Managing hosts and guests from a Web interface
This chapter describes how to manage hosts and guest systems by using a web interface.
First, we introduce Kimchi, a web-based management tool. Kimchi isolates the administrator from the task of remembering command-line syntax. But, as seasoned administrators know, sometimes it is best to study the commands and learn their capability to better understand what happens in the graphical user interface (GUI). For that, we recommend a quick scan of Chapter 4, “Managing guests from the command-line interface” on page 105.
Host and guest management include the following tasks:
Manage host networks
Manage guest networks
Manage storage
Manage network
Creating templates for guest management
Using templates for guest management
Accessing a graphical interface
Administration through Ginger
3.1 Kimchi
Kimchi is an open source web-based management tool for IBM PowerKVM virtual machines. This software is installed and configured in a PowerKVM system by default.
Kimchi includes these features, among others:
Easy to use HTML5 interface
Templates to speed up guest creation
Guest installation using remote ISO
Web Virtual Network Computing (VNC) tool to access guests
Storage pools
NAT and bridge networks
Host information and statistics
Host administration tool (Ginger)
Several improvements were made in Kimchi for this new PowerKVM release:
Virtual NIC hot-plug support
Upload file to storage pool
Make template defaults configurable through a file
Guest pause/resume support
Support to edit guest MAC address
Allow user changes guest disk format on template level
Create guests asynchronously
3.1.1 Accessing Kimchi
An HTML compatible browser is necessary to access Kimchi. The latest Firefox extended support release (ESR) is recommended, but the latest versions of the following browsers should work as well:
Internet Explorer
Safari iOS
Android Browser
Note: To access Kimchi, use the https://IPADDRESS:8001/ URL, where IPADDRESS is the IP address that you configured for the server during installation. For example, if you used, the URL is
Kimchi uses Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAMs) for user authentication. It means that any user account, registered on the host, is able to access Kimchi including the root account.
Users with no administration privileges logged in Kimchi are allowed to read only. However, the administrator can authorize users to access their guests. Read 3.6.2, “Guest management” on page 86 to know how to configure a guest.
Note: We suggest avoiding the use of the root account on Kimchi and creating specific accounts that provide the needed administration privileges.
Figure 3-1 shows the Login panel. Type the user name, the password, then click Log in.
Figure 3-1 Login panel
3.1.2 Getting help
Figure 3-2 shows how to access the help menu. Click user name at upper right for the help menu. Click Help to open a new window with information about how to use Kimchi.
Using the same menu, it is possible to find out the installed Kimchi version and to safely log out of Kimchi.
Figure 3-2 Accessing help
3.2 Host tab
The first tab displayed in Kimchi is named Host. It displays basic information about the host system and it offers a basic host management. Figure 3-3 shows all tabs existing in Kimchi.
Figure 3-3 Host tab selected
Figure 3-4 shows the Host tab. Users can shut down, restart, or connect to the host by using VNC. It is also possible to have quick information about the system, such as:
OS Distro name
OS Version
OS Code Name
Number of CPUs
Figure 3-4 Host tab information
Figure 3-5 on page 65 shows the host system statistic in an easy-to-read graphic pane with the following fields:
Disk I/O
Network I/O
Figure 3-5 Host system statistics
Figure 3-6 shows the software update system and repository manager. By using the software update system, it is possible to know all available packages to update. Click Update All to update the whole system with a single click.
The repository manager allows any repository installed in the system to be enabled, disabled, or removed. It is also possible to add a new repository and to edit an existing one.
Figure 3-6 Package update and repository manager
Figure 3-7 shows how to add a new repository.
Based on Figure 3-6 on page 65, click Add, type a unique identifier in the Identifier field, complete the Name field, type the repository path in the URL field, select Repository is a mirror if necessary, then, click Add.
Kimchi checks whether the given repository is valid before adding it. Note that yum variables can be used. Kimchi knows how to expand them.
Figure 3-7 Adding a new repository
Figure 3-8 shows how to generate an SOS debug report by using Kimchi Debug Reports. Click Generate to open the debug report dialog box.
Figure 3-8 Generating a new SOS Report
Figure 3-9 shows the Generate a New Debug Report dialog box. Type the name in the Report Name field and click Generate.
Figure 3-9 Generating a new SOS Report
Figure 3-10 shows all debug reports listed in Kimchi. It is possible to rename, remove, and download the report.
