Chapter 19

Intelligent Factory Agents with Predictive Analytics for Asset Management

Jay Lee; Hung-An Kao; Hossein Davari Ardakani; David Siegel    NSF I/UCRC Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS), University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA


The conceptual framework of predictive manufacturing systems starts with data acquisition of the monitored assets. Using appropriate sensor installations, various signals such as vibration, pressure, etc., can be extracted. In addition, historical data can be harvested for further data mining. Communication protocols, such as MTConnect and OPC, can help users record controller signals. When all the data are aggregated, this amalgamation is called “Big Data.” The transforming agent consists of several components: an integrated platform, predictive analytics, and visualization tools. The algorithms found in the Watchdog Agent® can be categorized into four sections: signal processing and feature extraction, health assessment, performance prediction, and fault diagnosis. By utilizing the tools, health information (such as current condition, remaining useful life, failure mode, etc.) can be effectively conveyed in terms of a radar chart, fault map, risk chart, and health degradation curves.


Prognostics and health management

Predictive manufacturing

Intelligence maintenance

Condition monitoring

Asset management

19.1 Introduction/Motivation

Many advanced countries, whose economic base is the manufacturing industry, made efforts to improve their uptime and production quality because they have more critical challenges from emerging markets and the global manufacturing supply chain. Manufacturing firms not only seek manufacturing technique innovation but also began to focus on how to transform their factory based on existing information communication technologies. As a result, technological innovations have been drivers of the evolution of manufacturing paradigms from mass production through the concepts of lean, flexible, reconfigurable manufacturing, to the current stage of predictive manufacturing characterized by bringing transparency to manufacturing assets capabilities. With this manufacturing transparency, management then has the right information to determine facility-wide overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). Beyond that, the revealed manufacturing data can be analyzed and transformed into meaningful information to enable the prediction and prevention of failures. With the prediction capability, factory assets can be managed more effectively with just-in-time maintenance.

In regard to the aforementioned trend, Industry 4.0 is now a new buzzword in the manufacturing industry. Under the concept of Industry 4.0, intelligent analytics and cyber-physical systems (Lee et al., 2013b) are teaming together to rethink production management and factory transformation. Table 19.1 compares the difference between today's factory and an Industry 4.0 factory. In the current manufacturing environment, there might be different data sources including sensors, controllers, networked manufacturing systems, etc. In today's factory, component precision and machine throughput is key to success. How to utilize data to understand current conditions and detect faults is an important research topic (Ge et al., 2004; Wu and Chow, 2004; Li et al., 2005; Qu et al., 2006; Chen et al., 2004). For production systems, many commercialized manufacturing systems are deployed in order to help shop managers acquire OEE information. Compared with an Industry 4.0 factory, instead of only fault detection or condition monitoring, components will also be able to achieve self-aware and self-predictive capabilities. Thus, the health degradation and remaining useful life will be revealed so that more insight is brought to factory users. Beyond that, machine health can be predicted based on a fusion of component conditions and peer-to-peer comparisons. With this prediction capability, machines can be managed cost effectively with just-in-time maintenance, which eventually optimizes machine uptime. Finally, historical health information can be fed back to the machine or equipment designer for closed-loop life-cycle redesign, and users can enjoy worry-free productivity.

Table 19.1

Comparison of Today's Factory with an Industry 4.0 Factory

Today's FactoryIndustry 4.0 Factory
Data SourceKey AttributesKey TechnologiesKey AttributesKey Technologies
ComponentSensorPrecisionSmart sensors and fault detectionSelf-aware
Degradation monitoring and remaining useful life prediction
MachineControllerProducibility and performance (quality and throughput)Condition-based monitoring and diagnosticsSelf-aware
Uptime with predictive health monitoring
Production systemNetworked manufacturing systemProductivity and OEELean operations: work and waste reductionSelf-configure
Worry-free productivity


The Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) research area has been addressed by the American government since 2007, as part of a new developments strategy (Baheti and Gill, 2011; Shi et al., 2011). Applications of CPS include, but are not limited to, the following: manufacturing, security and surveillance, medical devices, environmental control, aviation, advanced automotive systems, process control, energy control, traffic control and safety, smart structures, and so on (Krogh et al., 2008). Janos Sztipanovits et al. indicate heterogeneity as one of the most challenging and important factors in the implementation of cyber-physical systems in any real-life application (Sztipanovits et al., 2012). Heterogeneity demands cross-domain modeling of interactions between physical and cyber (computational) components and ultimately results in the requirement of a framework that is model-based, precise, and predictable for acceptable behavior of CPS.

