
Symbols and Numerics

/*###*/ error 41, 114

- operator 82

/ operator 82

-- operator 82

: operator 83

! operator 83

!= operator 82

[] operator 58, 83

* operator 82

+ operator 82

++ operator 82

+= operator 82

< operator 83

<= operator 83

= operator 82

== operator 82

|| operator 82

||= operator 82

> operator 83

>= operator 83

& (AND) operator 83, 192–193, 196–197

, (comma) 81

:: (double colon) operator 83, 89

{} (list operator) 83, 84

| (OR) operator 83, 192–193

; (semicolon) 17, 75, 81

<< (Send operator) 37, 74, 81

"0," as an argument 51

"1," as an argument 51


Abbrev Date() function 77

Action setting (Add-In menu) 45

Add Axis Label() function 274

Add Container action 150

Add () function 82

Add Graphics Script() function 287

Add Properties to Table() function 8

Add Ref Line() function 284, 288–289

Add to() function 82

add-ins, saving Analysis Script to 43–46

Add-Ins menu 44–45

Align action 150


capturing scripts from 3–9

combining summary data with 25–39

combining with data import, summary and two 39–46

Analysis layer 49–53

Analysis Script, saving to add-ins 43–46

And() function 83

AND (&) operator 83, 192–193, 196–197

annotations, adding to graphs using scripts 287

Append() function 303–304

Application Builder 133, 143–157


accessing samples in Application Builder 155–156

saving as files in Application Builder 156–157

saving in Application Builder 155–156

arguments (JSL) 74

arithmetic operators 82

As Column() function 83, 93, 94, 96, 119, 214–216

As Global() function 83, 89

Assign() function 82

assignment operator 82

associative arrays (JSL) 87–88

attributes 168

Auto Scroll option 155

automatic formatting 105–106

axis labels

font and 275–277

replacing 272–274

Axis Settings() function 61, 280–281

AxisBox 59–61


back button 110

Batch Interactive() function 242–243

Bivariate menu 4

blogs 112

Break All button 126

Break() function 102

Browse Data option 10

built-in functions 75–77

buttons (Debugger) 126–131

By() function 85

By variables 250–251


Calendar Box() function 232–234

Cancel button 226

catch and escape exceptions 184–185

Change Container action 150

Char() function 305–306

character columns, deleting 202

character operators 82

Choose() function 99

Clear Log() function 76

Clipboard, saving scripts to 9

Close() function 77

code folding 107–108

color coding 106–107

Column Dialog() function 162–163, 224–225

Column() function 93, 94, 96, 119, 214–216

column name resolution 93–96

column property, saving limits into 257–258

Column Switcher 237–239


adding 214–216

in Col List Box 244–245

determining selected 201

selecting 224–225

Combine Windows feature 133, 134–137

Combo Boxes, populating 235–236

comma (,) 81

comment block 108

comparison operators 82–83

Concat() function 82

Concat Items() function 77

Concat To() function 82

condition handling 179–184

conditional logic 96–99

content 168

Continue() function 102

Control Chart analysis, saving limits from 257–258, 259–260

control charts 255–256

Control Limits column property 206–207

Copy action 7, 150

Copy Table Script option 14–15

Current Data Table() function 118–119

Current Journal() function 300–301

Current Selection() function 194–195, 196–197

custom functions 77–81

Cut action 150


Dashboard Builder 133, 137–143

Dashboard Mode option 155


capturing scripts from imported 9–10

capturing scripts from manipulating 10–15

extracting from databases 230–231

recoding 203–205

Data, using Text Import preferences option 16

data filter, local 311–312

Data Filter Context Box() function 307–308

Data Filter option 14

Data Filter Source Box() function 307–308

data import, combining with summary and two analyses 39–46

data structures (JSL) 83–88

Data Table() function 74

data tables

concatenating 221–222

identifying current 118–119

inserting contents of into journals 303–304

JSL 84

opening 228–229

rows in 199

saving scripts to 5–8

viewing open 217–218

Data Type() function 208–209

databases, extracting data from 230–231

data-table specific 37

dates, selecting 232–234

datetime values 198, 208–209

Debug Application option 154

Debug option 8


checking log 123

isolating problems 123–124

JSL Debugger 124–131

simplicity of 123

style and 122–123

defensive programming strategies 179–185

Delete action 6, 150

Delete Columns 202

Delete Symbols() function 124

Deleted Object Reference error 116–117

dialogs, building custom 159–163

discussions 111

display boxes

about 54–64

hiding 240–241

showing 240–241

Display Boxes index 110

distribution analysis 18–20

Distribution() function 8, 22

Divide() function 82

documentation 111

