remote host, will send the display of X programs to the local client? (Assume Bash is used as the shell.)

    1. export DISPLAY
    2. env DISPLAY
    3. setx HOST
    4. export XHOST
  40. Which option in GOK is used to display the keys that correspond to a given application’s menu?

    1. Menus
    2. Activate
    3. MenuKeys
    4. Keys
  41. Which directory is used to store individual configuration files related to LightDM?

    1. /etc/light
    2. /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d
    3. /usr/lightdm
    4. /etc/lightdm.conf
  42. Which environment variable is used by Xsession to specify the width of a terminal device?

    2. COLUMNS
    4. TERMCOL
  43. Which option within the Device section for a video card will set the amount of RAM available on the card?

    1. VRAM
    2. RAM
    3. VideoRam
    4. vRam
  44. When configuring a Screen section in an X configuration file, the Display subsection can contain the color depth. What is the name of the option to set the color depth of the given display?

    1. ColorDepth
    2. Depth
    3. CDepth
    4. colorDep
  45. Multiple server layouts may be created within an X configuration file. Which option is used to differentiate between the different server layout options?

    1. ID
    2. Identifier
    3. LayoutName
    4. Layout
  46. Which command can be used to create a fonts.scale file definition when executed against the current directory?

    1. mkfontsscale
    2. mk.fonts
    3. mkfontfile
    4. fontmk
  47. What abbreviation used in X signifies a display that utilizes additional capabilities such as extended power-saving capabilities?

    1. DPMS
    2. XPMS
    3. DISPPWR
    4. PWRD
  48. What is the name of the accessibility function that provides an alternative to the Orca program to assist users who have visual impairments?

    1. Viz
    2. emacspeak
    3. Ahleah
    4. vAssist
  49. Which of the following is a reference implementation of the Wayland protocol?

    1. Wlnd
    2. Weston
    3. Wausau
    4. Wittenberg
  50. Within an xorg configuration file, which option sets the inactivity timeout for the suspend mode of a DPMS-capable monitor?

    1. InactTimeout
    2. InactivityTime
    3. SuspendTime
    4. InTmout
  51. When the X server is started as a normal user, configuration files from which directory are also included?

    1. /etc/X
    2. /etc/X11/UserConfig
    3. /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
    4. /etc/X/UserConf.d/
  52. Which of the following remote desktop protocols uses no compression or transport/session encryption?

    1. SSH
    2. XDMCP
    3. XR
    4. RD
  53. Within which desktop implementation would you find the xfwm4 window manager?

    1. XWin
    2. KDXF
    3. Exf
    4. Xfce
  54. Which option to Spice startup disables simple authentication?

    1. disable-auth
    2. disable-ticketing
    3. disable-authentication
    4. disable-simpleauth
  55. Which speech recognition software is included with the KDE desktop environment?

    1. Alvin
    2. Simon
    3. Theodore
    4. Zeppo
  56. Within the GNOME 3 desktop environment, within which Settings panel are the options for slow keys found?

    1. Access
    2. Typing Settings
    3. Keyboard
    4. Universal Access
  57. When an X session is already running, which command can be used to enable pointer keys?

    1. setxkbmap
    2. ptrkeys
    3. pointerkeys
    4. keypad -ptrkeys
  58. Which of the following provides a server-side implementation of Remote Desktop (RDP) for Linux?

    1. lrdp
    2. xrdp
    3. rdp-linux
    4. lindp
  59. You are attempting to edit the sudoers file with visudo over an SSH connection on a system that has GNOME installed and you receive an error indicating that gedit cannot run. Which of the following commands can be used to solve this issue?

    1. export VISUAL="/bin/vim"
    2. export DISPLAY
    3. subst DISPLAY=local
    4. env VISUAL=ssh
  60. Which option to x11vnc sets the password to be used for clients connecting to the server?

    1. -password
    2. -passwd
    3. -pass
    4. -auth
  61. Which program is used to add entries to the X authority file?

    1. xf
    2. xauthen
    3. authx
    4. xauth
  62. Which assistive technology will ignore keys that are pressed in succession or held down?

    1. Sticky keys
    2. Mouse keys
    3. Bounce keys
    4. On-screen keyboard
  63. Which environment variable is used by Xsession if the Xsession error file cannot be opened in its default location?

    1. XLOG
    2. TMPDIR
    3. SESSLOG
    4. LOGTMP
  64. From within an X session, which of the following commands shows information about the display, including resolution and color depth?

