Chapter 5

Semi-Markov Models

5.1. Introduction

After almost 50 years of research on Markovian dependence—research rich in theoretical and applied results, at the International congress of mathematics held in Amsterdam in 1954, P. Lévy and W. L. Smith introduced a new class of stochastic processes, called by both authors semi-Markov processes. It seems that it was K. L. Chung who had suggested the idea to P. Lévy. Also in 1954, Takács introduced the same type of stochastic process and used it to counter theory applied to the registering of elementary particles.

Starting from that moment, the theory of semi-Markov processes has known an important development, with various fields of application. Nowadays, there is a large literature on this topic ([BAL 79, ÇIN 69b, ÇIN 69a, GIH 74, HAR 76, HOW 64, KOR 82, KOR 93, LIM 01, PYK 61a, PYK 61b, SIL 80, BAR 08], etc.) and, as far as we are concerned, we only want to provide here a general presentation of semi-Markov processes.

Semi-Markov processes are a natural generalization of Markov processes. Markov processes and renewal processes are particular cases of semi-Markov processes. For such a process, its future evolution depends only on the time elapsed from its last transition, and the sojourn time in any state depends only on the present state and on the next state to be visited. As opposed to Markov processes where the sojourn time in a state is exponentially distributed, the sojourn time distribution of a semi-Markov process can be any arbitrary distribution on image+. This chapter is concerned with finite state minimal semi-Markov processes associated with Markov renewal processes. Therefore, we do not have to take into account instantaneous states and, on the other hand, the sojourn times of the process form almost surely a dense set in image.

In this chapter we define the Markov renewal process and derive the main associated characteristics necessary for applications. We are concerned only with regular Markov renewal processes with discrete state space. This usually suffices for solving practical problems that we encounter in fields like reliability, reservoir systems, queueing systems, etc.

5.2. Markov renewal processes

5.2.1. Definitions

Let E be an infinite countable set and an image E-valued jump process. Let 0 = T0T1≤ ··· ≤ Tn ≤ Tn+1 ··· be the jump times of Z and J0, J1, J2, … be the successively visited states of Z. Note that T0 could also take positive values.

DEFINITION 5.1.– The stochastic process ((Jn, Tn), nimage) is said to be a Markov renewal process (MRP), with state space E, if it satisfies almost surely the equality


for all jE and timage. In this case, Z is called a semi-Markov process (SMP).

In fact, the process (Jn, Tn) is a Markov chain with state space E × image and transition kernel Qij(t)image, called semi-Markov kernel. It is easy to see that (Jn) is a Markov chain with state space E and transition probability image, called the embedded Markov chain (EMC) of the MRP. The semi-Markov chain Z is related to (Jn ,Tn) by


Note that a Markov process with state space E = image and infinitesimal generator matrix A = (aij)i,j∈E is a special case of semi-Markov process with semi-Markov kernel


where image.

Let us also consider the sequence of r.v. Xn := Tn − Tn−1, n ≥ 1, the times between successive jumps, and the process image+ that counts the number of jumps of Z during the time interval (0, t], defined by N(t) := sup{n ≥ 0 | Tn ≤ t}. Let us also denote by Ni(t) the number of times the process Z passed to state iE up to time t. More precisely,


If we consider the renewal process image, possible delayed, of successive passage times in state i, then Ni(t) is exactly the counting process of renewals associated with this renewal process. Let us denote by μii the mean recurrence time of image.

Let Q(t) = (Qij(t), i, jE), t ≥ 0, denote the semi-Markov kernel of Z. Then we can write


where image is the conditional distribution function of the time between two successive jumps. Define also the sojourn time distribution function in state i, Hi(t) := Σj∈E Qij(t), and denote by mi, its mean value, which represents the mean sojourn time in state i of the process Z.

Note that Hi is a distribution function, whereas Qij is a sub-distribution function (defective distribution function), i.e. Qij() ≤ 1 and Hi() = 1, with Qij(0−) = Hi(0−) = 0.

A special case of a semi-Markov process is obtained if Fij does not depend on j, i.e. Fij(t) = Fi(t) = Hi(t), and the semi-Markov kernel is

[5.2] image

Another particular case of a semi-Markov process is obtained when Fij does not depend on i.

It is worth noticing that any semi-Markov process can be transformed in a process of the type [5.2], by considering the MRP (Jn, Jn+1, Tn)n≥0 with state space E × E. The semi-Markov kernel in this case is

[5.3] image

where image, with P(j, image) = Qij(), the transition probability of the Markov chain (Jn, Jn+1)n≥0 and imageFij(t) the distribution function of the sojourn time in state (i,j), for all i, j, k, imageE and timage.