double colon (::) operator 83, 89


Edit option 6

Edit Platform Script action 150

eigenvectors 267

elements 168

embedded log 107

Equal() function 82

error messages 113–118

Eval Expr() function 121–122, 174–177, 206–207, 213, 214–216, 296–297

Eval() function 121–122, 173, 206–207, 213, 214–216, 266, 296–297

Eval Insert() function 179, 230–231

Eval List() function 179

Excel Wizard 26, 242–243

exception handling 184–185

executing scripts 20–21

Expr() function 121–122, 173, 206–207, 213, 214–216, 296–297

expression handling 172–179

extracting scripts 33–35, 39–41


File Exchange 112


concatenating 219–220

opening 219–220

saving applications as in Application Builder 156–157

selecting 227

Files In Directory() function 85, 228–229

Fit Model 265, 266


axis labels and 275–277

specifying for tick labels 278–279

For Each Row() loop 93, 101, 119, 128

For() loop 93, 94, 100–101, 116, 117, 120, 123, 126, 171, 210, 217–218, 229

Format() function 74, 280–281


deleting 211–212

using JSL variables in 120–122

using variables with 213

forward button 110

FrameBox 55–59

Function() function 77–78


See also specific functions

built-in 75–77

custom 77–81

JSL 75–81

Functions index 109


General setting (Add-In menu) 45

Get Column Names() function 202, 214–216

Get Data Table List() function 217–218, 221–222

Get Excluded Rows function 199

Get Hidden Rows function 199

Get Limits() function 255–256

Get Name command 217–218

Get Property command 211–212

Get Rows Where() function 210

Get Script command 190–191

Get Selected Columns command 201

Get Selected Rows command 199, 200

Global namespaces 89

global variables

defined 36

using for limiting values 254

Glue() function 82

Glue operator (;) 17, 82

Graph Builder 30, 272–274, 290–292

graphs, adding annotations to using scripts 287

Greater() function 83

Greater or Equal() function 83

green triangle icon 6, 8

Group Scripts option 6–7


handle 300–301

Here namespaces 89


Icon setting (Add-In menu) 45


green triangle 6, 8

red triangle 3

If() function 96–99

importing text data 16–18

Index() function 83

Insert Into() 217–218

interface (Application Builder) 143–145

Invalid Row Number error 118

Is Missing() function 210


Jackknife distances 268–269

JMP Blog 112

JMP User Community 111–112

JMPer Cable 112

journal window 300–301, 302

journals, inserting contents of data tables in 303–304

.jrp files, saving reports as 305–306


about 1

arguments 74

associative arrays 87–88

conditional logic 96–99

data structures 83–88

data tables 84

functions 75–81

fundamental concepts of 73–83

lists 84–86

looping 100–102

matrices 86–87

messages 74

name resolution 92–96

namespaces 88–92

objects 74

operators 81–83

Send operator (<<) 74

statements 73–75

JSL Cookbook 112

JSL Debugger 124–131

JSL Editor

See Script Editor

JSL Syntax Reference 111



Analysis layer 49–53

Report layer 53–71

of results 49

legend colors 290–292

Less() function 83

Less or Equal() function 83

limits, plotting on Oneway plots 288–289

line numbers 107

Lineup Box() function 298–299

List() function 83, 84

list operator ({}) 83, 84

lists (JSL) 84–86

Loc Max() function 76

local data filter 311–312

local variables 80

Log window 41, 107

logical operators 83

logs, checking 21–22, 123

looping 100–102


Mahalanobis outlier 268–269

maps, using as filters 307–308

Match() function 98–99, 203–205

matching fences 105

matrices (JSL) 86–87

Matrix() function 83

mentoring services 112

messages (JSL) 74

missing numeric values, replacing 210

modal dialogs, vs non-modal dialogs 159–162

Module action 150

Move to Corner action 150

Multiple File Import feature 219–220

Multiply() function 82

multivariate analysis 267


N Items() function 118, 124, 170, 201

N Row() function 199

N Table() function 76, 217–218

Name Expr() function 179, 305–306

Name() function 96

name resolution (JSL) 92–96

Name Unresolved error 113–115

named argument 74

namespaces (JSL) 88–92

Neural platform 252–253

New Column() function 74, 119, 190–191, 213

New Table() function 190–191

New Window() function 114, 159–162, 226, 230–231

non-modal dialogs, vs modal dialogs 159–162

Not Equal() function 82

Not() function 83

NTables() function 221–222

Number Edit Box() function 232–234


objects (JSL) 74

Objects index 109

Objects panel (Application Builder) 149–154

Oneway[] platform objects 70

Oneway plots, plotting limits on 288–289

Oneway report 64–65

OnModuleLoad function 147, 148

Open as Data option 10

Open Database() function 230–231

Open() function 9–10, 179–180, 242–243

Open Table option 10

operators (JSL) 81–83

OR (|) operator 83, 192–193

OutlineBox 61–64


