Monitoring master and node

During the journey of the previous recipes, you learned how to build your own cluster, run various resources, enjoy different scenarios of usages, and even enhance cluster administration. Now comes a new level of view for your Kubernetes cluster. In this recipe, we are going to talk about monitoring. Through the monitoring tool, users not only learn about the resource consumption of workers and nodes, but also the pods. It will help us have a better efficiency in resource utilization.

Getting ready

Before we set up our monitoring cluster in the Kubernetes system, there are two main prerequisites:

  • One is to update the last version of binary files, which makes sure your cluster has stable and capable functionality
  • The other one is to set up the DNS server

A Kubernetes DNS server can reduce some steps and dependency for installing cluster-like pods. In here, it is easier to deploy a monitoring system in Kubernetes with a DNS server.


In Kubernetes, how does the DNS server gives assistance in large-system deployment?

The DNS server can support resolving the name of the Kubernetes service for every container. Therefore, while running a pod, we don't have to set a specific service IP for connecting to other pods. Containers in a pod just need to know the service name.

The daemon of the node kubelet assigns containers to the DNS server by modifying the file /etc/resolv.conf. Try to check the file or use the command nslookup for verification after you have installed the DNS server:

# kubectl exec <POD_NAME> [-c <CONTAINER_NAME>] -- cat /etc/resolv.conf
// Check where the service "kubernetes" served
# kubectl exec <POD_NAME> [-c <CONTAINER_NAME>] -- nslookup kubernetes

Updating Kubernetes to the latest version: 1.2.1

Updating the version of a running Kubernetes system is not troublesome. You can simply follow these steps. The procedure is similar for both master and node:

  • Since we are going to upgrade every Kubernetes' binary file, stop all of the Kubernetes services before you upgrade. For instance, service <KUBERNETES_DAEMON> stop
  • Download the latest tarball file version 1.2.1:
    # cd /tmp && wget
  • Decompress the file in a permanent directory. We are going to use the add-on templates provided in the official source files. These templates can help to create both the DNS server and the monitoring system:
    // Open the tarball under /opt
    # tar -xvf /tmp/kubernetes.tar.gz -C /opt/
    // Go further decompression for binary files
    # cd /opt && tar -xvf /opt/kubernetes/server/kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  • Copy the new files and overwrite the old ones:
    # cd /opt/kubernetes/server/bin/
    // For master, you should copy following files and confirm to overwrite
    # cp kubectl hypercube kube-apiserver kube-controller-manager kube-scheduler kube-proxy /usr/local/bin
    // For nodes, copy the below files
    # cp kubelet kube-proxy /usr/local/bin
  • Finally, you can start the system services. It is good to verify the version through the command line:
    # kubectl version
    Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"2", GitVersion:"v1.2.1", GitCommit:"50809107cd47a1f62da362bccefdd9e6f7076145", GitTreeState:"clean"}
    Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"2", GitVersion:"v1.2.1", GitCommit:"50809107cd47a1f62da362bccefdd9e6f7076145", GitTreeState:"clean"}

As a reminder, you should update both the master and node at the same time.

Setting up the DNS server

As mentioned, we will use the official template to build up the DNS server in our Kubernetes system. There are just two steps. First, modify the templates and create the resources. Then, we need to restart the kubelet daemon with DNS information.

Start the server using templates

The add-on files of Kubernetes are located at <KUBERNETES_HOME>/cluster/addons/. According to the last step, we can access the add-on files for DNS at /opt/kubernetes/cluster/addons/dns. Two template files are going to be modified and executed. Feel free to depend on the following steps:

  • Copy the file from the format to the YAML file and we will edit the copied ones later:
    # cp skydns-rc.yaml

    Input variable

    Substitute value


    {{ pillar['dns_domain'] }}

    The domain of this cluster


    {{ pillar['dns_replicas'] }}

    The number of replica for this replication controller


    {{ pillar['dns_server'] }}

    The private IP of DNS server. Must also be in the CIDR of cluster

     # cp skydns-svc.yaml
  • In these two templates, replace the pillar variable, which is covered by double big parentheses, with the items in this table. As you know, the default service kubernetes will occupy the first IP in CIDR. That's why we will use IP for our DNS server:
    # kubectl get svc
    kubernetes   <none>        443/TCP   4d
  • In the template for the replication controller, the file named skydns-rc.yaml specifies the master URL in the container kube2sky:
    # cat skydns-rc.yaml
    (Ignore above lines)
    - name: kube2sky
          cpu: 100m
          memory: 200Mi
          cpu: 100m
          memory: 50Mi
          path: /healthz
          port: 8080
          scheme: HTTP
        initialDelaySeconds: 60
        timeoutSeconds: 5
        successThreshold: 1
        failureThreshold: 5
          path: /readiness
          port: 8081
          scheme: HTTP
        initialDelaySeconds: 30
        timeoutSeconds: 5
      # command = "/kube2sky"
      - --domain=k8s.local
      - --kube-master-url=<MASTER_ENDPOINT_URL>:<EXPOSED_PORT>
    (Ignore below lines)

