Chapter 2

Introduction of Hydrogen Routines

Di Xu1, Lichun Dong1 and Jingzheng Ren2,    1Chongqing University, Chongqing, China,    2The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China


The objective of this chapter is to give an overview of different hydrogen production routes from fossil fuel, nuclear energy, and renewable energy. Fossil fuels (natural gas, oil, and coal) are the most heavily used feedstock to directly generate hydrogen through thermochemical conversion technologies. Steam-methane reforming, oil reforming, and coal gasification are the most common processes. Nuclear energy has a great potential to produce hydrogen from water decomposition. The routes of thermochemical water splitting cycles and high temperature (steam) electrolysis are the leading contenders for H2 generation in the near future. Hydrogen produced from wind, solar, and bioenergy is also attractive because the sources are renewable. By water electrolysis, thermochemical routes, and biological routes, the renewable H2 generation can be realized.


Hydrogen production technology; fossil fuel; nuclear energy; renewable energy

1 Introduction

Most of the global energy demand is supplied by nonrenewable fossil fuel resources, such as natural gas, petroleum, and coal. However, the fast depletion of finite fossil fuels exacerbated by the growing demand for energy is not sustainable. Also, the utilization of fossil fuel resources is regarded as a major contributor to the greenhouse gas emissions, which is responsible for aggravating the global warming. Therefore, for the environmental and sustainable concerns, it is now widely recognized that the solution to these problems should be to replace fossil fuels by clean and renewable fuel alternatives. Obviously, hydrogen can be considered as the cleanest and most effective energy fuel as it provides the largest amount of energy per unit weight without emitting pollutant and greenhouse gases. Another reason for the high interest generated by hydrogen is that it could also serve as an attractive and efficient energy carrier for storing and delivering the sustainable and renewable energize such as wind, solar, and bioenergy, etc. Hence, hydrogen plays a promising and significant role for developing an environmentally-friendly and sustainable energy system in the future of the world.

As the lightest, simplest, and most abundant chemical element in the universe, hydrogen is always bound with other elements, e.g., oxygen in water, and carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen in organic compounds, to form chemical compounds. Accordingly, to realize hydrogen’s unique energy attributes, lots of efforts have been contributed to the production of hydrogen from different sources by different routes.

In this chapter, we provide an overview of the most populous and/or promising pathways for generating hydrogen from fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and renewable sources. As can be seen in Fig. 2.1, 14 routes have been proposed for hydrogen production from the three types of energy resources. Among those routes, the primary option is to decompose the fossil fuels (i.e., natural gas, oil, and coal) or the biomass into hydrogen and other substances by the means of chemical, thermochemical, and biological processes. Another common option is to dissociate water into hydrogen and oxygen by utilizing the electricity or thermal energy generated from either nuclear energy or renewable sources, i.e., wind and solar.

Figure 2.1 Routes for hydrogen production from fossil fuels, nuclear energy and renewable energy.

2 Hydrogen Production Routes From Fossil Fuels

At present, fossil fuels—natural gas, oil, coal, and hydrocarbons in-between—are the most heavily used sources to generate hydrogen, accounting for about 96% of the global hydrogen production, namely natural gas—48%, higher hydrocarbons (mainly oil and naphtha)—30%, and coal—18% (Ewan and Allen, 2005). As shown in Fig. 2.1, a variety of thermochemical conversion technologies can be used to realize the hydrogen production from the feedstock of fossil fuels. Among them, steam-methane reforming, oil reforming, and coal gasification are the most common methods that have been commercially available.

2.1 Hydrogen Production Routes From Natural Gas

Natural gas is an odorless and colorless hydrocarbon gas mixture mainly comprising methane. It is the most utilized feedstock for producing hydrogen with the advantages of low cost, easy to handle, and high ratio of hydrogen-to-carbon. The dominant industrial processes for producing hydrogen from natural gas are the reforming routes including steam reforming (SMR), partial oxidation (POX), and autothermal reforming (ATR). Besides, hydrogen can also be generated from natural gas by using the pyrolysis method.

2.1.1 Reforming Routes

There are three pathways for reforming natural gas into hydrogen: Steam reforming, partial oxidation, and autothermal reforming. Typically, the reforming of natural gas includes four steps: (1) Natural gas desulfurization, (2) reforming, (3) water–gas shift reaction, and (4) hydrogen purification.

