
Administrative processes

batch processing, 31

definition, 1718

Allergy testing, 201202

Alternative work units, 34

American Industrial Revolution, 62

Andon systems, 9799

Baggage-handling process, 172

Batches, 2932, 37, 62, 124125, 137, 139, 144, 169170, 197, 205, 208, 212213, 216217, 225

Bottling process, 190, 196197

Business case, project charter, 174

Business school rankings applications process, 206207

Business unit, 166

Calibration time, 156157

CDCs. See Central distribution centers

Central distribution centers (CDCs), 1415

Champion, 166

Changeover time

administrative workers, 143

average inventory level, 146

calibration time, 156157

effects of, 143147

external, 147

internal, 147

long and shorter, 145146

with multiple workers, 153

nonmanufacturing situations, 142143

notations, 145

reducing operating room, 149153

reduction methodology, 154156

reduction steps, 148149

requirements in manufacturing, 141

sequence-dependent, 147

total time, 146

videotapes for, 153154

Collocated process

job shop layout (See Job shop layout)

work cells (See Work cells)

Crosby, Philip, 20

Cycle time

definition, 31

vs. lead time, 3133

Data entry mistake-proofing, 106109

Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC), 2527

Distribution center conveyor system, 197

Distribution center picking process, 202203

Distribution metrics, 16

DMAIC. See Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control

Electronic value stream mapping (eVSM), 43

Employee involvement, 163165

Error-proofing. See Mistake-proofing

eVSM. See Electronic value stream mapping

External changeover time, 147

Externally oriented project, 33

Gawande, Atul, 61

Global retail distribution supply chain, 15

Health care processes, 1920

Hospital medication fulfillment process, 200

IDCs. See Import distribution centers

Import distribution centers (IDCs), 1415

Industrial tank production, 203204

Insurance claims process, 204205

Internal changeover time, 147

Internally oriented project, 34

Job Shop Inc., 130136

Job shop layout

advantages, 124

definition, 123

disadvantage, 125

jumbled flow, 124

setup/changeover, 123

vs. work cells, 123126

Jumbled flow job shop, 124

Juran, Joseph, 58, 103

Just-in-time (JIT) inventory replenishment, 120

Kaizen, 28

Kaizen events, 176177

Kanban square signaling device, 119

Kanban systems, 101

kanban square signaling device, 119

material movement and control, 111112

observations, 116117

pull systems, 120

replenishment period, 114

spreadsheet formulae and programming, 240243

spreadsheet model analysis, 238240

spreadsheet model description, 235238

spreadsheet model overview, 232235

two-card kanban system, 117119

Landscaping contractor receivables process, 197198

Lead time

alternative method of, 2930

vs. cycle time, 3133

definition, 4

description, 911

Lead time reduction

administrative processes, 1718

distribution, 1416

health care processes, 1920

manufacturing industry, 1314

sales, 1819

service industries, 1617


Alvin’s Auto Parts, case study, 224231

business processes, 36

Garth’s Gardens, case study, 210214

history of, 3

Il Negozio Internet Prosciutto Sales, case study, 215218

process improvement methodology, 4

purpose of, 2

supply chain for automobile doors, case study, 218222

Lean framework

DMAIC approach, 2527

PDCA approach, 2527

value stream mapping, 28

Lean implementation

employee involvement, 163165

firefighting mode, 179180

kaizen events, 176177

lead time, 911

Lean team personnel, 163165

misaligned incentives, 181182

organizational structure, 178179

project charter (See Project charter)

reduction (See Lead time reduction)

