Output processing
This chapter discusses differences between JES3 and JES2 output processing, printer setup, and Remote Job Processing support.
Both JES3 and JES2 can process output in several different ways. Output can be:
Held on spool for TSO
Processed by an external writer
 – IBM external writer
 – ISV external writer
Printed locally
Printed remotely
This chapter addresses each type of output showing the differences between JES3 and JES2 processing.
14.1 Held on spool for TSO
The JES3 initialization deck normally has at least one SYSOUT class defined as held for TSO. The class would be defined with statements similar to the following:
These parameters allow TSO users to view their output using the TSO OUTPUT command or ISPF 3.8. By using a product such as SDSF or (E)JES, all output is generally available for viewing.
JES2 does not have the concept of “held for TSO”. Output classes can be defined as WRITE, HOLD, or PURGE:
The TSO OUTPUT command or ISPF 3.8 will only allow viewing of held output, which can be requeued to the write queue if wanted. Products such as SDSF or (E)JES allow viewing of output on both the hold and writer queues. JES2 has conditional output dispositioning. The first parameter is for jobs that complete normally, the second is for jobs that abend.
With both JES3 and JES2, customers can requeue held output to the print queue if wanted.
14.2 Processed by an external writer
The process SYSOUT (PSO) interface (subsystem interface code 1) is used to obtain output from the JES spool. It is used for both the TSO OUTPUT and RECEIVE commands and for the external writer. JES3 and JES2 both process external writer output similarly.
A common practice is to define one or more held sysout classes for external writers. This will prevent work destined for the external writer from being accidentally printed. Conversely, the external writer can process data intended for printing if it is started for a print sysout class.
14.2.1 IBM supplied external writer
Both JES3 and JES2 can use the external writer (IASXWR00) to write data from the spool to a data set or special device. The external writer is supplied as part of the base z/OS operating system and is JES-independent. The external writer is a started task that selects jobs from a JES spool according to one or more criteria:
Output class
Job ID
Forms specification
The writer name
A common use of the external writer is archiving SYSLOG data as shown in Example 14-1. While JES3 keeps its syslog for the entire JESplex in a single stream, JES2 creates a separate syslog for each LPAR in the JESplex. To keep the archives separate, a sysout class can be defined for each LPAR.
Example 14-1 Sample external writer procedure
// UNIT=3390,SPACE=(CYL,9100,30),RLSE),
In this example, symbol &LOGCLS is defined in parmlib member IEASYM00 for each LPAR. Only the sysout class can be coded in the PARM field; other criteria such as form name or destination must be specified by the operator using the z/OS MODIFY command against the started task.
14.2.2 Vendor-supplied external writers
Both IBM and independent software vendors (ISVs) provided specialized external writers with products designed to archive and print reports. An IBM example is Report Management and Distribution System (RMDS). These products use the PSO interface to obtain output from the spool and perform the required processing. Other vendors use external writers to send output to specialized devices such as plotters. Refer to the vendor’s documentation to note if there are any differences in how the product works between JES3 and JES2.
14.3 Local printing
Both JES3 and JES2 can have a vast number of printers defined. JES3 uses the JNAME parm to name the printer, while JES2 numbers its printers 1 - 9999. There are many parameters that can specify print criteria such as form name, destination, SYSOUT class, and so on.
If you have non IBM printers, check with your vendor for any differences in setup or function between JES3 and JES2.
14.3.1 Printer naming conventions
JES3 allows installations to name printers by using the JNAME parameter on the DEVICE statement. The name limit is 8 characters. Additionally, printers can be grouped by using the DGROUP parameter. This allows several printers to be pooled at one location and allow jobs to be printed on any printer that has the correct form name or other setup criteria. Jobs can be routed to a certain printer by using the name or group as the destination.
For example, an installation has four high-speed printers named HQPRT1, HQPRT2, HQPRT3, and HQPRT4 in DGROUP HQPRINT. A job routed to HQPRINT with FORM=STD can print on any printers set up with that form. If that printer is down for service, the operator can set up a different printer with that form. Jobs would then print on the alternate printer without intervention.
JES2 printers must be named PRT(nnnn) for local printers or R(nnnn).PRn for RJE printers. The JES2 definition for a printer has a series of one to four routecodes. A DESTID statement can be used to define an eight-character name for a printer. The SDSF Printer display indicates which printer is associated with which DESTID under the SDESTn columns.
If more than one printer shares the same routecode, a job with that destination can print on any printer with the correct setup.
