SQLite database scripts (Intermediate)

SQLite is a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine, widely deployed, used in the public domain, easily accessible, and cross-platform, and your updates will be transactional (see http://www.sqlite.org/ for more details).

You may use the SQLite database with your automation or AutoIt scripts. It implements most of SQL92. There are also many interface clients that can be used to administer SQLite.

Getting ready

You can get the SQLite3.dll file from the following link by choosing sqlite-dll-win32-x86 from the Precompiled Binaries for Windows list:


How to do it...

You can add Msgbox(0,"Pause","Next step") anywhere to stop program flow and follow every step:

  • Paste this heading:
    #include <SQLite.au3>
     #include <SQLite.dll.au3> 
    Global $dbName = "mydatabase.sqlite"  ;Database name 
    _SQLite_Startup() ;Loads SQLite3.dll 
    _SQLite_Open($dbName) ;Opens/creates a disk SQLite database
    ;Syntax: CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] TABLE_NAME (row data_type,row2 data_type...); ;[Optional]
  • Paste the selected command to execute SQL (_SQLite_Exec()):
    SQLite_Exec(-1, "Create table tblTest (a,b int,c single not null);" & 
    "Insert into tblTest values ('1',2,3);" & _ 
     "Insert into tblTest values (Null,5,6);")  ;Several Sql statements in a single line 
    _SQLite_Exec(-1, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Users (phone int UNIQUE,age int,name TEXT);") 
    ;**Syntax: INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME[(row_name,row2_name)] VALUES(value1,value2)
     _SQLite_Exec(-1, "INSERT INTO Users VALUES (0011958745620,20,'Albert'),") 
    _SQLite_Exec(-1, "INSERT INTO Users VALUES (0034654363456,20,'Emi'),") 
    ;**Syntax: UPDATE TABLE_NAME SET row1=value,row2=value WHERE row=known_value
    _SQLite_Exec(-1, "UPDATE Users SET name='Jhon',age=23 WHERE phone=0011958745620;") 
    ;**Delete Syntax: DELETE FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE row=known_value
    _SQLite_Exec(-1, "DELETE FROM Users WHERE phone=0011958745620;")  ; Without _CallBackFunc function. No Row values
    _SQLite_Exec(-1, "DROP TABLE Users;") ; Remove the table 
    ; Query Syntax and CallBackfunc for every row: ====================================
    ;SELECT row1,row2 (note: use * to show all rows) FROM TABLE_NAME [WHERE row=value OR row=value AND row2=value2 LIMIT 10 (LIMIT: results) ORDER BY row ASC or DESC]
    _SQLite_Exec(-1, "SELECT * From Users", "_CallBackfunc") ; _CallBackfunc function will be called for each row, $s for every row & field. 
    Func _CallBackfunc($aRow) 
      Local $s 
      For $s In $aRow 
        ConsoleWrite($s & @TAB) 
    EndFunc  ;==>_CallBackfunc 
  • Paste this ending for closing:

How it works...

You use SQL Syntax for database management in a very easy and transparent way like MySQL. You get to know a small database file with rows (registers) and columns (fields) information.

The SQLite_Exec parameters are as follows:

  • $hDB: An open database, use -1 for using last opened database.
  • $sSQL: SQL statement(s) to be executed.
  • $sCallback: [optional] if specified, the callback function will be called for each row.

There's more...

You can also use more _SQLite functions, such as the following:

  • _SQLite_GetTable2d: Passes out a 2-dimensional array.
  • _SQLite_QuerySingleRow: Reads out the first row of the result.

SQLite sources

You can read more about SQLite by visiting the following link:


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