After you finish the preceding steps for modification, you can just start them using the subcommand create:

# kubectl create -f skydns-svc.yaml
service "kube-dns" created
# kubectl create -f skydns-rc.yaml
replicationcontroller "kube-dns-v11" created

Enable Kubernetes DNS in kubelet

Next, we have access to each node and add DNS information to the daemon kubelet. The tags we used for the cluster DNS are --cluster-dns, for assign the IP of DNS server, and --cluster-domain, which define the domain of Kubernetes services:

// For init service daemon
# cat /etc/init.d/kubernetes-node
(Ignore above lines)
# Start daemon.
echo $"Starting kubelet: "
        daemon $kubelet_prog 
                > ${logfile}-kubelet.log 2>&1 &
(Ignore below lines)
// Or, for systemd service
# cat /etc/kubernetes/kubelet
(Ignore above lines)
# Add your own!
KUBELET_ARGS="--cluster-dns= --cluster-domain=k8s.local"

Now, it is good for you to restart either the service kubernetes-node or just kubelet! And you can enjoy the cluster with a DNS server.

How to do it…

In this section, we will work on installing a monitoring system and introducing its dashboard. This monitoring system is based on Heapster (, a resource usage collecting and analyzing tool. Heapster communicates with kubelet to get the resource usage of both machine and container. Along with Heapster, we have influxDB ( for storage and Grafana ( as the frontend dashboard, which visualizes the status of resources in several user-friendly plots.

Installing a monitoring cluster

If you have gone through the preceding section about the prerequisite DNS server, you must be very familiar with deploying the system with official add-on templates.

  1. Let's check the directory cluster-monitoring under <KUBERNETES_HOME>/cluster/addons. There are different environments provided for deploying the monitoring cluster. We choose influxdb in this recipe for demonstration:
    # cd /opt/kubernetes/cluster/addons/cluster-monitoring/influxdb && ls
    grafana-service.yaml      heapster-service.yaml             influxdb-service.yaml
    heapster-controller.yaml  influxdb-grafana-controller.yaml

    Under this directory, you can see three templates for services and two for replication controllers.

  2. We will retain most of the service templates as the original ones. Because these templates define the network configurations, it is fine to use the default settings but expose Grafana service:
    # cat heapster-service.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: monitoring-grafana
      namespace: kube-system
      labels: "true" "Grafana"
      type: NodePort
        - port: 80
          nodePort: 30000
          targetPort: 3000
        k8s-app: influxGrafana

    As you can see, we expose Grafana service with port 30000. This revision will allow us to access the dashboard of monitoring from browser.

  3. On the other hand, the replication controller of Heapster and the one combining influxDB and Grafana require more additional editing to meet our Kubernetes system:
    # cat influxdb-grafana-controller.yaml
    (Ignored above lines)
    - image:
              name: grafana
                # keep request = limit to keep this container in guaranteed class
                  cpu: 100m
                  memory: 100Mi
                  cpu: 100m
                  memory: 100Mi
                # This variable is required to setup templates in Grafana.
                - name: INFLUXDB_SERVICE_URL
                  value: http://monitoring-influxdb.kube-system:8086
                - name: GF_AUTH_BASIC_ENABLED
                  value: "false"
                - name: GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ENABLED
                  value: "true"
                - name: GF_AUTH_ANONYMOUS_ORG_ROLE
                  value: Admin
                - name: GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL
                  value: /
    (Ignored below lines)

    For the container of Grafana, please change some environment variables. The first one is the URL of influxDB service. Since we set up the DNS server, we don't have to specify the particular IP address. But an extra-postfix domain should be added. It is because the service is created in the namespace kube-system. Without adding this postfix domain, DNS server cannot resolve monitoring-influxdb in the default namespace. Furthermore, the Grafana root URL should be changed to a single slash. Instead of the default URL, the root (/) makes Grafana transfer the correct webpage in the current system.

  4. In the template of Heapster, we run two Heapster containers in a pod. These two containers use the same image and have similar settings, but actually, they take to different roles. We just take a look at one of them as an example of modification:
    # cat heapster-controller.yaml
    (Ignore above lines)
            - image:
              name: heapster
                  cpu: 100m
                  memory: 200Mi
                  cpu: 100m
                  memory: 200Mi
                - /heapster
                - --source=kubernetes:<MASTER_ENDPOINT_URL>:<EXPOSED_PORT>?inClusterConfig=false
                - --sink=influxdb:http://monitoring-influxdb.kube-system:8086
                - --metric_resolution=60s
    (Ignore below lines)

    At the beginning, remove all double-big-parentheses lines. These lines will cause creation error, since they cannot be parsed or considered in the YAML format. Still, there are two input variables that need to be replaced to possible values. Replace {{ metrics_memory }} and {{ eventer_memory }} to 200Mi. The value 200MiB is a guaranteed amount of memory that the container could have. And please change the usage for Kubernetes source. We specify the full access URL and port, and disable ClusterConfig for refraining authentication. Remember to adjust on both the heapster and eventer containers.

