

: (colon), 239

(*,G) state entry

displaying, 88

overview, 10, 5860

(S,G) state entry

adding, 6061

displaying, 88

overview, 9


Accept-RP commands, 223224

access control lists (ACLs), 171

access-group command, 218

ACLs (access control lists), 171

active state validation, 84

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) requests, 25

address-family information (AFI), 269

addressing, IPv4. See also scoping

classful addressing, 1314

inter-network multicast addresses, 1819

link-local multicast addresses, 1618

MAC (media access control) address mapping, 2628

multicast address assignment, 1416

multicast frames, switching, 2829

overview, 13

addressing, IPv6

address formats, 239242

global addresses, 240241

group addressing

address assignments, 245247

address format, 242243

AIANA unicast-prefix-based multicast addresses, 247248

fixed-scope group addresses, 245

IPv6-address-to-MAC-address mapping, 250

nested group scoping, 244

scoping, 249

solicited-node multicast addresses, 249

source-specific addressing, 248249

variable-scope group addresses, 244

link-local addresses, 241242

MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery)

configuration, 253254

hosts, 251

joining groups, 255257

leaving groups, 258

MLD snooping, 258261

MLDv1, 251252

MLDv2, 253

overview, 251

queriers, 251

overview, 2021


Anycast RP, 271274

ASM (any-source multicast), 269

automatic PIM configuration, 266268

embedded RP, 275282

FIB (forwarding information base), 263264

IPv6 multicast state table, 262

link-local addresses, finding, 264265

overview, 261

PIM neighbors table, 264

R1 PIM and interface configuration, 265266

RIB (router information base), 263264

RP (rendezvous point) options, 270271

RPF (reverse path forwarding), 263

SSM (source-specific multicast), 269

static mroute entries, 268269

schema design, 249

AD-HOC blocks, 15

Administratively Scoped blocks, 16

advantages of multicast, 25

AFI (address-family information), 269

aggregatable global IPv6 addresses, 240241

AIANA unicast-prefix-based multicast addresses, 247248

all-hosts broadcasts, 1112

Anycast MSDP mesh groups

configuration, 178181

overview, 178

RP mapping and MSDP summary, 181

Anycast RP

Anycast MSDP mesh groups

configuration, 178181

overview, 178

RP mapping and MSDP summary, 181

Anycast RP with Auto-RP

downstream routers, 177

downstream RP mapping, 177

sample configuration, 175176

IPv4 PIM Anycast RP

cautions, 160

IOS configuration, 153155

IOS-XR configuration, 155157

NX-OS configuration, 158160

overview, 151152

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol) configuration, 150151

overview, 149150

PIM6 Anycast RP, 271274

any-source multicast (ASM), 70, 269


ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits), 45

examples, 210

many-to-many, 67

many-to-one, 78

one-to-many, 56

application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), 45

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) requests, 25

ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits), 45

ASM (any-source multicast), 70, 269

ASN (autonomous system number), 15, 125, 247

assert messages, 75

assignment, IPv6 addressing, 245247

AS (autonomous system), 125, 168

autonomous system (AS), 125, 168

autonomous system number (ASN), 15, 125, 247

auto-rp candidate-rp command, 136

auto-rp mapping-agent command, 136

Auto-RP protocol

Anycast RP with Auto-RP

downstream routers, 177

downstream RP mapping, 177

sample configuration, 175176

Auto-RP Listener commands, 137

candidate RP commands, 136

feature considerations, 136

IOS Auto-RP configuration, 137139

IOS-XR Auto-RP configuration, 139141

mapping agent commands, 136

NX-OS Auto-RP configuration, 141143

overview, 19, 135


baseline checks, 287293

BCP (best current practices), 21

best practices

BCP (best current practices), 21

DR (designated router) selection, 212215

importance of, 209

performance tuning for multicast, 211212

preparation, 209210


control plane resources, 216218

data plane resources, 216218

multicast boundaries, 218224

RPs (rendezvous points), 225226

summary, 226227

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)

BGP RIB, 207

deterministic multicast BGP configuration, 205206

overview, 124125, 212

BiDir (bidirectional PIM)

overview, 70, 104109

phantom RPs (rendezvous points), 160162

bits per second (BPS), 4748

bootstrap router. See BSR (bootstrap router)

border configuration commands (PIM), 222223. See also boundaries

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

BGP RIB, 207

deterministic multicast BGP configuration, 205206

overview, 124125, 212


Accept-RP commands, 223224

applying, 221

boundary group mapping, 222

configuring, 218221

neighbor filter commands, 224

PIM border configuration commands, 222223

boundary command, 220

BPS (bits per second), 4748

branch RP mapping, 186

branches on network trees, 56, 68

broadcast domains, 11


all-hosts broadcasts, 1112

broadcast domains, 11

compared to multicast, 1113

directed broadcasts, 1112

forwarding, 11

limitations of, 34

overview, 12

BSR (bootstrap router)

BSR configuration commands, 144

candidate RP configuration commands, 145

IOS BSR configuration, 145146

IOS-XR BSR configuration, 146148

NX-OS BSR configuration, 148149

overview, 143

bsr border command, 223

bsr candidate-bsr command, 144

bsr candidate-rp command, 145


CAM (content addressable memory), 39

campus RP mapping, 185

candidate RP commands

Auto-RP protocol, 136

BSR (bootstrap router), 145

capturing packets

host leave messages, 8687

IGMP snooping, 41

IGMPv2, 33

IGMPv3, 3637

leave capture output, 44

membership queries, 8586

membership reports, 43

PIM (protocol independent multicast) messages, 7374

register stop process, 9294

CEF (Cisco Express Forwarding), 190

CGMP (Cisco Group Management Protocol)

leave process, 39

overview, 3839

channels (SSM), 110

Cisco Auto-RP protocol, 19

Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF), 190

Cisco Group Management Protocol. See CGMP (Cisco Group Management Protocol)