Predictive manufacturing combines the information from the manufacturing system and supply chain system. Traditionally, manufacturers make decisions by using the supply chain system, which optimizes costs by leveraging logistics, synchronizing supply with demand, and measuring the performance globally (Handfield and Nichols, 1999). Due to the rising costs of asset management, predictive manufacturing also consists of predictive maintenance, which aims at monitoring assets and preventing failure, downtime, and repair costs. On the one hand, the smart supply chain management gives key performance indicators by analyzing the historical data, including the supplier source, financial data, and market consumption, and predicts and quantifies the leading indicators based on all the read drivers of the business (Predictive Maintenance for Manufacturing, 2013). This does not consider the effects of unpredicted downtime and maintenance of the operational performance. On the other hand, predictive maintenance detects the greatest risks based on gathering real-time information such as maintenance logs, performance logs, monitoring data, inspection reports, and environmental data, etc. (Léger et al., 1999; Lee, 2003). Once the risk from certain parts reaches the threshold level, a proactive maintenance will be performed in order to prevent downtime. According to the risk analysis, the production line can only schedule pre-maintenance before the failure happens, which can greatly reduce the high cost of fixed schedule maintenance. In addition, it is easy to anticipate the potential problems when customers use the products, which can improve the warranty service and reduce its costs. Predictive maintenance methodologies consist of data information transformation, prediction, optimization, and synchronization (Lee et al., 2013b). Because maintenance plays an important part in the asset management process (Schuman and Brent, 2005), the appropriate application of predictive maintenance greatly reduces cost spending on unexpected operation problems. Meanwhile, it can provide proper information to the supply chain management, such as rescheduling the order placements, inventory management, adjusted warranty services, etc., in order to take proactive movements to prevent causing interruption for the supply chain system.

This chapter proposes the concept of predictive manufacturing through the deployment of intelligent factory agents equipped with analytic tools. The agents are in charge of the data flow based on a 5S systematic approach that consists of Sensing, Storage, Synchronization, Synthesis, and Service. The analytics tools are the important keys to information transformation. They consist of four sub-tools: (1) signal processing and feature extraction, (2) health assessment, (3) fault diagnosis, and (4) performance prediction.

19.2 Application Overview

The intelligent factory agents consist of a real-time machine condition monitoring subsystem, a predictive analytics subsystem, and a service dashboard subsystem. The framework of these agents is shown in Figure 19.1. The real-time machine condition monitoring subsystem is in charge of collecting the data and transforming it into the machine's health condition. It is capable of revealing the condition of the machine, the numerical control (NC) program of the machine, and the corresponding control parameters in real time. The predictive analytics subsystem consists of a set of predictive tools that uses the current process and machine health information to predict the stability of the process and behavior of machines in the future and thus help to achieve a smart asset management system. All the processed information will be stored, sorted, and streamlined according to its work order identification by the predictive analytics subsystem. Finally, the factory managers and manufacturing operators can make queries and retrieve related analyzed information for optimization of the manufacturing processes through the service dashboard provided. In the next section of this chapter, these agents will be presented from a different perspective, based on their responsibilities and the way they interact with each other.

Figure 19.1 Framework for intelligent factory agents with predictive analytics.

To acquire the operation condition from machines, frameworks for extracting controller signals from CNC systems have been designed and demonstrated in previous research (Kao et al., 2014). In a real-time machine condition monitoring subsystem, a controller signal extractor and real-time monitoring module are integrated in an industrial PC. Each machine is equipped with a controller, and an RJ-45 Internet cable is used to connect between the controller and the signal extractor through the Ethernet Internet protocol, including Modbus and Ethercat based on different monitoring targets. It includes a parameter extractor (connect with controllers and extract parameters), rule configuration module (write rules and trigger points for parameter extraction), command receiver (receive the commands from a real-time monitoring module and configure accordingly), and an information sender (transfer extracted signals to a real-time monitoring module).

Because the sampling frequency of the controller signal extractor is high, the communication between the controller signal extractor and the real-time monitoring module is frequent. To efficiently process the data set and at the same time provide a real-time, stable data extraction performance, an asynchronous transmission mechanism is designed and adopted. Once the controller signal extractor extracts the signal data, the data set will be sent to a message queue instead of monitoring the module directly. The message queue is a high-performance buffer space and can be easily customized to receive and store the data. Once the data set is reserved in the message queue, the real-time monitoring module will use its Listener to register to the message queue. When there are messages waiting in the message queue, the Listener will be triggered to extract the messages from the queue and parse them. The parsed information will then be sent to a real-time monitoring module to be analyzed and become visualized information through the user interface.

To achieve real-time predictive manufacturing goals, a platform that can provide an increase in productivity and advanced manufacturing with an analytic toolset should be designed and implemented. When there are more and more machine tools in a factory, a predictive analytic subsystem can grasp the machine tools' real-time conditions, monitoring operation, and detect production quality and performance. The subsystem leverages the machining information extracted from the machine tools and collects productivity information from production lines. It eventually forms a machine service network to help customers manage their production line in real-time and act more intelligently. While the domain-specific knowledge of the machining process is accumulating, it can also support factory users to find out the weakness in the current manufacturing process, which means the quality of their manufacturing can also be increased. In addition, the knowledge collected can become an expert or reference and be provided to customers. Before the abnormal condition occurs, action can be taken to avoid possible damages and stabilize the production quality level. Finally, factory users can manage the overall productivity and future efficiency of their equipment through a real-time service dashboard subsystem, because it offers factory managers the flexibility toward, and knowledge of, their equipment and factory based on a set of designed visualization modules.