For φ(i, t), iE, t ≥ 0, a real measurable function, the convolution of φ with Q is defined by

[5.4] image

Let us also define the n-fold convolution of Q. For alli, jE


It is easy to prove by induction that

[5.5] image

Let us introduce the Markov renewal function ψij(t), i, jE, t ≥ 0, defined by

[5.6] image

Another important function is the semi-Markov transition function, defined by


which is the marginal distribution of the process.

DEFINITION 5.2.– The semi-Markov process Z is called regular if


for all t ≥ 0 and for all iE.

For any regular semi-Markov process we have, for all nimage, Tn < Tn+1 and Tn → ∞. In the following we consider only regular semi-Markov processes. The following result provides a regularity criterion for a semi-Markov process.

THEOREM 5.3.– If there exist two constants, say α > 0 and β > 0, such that Hi(α) < 1 − β for any state iE, then the semi-Markov process is regular.

5.2.2. Markov renewal theory

Like the renewal equation on the real half-line x ≥ 0, the Markov renewal equation is a basic tool for the theory and the applications of semi-Markov processes.

The Markov renewal function introduced in [5.6] has the matrix expression

[5.7] image

This can be equally written under the form

[5.8] image

where I(t) = I (identity matrix) if t ≥ 0 and I(t) = 0, if t < 0. Equation [5.8] is a special case of what we will call a Markov renewal equation (MRE). The general form of a MRE is

[5.9] image

where Θ(t) = (Θij(t), i, jE) and L(t) = (Lij(t), i, jE) are measurable matrix-valued functions, with Θij(t) = Lij(t) = 0 for t < 0. L(t) is a known matrix-valued function, whereas Θ(t) is unknown. We can equally write a vector version of equation [5.9], by considering the corresponding columns of the matrices Θ and L.

Let B be the space of all matrix-valued functions Θ(t), bounded on compact sets of image is bounded on [0, ξ] for all ξimage.

THEOREM 5.4.– ([ÇIN 69a]). Equation [5.9] has a solution Θ belonging to B if and only if ψ * L belongs to B. Any solution Θ can be written under the form (t) = ψ * L(t) + C(t), where C satisfies equation C * L(t) Θ=C(t), C(t)B. A solution of (5.9) of the form Θ(t) = ψ * L(t) exists if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

1) The state space E is finite.

2) The EMC is irreducible and positive recurrent.

3) There exists t > 0 such that supi∈E; Hi(t) < 1.

4) Lij(t) is uniformly bounded in i for any j and timage, and for any i there exists an a > 0 such that Hi(α) < 1 − β, β(0,1). If this is the case, the unique solution is uniformly bounded in i, for any jE and t > 0.

The following result is a first application of this theorem.

PROPOSITION 5.5.– The semi-Markov transition function P(t) = (Pij (t)) satisfies the MRE


which has the unique solution

[5.10] image

provided that at least one of the conditions of Theorem 5.4 is satisfied. We have used the notation H(t) = diag(Hi(t)) and


EXAMPLE 5.6.– Let us consider an alternating renewal process defined by the distribution functions F for the working times and G for the failure times (repairing or replacement).

This process can be modeled by a two-state semi-Markov process with the semi-Markov kernel


for t ≥ 0.

Consequently, the semi-Markov transition function is given by


where M is the renewal function of the distribution function F * G, i.e.


5.3. First-passage times and state classification

Let image, denote the family of random variables of the successive passage times to state j; so image is the first-passage time to state jE and image is the distribution function of the first-passage time from state i to state j. For i = j we have image and image is the distribution function of the time between two successive visits of state i.

We can write

[5.11] image

and, for ij,

[5.12] image

DEFINITION 5.7.– A MRP is said to be normal if ψ(0) < +∞. In this case, the semi-Markov transition matrix is also called normal.

A normal MRP is also regular.

Let us consider a normal MRP with state space E and let μij = image be the expected value of the first-passage time to state j, starting from i at time 0.


1)We say that states i and j communicate if Gij(+∞)Gij() > 0 or i = j. The communication is an equivalence relation.

2)A MRP is said to be irreducible if there is only one communication class.

3)A class C is said to be essential (or closed) if for any iC and t ≥ 0, we have Σj∈C Pij(t) = 1.

4)A state i is said to be recurrent if Gij(+∞) = 1 or ψii(+∞) = +∞. In the opposite case, the state i is said to be transient (ψii(+∞) < + ∞).

5)A state i is said to be null recurrent if it is recurrent and μii = ∞. The state is said to be positive recurrent if it is recurrent and μii < ∞.

6)A state i is said to be periodic of period h > 0 if Gii(·) is arithmetic, i.e. it has the distribution concentrated on (nh, n > 0). In this case, ψii(t) is constant on intervals of the type [nh, nh + h), with h the largest number with this property. In the opposite case, the state i is said to be aperiodic. Note that the notion of periodicity we introduced here is different from the periodicity of Markov chains.