Parameter Estimates tables 248–251

Parse() function 179

Paste action 8, 150

Pick Directory() function 228–229

Pick File() function 179–180, 219–220, 227

play button 6

Pooled t Test node 63, 67

Post Decrement() function 82

Post Increment() function 82

Prediction Profiler 252–253

presentations, options for 53–54

Profile JSL Script button 126

programming operator 83

Properties panel (Application Builder) 149–154

publications 112


Query Builder 10


Recode command 203–205

recoding data 203–205

red triangle icons 3

Red Triangle menu (Application Builder) 154–155

reference lines

adding 284

removing 285–286

references, assigning to Graph Builder output 37

Remove Ref Line() function 285–286

Replace table option 11–12

Report() function 54

Report layer 53–71

report tables 68–71


accessing items in 64–65

adding items to 65–67

arranging 298–299

navigating programmatically 163–172

removing items from 67–68

saving as .jrp files 305–306

tabbed 309–310

Rerun Formulas command 120


about 108–109

documentation 111

JMP User Community 111–112

mentoring services 112

publications 112

Scripting Index 109–111

training services 112

webcasts 112

Restart button 126

Return() function 80–81

Row() function 94, 214–216


in data tables 199

selecting 192–193, 194–195, 196–197

Run Application option 154

Run button 126

Run Formulas command 120

Run Script option 6, 7

Run without breakpoints button 126


See executing


SAS Press (website) 112

Save() function 305–306

Save Script option 4–5, 155

Save Text File() function 305–306

scope 89

scoping operator 83

Script Editor

about 21, 103–104

features of 105–108

saving scripts to 8

Script windows

See Script Editor

Scripting Guide 111

Scripting Help action 150

Scripting Index 109–111

Scripting Only designation 53


adding annotations to graphs using 287

capturing from analyses 3–9

capturing from data manipulations 10–15

capturing from imported data 9–10

creating 190–191

creating combined 15–18

executing 20–21

extracting 33–35, 39–41

saving 22–23

saving to Clipboard 9

saving to data tables 5–8

saving to Script windows 8

stitching 25

stopping 226

testing 185

See Also button 110

Select Where() command 14, 93, 124, 194–195, 196–197, 198, 200

selective execution 108

semicolon (;) 17, 75, 81

Send Expects Scriptable Object error 115

Send() function 81

Send operator (<<) 37, 74, 81

Set Function() function 235–236

Set Property() function 282–283

Set Text() function 272–274

Set Window Title() 302

Shortcut setting (Add-In menu) 45

Show() function 81, 123

Show Grid option 154

Show Properties command 51–52, 111, 155

Show Properties Log windows 53

Show Symbols() function 90, 91, 124

Snap to Grid option 154

Source Panel option 155

Sources panel (Application Builder) 146

spec limits 261–263

Specified Column Not Found in Data Table error 118

square brackets 58, 83

Start Over option 154

statements (JSL) 73–75

Step Into button 126

Step Out button 126

Step Over button 126

Stepwise regression analysis 264

Stop button 126

Subscript Range Error 117–118

subscripting 163–168

subsets, creating 200

Substitute() function 177–179

Subtract() function 82

Summarize() function 119, 124

summary, combining with data import and two analyses 39–46

summary data, combining with analyses 25–39

Summary of Fit area 65

syntax highlighting 106–107


tabbed reports 309–310

tags 168

text data, importing 16–18

Text() function 287

text strings, removing 294–295

TextBox() function 78

Throw() function 182, 184–185, 226

tick labels 278–279, 280–281

titles, selecting 232–234

To Script Window command 8

Today() function 77

toggle button 110

Toolbar (Application Builder) 155–156

tooltips 107

Topic Help button 110

training services 112

tree structure 55, 67–68


about 112

common issues 113–122

debugging 122–131

error messages 113–118

identifying current data tables 118–119

timing issues with uncompleted tasks 120

using JSL variables in formulas 120–122

Try() function 184–185, 211–212

T-square values 268–269


uncomment block 108

Unexpected End of Input error 116

Uppercase() function 228–229

Use as Selection Filter action 150



specifying order of 282–283

T-square 268–269

using global variables for limiting 254


global 36, 254

local 80

using in formulas 120–122

using in Where statements 296–297

using with formulas 213


Wait() function 120, 219–220

webcasts 112

Where statements, using variables in 296–297

While() loop 101

wildcard character 228–229

Window menu 39

Workspace panel (Application Builder) 146–149


XPath 168–172

XPath Count() function 170

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