19.3 Application Details

Currently, most state-of-the-art machines are actually quite “smart” in themselves, which means more and more have built-in sophisticated sensors and computerized components when they are designed, or increasingly various add-on sensors to monitor machines in real time. Meanwhile, the data delivered via both built-in and add-on sensors are related to the machine's status and performance. However, the following question is that it is difficult for field engineers and management staff to get the information of machine performance just through checking the big amount of mixed data, not to mention being able to track the degradation trend, which will eventually lead to a catastrophic failure. Therefore, it is necessary to develop data-to-information conversion tools, which are able to convert machine data into status and performance-related information. The output of these tools is the real-time health indicators/indices, which show the current performance of the machine, for decision makers to effectively understand the performance of the machines and make maintenance decisions before potential failures occur, which prevents waste in terms of time, spare parts, and personnel, and ensures the maximum uptime of equipment. Figure 19.2 shows how the data and information are transformed from the machine and device level to a web-enabled environment, in which many web-enabled applications could be performed. In the following sections, more details of this application will be elaborated upon.

Figure 19.2 Data transformation process in a machinery application (Lee, 2003).

A general framework for implementing a Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) system is described with a focus on three interactive agents: a System Agent (SA), a Knowledge Agent (KA), and an executive agent (EA). The SA agent is responsible for the management of the hardware resources, the data acquisition board, the wireless board, etc. The EA agent is responsible for the execution of the prognostic tasks to detect and predict failures, and also provides temporary information storage and communication for delivering critical information and receiving other critical information to perform the calculations. It includes both the health assessment and predictive analytics tools. The KA is responsible for storing and managing the information related to trained models, such as model parameters and multiple component dependencies. If the SA receives a request for initiation or modification of the EA, the SA will interact with the KA and provide system resources for the KA. The SA can also communicate with multiple SAs in the network. Hence, for each application, the relevant knowledge is acquired, adequate resources are assigned for the application, and the necessary algorithms are loaded to execute the predictive analytics tasks.

The three individual agents modularize the deployment of the predictive analytics tools and define its basic elements during the process. However, the configuration of SA, KA, and EA depend on the specific asset and its condition, available resources, data analysis concerns, and other constraints. Figure 19.3 shows the components included in each agent. The software architecture of such agent-based PHM platforms is shown in Figure 19.4 (Lee et al., 2013a).

Figure 19.3 Description of the three agents included for implementing predictive manufacturing (Lee et al., 2013a).
Figure 19.4 The software architecture of the proposed agent-based platform (Liao and Lee, 2010).

19.3.1 Strategy for Anomaly Detection and Fault Isolation

There are many types of anomalies that can be defined in a complex manufacturing system. On the top level, product quality defects can be considered an anomaly caused by production system malfunctions, while at the system level, the occurrence of a critical parameter being out of bounds can be caused by component degradation or failure. In order to promptly detect and diagnose whenever a fault occurs, a causal relationship between failures and system status needs to be correlated.

The system behavior is assumed to be describable in a multivariable feature space, and different statuses will occupy different regimes in this hyper-dimension space. However, as the complexity of modern manufacturing systems increases dramatically, it is impractical to consider the system as a whole object and build a single model to describe its behavior. Thus, a divide-and-conquer strategy to first divide operation space into several sub-regimes must be adopted. The motivation is that it is possible to use linear modeling, rather than a nonlinear approach, within a small range space and reduce the global complexity to the local level. Unsupervised techniques such as a self-organizing network or k-mean cluster are candidates for use in achieving this goal. Furthermore, unsupervised methods require the least amount of understanding of the system and hence are good for complex problems. Within each separate region, supervised learning techniques are then applied for fault detection and diagnosis. Statistical methods such as the Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) or Markov Model are capable tools; distance or kernel-based techniques such as vector quantization or Support Vector Machines can also be applied. Finally, in order to have adaptability, reinforcement learning is used as a feedback mechanism to let the system have a second chance to reevaluate misdetections and update its failure profiles. With the aforementioned model built, it is possible to conduct:

 Fault detection and classification: When new inputs come, it will be projected to the closest operation region. Then, the diagnosis model from this regime will process the input and identify if the machine status is normal or faulty. If it's faulty, the model will further isolate the type of fault.

 Fault diagnosis: Based on the different fault detectors applied, the biggest variable contributor can be identified as the failure cause.

 Anomaly detection: When the input feature cannot be projected into any of the operation regions, similar anomaly conditions will be clustered when no known fault can be matched.

 Model adaptation: Reorganize the knowledge of faults when a new fault condition is confirmed from external inputs, and update the failure profile in the model.