Steam-Methane Reforming (SMR)

Among the three reforming routes, the SMR is the least expensive and most accepted one to generate hydrogen. It is a catalytic process which relies on a reaction between methane and steam, with the following reactions:

CH4+H2OcatalyticCO+3H2;CH4+2H2OcatalyticCO2+4H2 (2.i)

image (2.i)

CO+H2OcatalyticCO2+H2 (2.ii)

image (2.ii)

Fig. 2.2 displays the four basic steps of steam-methane reforming process. First, the feedstock has to be desulfurized since sulfur-contained compounds in natural gas will poison catalyst and damage equipments during the followed reforming reaction. Second, the desulfurized natural gas—mainly methane (CH4)—is reformed by reacting with steam (H2O) in furnaces loading with catalyst to form a gas mixture of hydrogen (H2), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and unconverted methane (CH4). The steam reforming reactions (Eq. 2.i) are highly endothermic, and the external energy has to be inputted by pre-heating the feedstock. Typically, the reactions are carried on at 800–1000°C under 1.4–2 Mpa with the help of high-efficiency nickel-based catalysts. Third, CO further reacts with steam (H2O) in the presence of catalysts to produce CO2 and more H2. In this step, due to the exothermic characteristic of the water–gas shift reaction (Eq. 2.ii), a high-temperature-shift (HTS, 350°C) followed by a low-temperature-shift (LTS, 190–210°C) is often employed to achieve fast kinetics for H2 production (Bhat and Sadhukhan, 2009). In the final step, in order to obtain the high-purity H2 (≥99%), the physical separation process of pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is usually utilized to remove the considerable amounts of CO, CO2, and CH4 in the effluent gas after the water–gas shifting reaction.

Figure 2.2 Flowchart of the SMR process.
Partial Oxidation (POX)

In the partial oxidation process, methane in natural gas reacts with oxygen of less than a stoichiometric amount in a partially oxidizing reaction to generate carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Unlike the endothermic reactions in SMR, the POX reaction releases enough heat to drive this process due to the exothermic nature of Eq. 2.iii or Eq. 2.iv.

CH4+0.5O2CO+2H2 (2.iii)

image (2.iii)

CH4+0.5O2catalyticCO+2H2 (2.iv)

image (2.iv)

Fig. 2.3 shows the flowchart of the partial oxidation process, in which the desulfuration is also the first stage. Then, the desulfurized natural gas is mixed with a limited amount of air or oxygen to realize the partial oxidation reaction (Eq. 2.iii) in a high-pressure reactor. In this step, it is important to control the oxygen/carbon ratio for maximizing the yield of CO and H2, as well as minimizing the coke formation. Meanwhile, a great amount of heat generated by the exothermic POX reaction is collected, and then utilized in the following water–gas shift reaction (Eq. 2.ii). Also, the purification process is necessary in the final step to obtain the high-quality hydrogen. The POX reaction can be carried out with/without the presence catalysts. The catalytic partial oxidation (Eq. 2.iv) is typically operated at the temperature ranging from 700°C to 900°C, which is lower than that of the corresponding noncatalytic partial oxidation reaction, with the temperature ranging from 1300°C to 1500°C (Enger et al., 2008). However, the reaction temperature of the catalytic partial oxidation is difficult to be controlled, which requires an expensive system for oxygen separation.

Figure 2.3 Flowchart of the POX process.
Autothermal Reforming (ATR)

As stated above, the SMR reactions are endothermic, while the POX reaction is exothermic. The ATR process combines the SMR reactions and POX reaction to provide a (nearly) thermodynamically neutral reaction, by utilizing the heat generated in the POX to meet the heat required by the SMR. The integrated reaction of the ATR process is proposed as Eq. 2.v:

CH4+0.5H2O+0.25O2catalyticCO+2.5H2 (2.v)

image (2.v)

Fig. 2.4 illustrates that to achieve the thermodynamical neutralization in the ATR process, a unique reactor with both a combustion zone and a catalytic SMR zone has to be used to treat the desulfurized natural gas with the concurrently flowing oxygen and steam. To be specific, the heat generated by the exothermic POX reaction in the combustion zone is directly transferred to the catalytic zone via the flowing reaction gases, and then driving the downstream endothermic SMR reactions. In the unique reactor, methane reacts with both steam and oxygen to produce syngas at a temperature ranging from 900°C to 1100°C in the presence of the catalyst bed (Aasberg-Petersen et al., 2011). The following two stages of the ATR process are same as those of the SMR and POX processes, namely the WSG reaction and product purification.

