
  • A
  • Abilities, status and, 104–105
  • Account, units of, 7, 12–14
  • Accredited investors, 70
  • Achievements, 104–105, 111, 151
  • Active income, 61
  • Adjustable‐rate mortgages, 27
  • Advertising, 122
  • Affiliations, 106–107, 111
  • AIG, 28
  • Alive, feeling, 124
  • Alternative investments, 69–70
  • Amazon, 65
  • American Psychological Association, 86
  • Ammous, Saifedean, 14
  • Antiquated wealth paradigm, 3, 6, 19, 153
  • Apollo Global Management, 72
  • Apple, 22, 91
  • Apple Pay, 65
  • Apple watch, 83–84
  • Archetypal spirit animals, 45
  • Archetypes, company and individual, 109
  • Aristotle, 4, 99
  • Arizona, 38
  • ARK Invest, 72
  • Aron, Arthur, 131
  • Arrogance, 22, 30
  • Associations, status and, 105–107
  • Attention, 120–121
  • Attention economy, 118, 122–123, 128
  • Augmented‐reality advertising, 122
  • Australia, 38
  • Authenticity, 105, 109–110, 138, 149
  • Authority, 149
  • Autonomy, 55
  • B
  • Baby boomers, 21, 23, 31, 32, 35–36, 64
  • Bad experiences, 126
  • Banks, 9–10, 14, 27, 28, 118
  • Bartering economy, 15–16, 18
  • Baseline relationship, with self, 130
  • Beard, Charles A., 15
  • Bear Sterns, 28
  • Beatles, 90
  • Beliefs, 165
  • Bhatia, Nik, 14
  • Bilyeu, Tom, 56
  • Biometric data, 83
  • Bitcoin, 12–14, 64, 66, 74, 100
  • Blockchain, 2, 63, 73–77
  • Blockchain Research Institute, 74
  • Bloomberg Wealth, 31
  • Bonding, shared experience for, 124
  • Books, as external resources, 167
  • Borrowing, 25
  • Boston Consulting Group, 29
  • Brand, 43, 56, 108–110, 138
  • Brand ambassadors, 110
  • Branson, Sir Richard, 105
  • Bristol, Claude M., 130
  • Brooklyn, N.Y., 37
  • Buddha, 90
  • Bumble, 46, 138
  • Business, relationship capital in, 136
  • C
  • Calendars, 114, 121
  • Canada, 152
  • Capital gains, 61
  • Captain Planet (TV show), 160
  • Carbon dioxide, 161
  • Career advancement, 42
  • Carlyle Group, 72
  • Carnegie, Dale, 111
  • Car ownership, 32, 127
  • Carr, Caleb, 98
  • Carrey, Jim, 135
  • Case‐Shiller Index, 28
  • Cash on hand, 66
  • Catholicism, 141
  • CBDCs (central bank digital currencies), 14–15
  • Celebrity brand ambassadors, 111
  • Cell phones, 22–23, 118–121
  • Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), 14–15
  • Central banks, 11
  • Challenges, to build strength, 167
  • Charity, 135
  • Checks (paper), 9
  • Chicago, Ill., 37
  • Children, having, 31, 137
  • China, 152
  • Choice, 54, 59, 78, 138–139, 150
  • Choice overload, 139
  • Christensen, Clayton M., 108
  • Chronic stress, 86
  • Churchill, Winston, 81
  • Clocks, 114
  • Closeness, 131
  • Coins, 8–9, 11
  • Collective health, 56
  • Collectivist cultures, 151–152
  • Commission fees, 68
  • Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 13
  • Commodity money, 8–9, 13
  • Commonweal (term), 5
  • Commonwealth, 6, 77
  • Communication, permanence of, 135–136
  • Commuting, 93
  • Companies, archetypes of, 109
  • Compounding, 54, 55, 60, 76–77, 116, 118
  • Conformity, 109
  • Connection, 89, 94, 124, 129, 132–134
  • Consent to marry, 140–141
  • Conspicuous consumption, 107
  • Consumer interest rates, 24
  • Consumers, paradox of choice for, 138–139
  • Consumer spending, GDP, 40
  • Conversation, 133–135
  • Convertibility, of money, 10
  • Cost of living, 32
  • Counterfeit money, 8–9, 11
  • Country club membership, 106
  • Covey, Stephen M. R., 136
  • Covid‐19 pandemic:
    • dating app use in, 137–138
    • discussions about wealth transfer during, 36