Cisco VSS (Virtual Switching System), 211, 215

Class D addressing, 14

classful addressing (IPv4), 1314

client/server groups, 5253

colon (:), 239

command ipv6 route command, 268


access-group, 218

auto-rp candidate-rp, 136

auto-rp mapping-agent, 136

boundary, 220

bsr border, 223

bsr candidate-bsr, 144

bsr candidate-rp, 145

command ipv6 route, 268

debug ip igmp, 112, 308309

debug ip igmp snooping group, 42

debug ip igmp snooping router, 42

debug ip mpacket, 307

debug ip pim, 95, 106, 297299, 307308

debug ipv6 mld, 261

dense-mode proxy register, 129

errdisable recovery, 48

feature pim, 268

feature pim6, 268

global maximum, 217

ip igmp access-group, 218

ip igmp immediate-leave group, 35

ip igmp immediate-leave group-list, 35

ip igmp join-group, 304, 318

ip igmp limit, 217

ip igmp snooping, 4445

ip igmp state-limit, 217

ip mroute, 204, 321

ip multicast, 217

ip multicast boundary, 220

ip multicast multipath, 198199

ip multicast multipath s-g-hash basic, 199

ip multicast multipath s-g-hash next-hop-based, 199

ip ospf network point-to-point, 161

ip pim, 6869, 128129

ip pim accept-register, 223

ip pim autorp listener, 137

ip pim auto-rp mapping-agent, 136

ip pim auto-rp mapping-agent-policy, 226

ip pim auto-rp rp-candidate, 136

ip pim bsr border, 223

ip pim bsr bsr-policy, 223

ip pim neighbor-filter, 224

ip pim neighbor-policy, 224

ip pim register-policy, 225

ip pim register-rate-limit, 225

ip pim rp-address, 130

ip pim sparse-mode, 130132

ip pim spt-threshold, 94

ip pim state-limit, 217

ipv6 multicast boundary, 271

ipv6 multicast-routing, 254, 268, 276277

ipv6 pim, 268

ipv6 pim bsr border, 271

ipv6 pim sparse-mode, 266267

join-group, 255

maximum groups, 217

maximum register-states, 225

mfib route, 193196

neighbor-filter, 224

router pim, 128

rp-address, 130

show igmp interface, 326327

show interface Gi0/12, 44

show interfaces tunnel 0, 90

show ip cef, 190191

show ip igmp group, 326

show ip igmp groups, 84

show ip igmp interface, 34, 326327

show ip igmp snooping groups, 43

show ip mfib count, 325

show ip mrib route, 102103

show ip mroute

(*,G) and (S,G) state entries, displaying, 88

active state for multicast group, validating, 84

basic IOS MRIB, 192193

BiDir (bidirectional PIM), 106107

overview, 5761, 328329

pruning of multicast routes, verifying, 82

RP and control-plane check, 297

SSM (source-specific multicast), 112119

troubleshooting case study, 319

show ip msdp sa-cache, 320

show ip ospf neighbor, 321322

show ip pim interface, 215, 322323, 330

show ip pim interface df, 108

show ip pim interfaces, 71

show ip pim neighbor, 321322, 330331

show ip pim neighbors, 71

show ip pim rp, 122123, 331332

show ip pim rp mapping, 122123, 332333

show ip route, 161, 189190

show ip rpf, 297

show ipv6 cef, 263264

show ipv6 interface, 264265

show ipv6 mld snooping address, 261

show ipv6 mld snooping mrouter, 260261

show ipv6 mroute, 262, 281282

show ipv6 pim group-map, 279282

show ipv6 pim neighbor, 264

show ipv6 pim range-list, 270

show ipv6 route, 263264

show ipv6 rpf, 262

show mrib, 193196

show mrib route, 329

show pim interface, 71, 330

show pim neighbor, 331

show pim rp mapping, 333

show running-config all, 266267

show sdm prefer, 259260

static-group, 255

static-rpf, 204

storm-control action shutdown, 48

compressed IPv6 address formats, 240


Anycast MSDP mesh groups, 178181

Anycast RP with Auto-RP, 174177


Anycast RP with Auto-RP, 174177

Auto-RP Listener commands, 137

candidate RP commands, 136

feature considerations, 136

IOS Auto-RP configuration, 137139

IOS-XR Auto-RP configuration, 139141

mapping agent commands, 136

NX-OS Auto-RP configuration, 141143

overview, 135

BSR (bootstrap router)

BSR configuration commands, 144

candidate RP configuration commands, 145

IOS BSR configuration, 145146

IOS-XR BSR configuration, 146148

NX-OS BSR configuration, 148149

overview, 143

deterministic path selection

BGP RIB, 207

deterministic multicast BGP configuration, 205206

deterministic multicast BGP RPF, 207208

IGP RIB, 206207

enterprise scoped multicast domains

branch RP mapping, 186

campus RP mapping, 185

global RP configuration, 183184

local RP configuration, 184185

IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol)

IGMP snooping, 4445

on routers, 37

IP multipath, 199200

MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery)

basic configuration, 253254

MLD snooping, 259261

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol), 150151

multicast boundaries, 218224

PIM (protocol independent multicast)

DM (dense mode), 132134

ip pim command, 128129

SM (sparse mode), 323

static RP, 129132


Anycast RP, 271274

automatic PIM configuration, 266268

embedded RP, 275282

R1 PIM and interface configuration, 265266

sample topology

downstream routers, 286287

R3 and R4 multicast configurations, 284286

SLA (service level agreement)

receiver, 305

sender, 305

SSM (source-specific multicast), 162164

confirming IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol) snooping, 4445

content addressable memory (CAM), 39

control-plane check (RP)

case study, 315317

step-by-step process, 294299

control-plane policing (CoPP), 216

control-plane security, 216218

convergence, 212

CoPP (control-plane policing), 216


daemons, mrouted, 20

data plane security, 216218

debug commands

debug ip igmp, 112, 308309

debug ip igmp snooping group, 42

debug ip igmp snooping router, 42

debug ip mpacket, 307

debug ip pim, 95, 106, 307308

debug ipv6 mld, 261

Deering, Steve, 1920

defining IP multicast domains, 124128

dense mode (PIM)

configuration, 132134

overview, 7677

dense-mode proxy register command, 129


best practices

DR (designated router) selection, 212215

importance of, 209

performance tuning for multicast, 211212

preparation, 209210

security. See security

hybrid designs

Anycast RP with Auto-RP, 174177

comparison of, 174

overview, 173

RP distribution methods and, 174

multicast group scoping

global group assignment and, 168170

hybrid designs. See hybrid designs

IPv4 considerations, 170173

organizational considerations, 168170

overview, 167168

Multicaster’s Bank Corp. case study

Boca Raton office, 230

global domain, 233

MPLS WAN cloud, 231232

multicast address schema, 234237

NYC office, 230, 233234

overlapping PIM domains, 232

requirements, 228229

scenario, 228

RP placement, 186

traffic engineering

definition of, 186187

deterministic path selection, 201208

FIB (forwarding information base), 188191

IP multipath, 197201

MFIB (multicast forwarding information base), 193197

mRIB (multicast router information base), 191197

packet replication, 191

RIB (router information base), 188190

designated forwarders (DFs), 105106

designated routers (DRs)