5.3.1. Stationary distribution and asymptotic results

A basic tool in the asymptotic theory of semi-Markov processes is the Markov renewal theorem.

For any real function h(u) = (hi(u))i∈E we set image for any u. We also let


where v = (vi,iE) is the stationary distribution of the EMC (Jn).

THEOREM 5.9.– If the EMC (Jn) is positive recurrent and 0 < m < 00 (ergodic process), then, for any i, jE, we have, for t∞:

1. image

2. image

3. image

In the following we use again (see section 4.1) the notion of directly Riemann integrable function (DRI).

PROPOSITION 5.10.– A necessary and sufficient condition for a function g to be DRI is that

g(t) ≥ 0 for all t ≥ 0;

– g(·) is non-increasing;


THEOREM 5.11.–

1. For any aperiodic state iE, if hi is a directly Riemann integrable function on image, then, for t∞, we have


2. For an irreducible and aperiodic MRP, if the functions (hi(u))i∈E are directly Riemann integrable, then, for t∞, we have


where v is a positive solution of vP = v.

From this theorem and the MRE [5.10] we obtain, for any ergodic MRP

and any jE, for t → ∞,

[5.13] image

the limit (stationary) distribution of the semi-Markov process Z.

PROPOSITION 5.12.– We have:

1. image.

2. image.

It is worth noticing that the stationary distribution π of Z is not the same as the stationary distribution v of the EMC J. However, we have π = v if, for example, mi = a > 0 for all iE.

We will state now the central limit theorem of Pyke and Schaufele.

Let f be a measurable real application defined on E × E × image. For all t ≥ 0 we define the functional Wf (t) by

[5.14] image

where Xijn is the nth sojourn time in state i, when the next state is j, and






where s is the number of states of the process.

THEOREM 5.13.– (Law of large numbers of Pyke-Schaufele [PYK 64]). Under the hypothesis that the moments defined above exist, then

[5.15] image

THEOREM 5.14.– (Central limit theorem of Pyke-Schaufele [PYK 64]). Under the hypothesis that the moments defined above exist, then

[5.16] image

5.4. Reliability

Let us consider a system with temporal behavior described by a semi-Markov process Zt, t ≥ 0, with finite state space E, partitioned in two subsets, U = {1, 2,…, r} containing the functioning states and D = {r + 1,…, s} for the failure states. Let T be the lifetime of the system, i.e. the first-passage time of the process Zt to the failure states of the system.

The conditional and non-conditional reliability of a semi-Markov system, Ri(t) and R(t), can be written as




The reliability and availability functions of a semi-Markov system satisfy associated Markov renewal equations. For the reliability we have

[5.17] image

We solve this MRE and obtain


where 1 = (1, …, 1)′ and α is the row vector of the initial distribution of the process.1

Similarly, for the availability we obtain


where e = (e1, …, es)′ is an s-dimensional column vector, with ei = 1, if iU, and ei, = 0, if iD.

Similarly, the maintainability can be written as


It is worth noticing that, for D a closed set, which means that the system is non-repairable, we have A(t) ≡ R(t). This is the reason why the availability is not used in survival analysis.

PROPOSITION 5.15.– The explicit expressions of the reliability, availability, and maintainability are:


[5.18] image


[5.19] image


[5.20] image

where Q(t) = (Qij(t), i,jE), t ≥ 0, is the semi-Markov kernel, Q00(t)is the restriction of Q(t) to U × U; HD = diag(H1, …, Hs), with Hi = ΣQij(t), and image is the restriction of HD to U; P = Q().

Integrating the MRE [5.17] over image we obtain


or, in matrix form,


where image and m is the column vector of mean sojourn times in the states of the system, image, with m0 and m1 being the corresponding restrictions to U, respectively to D.

From this equation we obtain the MTTF, and by an analogous approach, the MTTR. The MUT and MDT are obtained by replacing in the expressions of MTTF and MTTR, respectively, the initial distribution α (and its restrictions) by image the probabilities of entering U and D when coming from D and U.

PROPOSITION 5.16.– (Mean times) The explicit expressions of the mean times are:

1) Mean time to failure, MTTF

[5.21] image

2) Mean time to repair, MTTR

[5.22] image

3) Mean up time (mean working time after repair), MUT

[5.23] image

4) Mean down time (mean repair time after failure), MDT

[5.24] image

The failure rate of a semi-Markov system is defined by

[5.25] image

From this definition, assuming that the semi-Markov kernel Q is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure on image, we obtain

[5.26] image

where image is the diagonal matrix of the derivatives of Hi(t), iU, i.e. image.