Figure 2.4 Flowchart of the ATR process.

2.1.2 Pyrolysis

The thermal pyrolysis of natural gas, also known as thermal cracking, is another scientifically proven hydrogen production route. In which, natural gas (methane) is directly split into hydrogen and carbon (Eq. Since no steam or oxygen/air is involved in the pyrolysis reaction, no carbon oxides (e.g., CO2 or CO) are generated in the process, eliminating the requirement of downstream WGS and purification steps (Abanades et al., 2013).

CH4C+2H2 (

image (

2.2 Hydrogen Production Routes From Oil

Oil-based fuel is another important feedstock for hydrogen generation, accounting for about 30% of the total H2 production capacity. Compared to the heavy oil like bitumen or residual oil with high molecular weight, light oil such as naphtha has a significant advantage of alleviating the catalyst deactivation caused by coke deposition. Thus, the production processes of hydrogen from oil, especially from light oil, can also rely on the reforming routes (steam reforming, partial oxidation, autothermal reforming) and pyrolysis. These techniques take the light hydrocarbons as the feedstock to directly produce hydrogen by the similar steps as mentioned in Section 2.1. Generally speaking, the reforming routes for hydrogen production from oil consist of the same four stages: Desulfurization, reforming (with steam or/and oxygen), water–gas shift, and purification. As for the pyrolysis of oil, especially the light hydrocarbon, it can realize the hydrogen production with a single thermal cracking step. The reactions involved in these production routes are illustrated in Eqs. 2.vii2.x.

CnHm+nH2OcatalyticnCO+(n+0.5m)H2 (2.vii)

image (2.vii)

CnHm+0.5nO2catalyticnCO+0.5mH2 (2.viii)

image (2.viii)

CnHm+0.5nH2O+0.25nO2catalyticnCO+(0.5n+0.5m)H2 (2.ix)

image (2.ix)

CnHmnC+0.5mH2 (2.x)

image (2.x)

2.3 Hydrogen Production Route From Coal

Coal is a flammable black or brown carbonaceous sedimentary rock comprising C, H, O, N, S, Cl, and other elements in trace amounts. As a relatively cheap and abundant fossil fuel source, coal is a widely used feedstock for producing fuels, chemicals, etc. Coal gasification plays an important role in hydrogen industry, especially in the manufacture plants of large scale, accounting for 18% of the global H2 production.

2.3.1 Gasification

Gasification, as the oldest chemical method to generate fuel gas products, is the most used route for converting coal to hydrogen. As shown in Fig. 2.5, in a typical coal gasification process, the pulverized coal reacts with oxygen and steam in a specially designed gasifier at a high-temperature and a moderate pressure to produce a gas mixture containing carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2), as well as a small amount of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and other components. Subsequently, the downstream processes of WGS and purification are employed to obtain more high-purity H2. At present, the carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies are being considered to solve the problem of heavy carbon emission of the coal gasification plants.

Figure 2.5 Flowchart of the coal gasification process.

The process of coal gasification includes a variety of complex reactions including pyrolysis, reforming, partial oxidation, water–gas shift, and methanation. In the first reaction of pyrolysis (Eq. 2.xi), the feedstock is converted into oils, phenols, tars, and light hydrocarbon gases under increasing temperature condition. Then, the highly exothermic reforming (Eqs. 2.xii and 2.xiii) and partial oxidation (Eq. 2.xiv) reactions take place to produce the snygas in the presence of steam and oxygen/air at high temperatures, followed by the WGS reaction (Eq. 2.ii) to increase H2 output. As for the exothermic methanation reaction (Eq. 2.xv), an increase in the operating temperature would decrease the production of methane and increase the formation of CO (Navarro et al., 2007).