manual selection, 212215

overview, 6971, 121

queriers, 31

deterministic path selection

BGP RIB, 207

deterministic multicast BGP configuration, 205206

deterministic multicast BGP RPF, 207208

IGP RIB, 206207

overview, 201202

static multicast state entries, 203205

tunneling multicast, 208

unicast RIB with multiple paths, 202203

development (multicast), 21

DFs (designated forwarders), 105106

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 53

digraphs (directed graphs), 5556

directed broadcasts, 1112

directed graphs (digraphs), 5556

disabling embedded RP, 282

discovery (PIM), 6869

Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP), 20, 5455

DM (dense mode)

configuration, 132134

overview, 7677


broadcast domains, 11

enterprise scoped multicast domains

branch RP mapping, 186

campus RP mapping, 185

global RP configuration, 183184

local RP configuration, 184185

overview, 181182

IP multicast domains

defining, 124128

multicast scope range, 127128

multicast boundaries

Accept-RP commands, 223224

applying, 221

boundary group mapping, 222

configuring, 218221

neighbor filter commands, 224

PIM border configuration commands, 222223

Multicaster’s Bank Corp. case study, 126127, 233

downstream routers

Anycast RP configuration

Anycast RP with Auto-RP, 177

IOS, 154155

IOS-XR, 157

Auto-RP configuration

Anycast RP with Auto-RP, 177

IOS, 138139

IOS-XR, 141

NX-OS, 142143

definition of, 46, 122

NX-OS Anycast RP configuration, 159160

sample topology, 286287

DRs (designated routers)

manual selection, 212215

overview, 6971, 121

queriers, 31

DVMRP (Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol), 20, 5455

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), 53

dynamic RP (rendezvous point) information propagation

advantages of, 134

Auto-RP protocol

Auto-RP Listener commands, 137

candidate RP commands, 136

feature considerations, 136

IOS Auto-RP configuration, 137139

IOS-XR Auto-RP configuration, 139141

mapping agent commands, 136

NX-OS Auto-RP configuration, 141143

overview, 135

BSR (bootstrap router)

BSR configuration commands, 144

candidate RP configuration commands, 145

IOS BSR configuration, 145146

IOS-XR BSR configuration, 146148

NX-OS BSR configuration, 148149

overview, 143


EGP (External Gateway Protocol), 124125

egress replication, 46

EIGRP (Enhanced IGRP), 54

election (DF), 105106

embedded RP (rendezvous point)

configuration, 275279

definition of, 269


IPv6 multicast group ping, 280

overview, 269

PIM6 group mappings, 279280

RP-to-group mapping, verifying, 279

MRIB (multicast routing information base) group state, 281282

overview, 275276

Encap Tunnel, 9091

encapsulation, layered, 2326

Enhanced IGRP (EIGRP), 54

enterprise scoped multicast domains

branch RP mapping, 186

campus RP mapping, 185

global RP configuration, 183184

local RP configuration, 184185

overview, 181182

errdisable recovery command, 48

Ethernet broadcasting, 2

EXCLUDE mode (SSM), 111

External Gateway Protocol (EGP), 124125


feature pim command, 268

feature pim6 command, 268

FIB (forwarding information base)

IPv4, 30, 188191

IPv6 multicast, 263264

filtering sources, 36

finding IPv6 link-local addresses, 264265

fixed-scope group addresses, 245

flags (IPv6 addresses), 242243

flooding, 2

forward keyword, 137

forwarding. See also traffic engineering

broadcasts, 11

CEF (Cisco Express Forwarding), 190

FIB (forwarding information base)

IPv4, 30, 188191

IPv6 multicast, 263264

MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery), 255257

RPF (reverse path forwarding), 58, 6163

shared tree forwarding, 9192

source tree forwarding, 100101

unicasts, 11

forwarding information base (FIB)

IPv4, 30, 188191

IPv6 multicast, 263264


definition of, 9

multicast frames, switching, 2829


GDA (Group Destination Address), 38

General any-source multicast (ASM) PIM mode, 269

geography, group scoping by, 170172

global group assignment, 168170

global IPv6 addresses, 240241

global maximum command, 217

global RP (rendezvous point) configuration, 183184

GLOP addressing, 16, 247

graft messages, 75

graphs, digraphs, 5556

group addressing


classful addressing, 1314

inter-network multicast addresses, 1819

link-local multicast addresses, 1618

multicast address assignment, 1416

overview, 13


address assignments, 245247

address format, 242243

AIANA unicast-prefix-based multicast addresses, 247248

fixed-scope group addresses, 245

nested group scoping, 244

overview, 2021

scoping, 249

solicited-node multicast addresses, 249

source-specific addressing, 248249

variable-scope group addresses, 244

Group Destination Address (GDA), 38

group membership

maintaining, 44

overview, 1113

verification, 84


active state validation, 84

Anycast MSDP mesh groups

configuration, 178181

overview, 178

RP mapping and MSDP summary, 181

group membership

maintaining, 44

overview, 1113

verification, 84

group-to-RP mappings, 122123

host groups, 5253

IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol)

configuration on routers, 37

IGMPv1, 31

IGMPv2, 3235

IGMPv3, 3537

interoperability between versions, 38

join group, creating, 318

overview, 3031

snooping, 4045

IPv4 group addressing

classful addressing, 1314

inter-network multicast addresses, 1819

link-local multicast addresses, 1618

multicast address assignment, 1416

overview, 13

IPv6 addressing

address assignments, 245247

address format, 242243

AIANA unicast-prefix-based multicast addresses, 247248

fixed-scope group addresses, 245

nested group scoping, 244

overview, 2021

solicited-node multicast addresses, 249

source-specific addressing, 248249

variable-scope group addresses, 244

joining, 13, 2930

leaving, 30, 8587


CGMP (Cisco Group Management Protocol), 43

RGMP (Router-Port Group Management Protocol), 3940

MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery)

joining, 255257

leaving, 258

PIM6 group modes

Anycast RP, 271274

ASM (any-source multicast), 269

embedded RP, 275282

overview, 269270

RP options, 270271

SSM (source-specific multicast), 269


global group assignment and, 168170

hybrid designs. See hybrid designs

IPv4 considerations, 170173

organizational considerations, 168170

overview, 167168

source comma group, 9

subscriptions, 2930


HA (high availability), 123124

hash mask, 144

high availability (HA), 123124

history of multicast, 1921

hop-by-hop state validation, 299303

host groups, 5253


host groups, 5253

host support levels, 5253

IPv6, 251

network hosts, 5354

overview, 52

HSRP (Hot Standby Router Protocol), 214

hybrid designs

Anycast MSDP mesh groups, 174

Anycast RP with Auto-RP

downstream routers, 177

downstream RP mapping, 177

sample configuration, 175176

comparison of, 174

enterprise scoped multicast domains

branch RP mapping, 186

campus RP mapping, 185

global RP configuration, 183184

local RP configuration, 184185

group scoping for, 173177

overview, 173

RP distribution methods and, 174

RP placement, 186

scoped multicast domains, 181182


IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), 10

ICMP (Internet Control Messaging Protocol), 251

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 21

IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), 10, 21

IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol)

