

accountability, 142, 154

acquisitions, 157

Active Listening, 46, 60, 139

physical listening and, 5658

Roman Columns, identifying, 5056

subvocalization, 56

Affirm Holdings, 163

Alito, Samuel, 26, 175

Allianz, 88

answering questions. See also special questions

deafness ruse, 59

evasion, 113122, 141142

McNamara on, 113114

“No comment,” 117

reasons to decline an answer, 121

spin Buffer, 114

“whataboutism,” 114

“Return to Sender,” 60, 99100

anticipation, preparation and, 2527

Apple, 144145

Audience Advocacy, xviii

audience perception, 1617, 2021, 38, 81. See also presenter behavior/audience perception dynamic

of certainty, 114

authority, questioning, 5

Avio, 74


Bastian, Ed, 8384

Baumann, Werner, 162163

Bayer Pharmaceutical company, 162163

Bellet, David, 12, 21

Better, 72

Benioff, Mark, 75, 156157

Bilirakis, Gus Michael, 133135

BlackBerry, 18, 116. See also Lazaridis, Mike

Blankespoor, Elizabeth, 15

BMW, 102103

Boehner, John, 8

Boeing, 7879

Bork, Robert, 25

Bourla, Albert, 165166

BP (British Petroleum), 4

Brand, Rachel, 177

“Breaking into Jail,” 142143

Brennan, Morgan, 163164

British Bankers Association, 87

Brooks, David, 58

Buffering, 1, 7476, 8891, 93, 113, 132, 144145, 158, 181182. See also challenging questions, answering

benefits of, 8991

for competition/differentiation issues, 66, 7071

for contingencies, 6869, 73, 85

Double, 9697

for growth/outlook issues, 68, 73

Key Words, 86, 101109, 120

for multiple questions, 8283

for negative questions, 78

paraphrasing, 101102

positioning, 64, 105

for price/cost issues, 6566, 70

for problem issues, 6970, 74

for qualifications/capability issues, 66, 7172

spin, 114

for timing issues, 6768, 72

Topspin and, 155

Triple Fail-Safe, 99100

Verbalization and, 175176

Bush, George H. W., 4147, 49, 53, 55, 58, 114, 140141, 146. See also Presidential Debates, 1992

Bush, George W., 135

businesspeople, tough questions and, 10


Cadbury Schweppes, 116118

Calacanis, Jason, 159161

CamConnect, 57

Canva, 159161

Carlyle Group, 57

CarMax, 168169

Carroll, Lewis (Through the Looking-Glass), 114

Cartesian method, 10

Carville, James, 53

CBS, Mike Wallace, xvixvii, 68


CDC, 118120

CEOs, 26

startup, 140142, 145146

CFOs, 26

challenging questions, answering. See also tough questions

about presented content, 8990

irrelevant questions, 80

multiple questions, 8186

negative questions, 7879

statements, 8688

Channel 4 (Britain), Jon Snow, 87

Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 28


Chuck Robbins, 75

Helene Poirier, 10

Clapp, Geoff, 72

Class V Group, 12

Clay, William, 1617

Cleveland Cliffs, 1920

Clinton, Bill, 41, 44, 46, 5357. See also 1992 Presidential Debate

Code Media Conference, Roger Lynch, 82

company-specific questions, 7476


answering questions about, 66

Suasive Q&A Cycle and, 158161

Complete the Arc, 94

Condé Nast, 8283

contentious behavior, 62, 63

audience perception and, 2021

Lourenco Goncalves, 1920

Mike Lazaridis interview, 1819


answering questions about, 6869, 85

Suasive Q&A Cycle and, 168169

Covid-19, 11, 70, 118, 165, 169

Cramer, Jim, 126, 156157

critical thinking, 5, 10

Crown Advisors, 12

Cusick, Phil, 128129


deafness ruse, 59

declarative statements, 114

defensive behavior, 1617

audience perception and, 2021

John Stumpf Senate testimony, 1718

Mark McGwire Senate testimony, 1617

Delta Airlines, 8384

Deutsche Bank, 79, 143144

Dimon, Jamie, 161

distilling questions, 4041, 48. See also listening

preparation and, 27

red flags, 28

Dorsey, Jack, 133135

Double Buffers, 9699

downstream questions, answering, 139140


Edwards, Anna, 162163

El-Erian, Mohamed, 88

Enron, 137

Epictetus, 47

Eubanks, Shawn, 90

evasive answers, 114, 115122, 141142

McNamara on, 113114

“No comment,” 117

reasons to decline an answer, 121

spin Buffer, 114

“whataboutism,” 114

Extended Stay America, 73

eye contact, 57

EyeConnect, 97, 99100


Facebook, 135137

false assumption questions, 132135

fast thinking, 39, 48, 81, 177. See also Daniel Kahneman

Fog of War, The, 113

forward-looking questions, answering, 139

Franklin, Benjamin, 5

Freshworks, 174175. See also Girish Mathrubootham, Jayne Gonzales, and Tyler Sloat

