Appendix I
Physical Security Checklist


  1. Facility Address:
  2. Description and number of buildings:
  3. Compounds/products manufactured, tonnages (attach list)
  4. Facility hours/office hours/shift times
    HoursPersonnelNo. of supervisors
    M-F office          
    Weekend/holiday office
    Shift hours
  5. Attach detailed plant maps showing production areas, fence lines, and buildings or annotate an aerial photograph.
  6. Photograph and show location of gates and entrances. Label and attach one picture per page.
  7. Location of primary and secondary security centers
  8. Is all information channeled into both centers from all sensors/cameras, fences/gates, doors, etc. Independently?
  9. Size and number of guards/security force personnel
    HoursPersonnelNo. of supervisors
    M-F office
    Weekend/holiday office
    Shift hours
  10. Fence line security: Describe fences and sensors. Attach a drawing, if necessary.
  11. Is there a distance between vegetation and fence line?_______________________
  12. Are property boundaries clearly identified? _____________________________
  13. Is fence line illuminated at night? ____________________________________
  14. Are the gates in good condition? _____________________________________
  15. Are the gate hinges internal or external? _______________________________
  16. How are unused gates protected and monitored? _________________________
    • ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  17. Are there dark spots in the fencing illumination? _________________________
  18. Is the fence line monitored by closed circuit TV? _________________________
  19. Color TV or black and white? _______________________________________
  20. Is the TV equipped with infrared sensors? _____________________________
  21. Is there at least 10 m between fence line and shrubbery and trees and poles _______________
  22. Is the boundary fencing clearly marked with “No Trespassing” signs? _______________________
  23. Are all drains and swales larger than 40 cm screened for antipersonnel intrusion? _____________
  24. Is fencing continuous with all rises and dips in the terrain?
  25. Is the fence line illumination automatic? _______________________________
  26. Is there a manual override for illumination controlled by the guard station or central dispatch station? ________________________
  27. If there are holes in the fence, what is the plan and schedule for making repairs?
  28. Are all buildings that are not continually occupied locked after business/shift hours?
  29. Are all building doors and windows facing fencing locked, and do they have alarms? __________________
  30. Are the alarms internal and external? __________________________________
  31. Are there CCTV on exterior doors? __________________________________________________
  32. Do these alarm register on the central dispatch station? ___________________
  33. What is the response time for inspection of a gate or door alarm? _______________________
  34. List and describe building doors and ground floor windows and their alarms and cameras.
  35. Are all buildings that are not continually occupied locked after business/shift hours?

Lock and key, alarm systems, and guards

  1. Are keys signed for?
  2. Who controls duplicate keys?
  3. Is there a master list for keys and their access?
  4. Who keeps the key logs?
  5. List the number of keys in each area/building and who controls them on a separate sheet.
  6. Are all the keys accounted for?
  7. When an employee leaves, do they surrender their badge and keys?
  8. Are keys nonstandard so that they cannot be easily duplicated?
  9. Are padlocks on a separate system with separate keys?
  10. Describe the following about the building, gate, and fence alarm system.
    DoorsFence lineGates
    Installation date
    Inspection dates
    Serviced by:
  11. How frequently are alarm systems tested? ___________________________
  12. Date of last test? ________________________________________________
  13. Where does alarm system terminate? _______________________________
  14. Does each alarm generate a printed report? __________________________
  15. Who keeps the records? __________________________________________
  16. Do the alarms show a pattern? ____________________________________
  17. Where is the alarm panel located? _________________________________
  18. Is the alarm panel located behind locked doors? ______________________
  19. Who has the authority to turn alarms on and off? _____________________
  20. Does the alarm system have a battery backup? _______________________
  21. Is the battery backup periodically checked and maintained? _____________
  22. How frequently? ________________________________________________
  23. Do the guard patrols have duress alarms? ___________________________
  24. How frequently are the guard forces given polygraph tests? ______________
  25. Do the guards know CPR? _________________________________________
  26. Do the guards maintain fitness levels? _______________________________
  27. What are the physical standards for the guard force? ___________________
  28. Distance between fence lines and closest housing/industrial/commercial units not owned by company on each compass direction?
  29. Attach a wind rose for history of prevailing winds.
  30. Does plant have any remote operations? Yes ______ No _______
  31. If Yes, describe how remote operations are monitored.
  32. What is posted speed approaching gates/entrances? _________
  33. What barriers exist to prevent vehicles from crashing gates/entrances?
  34. Where are inspections conducted on all incoming vehicles? Describe.
  35. Briefly describe how shipments by rail are inspected and allowed into the plant. Attach a separate description, if required.
  36. Is shipping and receiving located remotely from the balance of the plant operations? If yes, how far? ___________________________________________________________________________
  37. Is there a procedure for insuring that drivers of vehicles cannot enter the plant? Describe and determine if barriers can stop an incoming moving vehicle
  38. Are the security force armed? ___________________
  39. How frequently do they undergo firearms accuracy training? _______________
  40. How are detentions or arrests handled?
  41. Does the night shift/graveyard shift have regular rounds?
  42. Does the night shift/graveyard shift have key stations?
  43. Do all the security force have encoded radios? Can they monitor in-plant communications?
  44. Does the security force have a way of communicating with plant fire department? _________
    • Off-site Security (Police and Fire) ___________ Hospital _________________