configuration on routers, 37


leaving, 8587

membership verification, 84

IGMPv1, 31


membership query packet capture, 33

message format, 32

message types, 32

MRT (maximum response time), 33

overview, 32

show ip igmp interface command, 34

timers, 3435


message format, 35

MRC (maximum response code), 36

overview, 35

packet capture, 3637

source filtering, 36

IGP RIB, 206207

interoperability between versions, 38

join groups, creating, 318

leave capture output, 44

overview, 10, 3031

RIB (router information base), 206207


configuration, 4445

debug ip igmp snooping group command, 42

debug ip igmp snooping router command, 42

group membership, maintaining, 44

IGMP membership report packet capture, 43

IGMP query packet capture, 41

IGMP snooping table, 42

overview, 4041

show ip igmp snooping groups command, 43

IGPs (interior gateway protocols), 212

IIL (incoming interface list), 58

INCLUDE mode (SSM), 111

incoming interface list (IIL), 58

ingress replication, 46

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 21

interior gateway protocols (IGPs), 212

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), 10

Internet Control Messaging Protocol (ICMP), 251

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 10, 21

Internet Group Messaging Protocol. See IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol)

Internetwork Control blocks, 15, 1819

inter-network multicast addresses (IPv4), 1819

interoperability (IGMP), 38


Auto-RP configuration, 137139

BSR (bootstrap router) configuration, 145146

commands. See commands

phantom RPs (rendezvous points), 161162

PIM (protocol independent multicast) Anycast RP configuration, 153155


Auto-RP configuration, 139141

BSR (bootstrap router) configuration, 146148

commands. See commands

PIM (protocol independent multicast) Anycast RP configuration, 155157

IP broadcasting, 12

ip igmp access-group command, 218

ip igmp immediate-leave group-list, 35

ip igmp join-group command, 304, 318

ip igmp last-member-query-count timer command, 35

ip igmp limit command, 217

ip igmp query-interval timer command, 34

ip igmp query-max-response-time timer command, 34

ip igmp query-timeout timer command, 35

ip igmp snooping command, 4445

ip igmp state-limit command, 217

ip mroute command, 204, 321

ip multicast boundary command, 220

ip multicast command, 217

IP multicast domains

defining, 124128

multicast scope range, 127128

ip multicast multipath command, 198199

ip multicast multipath s-g-hash basic command, 199

ip multicast multipath s-g-hash next-hop-based command, 199

IP multipath

commands, 198199

configuration, 199200

deterministic path selection

BGP RIB, 207

deterministic multicast BGP configuration, 205206

deterministic multicast BGP RPF, 207208

IGP RIB, 206207

overview, 201202

static multicast state entries, 203205

tunneling multicast, 208

unicast RIB with multiple paths, 202203

overview, 197198

RPF (reverse path forwarding), 201

ip ospf network point-to-point command, 161

ip pim accept-register command, 223

ip pim autorp listener command, 137

ip pim auto-rp mapping-agent command, 136

ip pim auto-rp mapping-agent-policy command, 226

ip pim auto-rp rp-candidate command, 136

ip pim bsr border command, 223

ip pim bsr bsr-policy command, 223

ip pim command, 6869, 128129

ip pim neighbor-filter command, 224

ip pim neighbor-policy commands, 224

ip pim register-policy command, 225

ip pim register-rate-limit command, 225

ip pim rp-address command, 130

ip pim sparse-mode command, 130132

ip pim spt-threshold command, 94

ip pim state-limit command, 217

IPv4 addressing. See also scoping

classful addressing, 1314

compared to IPv6 addressing, 2021

group scoping

scoping by geography/priority, 170172

scoping by octet, 170

scoping by octet applied, 172173

inter-network multicast addresses, 1819

link-local multicast addresses, 1618

multicast address assignment, 1416

overview, 13

IPv6 addressing

address formats, 239242

compared to IPv4 addressing, 2021

global addresses, 240241

group addressing

address assignments, 245247

address format, 242243

AIANA unicast-prefix-based multicast addresses, 247248

fixed-scope group addresses, 245

IPv6-address-to-MAC-address mapping, 250

nested group scoping, 244

scoping, 249

solicited-node multicast addresses, 249

source-specific addressing, 248249

variable-scope group addresses, 244

link-local addresses, 241242

MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery)

configuration, 253254

hosts, 251

joining groups, 255257

leaving groups, 258

MLD snooping, 258261

MLDv1, 251252

MLDv2, 253

overview, 251

queriers, 251

overview, 2021


Anycast RP, 271274

ASM (any-source multicast), 269

automatic PIM configuration, 266268

embedded RP, 275282

FIB (forwarding information base), 263264

IPv6 multicast state table, 262

link-local addresses, finding, 264265

overview, 261

PIM neighbors table, 264

R1 PIM and interface configuration, 265266

RIB (router information base), 263264

RP options, 270271

RPF (reverse path forwarding), 263

SSM (source-specific multicast), 269

static mroute entries, 268269

schema design, 249

ipv6 multicast boundary command, 271

ipv6 multicast-routing command, 254, 268, 276277

ipv6 pim bsr border command, 271

ipv6 pim command, 268

ipv6 pim sparse-mode command, 266267


join messages, 52, 75

join-group command, 255


groups, 13, 2930

MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery) groups, 255257

keywords. See also commands

forward, 137

listen, 137

override, 130


last-hop router (LHR), 81

latency (leave), 253

Layer 2 multicast

CGMP (Cisco Group Management Protocol)

leave process, 39

overview, 3839

group subscriptions, 2930

IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol)

configuration on routers, 37

IGMPv1, 31

IGMPv2, 3235

IGMPv3, 3537

overview, 3031

layered encapsulation, 2326

MAC (media access control) address mapping, 2628

multicast frames, switching, 2829

packet replication process, 4547

references, 49

RGMP (Router-Port Group Management Protocol), 3940

storm control, 4748

Layer 3 multicast

IGMP groups, leaving, 8587

MFIB (multicast forwarding information base), 101

MRIB (multicast routing information base), 101104

multicast hosts

host groups, 5253

host support levels, 5253

network hosts, 5354

overview, 52

network trees

branches, 68

definition of, 5557

overview, 5455

shared trees, 6667, 94101

source trees, 6466, 94101

overview, 51

PIM (protocol independent multicast)