    • emotional upheaval in, 42
    • financial effects of, 31–32
    • goals and values in, 156–158
    • and Great Migration, 36–39, 93
    • and Great Resignation, 40–42
    • health concerns and practices in, 55, 83
    • individualism vs. collectivism in, 151
    • membership clubs after, 106
    • mental health after, 86–87
    • and new wealth paradigm, 2
    • relationships with others in, 132
    • reprioritizing value in, 52, 91
    • stressful change related to, 120
  • Cowry shells, 7–8
  • Creation and creativity, 94, 102
  • Creator economy, 2, 62–64, 75, 94, 127–128
  • Credit, of subprime borrowers, 26
  • Cryptocurrency, 66, 73–74, 76. See also Bitcoin
  • Cryptography, 73–74
  • Culture, 22, 140–142, 151–152
  • Curiosity, 103
  • Currency, 10–12, 14–15
  • Customized health regimes, 83
  • Cyclical patterns in life, 57
  • D
  • Dalai Lama, 97
  • Dartmouth College, 111
  • Darwin, Charles, 46
  • Data mining, 123
  • Dating, 46, 136–139
  • Decentralized finance (DeFi), 74–77
  • Decision making:
    • beliefs and, 165
    • goals and, 164
    • and longevity, 93
    • paradox of choice in, 138–139
    • and quality of life, 92–93
    • values as driver of, 151, 157
  • Deep work, 122
  • Deloitte, 31, 69
  • Democratization, 70–72, 74, 82, 84, 95, 99
  • Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 81
  • Depreciation, 65, 124
  • Derivative investments, 27
  • Dewey, John, 164
  • Dhliwayo, Matshona, 110
  • Dickens, Charles, 113
  • Differentiation of wealth, 140
  • Digital community, influence in, 109
  • Digital currency, 11–15
  • Digital Darwinism, 43, 46–47
  • Digital economy, 18–19
  • Digital ledger, 76
  • Digital money, 14–15
  • Digital Natives, see Millennials
  • Digital wallets, 66, 75
  • Digitization, 71, 84–85
  • Dispenza, Joe, 86
  • Disrespect, 42
  • Distractions, 166
  • Distribution platforms, 63
  • Diversification, 62, 72
  • Dividends, 62
  • Division of labor, 17–18
  • Divorce, 141
  • Do it yourself investors, 69
  • Domingo, Carlos, 75
  • Donut effect, 38, 93
  • Dot‐com bubble (2001), 24–26
  • Double coincidence of wants, 15–16
  • Dow Industrial Average, 28
  • Dowry, 140
  • Dropp, Kyle, 111
  • Drucker, Peter, 102
  • Durability, of money, 7–9, 12, 13
  • E
  • eBusiness, 18
  • Echo Boomers, see Millennials
  • eCommerce, 18
  • Economic cycles, 57
  • Economic prosperity (surviving), 99–100
  • Economy. See also specific types, e.g.: Creator economy
    • Adam Smith on money, work, and, 16–18
    • defined, 3–4, 15
    • Great Restructuring and, 43
    • health of, 80
    • impact of side hustles on, 62
    • millennials' influence on, 32–33, 36
    • and money supply, 10, 11
    • psychedelic therapy and, 92
    • representative money and, 9
    • “spirit animals” in, 44–45
  • Education, status based on, 104–105
  • Efficiency, 9, 16, 17, 119
  • 80/20 rule, 121–122
  • Einstein, Albert, 31, 54, 77, 114, 127, 158
  • Electronic money, 11–12
  • Ellevest, 70–72
  • Email, 135
  • Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 43
  • Empathy, 165
  • Employer and employee loyalty, 60–61
  • Empowerment, 46, 62, 69, 76, 102, 123, 147, 163
  • Endorsements, 111
  • Energy, 54, 81–82, 113, 114, 119–122, 134, 161–163
  • England, 5, 28–29, 105
  • Enjoyment, 130
  • Entitlement, 22, 31
  • Entrepreneurial spirit animals, 44–46
  • Entrepreneurship, 2, 44, 53, 61, 67–69, 77, 92, 104–105
  • Environmental movement, 160–163
  • Environmental, renewable resources, 160–163
  • Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, 72–73, 76
  • Epicurus, 92
  • Ernst & Young, 72, 95
  • ESG (environmental, social, and governance) issues, 72–73, 76
  • Ethical sourcing, 76
  • E*TRADE, 68
  • Exchange, 7, 12–14, 139–140
  • Exercise, physical, 81
  • Experience economy, 115, 127–128
  • Experiences, 65, 114, 123–126, 130–131, 149
  • Exploration, 105
  • Exponential wealth, 77
  • External, renewable resources, 167–168
  • Extraordinary experiences, 123–126, 131
  • F
  • Facebook, 122
  • Family, 130, 140–141
  • Fear of missing out (FOMO), 124, 139
  • Federal government, 10, 14, 28
  • Federal Reserve (Fed), 24, 28, 38
  • Fed Funds Rate, 24
  • Feedback, in conversation, 134
  • Ferriss, Tim, 118
  • Fiat money, 10–11
  • Fidelity, 53, 68
  • Financial information, access to, 98–99, 102
  • Financial security, 31, 45, 66, 146
  • Financial technologies (fintech), 71
  • Financial wealth. See also Wealth creation
    • accumulation of, 54–55
    • democratization of, 70–72
    • differentiation of, 140
    • generational, 64
    • health, quality of life, and, 79–80
    • investment and, 60, 67
    • knowledge, influence, status, and, 98
    • money, economy, and, 3–4, 19, 59
    • Pareto Principle for distribution of, 121
    • personal concept of, 146
    • personal experience with, 1–2
    • relationships and, 130
    • status and, 105
    • time, energy, experiences, and, 114
    • and value, 2
    • and values, xiii, 1
  • Fintech (financial technologies), 71
  • First principles thinking, 4–5, 145
  • 5 Principles of Invisible Wealth. See also specific principles
    • about, 49–50, 54, 145
    • allocating values among, 153
    • health as foundational in, 80–82
    • and invisible wealth concept, 52–53
    • personalization and individuation in, 143
    • and personal, renewable resources, 163
    • personal reprioritization of value, 51–52
    • stress related to, 86
    • and values vs. principles, 147–150
  • Fixed rate mortgages, 26
  • Flipping, real estate, 25
  • Florida, 38
  • Forbes Business Development Council, 134
  • Forces of nature, 160
  • Fossil fuels, 161
  • 4 Stone Chambers, 29
  • Fractionalization, of investment, 75
  • Freedom, 54, 59, 78, 157, 158
  • Free market, 16
  • Friends and friendships, 110, 111, 139
  • Fulfillment, 92
  • Fuller, Richard Buckminster, 101
  • G
  • Gamification, 94
  • Gaming industry, 94–95
  • GDP (gross domestic product), 40
  • Generational wealth, 64
  • Generation Me, see Millennials
  • Generation Rent, see Millennials
  • Generation Y, see Millennials
  • Generation Z (Gen Z), 31, 40–42, 62, 111, 120
  • Gig economy, 62, 92, 94
  • Goals, 100, 122, 153, 156–158, 163–164
  • Gold, 8–10, 161
  • Goldman Sachs, 84
  • Goods, in digital economy, 18
  • Google, 23, 166
  • Grant, Adam, 57
  • Gratin, 141
  • Great Depression (1929), 24
  • Great Migration, 36–40, 52, 67, 93
  • Great Recession (2008), 21, 24–29, 31, 42
  • Great Resignation, 2, 40–42, 67, 92, 115, 164
  • Great Restructuring, 42–47, 67, 103, 109
  • Great Wealth Transfer, 32, 35–36, 77
  • Greeks, ancient, 107
  • Greene, Robert, 103
  • Grocery list metaphor, for values, 151
  • Gross domestic product (GDP), 40
  • Growth trajectory, entrepreneurs,' 45
  • H
  • Happiness, 82, 124, 129, 133, 158, 166
  • Health, 6, 55–56, 64, 79–92, 99, 119, 148
  • Healthcare, 55–56, 84
  • Herd, Whitney Wolfe, 46
  • Herophilus, 80
  • HHS (Department of Health and Human Services), 81
  • Hofstede, Gert Jan, 152
