While updating this book, the UK was locked down due to the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, and we were unable to leave home except for food shopping, essential exercise or medical needs. This gave me the opportunity to concentrate fully on the book instead of the usual procrastination and finding other things to do, even though there was a long list.

What struck me above all else was the dedication and sheer determination shown by many people. In particular, doctors, nurses, carers, hospital staff, police and ambulance drivers, who as front-line responders put their lives on the line to save others, and some of whom unfortunately lost their lives in doing so. But many others did not receive the same recognition and deserve a mention – shop workers, who made sure that we could buy essential items (even if some were in short supply for a while); the people producing our food and essential needs; delivery drivers, who made sure the shops and supermarkets were stocked; refuse and recycling collectors; transport workers, who kept the country moving – all of whom who carried on their daily work despite the risks and often without proper thanks.

Friends, neighbours and frequently total strangers rallied round to make sure that the elderly and the less able continued to receive food and essential medication or just to have a telephone call with another human being while in isolation.

Groups of individuals began making personal protective equipment for front-line staff who lacked it, often paying for the materials out of their own pockets or crowdfunding money for the resources they needed.

All these unselfish people did what they did without being asked to do so, and demonstrated just how much a crisis can bring communities together, and bring out the best in the human race.

Many of these people are underpaid and undervalued, and I hope that if nothing else comes of this, they will receive the recognition they so rightly deserve, and it is to all of the above that I would like to dedicate this book.

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