Frost, Wilfred, 143144


Gibson, Scott, 177

Goncalves, Lourenco, 1920, 62

Goodell, Roger, 120

Google, 178

Gonzales, Jayne, 174

“gotcha” questions, 6

Grande, Ariana, 8081, 132


answering questions about, 68

Suasive Q&A Cycle and, 166167

Grubman, Richard, 137138

“Guilty as Charged” questions, 140142

in action, 143145

benefits of, 147

“Breaking into Jail,” 142

Guru-Murthy, Krishnan, interview with Quentin Tarantino, 810


hair-trigger answers, 4546

Hall, Ronald, 107, 132, 134

Hammond, Ed, 161

handling tough questions, 1213

Harlow, Poppy, 75

Hasse, Bruce, 73

Hastings, Reed, 7475, 127, 159

Hayward, Tony, 4

head nods, 97

HealthSouth, 6. See also Scrushy, Richard

Hendricks, Brad, 15

Hewitt, Don, 24

Hopwood, Mike, 177

hostile questions, 140

answering, 6568, 140142


Instacart, 170

interpersonal relationships, listening, 38

IPO roadshows, 4, 1011, 15, 26, 29, 151


CEOs and, 2

NetRoadshow, 11

public investors, 12

“Risk Factors” section, 142

irrelevant questions, 80

Irwin, Brad, 116118

Izquivel, Jesus, 108


Jeong, Suji, 168169

Jobs, Steve, 144145

journalism, 6, 145

tough questions and, 510

J.P. Morgan, 128

JPMorgan Chase, 161

Juenger, Todd, 7475


Kahneman, Daniel, Thinking, Fast and Slow, 39

Kennedy, John. F., 2

Kennedy, Ted, 25

Kennedy-Nixon debate, 23, 2425

Kernen, Joe, 118

Kessler, Andy, 107, 132

Key Words, 29, 86, 101109, 113, 120. See also Buffering

Khosrowshahi, Dara, 7071, 157158

Kiciński, Adam, 8485

Kirsanov, Dmitry, 104

Knight, Angela, 8788

Koenig, Mark, 137138

Krueger, Harald, 102103

Kurtzleben, Danielle, 114


Lazaridis, Mike, 1819, 115116

Leary, Timothy, 5

Lebowitz, Fran, 37

Lee, Bruce, 149

Legere, John, 128

Levchin, Max, 163164

listening, 37, 4144, 48. See also Active Listening

active, 46

identifying Roman columns, 5056

subvocalization, 56

physical, 5658

Roman Columns and, 5056

Loney, Dan, 88

Lopatin, Uri, 151

Lucid Motors, 127128

Lynch, Roger, 8283

Lynley, Matthew, 164165


Mackenzie, Tom, 102103

Mathrubootham, Girish, 174175

McDowell, Greg, 166167

McGwire, Mark, 1617

McNamara, Robert, 113114, 150

Mehta, Apoorva, 170

Merwin, Chris, 132

Microsoft, 3940

Mill, John Stuart, 77

Miller, Greg, 15

Monroe, James, 31

Mossberg, Walt, 115116

Muilenberg, Dennis, 7879

multiple questions, answering, 8186

Munoz, Oscar, 153154

murder boards, U.S. Supreme Court, 26

Musk, Elon, 40, 50, 76


Nadella, Satya, 39, 50

Nash, William, 168169

negative questions, answering, 7879

Netflix, 70, 127, 159

NetRoadshow, 11. See also IPO Roadshow Study

news media, 6

NFL, 120

Nixon, Richard, 2, 1718. See also Presidential Debates, 1960

NLP (natural language processing), 151

NPR, 114


Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria, 136137, 138

Okonjo-Iweala, Ngozi, 71, 162

open-ended questions, 5960

Osterweis Capital Management, 90


paraphrasing, 113114

Double Buffers, 9699

Triple Fail-Safe, 99100

Pardes Biosciences, 151

parity, 75

Patronizing Paraphrase, 9596, 115116

PayPal, 163

Pegoraro, Rob, 116

perception, 2

Perkins, Melanie, 159161

Perot, H. Ross, 41, 4546, 5152, 55. See also Presidential Debates, 1982


Point B and WIIFY, 147

Topspin, 141148

Pfizer, 165166

Pfrang, Leslie, 12, 26

physical listening, 5658

Pichai, Sundar, 178

Pinterest, 164165

Pluralsight, 175

PLX Technology, 177

Point B, 147, 150. See also Topspin

Poirier, Helene, 10

Porter, Katie, 118120

positioning the answer, 2930

Powell, Colin, 104, 107108, 131132, 182

