

ADD method

about 12–13


labels 66, 331

visual dimension to data 64–66

add-ins (SAS) 318

Aircraft 136

alternate overlay plots 107


framing 216–225

one column 180–191

Analyze menu 11–13

animated graphs

creating 282–284

defined 269

placing into PowerPoint 284–286

sharing 287–292

Annotate tool 272

attribute data 44

Automatic Recalc 251, 264

axis, changing for graphs 276


background color, changing for graphs 274

background maps, shaping 153–158

Bar charts 91, 110, 128, 331

Big 45

Billion Dollar 128

Bivariate plot 203, 325

Box and Whisker plot 325, 331

box plot

See Box and Whisker plot

Bubble plot 130–131, 331


C charts 101, 331


axis of graphs 276

background color for graphs 274

color for graphs 274

modeling type 44

preferences 19


about 86

Bar 91, 110, 128, 331

C 101, 331

individual 97

Line 75–76, 323

moving range 97, 164, 335

NP 100

P 99, 335

Pie 88 - 89, 335

R 98, 336

run 96, 336

scatter 91

U 102, 338

Variability 103, 339

Chi-Square, shortcuts for 331

cleaning data 48–61


changing for graphs 274

for columns 331

Column Info Dialog 331

Column Properties menu 53


See also problem solving

coloring 331

comparing 116–125

marking 331

one-column graphs 110–116

two-column graphs 116–125

Columns panel (data table) 42

comparing columns 116–125

concatenate 331

confidence curves 247

Confidence Interval 325

Contingency Platform 331

Contingency Table 325

continuous data 44

contour 126–127, 162

Control Charts

about 94

C chart 101, 331

Excel add-in 19

individual chart 97

moving range chart 97, 164, 335

NP chart 100

P chart 99, 335

range chart 98, 336

R chart 98, 336

run chart 96, 336

shortcuts for 331

U chart 102, 338

X-Bar-chart 98

conventions, explained 2–3

correlation 326, 331

count 326

count data 44

covariance 332

Create Model Excel add-in 19


animated graphs 282–286

dynamic dashboards 289–292

exportable animated graphs 282–286

JMP data tables 26–40

Profiler from Fit Model 135

thematic maps 67-69

customizing graphs 270–277



Dashboards, creating and sharing 289-292


about 44

adding labels to 66

adding visual dimension to 64–66

aggregating 38

attribute 44

Big 45

cleaning 48–61

continuous 44

count 44

defined 44

distribution analysis for columns of 184–191

dynamic linking of 191

excluding 62

filtering 62–64, 225–243

formatting 48–61

getting into JMP 26–41

hiding 62

highlighting 61–64

importing into JMP 29

mapping 334

mining shortcuts 332

mining using Partition platform 214–225

preparing using Recode command 59–61

selecting 61

Data Filter

about 62

command 228–235

global 62–64

local 64

shortcuts for 332

using 62

data preview panel 32, 317

data sets (SAS), file extensions for 26

Data Table

about 14–15, 41–44

columns panel 42

creating JMP 40

as element of JMP 14

Excel add-in 19

file extensions for 26

rows panel 42

table panel 42

data types 44

database files, importing 35–39

database query 36–39

dates, formatting 45

deciles 318

decimal places, formatting 50

degrees of freedom (DF) 326

Delwiche, Lora

The Little SAS Book: A Primer 321

density ellipses 332

descriptive statistics, shortcuts for 332

design of experiments, shortcuts for 332

dialog windows, launching 16

Discovering JMP 300

discrete data 44

displaying multiple columns in graphs 125–135


defined 326

Excel add-in 19

shortcuts for 332

distribution analysis, for columns of data 184–191

distribution fitting, shortcuts for 332

Distribution plot 110–111

Documentation Library 300

DOE menu 10

dot plot 89–90

Drop Zone 86–87

duration, formatting 50

dynamic dashboards, creating 289–292

dynamic graphs 282, 286

dynamic linking 187


Edit menu 10

Edit Model Excel add-in 19

Effect Screening, 256

Element Type icons 88, 149

Enter Beginner’s Tutorial button 7 data table 16