The rate of occurrence of system failure (or intensity of the failure process) is an important reliability indicator. Let Nf(t),t ≥ 0, be the counting process of the number of transitions from U to D for a semi-Markov system, i.e. the number of system failures up to time t, and let image be the mean number of failures up to time t. The rate of occurrence of failure (ROCOF) is the intensity of the process Nf(t), t ≥ 0, i.e. the derivative of the function ψf(t) with respect to t. In the exponential case, the ROCOF equals the failure rate. The following theorem provides an explicit expression of the ROCOF of a semi-Markov system.

THEOREM 5.17.– (Failure intensity) ([OUH 02]) Let us consider a semi-Markov process such that the EMC is irreducible, all the mean sojourn times are finite, mi < ∞,iE, the semi-Markov kernel is absolutely continuous (with respect to the Lebesgue measure on image), and the derivative of ψ(t), image,is finite for any fixed t ≥ 0. Then the ROCOF of the semi-Markov at time t is given by

[5.27] image

where image.

Applying the key Markov renewal theorem we obtain the expression of the asymptotic ROCOF


where ν0 is the restriction of ν to U.

For instance, for an alternating renewal process with working time X and failure time Y, such that image(X + Y) < ∞, the asymptotic ROCOF is


EXAMPLE 5.18.– (Delayed system). We want to present a real delayed system, simplified through a semi-Markov modeling. This type of system is often used in the treatment of industrial waste. In our case, we are concerned with a factory (F) for wool treatment. The factory produces polluting waste at a constant flow. To prevent environmental pollution, a waste treatment unit (U) is built. In order for the factory not to be closed down if a failure occurs in the treatment unit, the waste produced during the failure of the unit is stocked in a tank; this avoids stopping all the factory if the unit is repaired before the tank is full.

Let φ be the d.f. of the lifetime of the treatment unit, A the d.f. of the repair time of the unit, C the d.f. of the delay, and B the d.f. of the repair time of the system. We assume that once the factory is stopped due to the impossibility of waste treatment or stocking, the necessary time for restarting the factory is much more important than the repair time of the treatment unit; for this reason, the repair time of the treatment unit is considered to be negligible if the entire factory was stopped. The delay of the system is caused by the tank, so it is equal to the filling time τ of the tank. As the waste flow can be deterministic or stochastic, the same is also true for the associated delay.

For the modeling of the system described above, we consider the following states:

– state 1: F and U are working;

– state 2: U has failed for a time shorter than τ and F is working;

– state 3: U has failed for a time longer than τ, so F has been stopped.

Matrices Q , P, and F are





The stationary distribution is


Let v = (1, l, p) and m = (m1, m2, m3)′, with image, image,. Thus we obtain


The limit availability is


The mean times are:


EXAMPLE 5.19.– (Successive delay system.) As a second example, we present a biological system with two successive delays. Let (F) be a biological factory and (U) a steam generation plant supplying the factory. If the unit fails for more than a critical time τ1 (delay 1), the biological substances die and a new repair is necessary (failure mode 1). In this case, if the failure lasts for a critical time τ2 (delay 2) after the first failure time τ1 , then essential parts of the biological factory are damaged (failure mode 2) and a long repair is necessary. In order to model such a system, let us consider the following states:

– state 1: F and U are working;

– state 2: U has failed for a time shorter than τ1 and F is working;

– state 3: U has failed for a time shorter than τ1 + τ2 but longer than τ1 and F has been stopped;

– state 4: U has failed for a time longer than τ1 + τ2 and F has been stopped.

Matrices Q and P are




where F is the d.f. of the lifetime of the steam generation plant, A is the d.f. of the repair time of the steam generation plant, B is the d.f. of the repair time of the factory (under failure mode 1), and C is the d.f. of the repair time of the factory (under failure mode 2); A1 and B1 are the d.f. of τ1 and τ2 , respectively. If τ1 and τ2 are fixed, then A1 and B2 are the Heaviside function 1(·); q1 and q2 are given by image, and τ2 are random variables; if τ1 and τ2 are fixed, then q1= A(τ1), q2= B(τ2).

We have v = (1,1, p1, p2) and m = (m1, m2,m3, m4)′, with


Then, the stationary distribution is


The limit availability is


and the mean times are:


5.5. Reservoir models

Reservoir models comprise storage models with random inputs of resources in the stock. The goal is to optimize the demands (the outputs). The name of these models comes from the fact that they are used for water reservoirs (artificial lakes, dams). Let us consider a first example of a finite reservoir.