Figure 3-10 List of reports created
3.3 Storage pool
A storage pool is necessary to allocate space for guests’ disks. Storage pools support the following media:
Fibre Channel
Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)
Network File System (NFS)
Logical volume
Local directory
Figure 3-11 shows the Storage tab where pools can be listed, created, activated, and removed. You can list volumes in a pool by clicking the down arrow at the right of the pool.
Figure 3-11 Storage tab
3.3.1 Local directory
Figure 3-12 on page 69 shows how to create a new local directory storage pool. The pool uses a local directory to create new volumes in the form of files.
Click Add in the Storage tab, as shown in Figure 3-11. Type the name in the Storage Pool Name field, select DIR as the Storage Pool Type, enter the path in the Storage Path field, and then, click Create.
Figure 3-12 Local directory storage pool
Figure 3-13 shows how to activate a newly created storage pool by using the Actions menu. Then, click Activate.
Figure 3-13 Activating a new storage pool
3.3.2 NFS
Figure 3-14 shows how to create a file-based storage pool by using NFS, which can be shared between multiple servers.
Type the name of the storage pool in the Storage Pool Name field, select NFS as the Storage Pool Type, enter the NFS Server IP field, enter the remote directory in the NFS Path field, and click Create.
Figure 3-14 NFS storage pool
3.3.3 iSCSI
Figure 3-15 shows how to create an iSCSI storage pool. New volumes in that pool need to be created by using your storage server management interface. It is not possible to do that from Kimchi.
To create the iSCSI storage pool, enter the Storage Pool Name field, select iSCSI as the Storage Pool Type, enter the IP address in the iSCSI Server field, enter the iSCSI target in the Target field, and click Create.
To use authentication, select Add iSCSI Authentication, and type the user name and password on the respective fields before clicking Create.
Figure 3-15 iSCSI storage pool
iSCSI volumes are detected from an iSCSI storage pool, as shown in Figure 3-16.
Figure 3-16 iSCSI volumes list
Figure 3-17 shows a template that uses an iSCSI volume. In contrast to other storage pools, when an iSCSI and Fibre Channel storage pool are used, the guest is created by using a template that points to that specific volume.
Figure 3-17 Creating a template using an iSCSI volume
3.3.4 Logical volume
Figure 3-18 shows a Logical Volume Manager (LVM) storage pool. It creates a volume group by using existing physical devices, and logical volumes are created for the guests by using that volume group.
To create an LVM storage pool, enter the name in the Storage Pool Name field, select LOGICAL as the Storage Pool Type, select the physical devices for the volume group, and then click Create.
Figure 3-18 LVM storage pool
Figure 3-19 shows the volume group listed in the Storage tab. By clicking Actions, then clicking Extend, it is possible to add more devices to the volume group.
Figure 3-19 LVM storage pool
3.4 Network
In Kimchi, you can create a NAT network, a bridged network, or an isolated network. Section 6.2, “Network virtualization” on page 164, describes the differences between NAT and bridge networks.
Figure 3-20 shows the Network tab in Kimchi, where a default NAT network can be found. New networks can be created by clicking Add.
Note: Network cannot be stopped if a guest is running on that.
Figure 3-20 Network tab
Figure 3-21 demonstrates how to start or activate a network. Guests using a stopped network can be run, but they will not have network access. New networks must be started before using them.
Note: A new guest cannot be created by using a template configured with a network that is stopped. Make sure that the network is started when creating and running guests.
Figure 3-21 Starting a network
3.4.1 NAT network
Figure 3-22 shows how to create a new NAT network. Enter the network name, click NAT, and then click Create. That creates a new IPv4 NAT network that uses a private address range of 256 addresses.
Figure 3-22 Creating a new NAT network
3.4.2 Bridged network
Figure 3-23 shows how to create a bridged network. Type the network name, select Bridged, select a network interface from the Destination list, and then click Create. To enable VLAN support, before clicking Create, select the Enable VLAN check box, and type the VLAN ID in the VLAN ID field.
Note: The network interface used as the destination of a bridge must be configured and set up on the host.
Figure 3-23 Creating a bridged network
3.4.3 Isolated network
Figure 3-24 shows how to create an isolated network. Guests using that network cannot access or be accessed from external systems.