(*,G) state entry, 5860

(S,G) state entry, 6061

basic configuration, 128129

BiDir (bidirectional PIM), 104109

designated routers (DRs), 6971

DM (dense mode), 7677, 132134

messages, 7275

multicast flow at leaf, 8185

neighbors, 6869

overview, 5758

RPF (reverse path forwarding), 58, 6163

RPs (rendezvous points), 8794

SD (sparse-dense mode), 8081

SM (sparse mode), 7780

SSM (source-specific multicast), 110119

layered encapsulation, 2326

leave latency, 253

leave messages

definition of, 52

overview, 39, 75

packet capture, 8687

leave process (CGMP), 39

leaves on network trees, 56


CGMP (Cisco Group Management Protocol) leave process, 39


IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol), 8587

MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery), 258

overview, 30

leave messages

definition of, 52

overview, 39, 75

packet capture, 8687

multicast stream

IGMP leave capture output, 44

IGMP snooping, 39

LHR (last-hop router), 81

link-local addresses

IPv4, 1618

IPv6, 241242, 264265

Link-Local blocks, 1618

listen keyword, 137

Listener commands (Auto-RP), 137

Local Network Control blocks, 15, 1618

local network control (IPv4), 1618

local RP configuration, 184185


MAC (media access control) addresses, mapping

IPv4, 2628

IPv6, 250

MADCAP (Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol), 53

maintaining group membership, 44

management, group

CGMP (Cisco Group Management Protocol), 43

RGMP (Router-Port Group Management Protocol), 3940

many-to-many multicast applications, 67

many-to-one multicast applications, 78


boundary group mapping, 221

IPv6 addresses to MAC addresses, 250

MAC (media access control) address mapping, 2628

RPs (rendezvous points)

Anycast MSDP mesh groups, 181

Anycast RP with Auto-RP, 177

branch RP mapping, 186

campus RP mapping, 185

PIM6 group mappings, 279281

RP-to-group mapping, verifying, 279

RPs (rendezvous points) to groups, 7778, 122123

mapping agent commands (Auto-RP), 136

maximum groups command, 217

maximum register-states command, 225

maximum response code (MRC), 36

maximum response time (MRT), 3233

MBone (multicast backbone) project, 20

media access control (MAC) addresses, mapping

IPv4, 2628

IPv6, 250


maintaining, 44

membership reports, 52

overview, 1113

verification, 84

mesh groups (Anycast MSDP)

configuration, 178181

overview, 178

RP mapping and MSDP summary, 181


join messages, 52

leave messages

definition of, 52

packet capture, 8687

PIM (protocol independent multicast)

assert, 75

graft, 75

join, 75

leave, 75

message format, 7273

packet capture, 7374

prune, 75

register stop messages, 9293

MFIB (multicast forwarding information base)

definition of, 10

RPF check, 101

tables, 193197

mfib route command, 193196

MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery)

configuration, 253254


joining, 255257

leaving, 258

hosts, 251

MLD snooping

configuration, 259261

example, 258259

MLDv1, 251252

MLDv2, 253

overview, 53, 251

queriers, 251

model (OSI), 8



DM (dense mode), 7677

SD (sparse-dense mode), 8081

SM (sparse mode), 7780


Anycast RP, 271274

ASM (any-source multicast), 269

embedded RP, 275282

RP options, 270271

SSM (source-specific multicast), 269

MOSPF (Multicast Open Shortest Path First), 5455

MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching), 168

MRC (maximum response code), 36

MRIB (multicast routing information base)

building, 101104

definition of, 10, 65

embedded RP

configuration, 281282

disabling, 282

overview, 9

tables, 191197

mroute table

(*,G) state entry, 5860

(S,G) state entry

adding, 6061

displaying, 88

IPv6 multicast state table, 262

overview, 204

PIM6 static mroute entries, 268269

static entry output, 204

mrouted daemon, 20

mrouter ports, 42

MRT (maximum response time), 3233

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol)

Anycast MSDP mesh groups

configuration, 178181

overview, 178

RP mapping and MSDP summary, 181

configuration, 150151

multicast address assignment (IPv4), 1416

Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol (MADCAP), 53

multicast backbone (MBone) project, 20

multicast boundaries

Accept-RP commands, 223224

applying, 221

boundary group mapping, 222

configuring, 218221

neighbor filter commands, 224

PIM border configuration commands, 222223

multicast flow at leaf, 8185

multicast forwarding information base. See MFIB (multicast forwarding information base)

multicast frames, switching, 2829

multicast hosts

host groups, 5253

host support levels, 5253

network hosts, 5354

overview, 52

Multicast Listener Discovery. See MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery)

Multicast Listener Done messages, 252

Multicast Listener Query messages, 252

Multicast Listener Report messages, 252

Multicast Open Shortest Path First (MOSPF), 5455

multicast router ports, 42

multicast routing

IGMP groups, leaving, 8587

MFIB (multicast forwarding information base)

definition of, 10

RPF check, 101

tables, 193197

MRIB (multicast routing information base)

building, 101104

definition of, 10, 65

embedded RP, 281282

overview, 9

tables, 191197

network trees

branches, 68

definition of, 5557

shared trees, 6667, 94101

source trees, 6466, 94101

overview, 5455

PIM (protocol independent multicast)

(*,G) state entry, 5860

(S,G) state entry, 6061

basic configuration, 128129

BiDir (bidirectional PIM), 104109

designated routers (DRs), 6971

DM (dense mode), 7677, 132134

messages, 7275

multicast flow at leaf, 8185

neighbors, 6869

overview, 5758

RPF (reverse path forwarding), 58, 6163

RPs (rendezvous points), 8794

SD (sparse-dense mode), 8081

SM (sparse mode), 7780

SSM (source-specific multicast), 110119

multicast routing information base. See MRIB (multicast routing information base)

multicast scope range, 127

Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) configuration, 150151

multicast sources. See sources

multicast traffic engineering. See traffic engineering

multicast virtual private network (mVPN), 54

Multicaster’s Bank Corp. case study


Boca Raton office, 230

global domain, 233

MPLS WAN cloud, 231232

multicast address schema, 234237

NYC office, 230, 233234

overlapping PIM domains, 232

requirements, 228229

global network, 125126

multicast domains, 126127

overview, 228

scope range, 127128


control plane debug capture, 319

IGMP join group, creating, 318

multicast and unicast connectivity check, 318

multicast FIB table, 325

multicast state table, 321, 324325

overview, 310312

PIM neighbor overview, 323

PIM-SM (sparse mode), enabling, 323

ping test, 317319, 324

receiver verification, 312314

RP and control-plane verification, 315317

show ip mroute command, 319

show ip msdp sa-cache command, 320

show ip ospf neighbor command, 321322

show ip pim interface command, 322323

show ip pim neighbor command, 321322

source verification, 314315

topology, 312

multipath (IP)