EXAMPLE 5.20.– Let X(n + 1) be the quantity of water which has flowed into the reservoir during the time interval (n, n + 1], n ∈ N. We assume that X(1), X(2), … are independent and have the same distribution. The reservoir has a finite capacity c, so the quantities of water that really enter the reservoir are


where Z(n) is the amount of water in the reservoir at time nimage and satisfies the general relationship [3.35]. The demands of water from the reservoir at times n = 1, 2, …, denoted by ξ1, ξ2, …, are supposed to be independent identically distributed r.v. Moreover, we suppose that the sequence (ξn, nimage+) is independent of the sequence image.

The amount of water that is really released from the reservoir at time n is given by


so relation [3.35] becomes


The first studies of this type of problem were proposed by P. Massé, H.E. Hurst, and P.A. Moran [HUR 51, HUR 55, MAS 46, MOR 59]; a study of the models developed until 1965 can be found in [PRA 65a].

For the use of semi-Markov models for this type of problem see [BAL 79, ÇIN71a, SEN 73, SEN 74b]; we will present in the following two such models.

5.5.1. Model I

Let Tn = T(n), nimage, denote the random instants when either an input or an output of water occurs. We assume that an input and an output cannot occur at the same time and that T0 = 0. Let Jn,nimage, be the r.v. taking either the value 1 if at instant Tn there is an input, or the value 2 if at instant Tn there is an output. The sequence ((Jn, Tn), nimage) is a Markov renewal process with state space {1, 2} × image.

Let An and Bn be the quantities of water that respectively enter the reservoir or are delivered from it at time Tn (obviously, An > 0⇔ Bn = 0); let us also denote by Z(t) the water amount in the reservoir at time t. Then, for Tn ≤ t ≤ Tn+1, we have

[5.28] image

where image.

The semi-Markov kernel of the Markov renewal process ((Jn, Tn), nimage) is


and let


We suppose that 0 < p, q < 1 and that the sequences of r.v. (An,nimage) and (Bn, nimage) are independent, each of them consisting in positive i.i.d. r.v., with α = image (An) < ∞ and β = image(Bn) < ∞.

We are interested in obtaining results for the quantities of non-delivered water because of the too low levels of water stock in the reservoir. This kind of result is important for economical analyses prior to the construction of reservoirs.

We denote by tn(i), i = 1,2, the nth hitting time of state i by the process (Jn,nimage), i.e. t0(i) = 0, t1(i) = min{m > 0 | Jm = i}, tn(i) = min{m > tn−1 |Jm = i}, n > 1. If we note Z(n) = Z(Tn), nimage+, (Z(l) = Z(0)), and Z{n, i) = Z{tn(i) + 1), i = 1,2, then Z(n, 1) is the amount of water in the reservoir just after the nth release and Z(n, 2) is the amount in the reservoir just after the nth demand. From [5.28] we obtain

[5.29] image

where In(i) is the indicator function (i.e. the characteristic function) of the event (Jn = i).

If we set image, relation [5.29] becomes

[5.30] image

and the chain ((Jn,Xn),nimage) is a J − X process with values in {1, 2} × image. If we assume that the chain (Jn, nimage) is ergodic, then a stationary (invariant) distribution π = (π1, π2) of (Jn, nimage) exists, given by π =q(p + q)−1, π2 = p(p + q)−l, which is also stationary distribution for the chain ((Jn,Xn), nimage). Thus we have




we get


Let us denote by image, the stock variations between two successive passages through state i. As the r.v. (Y(n, i), n ≥ 2) arei.i.d. ([LIM 01], p. 90) and image, we obtain

[5.31] image

These relations give the mean variation value between two successive inputs into the reservoir and, respectively, between two successive outputs from the reservoir.

Setting imageimage, we have the following result.

THEOREM 5.21.– ([BAL79]) If qα − pβ < 0, then, for n → ∞, the r.v. Z(n, 1) and Z(n, 2) converge in distribution to image, respectively to image, for any initial value Z(0) of the stock level.

Note that both limits in Theorem 5.21 are finite. Indeed, image a.s., (Y(n, i), n ≥ 2) is a sequence of i.i.d. r.v., and, from the law of large numbers we obtain


as n → ∞.

Let us now denote by Ln the quantity non-delivered at the nth demand because of the too low level of the water stock at that time. Then


and, from [5.30], we obtain


which gives

[5.32] image

where image is the total quantity non-delivered during the first n demands.

Let image; the following theorem focuses on the non-delivered quantity due to an insufficient stock level.

THEOREM 5.22.– ([BAL 79]) For n → ∞ we have:

(i) image;

(ii) If qα − pβ < 0 and α′, β′ ∞, then the r.v.


is asymptotically normal N(0, 1), where image.

Proof.– (main steps) From [5.30] we obtain that


where image. This result implies that [BAL 79, GRI 76, LIM 99]


so (i) is a consequence of [5.32].