add-in 18–19

file extensions for 26

Import Wizard 32–33

importing files 30

shortcuts for files 332

excluding data 62

experimental design, shortcuts for 332

exponential smoothing, shortcuts for 333

exporting graphs

html 286–287

JMP Live 287–289

JMP Public 287–289

Power Point 278–282

Word 278–282

extracting subsets with Table command 226–228


F ratio 326

FACS files, file extensions for 27

File Exchange 308–309, 319

file extensions 26–27

File menu 10

files, shape 67–69

filtering data 61–64, 225–243 181

Fit Line, shortcuts for 333

Fit Model platform

about 207–208

creating Profiler from 135

Excel add-in 19

Fit Polynomial, shortcuts for 333

Fit Y by X platform 13, 17, 116–125, 180, 192–202, 203–205, 237–254, 333

forecasting, shortcuts for 333


data 48–61

dates 45

decimal places 49–50

duration 50

time 50

Formula Depot 323–324

Formula Editor 54–56, 333

framing analysis 216–225

frequency 326

frequency distribution, shortcuts for 333

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 310

full factorial design, shortcuts for 333


Gauge chart, shortcuts for 333

GIFs, creating and placing in PowerPoint 284–286

goodness-of-fit, shortcuts for 333

Graph Builder platform

about 86–88

accessing 87

control panel 89

Distribution plot 101

drop zone 86–87

Excel add-in 18

Mosaic plot 114

Outlier Box plot 112

producing graphs using 141–153

producing maps using 153–162

Scatterplot 118

Scatterplot (with Polynomial Fit) 120

Scatterplot (with Spline Fit) 121

shortcuts for 333

thematic maps 92–94

Tree Map 127

variability charts 103

Graph menu 10


See also sharing graphs

about 85

basic charts 86–92

Bubble plot 130–131, 282–286, 331

control charts 94–102

customizing 270–277

displaying multiple columns 125–135

dynamic- linking of 187

one column 110–116

Overlay plots 105–108, 335

Pareto plots 109, 335

producing using Graph Builder 141–153

Profiler 134–135, 254–267, 336

Scatterplot 3D 126–127

Scatterplot Matrix 132–133

shortcuts for 333

thematic maps 92–94

Tree Map 127–128, 327

two column 116–125

Variability plots 103–104, 339



about 297

Help menu 299–300

Help tool 297–299

JMP Starter window 307

Help Contents (Help menu) 299–300

Help Index (Help menu) 299–300

Help menu 10–11, 299–300

Help tool 297–299

hiding data 62

highlighting data 61–64


shortcuts for 333

Holt-Winters 334

Home Window 8–9, 14

horizontal bar chart, shortcuts for 334

horizontal layout, for graphs 275–276

HTML 5, sharing dynamic graphs with 282, 286

HTML files, file extensions for 26


IF statements 48

Import Wizard (Excel) 32–33


data into JMP 29

database files 35

Excel files 30–34

text files 34

Imputing missing values 80–82

individual chart 97

input 51, 60, 116, 210, 220

inputs 215

integrating JMP with SAS 313–324

Interactive HTML 5 286–287

interquartile range 326

interval scale data 44

IR chart, shortcuts for 334



See also specific topics

about 1

Data Tables 14–15, 41–44

Discussion Forum 308

Documentation Library 300–301

elements of using 14–15

Excel add-in 18–19

file extensions for 26

files, opening 26

getting data into 26–41

Home Window 8–9, 14

importing data into 29

integrating with SAS 313–324

launching 5–9

launching dialog windows 16

Live 288, 292

menus 9–13, 330

Preferences 19–23

Public 282, 288–289, 292

reasons for using 324

SAS training for 311

shortcuts 329–339

Starter window 307–308

technical support 310

Toolbar 271–274

User Community (Help menu) 308

webcasts 310

website 308–310

JMP Webinars, 310

Join option (Tables menu) 72–79

joining shortcuts for 334

JSON, importing 26


Knowledge Base 310

Kruskal-Wallis Test, shortcuts for 334


labels, adding 66–67, 331

Lasso tool, selecting individual points with 241

Launch Window, as element of JMP 15