commands, 198199

configuration, 199200

deterministic path selection

BGP RIB, 207

deterministic multicast BGP configuration, 205206

deterministic multicast BGP RPF, 207208

IGP RIB, 206207

overview, 201202

static multicast state entries, 203205

tunneling multicast, 208

unicast RIB with multiple paths, 202203

overview, 197198

RPF (reverse path forwarding), 201

Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), 168

mVPN (multicast virtual private network), 54


NAT (network address translation), 167

Native Internet multicast, 20

neighbor filter commands, 224


IPv6 neighbors table, 264

PIM (protocol independent multicast) neighbors

overview, 6869

viewing, 323

network access

group management

CGMP (Cisco Group Management Protocol), 43

RGMP (Router-Port Group Management Protocol), 3940

group subscriptions, 2930

IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol)

configuration on routers, 37

IGMPv1, 31

IGMPv2, 3235

IGMPv3, 3537

interoperability between versions, 38

overview, 3031

snooping, 4045

layered encapsulation, 2326

MAC (media access control) address mapping, 2628

multicast frames, switching, 2829

packet replication process, 4547

references, 49

storm control, 4748

network address translation (NAT), 167

network hosts, 5354

network layer reachability information (NLRI), 269

Network Time Protocol (NTP), 15, 244

network trees. See also PIM (protocol independent multicast)

branches, 68, 118119

definition of, 5557

leaves, 118119

roots, 118119

shared trees

overview, 6667

RPs (rendezvous points), 8794, 122

shared tree forwarding, 9192, 94101

source trees

overview, 6466

shared tree forwarding, 94101

source tree forwarding, 100101

Nexus. See NX-OS

NLRI (network layer reachability information), 269

NTP (Network Time Protocol), 15, 244


Auto-RP configuration, 141143

BSR (bootstrap router) configuration, 148149

commands. See commands

PIM (protocol independent multicast) Anycast RP configuration, 158160


octet, group scoping by, 170173

OIL (outgoing interface list), 58, 197

one-to-many multicast applications, 56

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), 56

Open Systems Interconnect model. See OSI (Open Systems Interconnect)

organizational considerations for group scoping, 168170

organizational unit identifiers (OUI), 27

OSI (Open Systems Interconnect)

data encapsulation, 23

overview, 8

OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), 56

OUI (organizational unit identifiers), 27

outgoing interface list (OIL), 58, 197

overlap, MAC (media access control) address overlap, 28

override keyword, 130




host leave messages, 8687

IGMP snooping, 41

IGMPv2, 33

IGMPv3, 3637

leave capture output, 7677

membership queries, 8586

membership reports, 43

PIM (protocol independent multicast) messages, 7374

register stop process, 9294

definition of, 9

forwarding. See forwarding

packet replication process, 4547, 191

PPS (packets per second), 4748

performance tuning for multicast, 211212

phantom RPs (rendezvous points), 161162

PIM (protocol independent multicast). See also RPs (rendezvous points)

(*,G) state entry, 5860

(S,G) state entry

adding, 6061

displaying, 88

BiDir (bidirectional PIM), 104109

BSR (bootstrap router)

BSR configuration commands, 144

candidate RP configuration commands, 145

IOS BSR configuration, 145146

IOS-XR BSR configuration, 146148

NX-OS BSR configuration, 148149

overview, 143


DM (dense mode), 132134

ip pim command, 128129

static RP, 129132

designated routers (DRs), 6971

DM (dense mode)

configuration, 132134

overview, 7677

IP multicast domains

defining, 124128

multicast scope range, 127128

limitations of, 191


assert, 75

graft, 75

join, 75

leave, 75

message format, 7273

packet capture, 7374

prune, 75

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol)

configuration, 150151

overview, 149150

multicast flow at leaf, 8185


overview, 6869

viewing, 323

overview, 3031, 5758


Anycast RP, 271274

ASM (any-source multicast), 269

automatic PIM configuration, 266268

embedded RP, 275282

FIB (forwarding information base), 263264

IPv6 multicast state table, 262

link-local addresses, finding, 264265

overview, 261

PIM neighbors table, 264

R1 PIM and interface configuration, 265266

RIB (router information base), 263264

RP options, 270271

RPF (reverse path forwarding), 263

SSM (source-specific multicast), 269

static mroute entries, 268269

RPF (reverse path forwarding), 58, 6163

SD (sparse-dense mode), 8081

SM (sparse mode)

enabling, 323

overview, 7780

SSM (source-specific multicast)

addressing scheme, 110

channels, 110

configuration, 162164

dual channel, 114118

dual channel after topology change, 118119

EXCLUDE mode, 111

INCLUDE mode, 111

overview, 110

single channel A, 111114


case study, 317319, 324

IPv6 multicast group ping, 280

overview, 303304

placement (RP), 186

ports, multicast router, 42

PPS (packets per second), 4748


DRs (designated routers), 71

group scoping by, 170172

protocol independent multicast. See PIM (protocol independent multicast)

prune messages, 75

pruning multicast routes, 82

pull model (PIM-SM), 7780

push model (PIM-DM), 7677


queriers, 3031, 251


definition of, 10

SLA (service level agreement) configuration, 305


case study, 312314

overview, 287293

register stop messages, 9293

registration, 8889

rendezvous point trees (RPTs). See shared trees

rendezvous points. See RPs (rendezvous points)


definition of, 11

packet replication, 4547, 191

reports, membership, 52

reverse path forwarding. See RPF (reverse path forwarding)

RFCs (requests for comment)

RFC 988, 31

RFC 1054, 31

RFC 1112, 27, 31, 51

RFC 1136, 125

RFC 1918, 167

RFC 1930, 125

RFC 2236, 32

RFC 2365, 172

RFC 2373, 242

RFC 2730, 15

RFC 2974, 15

RFC 3170, 7

RFC 3307, 249

RFC 3376, 35

RFC 3446, 150, 165

RFC 3569, 110

RFC 3618, 178

RFC 3956, 249, 275

RFC 4291, 242

RFC 4330, 15

RFC 4601, 77, 79

RFC 4604, 35

RFC 4607, 15

RFC 4608, 172

RFC 4610, 150, 165

RFC 5015, 104

RFC 5771, 1314

RFC 6958, 167

RGMP (Router-Port Group Management Protocol), 3940

RIB (router information base)

IPv6 multicast, 263264

overview, 9, 188190

unicast RIB with multiple paths, 202203

roots (network trees), 56

route limits, 216217

router configuration. See also multicast routing

Anycast RP

on IOS, 153155

on IOS-XR, 155157

on NX-OS, 158160


on IOS, 138139

on IOS-XR, 139141

on NX-OS, 142143

BSR (bootstrap router)