  • Home ownership, 25–26, 31, 38–39, 137
  • Human capital, 43, 103
  • Humility, 112, 139
  • Hunter‐gatherer society, status in, 103
  • Huxley, Aldous, 90
  • Hybrid work, 93
  • J
  • Jay‐Z, 109
  • Jobs, Steve, 90
  • Jowett, John Henry, 53
  • Joy, 94
  • JPMorgan, 28
  • Judgment, 126
  • Jung, Carl, 129
  • K
  • Kaufman, David, 136
  • Kent, James, 108
  • Keynes, John Maynard, 44
  • Kinnernet, 37
  • KKR, 75
  • Klotz, Anthony, 42
  • Knighthood, 105
  • Knowledge, 54, 56–57, 81, 99–102, 108, 111–113, 134, 148–149, 167–168
  • Knowledge doubling curve, 101–102, 168
  • Knowledge economy, 102–103, 128
  • L
  • Language, as technology, 166
  • Lao Tzu, 126, 131
  • Legal tender, 11, 14
  • Lehman Brothers Holding Inc., 28, 29
  • Lehman Brothers International, 29
  • Leverage, 168
  • Life (ordinary) experiences, 123, 125–126
  • Lifespan, 115
  • Local community, 109
  • Local money, 9
  • Location agnosticism, 14, 42, 55, 93
  • London, England, 106
  • London, Jack, 30
  • Longevity, 81–82, 93
  • Los Angeles, Calif., 37
  • Loyalty, employer/employee, 60–61
  • LSD, 90
  • Luxury goods, 108
  • Lydia, Kingdom of, 8
  • M
  • Macintosh, 22
  • Maintenance, of material objects, 124
  • Marcos, Imelda, 15
  • Marcus Aurelius, 32, 49, 52, 78, 91, 115
  • Market, profession and, 16
  • Marriage, 31, 137, 140–142
  • M&As (mergers and acquisitions), 47
  • Maslow, Abraham, 125
  • Massachusetts Bar Examination, 29–30
  • Mastery, 131
  • Materialism, 65, 67, 150–151
  • MBSs (mortgage‐backed securities), 26–27
  • McKinsey, 91, 124
  • McLuhan, Marshall, 102
  • Meaningful life, 45, 56, 88, 110, 117
  • Media diet, 88
  • Meditation, 89–90
  • Medium of exchange, 7, 12, 14, 16
  • Membership clubs, 106
  • Mental health, 55, 85–88, 99
  • Mental models, 99
  • Mentorship, 135, 167
  • Mergers and acquisitions (M&As), 47
  • Mescaline, 90
  • Meta‐communication, 137
  • Metaverse, 127
  • Mexico, 152
  • Miami, Fla., 51, 57, 152
  • Microsoft, 22
  • Middle‐class, marriage for, 141
  • Millennials, 21–33
    • cell phone use by, 120
    • compensation for, 41
    • in creator economy, 63
    • dating for, 136, 137
    • economic influence of, 32–33
    • ESG investing by, 73
    • in experience economy, 123–124
    • financial landscape for, 30–32
    • generational characteristics, 22
    • Great Recession for, 24–31
    • in Great Resignation, 40–42
    • hallmarks of adulthood for, 31, 137, 141
    • job prospects for, 28–30
    • methods of making money for, 45, 62
    • student loan debt for, 1, 24
    • technology used by, 18, 22–23, 31, 84
    • wealth transfer to, 21, 35–36, 39, 64
  • Millionaires, Great Migration for, 38
  • Mind‐body connection, 85
  • Minimalism, 51, 65, 115
  • Monetary policy, 10
  • Monetary value of time, 116–117
  • Monetization, 91, 95, 98, 106, 109, 111, 121
  • Money:
    • debasement of, 10
    • functions of, 7–8
    • importance of health vs., 79
    • investment, wealth, and, 54, 60, 67
    • making, 60–61
    • and marriage, 140–142
    • and relationships, 136–137
    • saving, 66–67
    • and security, freedom, choice, 54, 59
    • spending, 64–66
    • time value of, 116–118
    • types of, 8–15
    • wealth, economy, and, 3–4, 19, 59
    • work, economy and, 16–18
  • Money economy, 15–16
  • Money supply, 10, 11, 27
  • Morgan, J. P., 10
  • Morning Consult, 111
  • Morris, Nathan M., 163
  • Morrison, Jim, 90
  • Mortgage‐backed securities (MBSs), 26–27
  • Mortgages, 26–28