It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership, 109110

preparation, 23, 173175

anticipation, 2527

distill, 27, 40

position the answer, 2930

research and, 2425

worst-case scenario and, 31

presented content, answering questions about, 8990

presenter behavior/audience perception dynamic, 2021

contentious behavior, 62, 63

Lourenco Goncalves, 1920

Mike Lazaridis interview, 1819

defensive behavior

John Stumpf Senate testimony, 1718

Mark McGwire Senate testimony, 1617

Presidential Debates

1960, Kennedy-Nixon, 2, 24

1992, Bush-Clinton-Perot, 41, 5059

2008, Reagan-Mondale, 171


answering questions about, 6566

Suasive Q&A Cycle and, 156158


answering questions about, 6970

Suasive Q&A Cycle and, 169170


Q&A cycle, 34. See also Suasive Q&A Cycle

answering questions, 123

Suasive, 155156

Topspin, 141148, 150154

yielding the floor, 3435, 4749

Q&A sessions, 186187

asking questions about questions, 5960

Buffers, 6365, 7476

for competition/differentiation issues, 66, 7071

for contingencies, 6869, 73

for growth/outlook issues, 68, 73

positioning, 64

for price/cost issues, 6566, 70

for problem issues, 6970, 74

for qualifications/capability issues, 66, 7172

for timing issues, 6768, 72

contentious behavior and, 1821

controlling the traffic, 3233

deafness ruse, 59

defensive behavior and, 1617

distilling questions, 4044

hair-trigger answers, 4546

listening, 4144

maximum control and, 32

Patronizing Paraphrase, 115116

positioning the answer, 2930

recognize the questioner, 3334

repeating the question, 62

retaking the floor, 6162

Roman Columns, 5056

“Rude Q&A,” 2627

self-consciousness and, 48

setting the ground rules, 32

time management, 32, 127129

tough questions, why people ask, 510

worst-case scenario, preparing for, 31


answering questions about, 66

Suasive Q&A Cycle and, 161163

quid pro quo, 122123, 139, 159

in action, 125127

Seven Universal Issues and, 124125

Topspin and, 154155

Quintanilla, Carl, 127128


rambling, 39

Ranzo, Guilio, 74

Rawlinson, Peter, 127128

Ray, Neville, 128129

“Ready, Fire, Aim!,” 4546

Reagan, Ronald, 25, 171

recognizing the questioner, 3334

red flags, 28

positioning, 30

seven universal issues, 2829

Redfield, Robert, 118120

repeating the question, 62

research, preparation and, 2425

retaking the floor, 6162

“Return to Sender,” 60, 99100

RIM, 115116

Roberts, John G., 26, 175

Roman Columns, 49, 88, 123, 181182 See also Buffering

Roman Room Technique, 28

Rubenstein, David, 5758

“Rude Q&A,” 2627


S&P, 151, 163

Saban, Nick, 121122

“Safe Harbor” statements, 139

Safire, William, 26, 119

Salameh, Mike, 177, 156157

Schroeder, Alan, 24

Schwarzkopf, Norman, 179186

Scrushy, Richard, 68

SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), 142

“Safe Harbor” statements, 139

tough questions and, 19

self-consciousness, 48

Senate testimony

John Stumpf, 1718

Mark McGwire, 1617

Seven Universal Issues, 2829, 153, 178. See also Buffering


Buffers, 66, 7071

Suasive Q&A Cycle and, 158161


Buffers, 6869, 73

Suasive Q&A Cycle and, 168169


Buffers, 68, 73

Suasive Q&A Cycle and, 166167


Buffers, 6566, 70

Suasive Q&A Cycle and, 156158


Buffers, 6970, 74

Suasive Q&A Cycle and, 169170


Buffers, 66, 7172

Suasive Q&A Cycle and, 161163


Buffers, 6768, 72

Suasive Q&A Cycle and, 163166

Seward, William Henry, 23

Sewing, Christian, 79, 143144

Shakespeare, William, 176

Shaw, George Bernard, 37

Sierro, Laurent, 71