BSR configuration commands, 144

candidate RP configuration commands, 145

on IOS, 145146

on IOS-XR, 146148

on NX-OS, 148149

overview, 143

downstream routers, 46, 122

DRs (designated routers), 31, 6971, 121

IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol) configuration, 37

OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), 56

phantom RP configuration, 161162

queriers, 3031

sample topology

downstream router configurations, 286287

R3 and R4 multicast configurations, 284286

SSM (source-specific multicast) configuration, 162164

router information base. See RIB (router information base)

router pim command, 128

Router-Port Group Management Protocol (RGMP), 3940

routing, multicast. See multicast routing

rp-address command, 130

RPF (reverse path forwarding)

deterministic multicast BGP RPF, 207208

IP multipath, 201

IPv6 multicast, 263

overview, 58, 6163

RPF check process, 101, 196197

RPs (rendezvous points). See also downstream routers; PIM (protocol independent multicast)

Anycast RP

Anycast MSDP mesh groups, 178181

PIM6 Anycast RP, 271274

Auto-RP protocol

Anycast RP with Auto-RP, 174177

Auto-RP Listener commands, 137

candidate RP commands, 136

feature considerations, 136

IOS Auto-RP configuration, 137139

IOS-XR Auto-RP configuration, 139141

mapping agent commands, 136

NX-OS Auto-RP configuration, 141143

overview, 135

BSR (bootstrap router)

BSR configuration commands, 144

candidate RP configuration commands, 145

IOS BSR configuration, 145146

IOS-XR BSR configuration, 146148

NX-OS BSR configuration, 148149

overview, 143

comparison of distribution methods, 174

definition of, 6364

discovery, 19

embedded RP

configuration, 275279

definition of, 269

disabling, 282

IPv6 multicast group ping, 280

MRIB (multicast routing information base) group state, 281282

overview, 275276

PIM6 group mappings, 279281

RP-to-group mapping, verifying, 279

Encap Tunnel, 9091

forwarding joins toward, 87

group-to-RP mappings, 7778, 122123

HA (high availability), 123124

hybrid designs

Anycast MSDP mesh groups, 178181

Anycast RP with Auto-RP, 174177

comparison of, 174

group scoping for, 173177

overview, 173

RP distribution methods and, 174

scoped multicast domains, 181186


Anycast MSDP mesh groups, 181

branch RP mapping, 186

campus RP mapping, 185

mroute table entries, displaying, 88

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol)

configuration, 150151

overview, 149150

overview, 121124

packet capture, 9294

phantom RPs, 161162

PIM Anycast RP

Anycast RP with Auto-RP, 174177

cautions, 160

IOS configuration, 153155

IOS-XR configuration, 155157

NX-OS configuration, 158160

overview, 149150, 151152


Anycast RP, 271274

ASM (any-source multicast), 269

embedded RP, 275282

SSM (source-specific multicast), 269

placement, 186

register stop messages, 9293

RP and control-plane verification, 294299

security, 225226

shared tree forwarding, 9192, 122

source registration process, 8889

source tree forwarding, 100101

static RP, 129132

verification, 315317

RPTs (rendezvous point trees). See shared trees


(S,G) state entry

adding, 6061

displaying, 88

overview, 9

SAFI (subsequent address family identifier), 269

schema design (IPv6), 249

scoped multicast domains. See enterprise scoped multicast domains


global group assignment and, 168170

hybrid designs

Anycast MSDP mesh groups, 178181

Anycast RP with Auto-RP, 174177

comparison of, 174

overview, 173177

RP distribution methods and, 174

scoped multicast domains, 181186

IPv4 considerations

scoping by geography/priority, 170172

scoping by octet, 170

scoping by octet applied, 172173

IPv6 addressing, 244245, 249

multicast scope range, 127128

organizational considerations, 168170

overview, 167168

SD (sparse-dense mode), 8081

SDM (switch database management) templates, 260

SDP/SAP (Session Description Protocol/Session Announcement Protocol) blocks, 15


control plane resources, 216218

data plane resources, 216218

IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol) snooping

configuration, 4445

debug ip igmp snooping group command, 42

debug ip igmp snooping router command, 42

definition of, 40

group membership, maintaining, 44

IGMP membership report packet capture, 43

IGMP query packet capture, 41

IGMP snooping table, 42

overview, 4041

show ip igmp snooping groups command, 43

multicast boundaries

Accept-RP commands, 223224

applying, 221

boundary group mapping, 222

configuring, 218221

neighbor filter commands, 224

PIM border configuration commands, 222223

RPs (rendezvous points), 225226

storm control, 4748

summary, 226227

segments, 23

sender configuration, 305

service level agreement (SLA) test, 304307

Session Description Protocol/Session Announcement Protocol (SDP/SAP) blocks, 15

shared trees

overview, 6667

RPs (rendezvous points), 8794, 122

shared tree forwarding, 9192, 94101

source tree forwarding, 100101

shortest path trees, 6466

show commands

show igmp interface, 326327

show interface Gi0/12, 44

show interfaces tunnel 0, 90

show ip cef, 190191

show ip igmp group, 326

show ip igmp groups, 84

show ip igmp interface, 34, 326327

show ip igmp snooping groups, 43

show ip mfib count, 325

show ip mrib route, 102103

show ip mroute

(*,G) and (S,G) state entries, displaying, 88

active state for multicast group, validating, 84

basic IOS MRIB, 192193

BiDir (bidirectional PIM), 106107

overview, 5761, 328329

pruning of multicast routes, verifying, 82

RP and control-plane check, 297

SSM (source-specific multicast), 112119

troubleshooting case study, 319

show ip msdp sa-cache, 320

show ip ospf neighbor, 321322

show ip pim interface, 215, 322323, 330

show ip pim interface df, 108

show ip pim interfaces, 71

show ip pim neighbor, 321322, 330331

show ip pim neighbors, 71

show ip pim rp, 122123, 331332

show ip pim rp mapping, 122123, 332333

show ip route, 161, 189190

show ip rpf, 297299

show ipv6 cef, 263264

show ipv6 interface, 264265

show ipv6 mld snooping address, 261

show ipv6 mld snooping mrouter, 260261

show ipv6 mroute, 262, 281282

show ipv6 pim group-map, 279282

show ipv6 pim neighbor, 264

show ipv6 pim range-list, 270

show ipv6 route, 263264

show ipv6 rpf, 263

show mrib, 193196

show mrib route, 329

show pim interface, 71, 330

show pim neighbor, 331

show pim rp mapping, 333

show running-config all, 266267

show sdm prefer command, 259260

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) storm control, 4748

size of IPv6 addresses, 239

SLA (service level agreement) test, 304307

SM (sparse mode)