CnHmOytar+H2+CO2+CH4+C2H4+ (2.xi)

image (2.xi)

tar+xH2OxCO+yH2 (2.xii)

image (2.xii)

tar+CO2xCO+yH2 (2.xiii)

image (2.xiii)

CnHm+0.5nO2nCO+0.5mH2 (2.xiv)

image (2.xiv)

CO+3H2CH4+2H2O (2.xv)

image (2.xv)
Gasification Technologies

At present, a variety of coal gasification technologies are commercially available for hydrogen production, which can primarily be classified into three main categories according to the type of gasifier: Fluidized bed, fixed bed, and entrained flow gasifiers. Table 2.1 compares the operating conditions of the three types of gasifier such as particle size of coal feedstock, residence times, operating temperature and pressure, as well as feeding and contact mode.

Table 2.1

Operating Conditions of the Three Types of Gasifiers (Source: Krishnamoorthy and Pisupati, 2015)

 Particle Size (mm) Residence Times (s) Temperature (°C) Pressure (MPa) Feeding and Contact Mode
Moving Bed (counter-flow) 5–80 900–3600 1300–1800 3–10 The oxidant gas is introduced at the bottom of the gasifier, and runs counter-flow to the downward flow of coal particles
Fluidized Bed (back-mixed) 0.5–5 10–100 900–1050 1–3 Coal may be introduced at the top or deeper into the gasifier. The oxidant gas enters from the bottom with sufficient flow and velocity to fluidize the bed
Entrained Flow (non back-mixed) <0.1(dry) <1(slurry) 0.5–10 1200–1600 2–8 The gasifier may be upflow or downflow. A mixture of finely ground coal entrained in the oxidant gas flow cocurrently


Underground Coal Gasification

The above-mentioned three coal gasification technologies all rely on a surface reactor to gasify the pulverized coal, while the underground coal gasification (UCG) technology supplies an alternative pathway for coal conversion, wherein, the nonmined coal is converted to syngas in-situ by reacting with the injected oxidants. The process of UCG can be depicted briefly as follows (Fig. 2.6).

Figure 2.6 Simplified schematic of underground coal gasification.

Firstly, a pair of vertical wells are drilled from the surface to the coal seam, one well, namely the injection well, is utilized to supply air or oxygen. While another, known as production well, is used to extract the generated syngas (containing hydrogen), moreover, a horizontal connection for enhancing the permeability of coal seam between the two wells is created. In the gasification step, the coal stem is ignited, and air or oxygen is pumped into the permeable bed through the injection well, for supporting the chemical reaction between the air/oxygen with the coal. The generated syngas flows through the horizontal connection and the production well, and then it is collected at the surface for the subsequent purification and utilization.

3 Hydrogen Production Routes From Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy refers to the heat released from nuclear reactors by controlling the nuclear fission process, and it has already been used in commercial power plants. Naturally, it is considered to be a promising sustainable option by applying nuclear energy to hydrogen production field in the near future, which would significantly decrease the CO2 emission. Thermochemical water splitting cycles and high temperature (steam) electrolysis are the two techniques that are widely recognized as the leading contenders for hydrogen production by directly utilizing nuclear thermal energy, although they are still in the laboratory. Moreover, conventional water electrolysis (further discussed in Section 4.1.1) coupled with renewable energy or nuclear energy is a proven nonfossil method for generating hydrogen, herein, the decomposition of water into O2 and H2 is driven by electricity.

3.1 Thermochemical Water Splitting Cycles

Thermochemical water splitting cycles is the most compelling technology for hydrogen production using nuclear energy. In this process, heat released from nuclear reactors is the only necessary energy for driving a series of chemical reactions to realize water decomposition. Since all chemical reagents used in the process can be completely recycled, water is the only consumption, while H2 and O2 are the only productions. A variety of the thermochemical cycles that are being studied for water splitting, in which sulfur–iodine (SI) cycle is considered to be the nearest technology to commercialization application with the following reactions (Elder and Allen, 2009):

H2SO4SO2+H2O+0.5O2 (2.xvi)

image (2.xvi)

I2+SO2+2H2O2HI+H2SO4 (2.xvii)

image (2.xvii)

2HII2+H2 (2.xviii)

image (2.xviii)