  • Mother nature, 160
  • Musk, Elon, 4
  • N
  • Nakamoto, Satoshi, 12–13
  • National Association of Realtors, 39
  • National Library of Medicine, 89
  • Near‐field communication (tap‐to‐pay), 66
  • Necker Island, 105
  • Netflix, 139
  • New wealth paradigm, xiii–xiv, 115, 153
    • defining wealth for, 3, 19
    • ESG investing in, 73
    • 5 Principles of Invisible Wealth in, 49
    • factors in, 2
    • and knowledge doubling curve, 102
    • millennials and, 32
    • resources in, 168
    • worldwide adoption of, 35
  • New York City, 36–38, 51, 152
  • 9/11 terrorist attacks, 24
  • Nixon, Richard, 10
  • Nokia, 23
  • Nonmonetary value of time, 117
  • Non‐renewable energy, 161–162
  • North Carolina, 38
  • Nutrition, 118
  • O
  • Occupation, status from, 105
  • Online banking, 118
  • Online brokerage services, 68
  • Opportunity costs, 115
  • Optimism, 30
  • Ordinary experiences, 123–124, 126
  • Osmond, Humphry, 90
  • Oura ring, 83–84
  • Ownership of personal data, 123
  • P
  • Paper money, 9–11
  • Paradox of choice, 138–139, 150
  • Pareto Principle, 121–122
  • Pareto, Vilfredo, 121
  • Passive income, 61, 117–118
  • Peak experiences, 57, 125
  • Peer‐to‐peer transactions, 63, 74
  • Pension, 61
  • Perel, Esther, 130, 133, 139
  • Personal brand, 108–110, 138
  • Personal computer, 22
  • Personal computers, 23
  • Personal development, 136
  • Personal growth, 58, 99, 131
  • Personalization, 83, 143, 146–148
  • Personal power, 57, 112
  • Personal, renewable resources, 158, 160, 163–165, 167
  • Personal wealth algorithm, 144–158, 163–164
    • application of, 153–156
    • with changing goals, 156–158
    • collective principles, 147–150
    • defined, 153
    • individual values, 150–151
    • influence of culture on values, 151
    • order of operations in, 153–156
    • values, principles, and wealth, 145
  • Peterson, Jordan, 98, 134, 145, 151
  • Peters, Tom, 109
  • Physical health, 55, 82–85
  • Plato, 112
  • Play, 94–95
  • Podcasts, 167
  • Portability, of money, 8–9, 12, 14
  • Positive contribution, 134
  • Positive thoughts, 89
  • Power, 57, 112, 165
  • Preqin, 69
  • Prime Rate, 24
  • Princeton University, 111
  • Principles, 147–149, 156
  • Private equity, 75
  • Private market investment, 69–71, 75
  • Processing power, 166
  • Production, optimization of, 18
  • Productivity, 40, 81, 119, 121, 147
  • Professions, 17, 100
  • Proust, Marcel, 126
  • Psilocybin, 90
  • Psychedelic therapies, 90–91
  • Public market investment, 68–69
  • Puorto, Simone, 127
  • Purpose, 45
  • R
  • Ramana Maharshi, 132
  • Ravikant, Naval, 57, 100, 117
  • Real estate, 25–27, 32
  • Rebranding, 43
  • Reflection, 125, 131
  • Refrigeration, 118
  • Relatability, 111
  • Relationship capitalTM, 58, 136
  • Relationships, as resources, 54. See also Interpersonal relationships
  • Relevancy, 129, 135, 137, 150
  • Remote‐treatment monitoring, 84
  • Remote work, 40, 42, 51, 93, 106
  • Renewable energy, 162–163
  • Renewable resources, 159–169
    • for attaining your wealth goals, 163–164
    • environmental, 160–163
    • and evolution of self, 97
    • external, 167–168
    • living from within, 166
    • in new wealth paradigm, 168
    • non‐renewable energy, 161–162
    • personal, 160, 163–165
    • renewable energy, 162–163
    • as superpowers, 165
  • Rental income, 62
  • Representative money, 9–10
  • Resiliency, 30
  • Reskilling, 43
  • Responsibility toward others, 157–158
  • Retail investors, 68–69, 71–72, 147