Silbermann, Ben, 164165

Simon, Paul, 113

Simpson, Carole, 41, 52

Skilling, Jeffrey, 138

Skonnard, Aaron, 174, 177

Sloat, Tyler, 175

slow thinking, 39

Smucker, Lloyd, 153154

Snap, 7475

Snow, Jon, 8788

Socrates, 5

Socratic method, 5, 10

Sonnenfeld, Jeffrey, 21

Sorkin, Ross, 157

special questions

downstream, 139140

false assumption, 132135

forward-looking, 139

“Guilty as Charged,” 140145, 147

tangential, 131132

unknown, 135139

Spiegel, Evan, 7475

spin Buffer, 114

Squawk Box, 21

startup companies

CEOs, 145146

hostile questions and, 140142


declarative, 114

forward-looking, 139

responding to, 8688

Stelter, Brian, 103104

Stumpf, John, 1718, 21

Suasive Q&A Cycle, 155156, 170171. See also Topspin

Seven Universal Issues and

Compete/Differentiate, 158161

Contingencies, 168169

Growth/Outlook, 166167

Price/Cost, 156158

Problems, 169170

Qualifications/Capabilities, 161163

Timing, 163166

Topspin, 4749, 141148, 150154, 171

yielding the floor, 3435, 4749, 170171

subvocalization, 56

Summers, Marisa, 4142, 43, 47, 5051, 52, 5657, 59

Sun Tzu, 63, 179

The Art of War, 149

Swisher, Kara, 74


Talend, 166167

tangential questions, answering, 131132

Tao of Jeet Kune Do, 149

Tarantino, Quentin, 810

Tawfik, Hoda, 105106, 109

Tesla, 4041

The Wall Street Journal, 2, 72, 107, 132

Through the Looking-Glass, 114

Time magazine, 8

time management, 32, 127129


answering questions about, 6768

Suasive Q&A Cycle and, 163166

Tirrell, Meg, 165166

T-Mobile, 128129

Toomey, Pat, 1718

Topspin, 4749, 141148, 150154, 171, 182, 184. See also Topspin

Buffering and, 155

quid pro quo answers and, 154155

Suasive Q&A Cycle, 155156

Verbalization and, 175176

tough questions

audience perception and, 2021

Buffers, 7476

for competition/differentiation issues, 7071

for contingencies, 6869, 73

for growth/outlook issues, 68, 73

positioning, 64

for price/cost issues, 6566, 70

for problem issues, 6970, 74

for qualifications/capability issues, 7172

for timing issues, 72

Cartesian method and, 10

contentious behavior and

Lourenco Goncalves, 1920

Mike Lazaridis, 1819

defensive behavior and

John Stumpf Senate testimony, 1718

Mark McGwire Senate testimony, 1617

“gotcha” questions, 6

handling, 1213

SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) and, 19

Socratic method and, 5, 10

why businesspeople ask, 10

why people ask, 510

transparency, 154

Trewhitt, Henry, 171

Triple Fail-Safe, 99100

Tuchen, Mike, 166167

Tumulty, Karen, 8

Twain, Mark, 13

Twitter, 133135

Tzuo, Tien, 132


Uber Technologies, 70

unauthorized Wells Fargo accounts, 1718

United Airlines, 153154

unknown questions, answering, 135139

U.S. Supreme Court murder boards, 26


Vataru, Eddy, 90

Verbalization, 175178

verbification, 119, 120

Verona Pharma, 168169


Wall Street Journal, The, 2, 72, 107, 132

Wallace, Mike, interview with Richard Scrushy, 68

Wang, Xiang, 86

Waters, Maxine, 120

Wells Fargo Bank, 1718

“whataboutism,” 114

WIIFY (“What’s in it for you?”), 147, 150, 186. See also Topspin

scientific and technical information, 151153

Wills, Garry, 26

worst-case scenario, preparing for, 31

WTO, 7172


Xiang, Wang, 73

Xiaomi Corporation, 73

Xu, Yingbo, 73, 85


yielding the floor, 3435, 4749, 170171

Yuan, Eric, 103104

Zaccardelli, David, 168169

Zhao, Frank, 151

Zoom Video Communications, 103

“Zoombombing,” 103104

Zuckerberg, Mark, 136138

Zuora, 132133

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