The typical flow diagram of the SI process is illustrated in Fig. 2.7. The first step is the decomposition of sulfuric acid to oxygen, sulfur dioxide, and steam under high temperature (850°C) (Eq. 2.xvi). In the second step, known as Bunsen reaction (Eq. 2.xvii), iodine reacts with sulfur dioxide and steam at a much lower temperature (120°C) to form hydrogen iodide and sulfuric acid. Subsequently, the hydrogen iodide and sulfuric acid in liquid phase are separated, purified, and concentrated. The obtained sulfuric acid is recycled, while the hydrogen iodide is decomposed to produce hydrogen and recycle iodine at around 450°C (Eq. 2.xviii) (Dincer and Acar, 2015).

Figure 2.7 Flow diagram of the typical SI cycles.

3.2 High Temperature (Steam) Electrolysis

High temperature (steam) electrolysis (HTSE) is another promising pathway for hydrogen production by utilizing the thermal energy released from the nuclear reactors. Compared to the conventional water electrolysis, HTSE employs higher temperature (800–1000°C) to split water by consuming lower electricity (Hino et al., 2004). This process is a reverse reaction of the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology, which is an electrochemical conversion device that generates electricity directly from redox reactions and characterized by a solid oxide electrolyte for transferring oxygen ions. While in the HTSE process, water is first converted to steam by using nuclear thermal energy rather than electricity, and then dissociated at the cathode to form the hydrogen molecules as well as oxygen ions, which subsequently migrate through the solid oxide electrolyte material, and then form oxygen molecules at the anode surface. The schematic diagrams of HTSE and SOFC are depicted in Fig. 2.8 and the involved reactions are listed as Eqs. 2.xix2.xxi.

Figure 2.8 Principle of the high temperature (steam) electrolysis and solid oxide fuel cell.

Cathode(SOFC):0.5O2+2e-O2-(HTSE):H2O+2e-H2+O2- (2.xix)

image (2.xix)

Anode(SOFC):H2+O2-H2O+2e-(HTSE):O20.5O2+2e (2.xx)

image (2.xx)

Total(SOFC):H2+0.5O2H2O(HTSE):H2OH2+0.5O2 (2.xxi)

image (2.xxi)

4 Hydrogen Routes From Renewable Energy

The term of “Renewable Energy” refers to the energies that are collected from natural resources and can be replenished constantly. In its various forms, the renewable energy can be derived directly from wind, sunlight, and bioenergy etc. The global renewable energy capacity has grown rapidly in the last decades due to the concerns of environmental pollution, climate changes, and energy security. Since hydrogen is widely recognized as the best way to store and utilize the renewable and intermittent energies, a large amount of studies have been carried out to achieve effective hydrogen production from different types of renewable energy sources. In the following section, a variety of hydrogen production routes from three primary sustainable resources including wind energy, solar energy, and bioenergy are described respectively.

4.1 Hydrogen Route From Wind Energy

Wind energy refers to the use of wind turbines to convert air-flow’s kinetic energy into electricity power. The conventional technology of water splitting by using electricity generated from all kinds of renewables including wind energy, is considered to be a clean and simple route to produce hydrogen without fuel consumption as well as emission of carbon dioxide or other hazardous gases.

4.1.1 Water Electrolysis by Wind Energy

Hydrogen produced by water electrolysis is a widely accepted way to use the fluctuating renewable primary energy sources. Of all the renewable energies, electricity deprived from wind energy using wind turbines (Fig. 2.9) is deemed to have the highest economic potential for decomposing water into hydrogen and oxygen without pollution. At present, two kinds of electrolyzers using different electrolytes, namely solid polymer electrolyte and liquid electrolyte, are commonly used in the industry (Carmo et al., 2013).

Figure 2.9 Schematic of water electrolysis for hydrogen production by using wind turbines.
Solid Polymer Electrolyzer

In the solid polymer electrolyzer, a solid sulfonated polystyrene membrane is employed as the electrolyte. This concept also refers to proton exchange membrane and polymer electrolyte membrane (both abbreviated as PEM) water electrolyzer. In such an electrolyzer (Fig. 2.10), hydrogen ions pass through the membrane and get to the cathode chamber, where they recombine with electrons to form hydrogen gas, and then be captured as products. While in the anode chamber, oxygen gas accumulated in the water can also be collected.