    1. xinfo
    2. xterm
    3. xwin
    4. xdpyinfo
  65. Which of the following files is the configuration file for Weston?

    1. ∼/.config/weston.cfg
    2. ∼/.config/weston.ini
    3. ∼/weston.cfg
    4. ∼/.westoncfg
  66. Which of the following remote desktop programs offers transport layer security?

    1. x11vnc
    2. xrd
    3. tls
    4. x11rtm
  67. Which add-on to Orca enables braille display support?

    1. brl
    2. brltty
    3. brldis
    4. dispbrl
  68. Which of the following is a screen magnifier program?

    1. xmag
    2. xzoom
    3. xzmag
    4. scrmag
  69. Which GRUB variable can be used to beep when the GRUB prompt is ready to accept input?

    1. GRUB_BEEP
  70. You need to remove a host from being able to connect to the X server. Which of the following will remove a host named cwa from being able to connect?

    1. xrem cwa
    2. xhost -cwa
    3. xhost -rem:cwa
    4. xrem -host cwa
  71. The X Display Manager, xdm, runs various scripts as part of the login process. Which of the following scripts is executed as the user logging in?

    1. Xstart
    2. Xsession
    3. Xstartup
    4. Xuser.conf
  72. Which option to the X server disables listening for TCP connections?

    1. -nolisten tcp
    2. -notcp
    3. -noconn tcp
    4. -noconnect tcp
  73. Which signal is used to close existing connections, free resources, and restore defaults for an X server?

    1. SIGKILL
    2. SIGHUP
    3. SIGN4
    4. SIGALL
  74. Which option in the SeatDefaults section of the lightdm.conf configuration file is used to disable the display of usernames for login?

    1. greeter-disable-user
    2. greeter-enable-login
    3. greeter-show-manual-login
    4. greeter-disable-auto-login
  75. Which option to the xauth program disables hostname resolution?

    1. -r
    2. -n
    3. -h
    4. -m
  76. Which command will switch the system into an init in which the X server is not typically executed?

    1. telinit 6
    2. telinit 1
    3. telinit 3
    4. telinit 5
  77. What is the default location for the error log if the X server is run with xdm?

    1. /etc/X11.log
    2. /var/log/Xdm.log
    3. /usr/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-errors
    4. /var/log/xdmerrors
  78. Which script can be used for per-user initialization of xinit?

    1. ∼/.xinit.conf
    2. ∼/.xinitrc
    3. ∼/.xinit.rc
    4. ∼/.xinit.cfg
  79. Which option prevents abstract sockets from listening with X11?

    1. -nolisten sock
    2. -nolisten absock
    3. -nolisten local
    4. -nolisten socklocal
  80. Which option to XDMCP enables sending of BroadcastQuery packets?

    1. -bcast
    2. -bcastQ
    3. -broadcastQuery
    4. -broadcast
  81. When using GDM as the display manager, which GUI program can be used to set options for the login window?

    1. gdmlogin
    2. gdmconfig
    3. gdmsetup
    4. gdm
  82. Within the XDMCP access configuration file, there is a line like the following:

    • *
    • Which of the following describes how access will be treated for hosts from

    1. Only the host named * can connect.
    2. No hosts from can connect.
    3. Any host within can connect.
    4. Hosts that begin with * within can connect.
  83. When using xhost, what is the syntax to enable a host named san to connect using IPv6?

    1. xhost +ipv6:san
    2. xhost -enablev6 san
    3. xhost +inet6:san
    4. xhost +enablev6 san
  84. Within which file are errors for Xsession and X client processes placed?

    1. ∼/.xsession-error.log
    2. ∼/.xsession-errors
    3. ∼/.xclient.log
    4. ∼/.xclient.errorlog
  85. GNOME includes native on-screen keyboard functionality. Which of the following commands starts the on-screen keyboard?

    1. gok
    2. osk
    3. kb
    4. oskb
  86. Which option to the xauth program specifies the authority file to use?

    1. -a
    2. -f
    3. -a
    4. -v
  87. Which accessibility option is helpful if several keys are sometimes pressed or if there is difficulty in consistently pressing the correct key on the keyboard?

    1. Key toggle
    2. Slow keys
    3. KeyAssist
    4. UniversalKeys
  88. On which port does RDP listen by default?

    1. 389
    2. 8080
    3. 3389
    4. 3306
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