Figure 3-24 Creating an isolated network
3.5 Templates
In Kimchi, a template is a set of basic parameters necessary to create new guests. It is designed to store configuration details that multiple guests, having that configuration in common, can be created efficiently. Some of the parameters contained in a template are listed:
Path to the operating system (local or remote)
Number of CPUs
CPU topology
Memory size
Disk size
Storage pool to be used
Networks to be used
Every virtual machine created with Kimchi is based on a template.
When created, templates can be edited or removed, but it is important to notice that the relationship between a template and a guest does not exist after the virtual machine was created. It means that changes to existing templates have no effect to existing guests created from those templates.
3.5.1 Create a new template
Figure 3-25 shows the Templates tab. Click Add to create a new template and choose between local or remote ISOs.
Figure 3-25 Template tab
Figure 3-26 shows the media source dialog box. Click Local ISO Image.
Figure 3-26 Selecting the Local ISO Image
Figure 3-27 shows the ISOs that are available. Pick the operating system and click Create Templates from Selected ISO.
Figure 3-27 Selecting the operating system
3.5.2 Edit an existing template
It is necessary to edit a template to modify any parameter. Figure 3-28 shows a template and its Actions menu. Click Edit to change the template configuration.
Figure 3-28 Editing a template
Figure 3-29 shows the Edit Template dialog box. In the General tab, it is possible to change the template name, the amount of memory, and the graphics (currently only VNC is supported).
Figure 3-29 Template editor
Storage tab
Figure 3-30 shows the Storage tab. It allows users to specify how much space will be allocated from the selected storage pool and the disk format required. The storage pools listed here are those created in 3.3, “Storage pool” on page 67.
Figure 3-30 Storage tab in the template editor
Interface tab
Figure 3-31 shows the Interface tab, where the guest network can be created or removed. The networks listed here are those created in 3.4, “Network” on page 75.
Figure 3-31 Network tab in the template editor
Processor tab
Figure 3-32 shows the Processor tab. The number of virtual CPUs can be set directly in the CPU Number field.
Figure 3-32 Processor tab in template editor
Another option is to set the CPU topology as shown in Figure 3-33. In this particular case, the processor has two cores with two threads each.
Figure 3-33 Editing CPU topology in template editor
After changes are made, click Save to persist the template.
3.5.3 Create a template from an existing disk image
Based on a disk image, it is possible to create a template from it. This feature is particularly useful when needed to reuse a disk image from another server.
Based on Figure 3-25 on page 80, click Add for a new template and select Local Image File, as shown in Figure 3-34.
Figure 3-34 Selecting the local image file
Figure 3-35 shows how to add the template. Type the path to the image that is going to be used as source in the File Path field, then click Create.
Figure 3-35 Image disk file path
When a new template is created, new guests created based on that template will start at the same state where the original disk image was when the template was created.
3.6 Guests
Managing guests involve creating or editing guests from a template, and then starting or stopping them as necessary.
3.6.1 Create a new guest
To create a new guest, create a template as described in 3.5.1, “Create a new template” on page 80.
On the Guests tab, click add as shown in Figure 3-36.
Figure 3-36 The guest tab
Figure 3-37 shows the dialog box to create a new guest. Enter a name into the Virtual Machine Name field, select the Template, as seen on 3.5, “Templates” on page 79, then click Create.
Figure 3-37 Creating a new virtual machine
3.6.2 Guest management
All guests are listed in the Guest tab. Each row displays a guest state summary. This makes it easier to understand how guests are performing. The fields displayed are:
Guest name
Disk I/O
Network I/O
Action box to control the virtual machine
In the action box, users can control the guest. The actions that are available depend on the current guest state. When stopped, users can access a group of functions according to that state. To start the guest system, click Start or select Actions, then select Start, as shown in Figure 3-38 on page 87.
It is still possible to edit the guest, delete it completely, or clone a particular guest.
Figure 3-38 Guest control buttons for stopped guest
Edit a stopped guest
Figure 3-39 shows how to edit a stopped guest. By selecting Actions then clicking Edit as shown in Figure 3-38, a new dialog box is displayed. The first tab in the Edit window is General, where users can change the guest name, the amount of memory, and the number of virtual CPUs for that guest.
Figure 3-39 Edit a stopped guest
Storage tab
Figure 3-40 show the Storage tab. It is possible to attach or detach storage to guests such as existing disks and CD-ROM.
Figure 3-40 Storage tab interface
Figure 3-41 shows how to attach an existing disk image to a particular guest.