19.3.2 Prognosis and Decision Making with the Self-Recovery Function

Prognosis can be done in several ways. For instance, a regression model can be used to fit the time series of input features, and the feature values predicted over time. Then, the same diagnosis procedure can be applied to evaluate how a system will behave in the future. A statistical approach may be used to check how the feature deviates from the normal regime and if it is moving toward any of the known fault zones. Thus, system performance can be quantified by the confidence value associated with each diagnosis scheme. Figure 19.5 illustrates a prognostics approach based on the feature map and statistical pattern recognition method.

Figure 19.5 Prognostics approach using feature map and statistical pattern recognition method.

Based on the prognosis results, a decision needs to be made regarding whether maintenance should be scheduled, or if system performance can be recovered by the control compensation approach. Maintenance decision making will be used in conjunction with production scheduling, downtime associated with failure, and the component's remaining useful life, while control compensation will follow heuristic philosophy to recover performance as soon as possible. It should be considered, however, that the component degradation cannot be compensated by utilizing a control strategy. Even if critical parameters can be adjusted to maintain the target value, component degradation will continue to reduce its reliability. Research will be done in this area to find the optimal way to balance system reliability and performance delivery.

19.3.3 An Industrial Agent Platform Based on an Embedded System

A major drawback of deploying an industrial agent platform in a stand-alone system is that the agent will not be capable of directly providing diagnostics and prognostics information to the process control system. It is also challenging to take advantage of the PLC controller processors to synchronize and trigger the external data acquisition. Hence, embedding the industrial agents into the commercial controllers provides the capability of raising flags automatically in the control system or changing the parameters in the control loops accordingly before an undesired event happens or the process gets out of control. Such an embedded agent has the potential to significantly reduce the downtime of the production line and/or avoid high costs imposed by repair and maintenance. On the other hand, the availability of adequate hardware resources, including computational power or memory, remains the major challenge. Figure 19.6 shows the architecture of the embedded PHM deployment platform. In such deployment platforms, KA (shown on the left side of in Figure 19.4) is responsible for loading the PHM models that are already developed by the system. EA (shown at the top of the Figure 19.6) runs the analytics tools on the data and provides the desired health information. SA (shown at the bottom of Figure 19.6) interfaces with the control system to provide feedback based on the obtained asset health information and avoids the progression of the potential faults in the system (Lee et al., 2013a).

Figure 19.6 An industrial agent platform based on an embedded system (Lee et al., 2013a).

19.3.4 Industrial Agent Platforms Based on Cloud Infrastructures

Many industries have recently been investing in PHM in order to improve the performance of their machineries, achieve better consistencies in the manufacturing process, and reduce machine or process downtime and the costs associated with them. In order to achieve such goals, new needs have arisen for more computational resources and more deployment options. Therefore, IT infrastructures have been developed to support the computational and network needs. Cloud computing is considered an important step in the advancement of IT technology and provides significant computational and storage resources that were not accessible before. Cloud computing is being used to provide a more secure and easy option for the storage of large-scale data files and improves the connectivity of services and data sets (Chun and Maniatis, 2009). Also, along with the rapid advancement of technologies around smart phones, tablets, and wireless networks there has been a boom in interactive applications and service delivery methods for use in platforms such as smart phones, tablets, and so on (Huang et al., 2011; Chun and Maniatis, 2009). Like many applications for cloud computing, cloud-based PHM has also received much attention and interest. Cloud-based PHM leverages many existing technologies such as distributed computing and grid computing and aims to integrate them in a form of a service-oriented architecture (SOA) (Zhang et al., 2010). An example of such a cloud-based PHM system is that for the machine tool builders provided in Kao et al. (2014). Three levels have been suggested for this structure: a manufacturing service channel, an in-factory resource management, and an intelligent service platform (Lee et al., 2013a).

A cloud-based monitoring platform requires a high level of flexibility because it targets multiple machines under different operating conditions. Moreover, such PHM workflow needs to be self-adaptive in order to work for different monitoring cases (Lee et al., 2013a).

In Lee et al. (2013a), a framework with three components is proposed for deploying cloud-based PHM systems. These components include (1) Machine Interface Agent, (2) Cloud Application Platform, and (3) Service User Interface. The framework of the deployment is shown in Figure 19.7. In this proposed framework, the Machine Interface Agent is used for communication among the machines in different locations and the cloud. The Machine Interface Agent collects a set of collected data from each monitoring target, and transfers them to the Cloud Application Platform. This Machine Interface Agent can be either embedded, or a stand-alone PC depending on the preferences and constraints of the deployment. Also in such a framework, PHM applications (APPs) can be developed to use the cloud platform as their computational resource. Such APPs can also be shared between different users so that each user can input their data and analyze them using a cloud-based PHM platform. The analytics part in this framework consists of different algorithms stored as separate modules. For different applications, these modules can be selected and put together to generate a customized PHM workflow depending on each application's needs and characteristics, with minimum configuration needed. Such APPs can also be expanded, improved, or customized for new PHM applications. In this platform, users are able to use their devices such as a laptop, smart phone, etc., to log in to the cloud-based platform through the service user interface and access their desired information through visualization tools (Lee et al., 2013a).