To prove (ii), let us note that α(n, 2) is a sum of i.i.d. r.v. (except, possibly, the first one). Therefore, it satisfies the central limit theorem; moreover, from Theorem 5.21 we get that n−1/2 Z(n, 2) converges in probability to 0 and image.

If we denote by L(t) the total quantity non-delivered during the interval [0, t] because of an insufficient stock and if we let




Let us introduce the following notation:


We can now state a result concerning the asymptotic behavior of the r.v. L(t).

THEOREM 5.23.– ([BAL 79]) If θ1,θ2< ∞, then, for t → ∞, we have:

(i) image, a.s.;

(ii) The. image is asymptotically normal N(0,1), where




5.5.2. Model II

Let us denote by T0 = 0, T1, T2, … the successive random instants when an input occurs and by J0, J1, J2, … the corresponding amounts of these successive inputs. We assume that the sequence of r.v. (Jn, Tn, nimage) is a regular Markov renewal process with values in image × image and semi-Markov kernel Q(x, A, t), t, ximage, Aβ (see subsection 5.2.1 or [LIM 01], pp. 31-33, 95). Let the r.v. Y0: Ω → image denote the initial stock level. If this initial value is x, then the output rate (intensity) is r(x), where r: imageimage is an increasing continuous function with r(0) = 0. We also introduce the r.v. Z(t) for the total quantity of water which has flowed into the reservoir during the period [0, t], i.e. image. If Y(t) is the amount of water existing in the reservoir at time t, then Y(t) satisfies the functional relationship

[5.33] image

The process image is an image-valued stochastic process that will be specified in the following. First of all, we give the following lemma whose proof, based on the continuity of the function r, is straightforward.

LEMMA 5.24.– ([ÇIN 71a]) Equation

[5.34] image

has a unique measurable solution q and the functions q(· , t) and q(x, ·) are increasing and continuous.

As the function image is constant on intervals [Tn, Tn+1), this implies that the function image satisfies the differential equation y′ = −r(y) with the initial condition y(0) = Y(Tn). Therefore,


where q is the solution of equation [5.34]. From the continuity of q(x, · ) we obtain that Y (t) has a left limit at Tn+1 and the jump at this point is Jn+1, which is also the jump of Z(t) at the same point.

Taking into account all this discussion we can state the following result.

THEOREM 5.25.– ([ÇIN 71a]) For nimage, let us define Y (n) by the recurrence relations


Then Y(t) defined by the relations Y(t) = q(Y(n)+ Jn, t − Tn)for Tn ≤ t < image, is the unique solution of equation [5.33].

For the r.v. image, with values in image, we have the following result.

THEOREM 5.26.– The sequence image is a Markov renewal process, with values in image and semi-Markov kernel


where imageis the indicator function of set B.

Proof.– We do not investigate here if image and Wn are measurable, we only derive the expression of the function image. We have


COROLLARY 5.27.– The sequence of r.v. (Wn, n ∈ image) is a Markov chain with transition function


Let us note that the sequence of r.v. (Y (n), nimage) is not a Markov chain in the general case; however, if Jn+1 is independent of Jn and of the time Tn+1Tn between two successive inputs, then ((Y (n), Tn), nimage) is a Markov renewal process. More precisely, we have the following result.

THEOREM 5.28.– Let us suppose that the semi-Markov kernel of the Markov renewal process ((Jn, Tn), nimage) satisfies the condition

[5.35] image

where γ is a probability on β+. If G(·, ·) is such that

(i) G(x, ·)is a distribution function that is zero on (∞, 0);

(ii) G(·, t) is β+-measurable,

then the chain ((Y(n),Tn),nimage) is a Markov renewal process with the semi-Markov kernel


PROOF.– As ((Jn, Tn), nimage) is a Markov renewal process, condition [5.35] is equivalent to


Thus, for image we have


Using this result and the definition of (Y(n),nimage) we obtain


We want to compute the transition function of the process (Y(t),timage); more precisely, let imagexy(·) be the conditional probability imageimage. For any measurable function image we define the operator


which is a contraction in the normed vector space image f bounded Borel function} with the norm image.

From Theorem 5.25 we obtain that for any image we have

[5.36] image

and, if Qn is the nth iterate of Q, then

[5.37] image

The following theorem specifies how the probability image can be computed.

THEOREM 5.29.– For fixed Aβ, let


Then image and it satisfies the equation

[5.38] image


[5.39] image

Equation [5.38] has a unique solution given by

[5.40] image

Proof.– We omit here the details on the measurability of f.

If T1 > t, then Y (t) = q(J0 + Y0, t) and, for A ∈ β, we have


on the set (T1 > t). On the other hand, Theorems 5.25 and 5.26 yield


So, from [5.36] and [5.39] we get


If we denote by 1 the constant unit function on image, then


and therefore 0 ≤ g ≤ 1 −Q1. Consequently,


for any mimage. Thus image and the convergence of the series image is proved.