Employee security

  1. Is employee ingress and egress restricted to controlled and monitored locations? ________
  2. Does security have a way to know how many employees are in the plant at any one time, and what locations they are supposed to be working in? _________________________________
  3. Employee/visitor/contractor’s ingress/egress is controlled by?
    • Badge _____________________
    • Pass _____________________
    • Guard _____________________
    • Key _____________________
    • Receptionist ________________
  4. Does the plant use contractor labor for maintenance? _______________________
  5. Have all contractor laborers been screened? _________________________________________
  6. Do all employees have badges? _____________
  7. Do all contractors/visitors have different badges than employees? _____________________
  8. List companies and names, and contact information for all contractors on a separate sheet.
  9. Are visitors escorted? ______________________
  10. Are personal electronics/laptops/flash drives, disks, etc., allowed in plant? ____________
  11. Are bags and personal possessions searched by everyone entering and leaving the plant?
  12. Do the ingress and egress locations from the plant have metal detectors?
  13. Do the employees and visitors have a designated parking area outside the plant?
  14. Is the parking area secure and illuminated? ______________ CCTV monitored? _____________

Trash removal and shipments from the facility

  1. Are outgoing shipments inspected and manifests verified? __________________ Describe the procedure. ___________________________________________
  2. Name and address of trash removal service. ______________________________
  3. How often is trash removed? _______________________________________
  4. Are trash removals supervised by security force? _____________________
  5. How often is trash inspected? _______________________________________
  6. Are trash and hazardous wastes hauled by the same company? __________________
  7. Where are hazardous wastes disposed of? _______________________________


  1. Does the plant have plans for the following, and are they up to date:
    1. Plantwide emergency
    2. Evacuation
    3. Bomb
    4. Fire
    5. Extreme weather (Tornado and/or Hurricane)
    6. Flood
    7. Earthquake
    8. Explosion
    9. Loss of utility services
    10. Civil disorder
    11. Terrorist attack
    12. Spill events
  2. List the last time each plan was tested?
  3. Does the plant follow Incident Command System
  4. Do each of the plans have the contact information for all necessary key employees?
  5. Are the evacuation routes and assembly points posted?
  6. Is there a plant map showing the location of fire extinguishers?
  7. Is there a plant map showing the location of spill control materials?
  8. Is there coordination with the Local Emergency Planning Committee?
  9. Have any or all of these plans been submitted/shared with the local fire and police forces and local hospital to provide services?
  10. Are the routes to the local hospital posted and available?

Mail handling

  1. How is the mail handled?
    1. Incoming
    2. Outgoing
    3. Are there procedures for hazardous materials/bombs in the mail?
    4. Are all mails opened?

Fire plans

  1. Are all buildings up to fire code?____________________________________
  2. Has the fire marshal been into inspect the buildings? _________________
  3. Is the plant equipment and process conforming to current fire codes? ____________
  4. Is the fire sprinkler system tested regularly? _____________________________
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