Figure 19.7 An industrial agent platform based on a cloud infrastructure (Lee et al., 2013a).

19.4 Case Study

19.4.1 Air Compressors

In manufacturing facilities, compressed air is a commodity and downtime from the air compressors can cause severe losses in productivity. A surge condition occurs when the compressor is operated at an insufficient flow rate for a given discharge pressure; and these large oscillations in the pressure and flow can create an unstable operating condition for the compressor. For a mild surge case, there is a higher level of vibration and noise for the compressor system; however, if the surge is more severe and the flow reverses, the pressure fluctuations can severely damage the compressor components and cause significant downtime. For this application, it is not only important to have early detection of a surge condition but also to integrate the detection method with the control system to avoid the surge from occurring. A common practice for avoiding a surge is to operate in a conservative manner and operate between 10% and 25% below the surge line. This prevents surge but is less efficient in terms of energy usage. For providing early surge detection and energy efficiency, the proposed method fuses multiple sensor signals and uses pattern classification algorithms to detect and avoid the surge from occurring.

For monitoring the compressor, various sensors were installed. The measured signals included the motor current, inlet guide vane (IGV) signal, inlet and outlet pressure and temperature signals for each stage, the air flow rate, and ambient temperature and humidity measurements. Calculated variables from the measured signals included compressor ratios for each of the three stages and also a pressure differential was calculated across the IGV. In total, there are 20 variables from the measured and calculated quantities. For developing the model, data was collected during a set of surge tests on an air compressor. The compressor was operated at a large flow rate, and then the IGV was slowly closed until a surge occurred. A set of 25 experiments were conducted and data samples right before the surge condition and at the surge condition were collected. It should be noted that for three of the experiments a surge condition was not reached. In total, there are 22 data files for the surge condition, and 25 data files with a nonsurge condition.

From an initial examination of two-dimensional variable plots between the pressure at the third stage and the air flow, it was noted that it was difficult to discriminate between the nonsurge and surge conditions. Thus, a principal component method was used to consider the 20 variables and identify key sensor signals that are most responsible for the surge condition. From the PCA result, the first two eigenvectors were retained and features that had the largest weight were then selected to be included into the health model. The two most significant variables from the PCA analysis were the stage 1 outlet temperature and the ambient air humidity temperature. Based on the facility engineer's experience, it was also decided to include the IGV opening signal into the health model, and this provided three variables to detect the surge condition.

An asymmetric support vector machine (ASVM) classification algorithm is used to automatically determine whether the compressor is in a nonsurge or surge condition. The ASVM algorithm was used, because the impact of a false alarm and a missed detection have different costs associated with them. If the operating point is predicted to be in a surge region and is actually not causing a surge, then changing the operating settings to move out of this region would only cause a slight reduction in energy efficiency. However, failure to detect the surge condition can have a significant impact, in that a surge can severely damage the compressor components and result in major downtime and losses in productivity. Using the ASVM algorithm, the separation boundary is moved closer to one of the two classes (e.g., the no surge class), and this provides a way to minimize the risk of a missed surge detection.

Using 30 samples for training and 15 samples for testing, the traditional support vector machine algorithm resulted in a 100% classification rate. This 100% classification rate was also achieved by the ASVM algorithm. A numerical study was further conducted on the ASVM classification result, in which a set of additional operating points were considered and the distance to the surge boundary and the nonsurge zone boundary were calculated. The additional test operating points highlighted that the ASVM method would not result in a missed detection, but would be slightly more susceptible to false alarms. Again, the risk associated with a false alarm is much lower than the risk and cost associated with a missed detection.

After developing the finalized set of processing methods and algorithms to provide an early detection and avoidance of the compressor surge, selecting the appropriate implementation strategy is needed before deploying the monitoring solution. Because the main objective was to detect and avoid the surge condition, there was not a requirement or need to transfer data and instead the customer's preference was to process all the data locally if possible. Access to the controller signals was imperative, because the health model included three sensor signals, and all three of these signals are from the controller. Also, in order to avoid the surge condition, the health model would have to be integrated into the control system. Unlike vibration-based monitoring applications, which require a high sampling rate, a much lower sampling rate would be sufficient for the temperature and IGV signals used to detect the compressor surge condition. Although the ASVM classification algorithm requires significant computation for determining the separation boundary, this could be done off-line. For performing the real-time monitoring, the already trained classification boundary could be used to provide early detection of the surge condition. Thus, a low complexity and computational requirement is needed for running the compressor surge health monitoring algorithm. The case of multiple operating regimes such as variable rotational speed or transient conditions did not apply to this compressor monitoring situation. In addition, data from both a baseline state and surge state were needed for training the classification algorithm.