least squares regression, shortcuts for 334

Likert scales 45

Linear fit 118–119

Line chart 91–92, 334

Lines tool 272–273

The Little SAS Book: A Primer (Delwiche and Slaughter) 321

Logistic Fit 123

logistic regression 326, 334

logit models 326


Mac, accessing JMP on 6

Make Into Data Table 173

mapping data 67–69, 334

maps, producing using Graph Builder 153–162

MATLAB code, file extensions for 26

maximum 326

mean 326

median 327

memory capacity 44

menus (JMP) 9–13, 330

metadata 42

minimum 327

mining data using Partition platform 215–216

Minitab Worksheets, file extensions for 26

missing data 79–82

Missing Data Pattern window (Tables menu) 79–82

missing value code 53

model fitting 243–267

modeling type 44–47

Mosaic plot 114, 124–125, 334 48

moving averages 334

moving range chart 97, 335

multiple column graphs

bubble plot 130–131

packed bar chart 128–129

parallel plot 129–130

profiler 134–135

scatterplot 3D 126–127

scatterplot matrix 132–133

tree map 127–128

multiple comparisons, shortcuts for 335

multiple regression 327, 335

Multivariate platform, shortcuts for 335

Multivariate window 80


name selection in column 212

New User Welcome Kit 308

95% confidence curves 119, 248

nominal data 44

Normal Quantile plot 113

NP chart 100


observation 29

one-column graphs

about 110

bar chart 110–111

histogram 110–111

Mosaic plot 114

Normal Quantile plot 113

Outlier Box plot 112

Time Series 115–116

one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) 191–202, 327, 335

Oneway plots 122

Open DataBase Connectivity standard (ODBC) 26, 35


dialog windows 16

Graph Builder platform 87

JMP 5–9

JMP files 26

SAS programs 317–318

OpenStreet Maps 69

ordinal data 45

outlier 327

Outlier Box plot 112, 325

See also Box and Whisker plot

Outputs 215

Overlay plot 105–108, 335


P chart 99, 335

Packed Bar Chart 128

Parallel plot 129–130, 335

Pareto plot 109, 335

Partition platform

data mining using 215–216

defined 327

leaf report 223

shortcuts for 335

Partition Trees 220–221

paste functions 281

Paste special 281

Percentile 326, 328

Phase chart, shortcuts for 335

Pie chart 88–89, 335

Pivot-Table, shortcuts for 335

Point chart, shortcuts for 335

polynomial fit 120, 336, 337

power calculations, shortcuts for 336


placing animated graphs into 282–286

placing graphs into 278–282

Prediction Profiler 134–135, 254–267, 336

Predictive Modeling, shortcuts for 336


about 19–23

Excel add-in 18

Prob > F 327

Prob > t 327

problem solving

about 179, 195–196

analyzing one column 180–191

comparing columns 191–202, 203–206

model fitting 243–267

visualization 243–254

what-if analysis 254–267

Process Control, shortcuts for 336


See Prediction Profiler

program files (SAS), file extensions for 26

Publish to JMP Live or JMP Public 287–289

Python, integration and deployment 27, 323–324


qualitative data 44

Quantile plot 113

quantiles 327

quantitative data 44

quartiles 328

Query Builder 36–39

Quick Guide 4–5


R chart 98, 336

R code, file extensions for 26

ratio data 44

Recode command 59–61

recursive partitioning, shortcuts for 336


defined 328

logistic 326, 334, 336

multiple 327, 335

shortcuts for 336

simple 336

regression trees 336

Report Window 15

residual analysis 336

response surface, shortcuts for 336

results, understanding 325–328

row selection 210

row states 61–62

Rows menu, adding visual dimension to data 64–66

Rows panel (data table) 42–43

RSquare 328

Run chart 96, 336

Run Model Excel add-in 19


S chart, shortcuts for 337

sample data directory, shortcuts for 337

Sample Data Index (Help menu) 305–306

sample size calculations, shortcuts for 336

San Francisco 154


add-ins 318

integrating with JMP 313–324

Libraries 316

Metadata 314–317

reasons for using 324

