Network Access Points

The solicitation for the NSF project was to invite proposals from companies to implement and manage a specific number of NAPs where the vBNS and other appropriate networks could interconnect. These NAPs needed to enable regional networks, network service providers, and the U.S. research and education community to connect and exchange traffic with one another. They needed to provide for interconnection of networks in an environment that was not subject to the NSF Acceptable Usage Policy, a policy that was originally put in place to restrict the use of the Internet to research and education. Thus, general usage, including commercial usage, could go through the NAPs as well.

What Is a NAP?

In NSF terms, a NAP is a high-speed switch or network of switches to which a number of routers can be connected for the purpose of traffic exchange. NAPs must operate at speeds of at least 100 Mbps and must be able to be upgraded as required by demand and usage. The NAP could be as simple as an FDDI switch (100 Mbps) or an ATM switch (usually 45+ Mbps) passing traffic from one provider to another.

The concept of the NAP was built on the FIX and the CIX, which were built around FDDI rings with attached networks operating at speeds of up to 45 Mbps.

The traffic on the NAP was not restricted to that which is in support of research and education. Networks connected to a NAP were permitted to exchange traffic without violating the usage policies of any other networks interconnected via the NAP.

There were four NSF-awarded NAPs:

  • Sprint NAP—Pennsauken, N.J.

  • PacBell NAP—San Francisco, Calif.

  • Ameritech Advanced Data Services (AADS) NAP—Chicago, Ill.

  • MFS Datanet (MAE-East) NAP—Washington, D.C.

The NSFNET backbone service was connected to the Sprint NAP on September 13, 1994. It was connected to the PacBell and Ameritech NAPs in mid-October 1994 and early January 1995, respectively. The NSFNET backbone service was connected to the collocated MAE-East FDDI offered by MFS (now MCI Worldcom) on March 22, 1995.

Networks attaching to NAPs had to operate at speeds commensurate with the speed of attached networks (1.5 Mbps or higher) and had to be upgradable as required by demand, usage, and program goals. NSF-awarded NAPs were required to be capable of switching both IP and CLNP (Connectionless Networking Protocol). The requirements to switch CLNP packets and to implement IDRP-based procedures (Inter-Domain Routing Protocol, ISO OSI Exterior Gateway Protocol) could be waived, depending on the overall level of service provided by the NAP.

NAP Manager Solicitation

A NAP manager was appointed to each NAP with duties that included the following:

  • Establish and maintain the specified NAP for connecting to vBNS and other appropriate networks.

  • Establish policies and fees for service providers that want to connect to the NAP.

  • Propose NAP locations subject to given general geographical locations.

  • Propose and establish procedures to work with personnel from other NAPs, the Routing Arbiter (RA), the vBNS provider, and regional and other attached networks to resolve problems and to support end-to-end quality of service (QoS) for network users.

  • Develop reliability and security standards for the NAPs, as well as accompanying procedures to ensure that the standards are met.

  • Specify and provide appropriate NAP accounting and statistics collection and reporting capabilities.

  • Specify appropriate physical access procedures to the NAP facilities for authorized personnel of connecting networks and ensure that these procedures are carried out.

Federal Internet eXchange

During the early phases of the transition from ARPANET to the NSFNET backbone, FIX-East (College Park, Md.) and FIX-West (NASA AMES, Mountain View, Calif.) were created to provide interconnectivity. They quickly became important interconnection points for exchanging information between research, education, and government networks. However, the FIX policy folks weren't very keen on the idea of allowing commercial data to be exchanged at these facilities. Consequently, the Commercial Internet eXchange (CIX) was created.

FIX-East was decommissioned in 1996. FIX-West is still used for interconnection of federal networks.

Commercial Internet eXchange

The CIX (pronounced "kicks") is a nonprofit trade association of Public Data Internetwork service providers that promotes and encourages the development of the public data communications internetworking service industry in both national and international markets. The creation of CIX was a direct result of the seeming unwillingness of the FIX operators to support nonfederal networks. Beyond just providing connectivity to commercial Internet service providers, the CIX also provided a neutral forum to exchange ideas, information, and experimental projects among suppliers of internetworking services. Here are some benefits CIX provided to its members:

  • A neutral forum to develop consensus on legislative and political issues.

  • A fundamental agreement for all CIX members to interconnect with one another. No restrictions exist in the type of traffic that can be exchanged between member networks.

  • Access to all CIX member networks, greatly increasing the correspondence, files, databases, and information services available to them. Users gain a global reach in networking, increasing the value of their network connection.

Although today, in comparison to the larger NAPS, CIX plays a minor role in the Internet from a physical connectivity perspective, the coordination of legislative issues and the interconnection policy definition that it facilitated early on were clearly of great value.

Additional information on the CIX can be found on their Web server at

Current Physical Configurations at the NAP

The physical configuration of today's NAP is a mixture of FDDI, ATM, and Ethernet (Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, and Gigabit Ethernet) switches. Access methods range from FDDI and Gigabit Ethernet to DS3, OC3, and OC12 ATM. Figure 1-5 shows a possible configuration, based on some contemporary NAPs. Typically, the service provider manages routers collocated in NAP facilities. The NAP manager defines configurations, policies, and fees.

Figure 1-5. Typical NAP Physical Infrastructure

An Alternative to NAPs: Direct Interconnections

As the Internet continues to grow, the enormous amount of traffic exchanged between large networks is becoming greater than many NAPs can scale to support. Capacity issues at the NAPs often result in data loss and instability. In addition, large private networks and ISPs sometimes are reluctant to rely on seemingly less-interested third party NAP managers to resolve service-affecting issues and provision additional capacity. For these reasons, over the last few years an alternative to NAPs for interconnecting service provider networks has evolved—direct interconnections.

The idea behind direct interconnections is simple. By provisioning links directly between networks and avoiding NAPs altogether, service providers can decrease provisioning lead times, increase reliability, and scale interconnection capacity considerably. Link bandwidth and locations of direct interconnections usually are negotiated bilaterally, on peer-by-peer basis. Direct interconnections usually aren't pursued between two networks until one or both parties involved can realize the economic incentives associated with avoiding the NAPs.

Not only do direct interconnections provide additional bandwidth between the interconnecting networks, they also alleviate congestion and free up bandwidth at the NAPs, consequently improving throughput and performance there as well. Also, because market drivers usually result in large network topologies that closely mirror one another, the closeness of network topologies and interconnection requirements allows direct interconnections to provide a better geographical distribution for data exchange than do the NAPs. Direct interconnections can provide an architecture that will more optimally regionalize traffic exchange between networks, thereby increasing network throughput while decreasing latency between a given set of hosts.

Smaller regional providers and new service providers probably will not immediately be in a position to engage in direct interconnection agreements with larger providers, for a couple of reasons:

  • The costs associated with existing providers maintaining large amounts of infrastructure in order to accommodate direct interconnections

  • The increase in fees associated with the number of circuit facilities required from LECs (local exchange carriers) and IXCs (interexchange carriers)

Fortunately, most large providers continue to maintain a presence at the NAPs, utilizing NAP connections to exchange traffic with networks that cannot yet justify the additional costs of interconnecting directly.

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