  • Retirement, 31, 61
  • Return on investment, 53, 69, 124
  • Ride shares, 32
  • Risk management, 62
  • Robbins, Tony, 118
  • Robinhood, 68, 71, 75
  • Robo‐advisors, 71
  • Rogers, Will, 126
  • Romans, ancient, 107
  • Roubini, Nouriel, 27
  • Rumi, 143
  • Rural areas, migration to, 37–38
  • S
  • Sadhguru, 125, 166
  • Safety, 54, 59, 78
  • Saint‐Exupéry, Antoine de, 142
  • Satoshi (unit), 13
  • Saving, 66–67, 69, 116
  • Scarcity, 7, 13, 162
  • Schwartz, Barry, 138
  • Schwartz, Evan I, 46
  • SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), 71
  • Second homes, 38
  • Second jobs, 31
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 71
  • Securitize, 75
  • Security, sense of, 54, 59
  • Self, 81–82, 97, 130–132, 149
  • Self‐actualization, 142
  • Self‐improvement, 58, 150
  • Self‐inquiry, 125, 132, 150
  • Self‐knowledge, 130–132, 148, 164
  • Self‐orientation, 21
  • Seneca, 33, 136, 150
  • Sequencing of events, 114
  • Services, 18, 65
  • Shabbat dinner, 133
  • Shared experiences, 124, 125, 127
  • Sharing economy, 32, 126
  • Shaw, George Bernard, 95
  • Short message service (SMS) text messages, 23, 135
  • Sick days, 80
  • Side hustles, 61, 62
  • Simon, Herbert, 122
  • Singapore, 38
  • Single‐tasking, 121
  • Skills, profession based on, 17
  • Sleep, 83, 121
  • Small business owners, 44, 105
  • Smart contracts, 75
  • Smith, Adam, 6, 8, 16–19, 36, 101
  • SMS text messages, 23, 135
  • Social media, 46, 55, 56, 88, 93, 107, 110, 112, 120, 124
  • Social responsibility, 110
  • Social status, see Status
  • Soho House, 106
  • Solar energy, 162
  • Solitude, 125, 131
  • South Carolina, 38
  • Spain, 40
  • Specialization, 17, 100, 136
  • Spending, 36, 64–66, 123, 127, 146
  • S&P 500 Index, 28
  • Spirit, defined, 88–89
  • Spiritual health, 55, 88–90
  • Standard setting, 139
  • Stanford University, 111
  • State‐chartered banks, 10
  • Status, 54, 56, 98, 103–108, 113, 139, 148–149
  • Status symbols, 107–108
  • Stockbrokers, 68
  • Stock market, 25, 68
  • Stores of value, 7, 12, 13
  • Strategic alliance, marriage for, 140
  • Strengths, 164, 167
  • Stress, 86–88, 120, 157
  • Stress bucket model, 87
  • Student loan debt, 1, 24
  • Suarez, Francis, 51, 57
  • Subjectivity, 99, 153, 156
  • Subprime mortgages, 26–28
  • Substack, 100
  • Suburban areas, migration to, 37–38
  • Superficiality, 110
  • Supply chain transparency, 76
  • Sustainable investing, 72–73, 76
  • Sweden, 152
  • T
  • Tangible status symbols, 106
  • Technology. See also specific types
    • adaptation to, 46–47
    • addiction to, 55, 85
    • in creator economy, 62
    • for democratization of wealth, 71
    • in experience economy, 127–128
    • to improve health, 55–56, 84, 90, 148
    • in millennials' lifetimes, 18, 22–23, 31
    • and new wealth paradigm, 168
    • pace of advancement in, 100
    • and relationships, 135–136
    • to remove distractions, 166
    • as source of stress, 86, 88
    • and time/energy, 114–115, 118–121, 149–150
    • at work, 40, 93, 101
  • Telehealth, 84, 148
  • Tesla, 107
  • Texas, 38
  • Text messages, 23, 135
  • The Doors (band), 90
  • Theory of Evolution, 46
  • Thoreau, Henry David, 65, 114, 121, 153
  • TikTok, 107
  • Time, 54, 57, 113–128, 148–149
  • Time value of money, 116–118
  • Time‐versus‐money dilemma, 116
  • Tinder, 138
  • Titan, 71–72
  • Toxic relationships, 140
  • Transactional relationships, 139–140
  • Transparency, with blockchain, 76