Figure 3-41 Attach an existing volume
Interface tab
Figure 3-42 shows the Interface tab. This allows users to create, edit, or remove networks. To create a new network interface, select the network created in 3.4, “Network” on page 75, enter the MAC address in the MAC Address field, then click Save.
Note: MAC address will be chosen automatically if the MAC address field is left blank.
Figure 3-42 Interface tab
Figure 3-43 shows how to create a new interface. To persist the changes, click Save at the right of the MAC address field. It is possible to undo the changes by clicking Undo.
Click the pen icon to change the MAC address of any interface. To delete a network interface, click the trash can.
Figure 3-43 Adding a network
Permission tab
Figure 3-44 on page 90 shows the Permission tab, where the Kimchi administrator grants permissions to users or groups of a particular guest. Such control allows users to access their guest only. Select the user or the group from Available system users and groups and click the right arrow. To undo the process, select the users from Selected system users and groups, and click the left arrow.
Note: Refer to “User Management tool” on page 102 to know more about user roles in Kimchi.
Figure 3-44 Permission tab
Host PCI Device tab
Figure 3-45 shows the Host PCI Device tab for PCI pass-through. Kimchi supports simple devices as well as multifunction devices pass-through. Click Add to attach a device to a guest. That device will be automatically detached from host when guest is started.
Note: The Host PCI Device tab does not list devices that are currently attached to another guest. The device must be detached before becoming available.
To detach a device from the guest, click Remove.
Note: If a multifunction device is selected, all of its functions are automatically attached to or detached from the guest.
Figure 3-45 Host PCI device tab
Snapshot tab
Figure 3-46 on page 91 shows the Snapshot tab in Kimchi. Snapshot is an important feature that stores the disk state in the moment the snapshot is taken. Multiple snapshots can be taken by clicking Add.
When needed click Revert, left to the trash can, to apply the snapshot.
Note: Reverting a guest to a particular snapshot loses any data modified after the snapshot creation.
Figure 3-46 Snapshot tab
Start and stop a guest
The first time a new guest is started, it tries to load the operating system (OS) from the disk. Because there is no OS installed on the disk, it will fail, so it will load from the ISO. After that, it’s possible to proceed with the OS installation.
Click the Livetile box or select Actions and click Connect to open the guest window in a new browser tab to install your OS.
Edit a running guest
Figure 3-47 shows the Guest tab with a running guest. The menu displays more options and the actions buttons are now enabled to reset, pause, or shut down the guest system. Clone is disabled because it is not possible to clone a running guest.
Figure 3-47 Guest control buttons for a running guest
Based on Figure 3-47 on page 91, click Edit. The General tab is read-only when the guest is running, so go to the Interface tab.
Storage hotplug
It is possible to attach a disk image in a running guest. Example 3-1 displays all disks attached in a particular guest.
Example 3-1 Guest disks
[root@localhost ~]# ls /dev/[sv]d*
/dev/sda /dev/sda1 /dev/vda /dev/vda1 /dev/vda2 /dev/vda3
Figure 3-48 shows how to add a storage device. Based on Figure 3-47 on page 91, click Edit, then select the Storage tab, select the Device Type, then select the storage pool where the image is allocated, select the image, and click Attach.
Figure 3-48 Attach a storage to a running guest
Example 3-2 lists all disks in a guest, including the attached disks.
Example 3-2 Guest disks
[root@localhost ~]# ls /dev/[sv]d*
/dev/sda /dev/sda1 /dev/vda /dev/vda1 /dev/vda2 /dev/vda3 /dev/vdb /dev/vdb1 /dev/vdb2 /dev/vdb3
Network interface hotplug
Kimchi supports network interface hotplug. Example 3-3 shows all existing interfaces from a particular guest before hotplugging the new interface.
Example 3-3 Guest network interfaces
[root@localhost ~]# ip addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
link/ether 52:54:00:5f:26:25 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global dynamic eth0
valid_lft 3285sec preferred_lft 3285sec
inet6 fe80::5054:ff:fe5f:2625/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
Figure 3-49 shows how to add a new network interface. Click Add, select the Network, type the MAC address in the MAC Address field or leave it blank for automatic fill, and click Save.
Figure 3-49 Adding a new network interface
Example 3-4 shows the new interface listed by the ip addr command.