14.3.2 Advanced Function Printers (Infoprint)
AFP is a JES-independent method of printing also known as all-points-addressable printing. It has the ability to place text or images at any point on a sheet of paper. It is commonly used for printing to high-speed production printers such as the Infoprint 4100.
The product used to drive the printers is called IBM Print Services Facility™ (PSF). PSF accepts jobs from either JES and provides identical output. A started task called a functional subsystem (FSS) is started automatically when the operator calls (JES3) or starts (JES2) the writer. The FSS takes data from the JES spool and sends it to the printer as an intelligent print data stream (IPDS). A control block called the job separator page area (JSPA) is used to provide job and data set information to the FSS. JES3 uses exit 45 (IATUX45) and JES2 uses exit 23 (HASX23A) to modify the JSPA. PSF exits can access the JSPA to create separator pages or do other processing as required. Both JES3 and JES2 have other exits that affect print processing in general but exits 45/23 are the only ones that affect PSF directly.
See Chapter 10, “Related products” on page 135 for more information on AFP and Infoprint.
14.3.3 JES printers
Older channel-attached printers such as the IBM 3211 are controlled by JES directly instead of through an FSS. Card punches (if any still exist) are controlled by writers similar to printers.
14.4 Remote printing
JES3 and JES2 support remote printers through binary synchronous communications (BSCs) and Systems Network Architecture (SNA). JES3 calls its support Remote Job Processing (RJP) while JES2 calls it Remote Job Entry (RJE). RJP or RJE workstations can be dumb workstations, intelligent workstations, or other computers. Support is provided for card readers and punches, but often this support is merely used for transferring input and output files from and to the workstations rather than for actual card processing.
14.4.1 BSC remote workstations
JES3 defines remote lines using RJPLINE statements in its initialization deck. RJP workstations are defined using RJPTERM statements. Printers, punches, and card readers are defined with DEVICE statements. Console support is provided through a CONSOLE statement.
JES2 defines remote lines with LINE(nnnn) UNIT=dev statements and RJE workstations with RMT(nnnn) statements.
14.4.2 SNA remote workstations
JES3 uses a COMMDEFN statement to associate JES3 with a VTAM applied. RJP workstations are defined using RJPWS statements. Printers, punches, and card readers are defined using DEVICE statements. Console support is provided through the CONSOLE statement.
JES2 uses a LOGON(n) statement to associate JES2 with a VTAM applied. SNA lines are defined using LINE(nnnn) UNIT=SNA statements. RJE workstations are defined using RMT(nnnn) statements. Printers, punches, and card readers are defined using R(nnnn).PR(n), R(nnnn).PU(n), and R(nnnn).RD(n) statements.
14.5 Archiving output
Both JES3 and JES provide facilities to offload spool data. They can be used to archive data, provide additional spool space during times of heavy workload, or assist in migrating between major software releases.
14.5.1 JES3 dump job (DJ)
JES3 can offload spool data to tape using the JES3 dump job (DJ) utility. Jobs can be purged from the spool or kept as required. All control blocks are dumped with the jobs. The DJ utility can also be run in server mode. In this case, it runs in a separate address space rather than as a JES3 task, and uses standard data management rather than devices defined in the JES3 initialization deck.
JES2 provides an OFFLOAD facility that can offload data to either tape or DASD. From one to eight offload tasks can be defined. JES2 treats the offload transmitters and receivers like printers and uses similar commands. Some installations use offloaders to back up retained spool data on a scheduled basis.
14.5.3 Limitation between JES3 dump job and JES2 spool offload
Neither DJ nor OFFLOAD is meant for use by the end user. They are not compatible with each other; for example, an installation cannot dump JES3 spool data to tape using DJ and then restore it to a JES2 system using OFFLOAD. However, an installation can exchange data between JES3 and JES2 systems using NJE.
14.6 Spin processing
Are there differences between JES3 and JES2 in relation to freeing up spool files so they can be printed, deleted, or whatever?
14.7 Printer processing
Printers for both JESs can be managed by an operator issuing commands through a console or automation session, or by an Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) interface such as SDSF or (E)JES. With both JESs, the operator can set up a printer to select jobs by a number of criteria, such as destination, form name, carriage tape or FCB, sysout class, or special printer features. The operator can also allow the printer to process one job at a time or run continuously, backspace the printer to reprint pages, or cancel jobs.
Operator commands are beyond the scope of this book. Command syntax is different between the two JESs and print operator training is crucial to a successful migration.
14.8 SYSOUT class redirection
In JES3, you can specify that a certain class of SYSOUT is redirected to another environment. In JES2, the use of Exit 40 is required for this purpose.
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