  • Travel, spending on, 64–66
  • Trust, 9, 14, 74–77, 136
  • Twain, Mark, 24
  • Twitter, 107, 135
  • U
  • Uber, 118
  • Unemployment, 28, 41
  • United Arab Emirates, 38
  • Units of account, 7, 12–14
  • Unluckiest generation, see Millennials
  • Urban areas, migration from, 37–38
  • U.S. Senate, 13
  • Utility, 16, 99, 116
  • V
  • Value (quantitative), 35–47
    • of fiat money, 11
    • in Great Migration, 36–40
    • in Great Resignation, 40–42
    • in Great Restructuring, 42–47
    • Great Wealth Transfer and, 35–36
    • of influence, 108
    • money as expression of, 7, 16, 64
    • in new wealth paradigm, 168
    • reprioritization of, 32, 51–52, 91
    • status and, 103
    • stores of, 7, 12, 13
    • of tangibles vs. intangibles, 64–66
    • and utility, 99
    • and wealth, 2, 49
  • Value creation, 53, 104–105
  • Value proposition, of individual, 109
  • Values (qualitative):
    • branding that demonstrates, 109–110
    • changes in, 145
    • cultural influences on, 151
    • and decision making, 158
    • defined, 145
    • for entrepreneurial spirit animals, 46
    • identifying your, 153–155
    • in personal wealth algorithm, 151, 153–156
    • principles and, 146, 154–155
    • reprioritization based on, 32, 91–92
    • shared, 93
    • underpinning decentralized finance, 76
    • and wealth, xiii, 1
    • and wealth, xiii, 146
  • Values‐based investing, 36, 73, 78
  • Values‐based spending, 36, 64–65, 78
  • Values‐oriented status, 107–108
  • Virgin Atlantic, 105
  • Visualization, 163
  • Voltaire, 46, 58
  • Wealth creation:
    • division of labor and, 17, 19
    • economy as engine of, 4, 19
    • health as foundation of, 55, 80
    • homeownership for, 25
    • importance of, 59
    • investment for, 60, 67, 69
    • knowledge doubling curve for, 101–102
    • social media platforms for, 46
    • societal impact of, 77–78
  • Wealthfront, 71
  • wealth, money, and, 3–4, 19, 59
  • Wealth of health and quality of life (P2), 79–95, 143
    • as collective principle, 148
    • during Covid‐19 pandemic, 157–158
    • described, 55–56
    • health, 80–91
    • quality of life, 93–94
    • relationship of components, 79–80
  • Wealth of knowledge, status, and influence (P3), 97–112, 143
    • as collective principle, 148–149
    • described, 56–57
    • health as foundational to, 80
    • influence, 108–112
    • knowledge, 99–103
    • relationship of components, 98
    • status, 103–108
  • Wealth of money and investment (P1), 59–78, 143
    • as collective principle, 147–148
    • democratization of wealth, 70–72
    • described, 54–55
    • generational wealth, 64
    • health as foundational to, 80
    • investing money, 67–78
    • making money, 60–61
    • relationship between components, 60, 67
    • saving money, 66–67
    • spending money, 64–66
  • Wealth of relationships with self and others (P5), 129–143
    • as collective principle, 150
    • described, 58
    • empathy and, 165
    • health as foundational to, 82
    • interpersonal relationships, 132–142
    • relationship capitalTM, 136
    • relationship of components, 130
    • relationship with self, 130–132
  • Wealth of time, energy, and experiences (P4), 113–128, 143
    • as collective principle, 149–150
    • described, 57
    • energy/attention, 118–123
    • experiences, 123–128
    • health as foundational to, 81–82
    • relationship of components, 115
    • time, 115–121
  • Y
  • YouTube, 100
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