Example 3-4 Guest network interfaces
[root@localhost ~]# ip addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
link/ether 52:54:00:5f:26:25 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global dynamic eth0
valid_lft 3233sec preferred_lft 3233sec
inet6 fe80::5054:ff:fe5f:2625/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
4: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
link/ether 52:54:00:01:2e:e0 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
5: eth2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000
link/ether 52:54:00:00:12:cf brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
PCI hotplug
To hotplug a PCI device with Kimchi, open the Host PCI Device tab, click Add, and the device will be automatically detached from the host to be attached to the guest.
Example 3-5 shows all devices in the guest before hotplugging.
Example 3-5 Listing all devices in the guest
[root@localhost ~]# lspci
00:01.0 Ethernet controller: Red Hat, Inc Virtio network device
00:02.0 SCSI storage controller: Red Hat, Inc Virtio block device
00:03.0 Unclassified device [00ff]: Red Hat, Inc Virtio memory balloon
00:04.0 VGA compatible controller: Device 1234:1111 (rev 02)
00:0f.0 USB controller: NEC Corporation uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller (rev 03)
Figure 3-50 shows how to attach a PCI device to the guest by simply clicking Add. After it is attached, the button becomes a minus sign.
Figure 3-50 List of PCI devices
Example 3-6 shows the device PCI-E IPR SAS Adapter attached to the guest.
Example 3-6 Listing all devices in guest
[root@localhost ~]# lspci
00:01.0 Ethernet controller: Red Hat, Inc Virtio network device
00:02.0 SCSI storage controller: Red Hat, Inc Virtio block device
00:03.0 Unclassified device [00ff]: Red Hat, Inc Virtio memory balloon
00:04.0 VGA compatible controller: Device 1234:1111 (rev 02)
00:09.0 RAID bus controller: IBM PCI-E IPR SAS Adapter (ASIC) (rev 01)
00:0f.0 USB controller: NEC Corporation uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller (rev 03)
Figure 3-51 shows how to unplug the device. Click Remove to detach the device from the guest. The button becomes a plus sign again.
Figure 3-51 List of PCI devices
Example 3-7 shows the PCI list after detachment.
Example 3-7 Listing all devices in guest
[root@localhost ~]# lspci
00:01.0 Ethernet controller: Red Hat, Inc Virtio network device
00:02.0 SCSI storage controller: Red Hat, Inc Virtio block device
00:03.0 Unclassified device [00ff]: Red Hat, Inc Virtio memory balloon
00:04.0 VGA compatible controller: Device 1234:1111 (rev 02)
00:0f.0 USB controller: NEC Corporation uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller (rev 03)
3.7 Accessing a graphical interface
PowerKVM supports VNC to access a graphical interface console on the guest. Kimchi uses noVNC, which is a web-based VNC client.
3.7.1 noVNC
noVNC can be accessed either by clicking the preview image on the Guests tab or by clicking Actions and then clicking Connect.
That opens a new browser tab or window that shows the graphical interface, which enables the user to interact with the guest machine.
Note: Your browser needs to allow pop-up windows to get a noVNC window. If your browser blocks pop-up windows, you will not be able to see the noVNC window.
3.7.2 VNC
You can get a graphical display of a guest by using VNC. Each guest uses a different TCP port, 5900+N, where N is the display number.
Example 3-8 shows how to obtain the VNC display number for a guest named MyGuest, using the virsh command on a root shell on the server.
Example 3-8 Obtaining the VNC display number
# virsh vncdisplay MyGuest
Note: Remember to open the VNC ports on the server firewall. The author suggests to set a password for the VNC access.
3.7.3 Custom keyboard layouts in Kimchi noVNC
When accessing a guest using a noVNC session from Kimchi, some non-US keyboards might not work. This is a known issue that was not fixed at the time of writing. As a workaround, a VNC server can be started inside the guest and accessed from any VNC client directly.
The XML guest files also allow to add a keymap attribute, as shown in Example 3-9 for a German keyboard, but this might not work for all keys.
Example 3-9 keymap setting in guest XML
<graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes' listen='' keymap='de'>
<listen type='address' address=''/>
Supported key maps can be found under /usr/share/qemu/keymaps in the PowerKVM host.
Note: Accessing the guest using the virsh console or a network connection is not an issue regarding non-US keyboards.