training in JMP 311

working with data 313–317

SAS programs 26, 317–324 271

Save Script to Data Table 235, 293

saving graphs with scripts 293–295

scatter charts 91–92


See also bivariate plot

about 118

with Polynomial Fit 120

shortcuts for 337

with Spline Fit 121

Scatterplot 3D 126–127

Scatterplot Matrix 132–133

screening design, shortcuts for 337

scripts, sharing graphs with 293–295


data 61

individual points with Lasso tool 241

selection path, example of 3

Selection tool 272

Set Format 172

Shapefiles, file extensions for 44

shaping background maps and files 67–69

sharing graphs

about 270

animated graphs 282–286

changing axis 276–277

changing background color 274–275

changing color 274–275

creating interactive dashboards 289–292

customizing 270–277

horizontal layout 275–276

JMP Toolbar 271–273

placing animated graphs into PowerPoints 282–286

placing into PowerPoint or Word 278–282

presenting effectively 270

with scripts 293–295

sharing dynamic graphs with HTML 5 286–287

shortcuts (JMP) 329–339

Show and Include 232, 250, 263

simple regression, shortcuts for 336, 337

Simple Shape tool 272

Slaughter, Susan

The Little SAS Book: A Primer 321

sort, shortcuts for 337

Sort option (Tables menu) 72

Spearman’s Rho, shortcuts for 337

special paste functions 281–282

spline fit 121

Split 214–220, 225

Split Prob 220

SPSS data files, file extensions for 26

SQL 36, 316

standard deviation 328

standard least squares 328

static graphs 169

statistical modeling 209

Statistical Thinking (STIPS) course 309

Statistics Index (Help menu) 303–305

Statistics Knowledge Portal 309

Stem-and-Leaf, shortcuts for 337

Stemming 138

Stepwise regression, shortcuts for 337


extracting with Table command 226–228

shortcuts for 337

sum of squares 328

Summary option (Tables menu) 70–71

Summary Statistics, shortcuts for 337


Table command, extracting subsets with 226–228

Table panel (data table) 42

tables, shortcuts for 338

Tables menu

about 10, 70

joining 72–79

missing data 79–82

sorting 72

Tabulate platform

about 166

shortcuts for 338

technical support (JMP) 310 142

Teradata Database, file extensions for 26

Test for Equal/Unequal Variances, shortcuts for 338

Test for Normality, shortcuts for 338

Test for Proportions, shortcuts for 338

Text Explorer platform 135

text files

file extensions for 26

importing 34

thematic maps 92–94

time, formatting 50–52

Time Series plot

about 115–116

Excel add-in 19

shortcuts for 333, 338

Tip of the Day (Help menu) 7, 302–303 129

Toolbar (JMP) 271–273


question mark 191, 297–299

Tools menu 10

Tree Map 127–128, 338

t-Test, shortcuts for 337

Tukey Box Plot 112, 338

Tutorials (Help menu) 302

Two or more factor ANOVA, shortcuts for 338

two-column graphs

about 116–117

Logistic Fit 123

Mosaic plot 124–125

Oneway plots 122

Parallel plot 129–130

Scatterplot 118–119

Scatterplot (with Polynomial Fit) 120

Scatterplot (with Spline Fit) 121


U charts 102, 338

Univariate platform, shortcuts for 332, 339

users’ groups 310


value labels 54

value order 56–59

Variability chart 103–104, 339


See columns

versions (JMP) 2, 6

View menu 10

viewing preferences 19

visual dimension, adding to data 64–66

visualization 243–254


Web Resources 308–310

webcasts (JMP) 310


JMP 308

users’ groups 310

Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test, shortcuts for 339

Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, shortcuts for 339

Window menu 10

Windows PCs, accessing JMP on 5

Word, placing graphs into 278–282

word cloud 135–139

writing SAS programs 317–324


X-Bar charts 98, 339

xBase data files, file extensions for 26

XML, importing 26


Y, Columns 17


z-Test, shortcuts for 337

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