enabling, 323

overview, 7780

SNAP (Subnetwork Access Protocol), 38

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) storm control, 4748


IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol)

configuration, 4445

debug ip igmp snooping group command, 42

debug ip igmp snooping router command, 42

definition of, 40

group membership, maintaining, 44

IGMP membership report packet capture, 43

IGMP query packet capture, 41

IGMP snooping table, 42

overview, 4041

show ip igmp snooping groups command, 43

MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery) snooping, 259261

solicitation, 249

solicited-node multicast addresses, 249

source comma group, 9

source trees

overview, 6466

shared tree forwarding, 94101


definition of, 910

filtering, 36

registration process, 8889


case study, 314315

overview, 287293

source-specific addressing (IPv6), 248249

source-specific multicast. See SSM (source-specific multicast)

source-specific multicast blocks, 15

sparse mode (PIM)

enabling, 323

overview, 7780

sparse-dense mode (PIM), 8081

SSM (source-specific multicast)

addressing scheme, 110

channels, 110

configuration, 162164

dual channel, 114118

dual channel after topology change, 118119

EXCLUDE mode, 111

group scoping, 172

INCLUDE mode, 111

overview, 15, 70, 110

PIM mode, 269

PIM6, 269

single channel A, 111114

standardization (multicast), 21

star comma G entries, 10

state entries (mroute table)

(*,G) state entry, 5860

(S,G) state entry, 6061

static multicast state entries, 203205

state maximum, 216217

state table. See mroute table

state verification

hop-by-hop state validation, 299303

RP and control-plane verification

case study, 315317

step-by-step process, 294299

static mroute entries (PIM6), 268269

static multicast state entries, 203205

static RP (rendezvous point), 129132

static-group command, 255

static-rpf command, 204

storm control, 4748

storm-control action shutdown command, 48

subnet masks, 171

Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP), 38

subscriptions, group, 2930

subsequent address family identifier (SAFI), 269

support levels (host), 5253

switch database management (SDM) templates, 260

switching multicast frames, 2829



CEF (Cisco Express Forwarding), 190

FIB (forwarding information base), 188191

IGMP snooping table, 42

MFIB (multicast forwarding information base), 193197

MRIB (multicast routing information base), 191197


(*,G) state entry, 5860

(S,G) state entry, 6061

IPv6 multicast state table, 262

overview, 204

PIM6 static mroute entries, 268269

static entry output, 204

PIM neighbors table

IPv4, 69

IPv6, 264

RIB (router information base), 188190

TCP/IP protocol stack, 10

templates (SDM), 260


debug ip igmp command, 308309

debug ip mpacket command, 307

debug ip pim command, 307308


case study, 317319, 324

IPv6 multicast group ping, 280

overview, 303304

SLA (service level agreement) test, 304307

timers (IGMP), 3435

time-to-live. See TTL (time-to-live)

tools (troubleshooting)

debug ip igmp command, 308309

debug ip mpacket command, 307

debug ip pim command, 307308

ping, 303304

SLA (service level agreement) test, 304307

traffic engineering

definition of, 186187

deterministic path selection

BGP RIB, 207

deterministic multicast BGP configuration, 205206

deterministic multicast BGP RPF, 207208

IGP RIB, 206207

overview, 201202

static multicast state entries, 203205

tunneling multicast, 208

unicast RIB with multiple paths, 202203

FIB (forwarding information base), 188191

IP multipath

commands, 198199

configuration, 199200

overview, 197198

RPF (reverse path forwarding), 201

MRIB (multicast routing information base), 191197

packet replication, 191

RIB (router information base), 188190

trees. See network trees


case study

control plane debug capture, 319

IGMP join group, creating, 318

multicast and unicast connectivity check, 318

multicast FIB table, 325

multicast state table, 321, 324325

PIM neighbor overview, 323

PIM-SM (sparse mode), enabling, 323

ping test, 317319, 324

show ip mroute command, 319

show ip msdp sa-cache command, 320

show ip ospf neighbor command, 321322

show ip pim interface command, 322323

show ip pim neighbor command, 321322

debug commands

debug ip igmp command, 308309

debug ip mpacket command, 307

debug ip pim command, 307308


hop-by-hop state validation, 299303

overview, 283

RP control-plane check, 294299

source and receiver verification, 287293

Multicaster’s Bank Corp. case study

overview, 310312

receiver verification, 312314

RP and control-plane verification, 315317

source verification, 314315

topology, 312

overview, 309310

ping test, 280, 303304

sample topology

downstream router configurations, 286287

illustrated, 283284

R3 and R4 multicast configurations, 284286

show commands

show igmp interface, 326327

show ip igmp group, 326

show ip igmp interface, 326327

show ip mfib count, 325

show ip mroute, 328329

show ip pim interface, 330

show ip pim neighbor, 330331

show ip pim rp, 331332

show ip pim rp mapping, 332333

show mrib route, 329

show pim interface, 330

show pim neighbor, 331

show pim rp mapping, 333

SLA (service level agreement) test, 304307

TTL (time-to-live), 16, 136, 219220, 252


Encap Tunnel, 9091

tunneling multicast, 208


UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 8

unicast communication

forwarding, 11

limitations of, 3

overview, 12

unicast routing information bases (RIBs), 9

URD (URL Rendezvous Directory), 110111

User Datagram Protocol. See UDP (User Datagram Protocol)



active state, 84

hop-by-hop state validation, 299303

variable-scope group addresses, 244


IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol) group membership, 84

IPv6 MLD support, 259260

multicast probe conditions (SLA), 306307

pruning of multicast routes, 82

receivers, 312314

RP-to-group mapping, 279

source and receiver verification, 287293

sources, 314315

state verification

hop-by-hop state validation, 299303

RP and control-plane check, 315317

RP and control-plane verification, 294299

Versatile Message Transaction Protocol (VMTP), 15


IGMP (Internet Group Messaging Protocol)

configuration on routers, 37

IGMPv1, 31

IGMPv2, 3235

IGMPv3, 3537

interoperability between versions, 38

snooping, 4045

MLD (Multicast Listener Discovery)

MLDv1, 251252

MLDv2, 253

virtual extensible local-area network (VXLAN), 54

virtual LAN (VLAN) design, 211

virtual PortChannel (vPC), 215

Virtual Switching System (VSS), 211, 215

virtual trunking protocol (VTP), 211

VLAN (virtual LAN) design, 211

VMTP (Versatile Message Transaction Protocol), 15

vPC (virtual PortChannel), 215

VPNs, mVPN (multicast virtual private network), 54

VSS (Virtual Switching System), 211, 215

VTP (virtual trunking protocol), 211

VXLAN (virtual extensible local-area network), 54

wildcard masks, 171

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