  5. Now you can create these items with simple commands:
    # kubectl create -f influxdb-service.yaml
    service "monitoring-influxdb" created
    # kubectl create -f grafana-service.yaml
    You have exposed your service on an external port on all nodes in your
    cluster.  If you want to expose this service to the external internet, you may
    need to set up firewall rules for the service port(s) (tcp:30000) to serve traffic.
    See for more details.
    service "monitoring-grafana" created
    # kubectl create -f heapster-service.yaml
    service "heapster" created
    # kubectl create -f influxdb-grafana-controller.yaml
    replicationcontroller "monitoring-influxdb-grafana-v3" created
    // Because heapster requires the DB server and service to be ready, schedule it as the last one to be created.
    # kubectl create -f heapster-controller.yaml
    replicationcontroller "heapster-v1.0.2" created
  6. Check your Kubernetes resources at namespace kube-system:
    # kubectl get svc --namespace=kube-system
    NAME                  CLUSTER-IP        EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
    heapster        <none>        80/TCP              12m
    kube-dns           <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP       15h
    monitoring-grafana    nodes         80/TCP              12m
    monitoring-influxdb   <none>        8083/TCP,8086/TCP   13m
    # kubectl get pod --namespace=kube-system
    NAME                                   READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    heapster-v1.0.2-r6oc8                  2/2       Running   0          4m
    kube-dns-v11-k81cm                     4/4       Running   0          15h
    monitoring-influxdb-grafana-v3-d6pcb   2/2       Running   0          12m

Congratulations! Once you have all the pods in a ready state, let's check the monitoring dashboard.

Introducing the Grafana dashboard

At this moment, the Grafana dashboard is available through nodes' endpoints. Please make sure the node's firewall or security group on AWS has opened port 30000 to your local subnet. Take a look at the dashboard using a browser. Type <NODE_ENDPOINT>:30000 in your URL search bar:

Introducing the Grafana dashboard

In the default settings, we have two dashboards Cluster and Pods. The Cluster board covers nodes' resource utilization, such as CPU, memory, network transaction, and storage. The Pods dashboard has similar plots for each pod and you can watch each container in a pod.

Introducing the Grafana dashboard

As the preceding images show, for example, we can observe the memory utilization of individual containers in the pod kube-dns-v11, which is the cluster of the DNS server. The purple lines in the middle just indicate the limitation we set to the containers skydns and kube2sky.

Creating a new metric to monitor pods

There are several metrics for monitoring offered by Heapster ( We are going to show you how to create a customized panel by yourself. Please take the following steps as a reference:

  1. Go to the Pods dashboard and click on ADD ROW at the bottom of the webpage. A green button will show up on the left-hand side. Choose to add a graph panel.
    Creating a new metric to monitor pods
  2. First, give your panel a name. For example, CPU Rate. We would like to create one showing the rate of CPU's utility:
    Creating a new metric to monitor pods
  3. Set up the parameters in the query as shown in the following screenshot:
    Creating a new metric to monitor pods
    • FROM: For this parameter input cpu/usage_rate
    • WHERE: For this parameter set type = pod_container
    • AND: Set this parameter with the namespace_name=$namespace, pod_name= $podname value
    • GROUP BY: Enter tag(container_name) for this parameter
    • ALIAS BY: For this parameter input $tag_container_name
  4. Good job! You can now save the pod by clicking on the icon at the top:
    Creating a new metric to monitor pods

Just try to discover more functionality of the Grafana dashboard and the Heapster monitoring tool. You will get more details about your system, services, and containers through the information from the monitoring system.

See also

This recipe informs you how to monitor your master node and nodes in the Kubernetes system. However, it is wise to study the recipes about the main components and daemons. You can get more of an idea about the view of working processes and resource usage. Moreover, since we have worked with several services to build our monitoring system, reviewing the recipe about the Kubernetes services again will give you a clear idea about how you can build up this monitoring system.

  • The Creating an overlay network, Configuring master, and Configuring nodes recipes in Chapter 1, Building Your Own Kubernetes
  • The Working with services recipe in Chapter 2, Walking through Kubernetes Concepts

Kubernetes is a project which keeps moving forward and upgrading at a fast speed. The recommended way for catching up is to check out new features on its official website: Also, you can always get new Kubernetes on GitHub: Keeping your Kubernetes system up to date, and learning new features practically, is the best method to access the Kubernetes technology continuously.

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