3.8 Ginger
Ginger is a host management plug-in for Kimchi, thus sharing the same user experience. In PowerKVM, Ginger is installed by default and can be accessed by clicking the Administration tab in Kimchi. All Ginger administration tools are listed below:
Firmware Update
Configuration Backup
Network Configuration
Power Options
SAN Adapters
Sensor Monitor
SEP Configuration
User Management
Figure 3-52 shows the Administration tab.
Figure 3-52 Administration tab
Firmware Update
Figure 3-53 shows how to update the firmware using Ginger. On the Administration tab, click Firmware Update. Enter the path to the firmware in the Package Path field, and click Update.
Figure 3-53 Firmware update tool
Note: Ginger does not show detailed information if any error event happens. For a more verbose firmware update, use the update_flash or ipmitool command directly.
To do a firmware update manually by using either the update_flash or ipmitool commands, go directly to IBM instructions in the Fix Central web page.
Figure 3-54 shows an example of how to select a firmware image from the IBM Fix Central website. Select Power in the Product Group drop-down menu, then select Scale-out LC in the Product drop-down menu, and it displays specific fields regarding your selection. Select your machine and click Continue.
Figure 3-54 Selecting an image from IBM Fix Central
Configuration Backup
This tool is designed to back up the host configuration files.
Figure 3-55 shows the configuration backup tool. Click Generate Default Backup to have the following directories backed up automatically:
Note: Generate Default Backup excludes /etc/init.d, /etc/rc.d, and /etc/rcN.d from the backup package.
Figure 3-55 Ginger configuration backup tool
Figure 3-56 shows how to create a new custom backup. Based on Figure 3-55 on page 98, click New Custom Backup, enter a simple description in the Description field, enter the paths to the directories to be either included or excluded, then click OK.
Figure 3-56 Creating a custom backup
Figure 3-57 shows how to delete old backups. It is possible to preserve a latest number of backups or to preserve backups created after a given date.
Figure 3-57 Removing old backups
Network Configuration
Figure 3-58 shows the network configuration tool. Click Edit to make any field editable and Save to persist the changes.
Figure 3-58 Network configuration tool
Power Options tool
Ginger offers a Power Options tool to make it easy to change tuning profiles.
Note: It is not possible to create profiles using Ginger.
Figure 3-59 shows the Power Options tool.
Figure 3-59 Power Options tool
Figure 3-60 shows how to change a profile. Click default for instance, then click Activate and the system will be tuned to that particular profile.
Figure 3-60 Changing a profile
SAN adapters
Storage area network (SAN) connected to a PowerKVM system can be seen in the SAN Adapters pane. Figure 3-61 shows all SAN adapters connected to the system with the following fields displayed:
Worldwide port name (WWPN)
Worldwide node name (WWNN)
In-Use/Max Ports
Symbolic names
Figure 3-61 Listing SAN adapters connected to the system
Sensor Monitor tool
Figure 3-62 shows the Sensor Monitor tool. It allows users to follow up the host sensors, such as the CPU temperature.
Figure 3-62 Sensor monitor
SEP Configuration
IBM Service Event Provider (SEP) is a service installed in PowerKVM to identify hardware problems and send reports to registered listeners.
Figure 3-63 shows how to start SEP service.
Figure 3-63 Starting SEP service
Figure 3-64 shows how to subscribe a listener to SEP. Click Add, enter the listener host name in the Hostname field, type the port number at which the listener receives SNMP traps in the Port field, add the SNMP community name in the Community field, and click Submit.
Figure 3-64 Subscribing a new listener
Figure 3-65 shows all listeners registered to listen to SNMP traps. It is possible to remove any listener by clicking the trash can icon.
Figure 3-65 SEP configuration pane
User Management tool
Creating and removing users on the host are easily performed with the User Management tool by Ginger. Figure 3-66 shows how to create a new user in the system. Click Add to open the Add User dialog box.
Figure 3-66 Listing existing users on the host
Figure 3-67 on page 103 shows how to add a new user on the host system.
Enter the user name in the User Name field, then enter the password and the password confirmation in the Password and Confirm Password fields respectively, select Use Other to edit the Group field if necessary, select the user Profile, and then click Submit.
The profile determines the user authorization level on the host system:
Kimchi User: A user created to access Kimchi only, that user cannot access the system.
Virt User: A regular user added in the KVM group.
Administrator: A user added in KVM group with administration privileges.
Note: Regular system users are also listed as kimchiuser.
Figure 3-67 Adding a new user
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