From [5.38], we obtain by induction on n that

[5.41] image

and, as 0 ≤ f ≤ 1, we get 0 ≤ Qn f ≤ Q1. On the other side, from [5.37] we get image, because the process is regular; therefore, image in [5.41], then we obtain [5.40].

Let us now consider the moment when the reservoir runs dry for the first time, denoted by S = inf{t | Y(t) = 0}, with the convention S = ∞ if Y(t) > 0 for all timage. As Y(·) is right continuous, we will have Y(S) = 0 if and only if S < ∞. If we let b = sup{x | r(x) = 0}, then from b > 0 we would obtain S = ∞ for Y0 + j0 > 0; so we can suppose that 6 = 0, i.e. r(x) > 0 for all x > 0. Additionally, if Y0> 0, then S = ∞ except for the case when there exists a δ > 0 such that image. To avoid this situation, we have to assume that image.

For any ximage, let us denote by τ(x) the necessary time for the reservoir to run dry if no input occurs, τ(x) = inf{t > 0 | q(x, t) = 0}. We note that τ is finite, continuous, strictly increasing, and τ(0) = 0; moreover, τ(x) = image.

Results on the distribution of the r.v. S and on the asymptotic behavior of Y(t) can be found in [ÇIN 71a].

5.6. Queues

Queueing theory is concerned with models for various items or demands, waiting to be served in a certain order. These demands can be: phone calls, customers waiting to be served at a checkout counter, cars at crossroads, airplanes asking for landing permission, etc. The mathematical problems linked to all these examples are basically the same.

Queueing theory is attractive because it can be easily described by means of its intuitive characteristics. In general, queueing systems are non-Markovian, non-stationary, and difficult to study. In any queueing analysis there are several common elements that we will describe in the following. The demands (customers) arrive to the servers (service points), where there could also be other clients. It is possible that a customer needs to wait for a server to become available (free). When there is an available server, the customer is served and then he leaves the system.

Let us first give some more details on queueing systems, before presenting some adapted models. For example, the points that need to be specified are:

(a)How do the customers arrive in the system? Here are some cases:

   – the arrival process is a Poisson process (denoted by M);

   – the successive interarrival times have a known constant value (denoted by D);

   – the successive interarrival times have a general probability distribution (denoted by G).

(b)How long is the service time of a customer? Here we can have:

   – the service time has an exponential distribution (denoted by M);

   – the service time has a known constant value (denoted by D);

   – the service time has a general probability distribution (denoted by G).

(c)The number of servers in the system is generally denoted by s, with 1 ≤ s ≤ ∞.

Using this notation (introduced by D. G. Kendall), for an M(λ)/G(μ)/s queue, the arrivals are Poissonian of parameter A, the service time has a general distribution of mean μ, and there are s servers in the system.

There are many works on classic queueing models, like [KAR 75, PRA 80, RES 92, TAK 62]. For the use of semi-Markov processes in this type of model, see [ASM 87, BAR 82, BOE 81, ÇIN 67b, ÇIN 67a, NEU 66, SIL 80].

5.6.1. The G/M/1queue

We assume that the demands arrive at random times, each interarrival time has a probability distribution G, and the service time is exponentially distributed with parameter λ.

Let T1, T2, … be the arrival times of the demands and Jn be the number of units in the system at instant Tn 0, i.e. just before the nth arrival. As Jn+1 depends only on Jn and Xn+1 = Tn+1Tn, and Xn+1 is independent of J0, J1, …, Jn, X1, …, Xn, we obtain that ((Jn, Tn), nimage) is a Markov renewal process. In this case, Qij(t) = imageJn+1 = j, Xn+1≤ t | Jn = i) depends on i and j, but image(Xn+1t | Jn = i) = G(t) does not depend on i.2 If we let image, then we can prove that the chain (Jn, nimage) is non-recurrent or recurrent, depending on Am < 1 or λm ≥ 1. In the case when λm ≥ 1, there is a unique stationary measure α = (α0, α1, …), α0= 1, given by image, where β is a solution of equation image, and image is the Laplace transform of G(t)3; moreover, β < 1 if and only if λm ≥ 1 [KAR 75, TAK 62].

Let Z(t) be the number of units in the system at time t (units waiting to be served or being served). If we introduce the notation


for any jimage, then conditioning on X1 we obtain the Markov renewal equation

[5.42] image

where image. This equation has a unique solution given by [ÇIN 69b]


The following result concerns the asymptotic behavior of image(Y(t) = k), as t tends to infinity.