For embedding this type of health monitoring algorithm into the compressor control system, KA would only be used once and would load the already trained classification boundary and model parameters for the ASVM algorithm. EA would perform the majority of the calculation work and continuously use the monitored signals and the trained classification algorithm to provide an early detection of the surge condition. Lastly, the SA would interface with the compressor control system to quickly avoid the surge condition once the problem was detected. Developing the appropriate health monitoring algorithm, the right deployment strategy, and a description of how all three agents in the system would interact to perform the calculations and use the computational and memory resources provided a complete solution for the manufacturing facility. In fact, the manufacturing facility worked with the original equipment manufacturer of the air compressors to eventually embed this algorithm and functionality into the compressor control system.

19.4.2 Horizontal Machining Center

As an illustration for the proposed cloud-based PHM framework, a tool condition monitoring (TCM) system is chosen as a case study. Machine tools are used in many manufacturing facilities and have a relatively complex mechanical and controller system. This engineering asset is very likely to experience unplanned breakdowns due to component failures. If the degradation process in the components happens gradually, then a PHM system can be designed and implemented in order to estimate the stage of degradation and the health condition of the component. Once the TCM application was triggered, the data stored in the cloud was parsed. After which, pre-processing techniques such as filtering and quantization were employed to increase the input signal's signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and to aggregate samples by windowing. Next, a specific segment of the data was selected (duration when the tool is engaged on the machined part). Statistical summary metrics of the “segment-of-interest” were extracted. Finally, distance metrics were used to determine the current (or test) cut's condition relative to the first cut.

In this case study, the test-bed was Milltronics Horizontal Machining Center (HMC) with Fanuc CNC Controller 0i (Model C). The TCM APP required both the controller signals and sensory data. For controller signals, machine status, spindle speed, feed rate, and macro-variables were extracted and transformed based on an MTConnect protocol. In addition, two sensors were installed: a power sensor and an accelerometer. The power signal was extracted through a Universal Power Cell (UPC) from Load Controls Inc., while the vibration was measured using a PCB accelerometer which was powered through a 480D06 amplifier.

The CV value started out high (1 means a healthy status) and as the cutting tool was continuously used, the degradation manifests as an almost monotonic decrease in the health value. Eventually, the tool gets replaced when the CV reaches a value just below 0.5—the average power consumed when a part is machined. Intuitively, the power consumed increases with tool wear.

For this case study, Advantech 4711 was used as the Machine Interface Agent and was responsible for extracting both controller and sensory data, conducting signal preprocessing (data segmentation and MTConnect protocol translation), and transferring the dataset to the Cloud Application Platform. The TCM APP was implemented and deployed on the Cloud Application Platform, and can be used to analyze the incoming dataset. The TCM APP processed the data and provides a tool health estimate. After the related algorithms are integrated with the infrastructure, the analyzed results are continuously written to a file, which the Cloud Application Platform read in order to update the Service User Interface for visualization purposes. More than one machine can be connected and factory users may utilize a shared application with their own dataset on-demand.

In this case study, the SA would include the Machine Interface Agent, which could connect to the CNC system to trigger the data collection. On the other hand, the KA would be located on the Cloud Application Platform, where the history data and learning models are managed. Lastly, the EA would be implemented through the joint effort of the Machine Interface Agent and the Cloud Application Platform. The former would retrieve both controller and sensory data and use Ethernet to transfer the dataset, while the latter would invoke the TCM APP and link it with the KA. These components (or agents) would work together as a whole system to support factory users to take advantage of the developed TCM application.

19.5 Benefits and Assessment

Predictive manufacturing is to apply predictive analytical methods for different aspects during the manufacturing process. Respectively, with intelligent factory agents, companies will be able to achieve the following benefits:

1. Schedule in-time maintenance and prevent unexpected machine downtime: uptime of manufacturing line is directly related to profits, and for some industries even a short period of product line failure would cost much financially. A properly developed and implemented predictive maintenance scheme can reduce the risk of unscheduled downtime and save costs.

2. For product quality—first part correct: predict the quality of the product even before it is manufactured. The degradation of machines does not only increase the risk of potential downtime but also affects the quality of the parts being produced. As a consequence, a predictive strategy can be used to suggest and schedule maintenance actions for key components, such as machine tools, even before the actual failure occurs to maintain the product quality.

3. For smarter logistics and supply chain management: based on the predicted customer needs and machine condition, the inventory, budgeting, and purchasing actions can be made accordingly to save cost.

The designed system, which can also be integrated with the cloud-computing paradigm, brings the health monitoring systems to a new level. Besides the benefits of convenience in connectivity and management, and real-time computing, this system can have the following superiorities compared to other monitoring systems:

1. Accurate and generic machine health assessment and prognostics—Because various PHM techniques are included in the APP pool as modules, they can easily be combined and implemented to generate customized workflows. Due to this standardization, different combinations of tools can be tested to assure the accuracy of the output.

2. Rapid service deployment—The configuration file mentioned before can be constructed based on the expert knowledge or previous experiences for similar cases. This makes the new workflows more easily developed and makes deployment services fast and convenient.