selection of right projects, 177178

true performance, 181

worker efficiency, 180

work-in -process, 911

Lean Manufacturing, 3

Lean scenarios

allergy testing, 201202

bottling process, 190, 196197

business school rankings applications process, 206207

distribution center conveyor system, 197

distribution center picking process, 202203

hospital medication fulfillment process, 200

industrial tank production, 203204

insurance claims process, 204205

landscaping contractor receivables process, 197198

metal automobile parts manufacturing, 205206

refrigerated goods picking process, 200201

supermarket chain pharmacist hiring process, 207208

wiring harness manufacturing, 198199

Lean Six Sigma, 5

Lean team personnel, 163165

Level of service metrics, 16

Little’s Law, 1011, 17, 23, 30, 51, 78, 111, 125126,144145

Metal automobile parts manufacturing, 205206


circuit board example, 103105

data entry, 106109

definition, 103

purpose of, 109

stovetop design, 105106

Muda, 36

Nonvalue-added (NVA) time

categories of, 3941

description, 3639

Ohno, Taiichi, 43, 185

OJT. See On-the-job training

On-the-job training (OJT), 88

Overprocessing, 40, 72

PDCA. See Plan, Do, Check, and Act

Plan, Do, Check, and Act (PDCA), 2527

poka yoke, 103, 107108


definition, 3

pictorial representation of, 4

Process analysis

careful observation, 4345

nonvalue-added time, 3639

value-added ratio, 3738

value-added time, 3637

5 Whys method, 4549

Process improvement methodology, 4

Process mapping

alternative work units, 34

batch processing, 31

cycle time vs. lead time, 3133

externally oriented project, 33

internally oriented project, 34

work units, 33

Process scope, 172173

Process step lead time, 30

Product layout, 125

Project charter

baggage-handling process, 172

business case, 174

customer benefits, 175176

definition, 166

process examples, 168169

process metrics, 171

process scope, 172173

project description, 169170

template, 166167

Project facilitator, 166

Pull systems, 120

RDCs. See Regional distribution centers

Reduced process variation

arguments against standardization, 6063

arguments for standardization, 6367

exercise results, 5556

experiment in variation, 5152

importance of, 51

lessons learned, 5660

penny-dropping exercise, 5255

Refrigerated goods picking process, 200201

Regional distribution centers (RDCs), 1415

Replenishment period, 114

Request for quotation (RFQ), 1819

RFQ. See Request for quotation

Scientific method, 6566, 185

Sequence-dependent changeover time, 147

Service process

batch processing, 31

definition, 16

Seven deadly wastes

nonvalue-added time, 3940

visual systems, 101

Shadow boards, 9697

Shingo, Shigeo, 148

Shitsuke, 78

Simplifying and streamlining tool

eliminating process steps, 7173

5S methodology, 7679

spaghetti diagrams (See Spaghetti diagrams)

tools, equipment, jigs, fixtures, and procedures, 7980

Single-minute exchange of dies (SMED), 148

Six Sigma

description, 5

vs. Lean activities, 26

SMED. See Single-minute exchange of dies

5S methodology, 7679

Spaghetti diagrams

café worker making Cobb salad, 74

definition, 73

improved process, 76

original process, 75

person’s path during die changeover, 74

5S tagging protocol, 7 7

Standard inventory, 82

Standardized work tool

aspects of, 81

creating documents, 8687

finer details, 88

graphical process description, 8283, 90

multiple operators, 88, 91

process layout, 85

task detail and timing, 82, 84, 89

value stream map, 8182

Standing in a circle, 4345, 185, 229

Stovetop design, mistake-proofing, 105106

Supermarket chain pharmacist hiring process, 207208

Synchronizing tool

importance of, 111

kanban systems (See Kanban systems)

pull systems, 120

Team leader, 166

Template, project charter, 166167

Toyota Production System (TPS), 3, 27, 36, 64, 76, 81, 96, 103, 111, 119, 183

Two-card kanban system, 117119

Utilization, 126129

Value-added ratio (VAR), 3738

Value-added (VA) time, 3637

Value stream mapping (VSM)

accuracy in, 42

advantages and disadvantages, 4243

definition, 6

Lean framework, 2528

VAR. See Value-added ratio

Visio, 43

Visual systems

administrative and service processes, 99100

Andon devices, 9799

description, 93

kanban systems, 101

Lean implementation, 9396

seven deadly wastes, 101

shadow boards, 9697

VSM. See Value stream mapping

Waiting, 3941, 45, 8788

Waste, 3539

Wasted motion, 40

Waste elimination, 191195

5 Whys method, 4549

Wiring harness manufacturing, 198199

Work cells

considerations, 129

designing at Job Shop Inc., 132136

final comments and further study, 139140

general criteria, 126129

vs. job shop layout, 123126

retail hiring process, 138

service and administrative processes, 136139

utilization, 126129

Work-in-process inventory, 10

Work units

alternative, 34

description, 33

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