THEOREM 5.30.– ([ÇIN71a]) For all k ∈ image, the limit ηk = limt→∞ image(Y(t) = k) exists and is independent of j. More exactly, we have


5.6.2. The M/G/1queue

Let T0 = 0, T1, T2,… be the departure moments of the units from the system and Jn be the number of units in the system at instant Tn + 0, i.e. just after the instant Tn. The arrivals form a Poisson process of parameter A and the service time has a distribution G. The sequence ((Jn, Tn), nimage) is a Markov renewal process, whose semi-Markov kernel is given by [SIL 80]


Let image; as opposed to the previous model, the states of (Jn, nimage) are recurrent or non recurrent depending on λm ≤ 1 or λm > 1. In the case λm ≤ 1, the chain has a stationary measure β = (β0, β1, …), whose generating function is

[5.43] image

If λm = 1, then this stationary measure is σ-finite [KAR 75].

Let Y(t) be the number of units in the system at time timage. If Y(t) = k and just after the time TN(t) there are v units in the system, then during the interval TN(t), t] there are k − v arrivals. Therefore, if we let


we can prove that


The following result concerns the asymptotic behavior of imagej(Y(t) = k), as t tends to infinity.

THEOREM 5.31.– ([ÇIN71a]) For any kimage, the limit ηk = lim→∞ image(Y(t) = k) exists and is independent of j. If λm ≥ 1, then ηk = 0, kimage; if λm < 1, then ηk = βk, kimage, from [5.43].

Remark. There is an interesting relation between the busy period in the M/G/1 model and the total number of objects up to extinction in the B-G-W model (see Section 6.1). Further details could be found in [NEU 69].

5.7. Digital communication channels

In order to evaluate the performance of error-detecting and error-correcting codes, we use digital channel models, models that describe the statistical characteristics of the error sequences. A standard problem in such a context is to evaluate the probability that a block of n symbols contains m errors (mn).

The real channels can have different levels of statistical dependence of errors. These errors can appear from various reasons, like impulse perturbations, random interruptions in the functioning of equipments, crosstalk noise affecting the reliability of symbol transmission, etc.

When representing a channel by a model, we can use simulations to analyze the performance of different control techniques.

For finite state space Markov models see [DUM 79, GIL 60, FRI 67], while renewal models can be found in [ADO 72, ELL 65]. Semi-Markov models are more general and we will give below an example of this type [DUM 83].

First of all, let us present some characteristics of discrete-time semi-Markov models. For a discrete-time semi-Markov process with state space E = {1, …, s}, the matrix-valued function (Qij(t), i, jE), timage, is replaced by the matrix-valued function (cij (t), i, jE), timage, defined by


For the chain image with values in E × image, relation [5.1] becomes

[5.44] image

Note that the Markov renewal equation associated with Pij(t) = image(Z(t) = j | Z0 = i), timage, is

[5.45] image

If we note




We consider a binary symmetric additive communication channel. The state space E is partitioned into two subsets A and B. We suppose that the evolution of the channel is described by a semi-Markov process (Z(t), timage). The transitions occur at times Tn, n = 1, 2, …, which represent the beginning of a bit sent through the channel. The error process (e(t), timage), with values in {0,1}, is obtained from image. Put into words, this means that the states of A do not generate errors, whereas when the source of the noise is in one of the states of B, then errors surely occur. An interval without errors is a sequence of zeros between two errors. The length of an interval without errors is defined as being equal to 1+ the number of zeros between two errors. Let


be the probability to correctly receive at least m bits after having received one error and let also


be the probability to receive at least m errors after having correctly received one bit.

We will calculate the probabilities P(0m/1) and P(lm/0). We have

[5.46] image

On the one hand, as i0i1 for i0A and i1B, we infer that the events (Z(0) = i0, Z(1) = i1) and (J0 = i0, J1= i1) have the same probability and we can write


On the other hand, if we note


then, in the same way as we did for obtaining [5.45], we find

[5.47] image

and [5.46] can be written as

[5.48] image

where α = (α1, …, αs) is the distribution of the r.v. J0 (the initial distribution of the process).

The probabilities Pi1im (m − 1), m = 2, 3, …, can be obtained from the recurrence relations [5.47]; afterward, the probability P(0m/1) is obtained from [5.48]. Similarly, we can obtain the probability P(lm/0).

These probabilities are computed in [FRI 67] for a Markovian evolution of the channel.

In [ADO 72], the function


was introduced in order to characterize digital channels. For Markov models, the function α has an exponential asymptotic behavior, assumption that is not satisfied for all channels in real applications.

1. We use the convention that subscript 0 denotes the partition corresponding to the set U, whereas subscript 1 denotes the partition corresponding to the set D. For instance, α0 is the restriction of α to U.

2.Generally,image depends on i.

3. Thatis, image.

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