3. High level of customization—The APP pool, as mentioned before, can provide the user with various options. As these options are easy for the user to try, one can customize their own framework for the best results.

4. Knowledge integration for data-mining purposes—As the obtained data can be stored during time and classified based on sources, working regimes, etc., the data-mining and knowledge discovery tasks will be facilitated for further improvement of the PHM field.

5. Easy-to-update—All the instances (virtual machines) of an APP module are eventually images, which can be updated once an instance is initialized. This system update can be very beneficial for the manufacturing units with a fleet of equipment.

The implementation of predictive analytical methods has already proven to be beneficial in a variety of manufacturing applications. As an example in automobile manufacturing, the implementation of predictive analytic agents in compressors used throughout the manufacturing plant brought the annual saving of millions of dollars. In another case, a global manufacturer used predictive analytic agents to analyze the data collected from the process. The agents helped to reduce the downtime and increased the process yield that translated into savings of about 65 million dollars a year. In another example, a global manufacturer is applying analytic agents to determine the machines within the process that adversely affect the quality of the product. On-time detecting of the root cause of the problem and then taking appropriate maintenance actions was estimated to save millions of dollars per year by improving the yield by only 0.1%.

19.6 Discussion

To illustrate the idea of the factory industrial agent previously mentioned, in this section several applications are introduced from different points of view.

19.6.1 Smart Factory Transformation From Component Level Point of View

The increasing feeding rate and high acceleration value have improved the machine tool efficiency and accuracy and also reduced the machining times. Each component of machine tools can directly affect the overall precision of the machine tool system. The critical components can be defined based on their criticality level, low failure frequency, and high impact. The condition-based monitoring can enable the manufacturing factories to observe the degradation of each critical component and calculate their health value. Therefore, the overall health condition of the machine will be evaluated based on the health condition of each component. This health indicator, called the confidence value, can provide and predict the information of the machine's health condition. Hence, the predictive analytical algorithms provide significant improvements of adding PHM to traditional maintenance schemes. Machine data is effectively transformed by PHM algorithms into valuable information that can be used by factory managers to optimize production planning, save maintenance costs, and minimize equipment downtime.

In a smart factory, all the physical entities in the factory are connected together physically and virtually. In the physical space, the sensors are utilized to measure and detect the occurrence of a fault or anomaly, and isolate the location of the fault and identify the failure types. Beside the sensor signals, the outputs from the machine controller, such as current, voltage, and power consumption, can also be used to reflect the machines' overall health degradation. These physical entities are connected in cyber space through the Internet. The sensor signals are collected through data acquisition hardware, and either stored locally or uploaded to a cloud server. After storing the data, pre-processing techniques are employed to check the data quality and increase the signals' SNR, such as data filtering, quantization, etc. Data segmentation is used to select the interesting segment from the input signals. Furthermore, the features (health indicators) are extracted, and a health value is calculated over time to evaluate the behavior of the machine components and detect incipient signs of failure even before the actual failure event. In addition to this data-driven method, the physical model and experimental knowledge are also applied to fully understand the performance of these components, such as the finite element analysis (FEA) models, modal analysis, etc. In cyber space, all of these models are integrated to convert the data to information, with which the customers can schedule the timely maintenance before the failure.

In order to model the components' behavior quickly and effectively, the accelerated degradation test in the lab is utilized in the machine reliability analysis, the different stress factors are screened and the important stress factors are picked according to the quantization matrix. After that, the characteristics tests are conducted to identify the initial condition. Thus, the data collected from multiple degradation processes under different stress levels can generate the degradation pattern for the component. Thus, the time conversion between these different degradation patterns will be validated, which can assist in identifying the degradation trend in the actual industrial application. After establishing the degradation model, this PHM model will be integrated into cyber space. The data collected from the machine components will be processed through this PHM model, and thus a virtual component will be modeled in cyber space, so it can simulate and predict the health pattern of the machine component in reality.

The component level of the machine system includes critical components such as motors, bearings, ball screws, gearboxes, etc. These critical components determine the performance of the machine system. Thus, solutions provided for the cyber-physical system of component levels will be:

1. Data acquisition, sensor installation in physical space

2. Establish the virtual model for the critical components using PHM solutions in cyber space

a. Component mechanism analysis and failure detection, for example:

 bearing inner race/outer race failure and ball wear, etc.

 ball screw's preload loss, internal surface wear, etc.

 gearbox's broken teeth, bent shaft, etc.

b. Prognostics and remaining useful life prediction for the components.

 Use the prediction model to estimate the life of each component, and evaluate the life of the whole system

c. Update the virtual model using the new data from the field operation data.

Once the condition of machine components has been analyzed and predicted, machine users and component suppliers can work together to improve uptime and reduce costs by employing an optimal management strategy. Of course, it won't happen without component transparency and remaining useful life predictions.

19.6.2 Smart Factory Transformation from Machine Level Point of View

Machine monitoring systems may put more focus on data acquisition and storage, but there is less emphasis on the analysis of the data. The data contains valuable health information that can be used to support factory decision-making procedures. Machinery prognostics and health management methodologies are able to make the whole process more systemized.

The traditional approach of reactive maintenance—essentially repairing a machine when it fails—may seem like the simplest option, but this approach is clearly inadequate in a modern factory. As throughput times have become increasingly fast due to improvements in plant automation, unexpected breakdowns have become prohibitively expensive and even catastrophic. While more recent preventive maintenance strategies (Qu et al., 2006; Sana, 2012; Schuman and Brent, 2005) may offer higher availability through time-based conditioning/repair/replacement activities that preclude unexpected downtime, this approach also has two major disadvantages. First, preventive maintenance is an expensive program to maintain, especially if its intervals are kept very tight. Second, although preventive maintenance activities ensure that components do not fail or exhibit significant behavioral changes, there is no insight learned about the equipment's actual degradation cycle that can be used to improve its design.

Therefore, beyond what has been discussed regarding component-level analytics, predictive analytics should be extended to a whole machine level. By trending degradation patterns, it can predict, with some level of confidence, when equipment is going to reach a failure condition. With the use of advanced predictive tools and algorithms, manufacturing asset behavior is modeled and tracked using a set of metrics known as “health value” or “confidence value.” Finally, prediction tools are utilized to infer when the machine is likely to fail. With such information, a much higher level of manufacturing transparency is achieved. Maintenance and production personnel can then collaboratively and proactively plan when to schedule repair/conditioning activities to avoid equipment failure so it does not interfere with planned production goals (Figure 19.8).

Figure 19.8 An example of an industrial agent framework for components, machines, and production lines.

Besides, from the control perspective, there are two basic categories of machine errors: quasi-static errors and dynamic errors. Machine error compensation does not aim to reduce the absolute value of errors, but the effects of these errors on the machining accuracy and final dimensions of produced parts. The degree to which machining accuracy can be achieved by error compensation is highly dependent on the repeatability of the machine itself and the methods selected to demonstrate the interconnection between different errors. Currently, machine compensations, especially, quasi-state errors is achieved through offline error calibration and modeling, and online error correction. This method is highly dependent on the accuracy of the preset calibration table. Thus, it is labor-intensive and time-consuming. An online error measurement and compensation would alleviate the issues associated with the traditional method. An optical error measurement system installed on the machine would be able to measure the machine errors online and feed these errors back to the machine control module, which would then calculate the compensated values and make online error corrections. This closed-loop method would reduce the workload for the machine error calibration and significantly improve the machining accuracy.

19.6.3 Smart Factory Transformation from Factory Level Point of View

A factory or manufacturing facility can be described as a 5M system, which consists of Materials (properties and functions), Machines (precision and capabilities), Methods (efficiency and productivity), Measurements (sensing and improvement), and Modeling (prediction, optimization, and prevention). To realize a smart factory, the “Big Data” coming from the 5M systems should be further analyzed and integrated in a systematic way.

Big data has raised opportunities to develop “smarter” decision support tools in the factory. Especially, the increasing amount and accuracy of the real-time data from the Factory Information System (FIS) can be utilized to make more effective and dynamic online operational policies. For example, how to change the production sequences if there are some demand changes on the market? What is the bottleneck machine of the system in real time? Which maintenance tasks should be conducted, when, and by whom, so that the overall cost in the system can be minimized? What is the opportunity time window to stop one machine for maintenance while still satisfying the system throughout the requirement? Analyzing the real-time system condition and predicting its evolution can aid factory managers in answering these questions.

For example, by making the manufacturing capability transparent, plant and corporate managers have the right information to assess facility-wide OEE. Also, with the use of such advanced prediction tools, companies can plan more cost-effective, just-in-time maintenance to ensure equipment health over a longer period.

It was also noted that, to make optimal decisions, the information integrated from the component level is necessary, machine level and the system levels. For example, to make an optimal sequence of maintenance tasks, it is important to know: the current health state of the machines and how they will degrade over time; the availability and skill levels of the maintenance crews; the inventory level; and the production requirement of the system, etc. The more accurate this information is, the more effective these decision support tools will be.

19.7 Conclusions

While information communication technologies become mature and easily adopted, factories tend to have more data from add-on sensors, machine controllers, metrology, maintenance history, and all kinds of e-manufacturing systems. How to process the data to gain a deep understanding of, and insights into, factory assets is definitely a key for manufacturing industries to be competitive in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

In this chapter, a framework for industrial agents for factory asset management was introduced, and applications were demonstrated from different points of view, including the component level, machine level, and factory level. The proposed agent capable of predictive analysis can benefit manufacturers to acquire the health and quality information of their factory asset earlier, and improve current processes immediately. Eventually, it can optimize the manufacturing process and also extend the collaboration among manufacturers, suppliers, and customers.


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