Figure 2.10 Principle of the solid polymer electrolyzer and liquid electrolyzer.

Cathode(PEM):2H++2eH2(KOH):2H2O+2eH2+2OH (2.xxii)

image (2.xxii)

Anode(PEM):H2O2H++0.5O2+2e(KOH):2OH-0.5O2+H2O+2e- (2.xxiii)

image (2.xxiii)

Total(PEM):H2OH2+0.5O2(KOH):H2OH2+0.5O2 (2.xxiv)

image (2.xxiv)
Liquid Electrolyzer

The electrolyzer using liquid electrolyte (most commonly KOH) has been the most accepted commercial electrolytic technology for a long history. Equipped with two electrodes immersed in the liquid alkaline electrolyte (typically a caustic solution with 20%–30% concentration of KOH), the liquid electrolyzer performs similar functions as the PEM system. As described in Fig. 2.10, a diaphragm is used in the electrolyzer to separate the cathode and anode, keeping hydrogen and oxygen apart from each other. In such a system, hydroxyl ions migrate through the electrolytic material to produce oxygen in the anode chamber; while in the cathode chamber, the generated hydrogen is extracted readily from the water stream.

4.2 Hydrogen Production Routes From Solar Energy

Solar energy is the radiant light and heat energy produced by the Sun that can be used by using different techniques such as photovoltaic (PV) cells, solar thermal collectors, and artificial photosynthesis. As the most abundant renewable energy resource in the world, solar energy can be converted into a sufficient quantity of hydrogen in a sustainable way. Generally, water electrolysis using solar generated electricity, photocatalytic water splitting, thermochemical water splitting, and photobiological process are the four main routes for realizing the hydrogen production from solar energy (Yilmaz et al., 2016).

4.2.1 Water Electrolysis by Solar Energy

Like the water electrolysis using wind energy, hydrogen can also be generated by using the electricity produced by the PV cells. A schematic of the PV system for solar-based hydrogen production is illustrated in Fig. 2.11, in which, electrical power converted from solar energy can be direct applied to water dissociation using solid polymer electrolyzer or liquid electrolyzer.

Figure 2.11 Schematic of water electrolysis for hydrogen production by using a PV cell system.

4.2.2 Photocatalysis

Photocatalysis, also known as ‘artificial photosynthesis’, is a technology for converting photonic energy (comes from solar irradiation) to chemical energy (includes hydrogen) by using some semiconductors (typically TiO2) as the photocatalysts. To be specific, the photons (solar irradiation) with energies greater than the band gap of the photocatalyst, separating the vacant conduction band (CB) and the filled valence band (VB), excite electrons in the VB into the CB to form the electron (e)–hole (h+) pairs, which reduce and oxidize the chemical species (such as water) on the surface of photocatalyst, respectively (Liao et al., 2012). Fig. 2.12 illustrates the photocatalysis process for hydrogen production.

Figure 2.12 Principle of the photocatalysis process for hydrogen production.

4.2.3 Thermochemical Routes

Thermochemical water splitting (conventional thermolysis and thermochemical water splitting cycles) appears to be simple pathway to generate hydrogen by using concentrated solar radiation as the high temperature heat source. To provide the required heat energy for the endothermic reactions, a device named solar thermal collector is often used to capture the solar radiant heat and convert it into a more readily usable form.

Conventional Thermolysis

The process of conventional water thermolysis just needs a single-step (Fig. 2.13), in which, a solar-based heat source of above 2227°C is required to achieve a reasonable degree of water dissociation (9% at 1 bar, 25% at 0.05 bar). Moreover, such a high temperature can also prevent explosions by separating the generated hydrogen and oxygen—an explosive mixture (Kogan et al., 2000).

Figure 2.13 Schematic of conventional thermolysis for hydrogen production using a solar thermal collector.
Thermochemical Water Splitting Cycles

As the utilization of nuclear energy (discussed in Section 3), the radiant light and heat energy emitted from the Sun can also be employed to drive the thermochemical water splitting cycles. Compared to the conventional water thermolysis, the thermochemical cycles allow for realizing the same reactions and separating the explosive mixture of hydrogen and oxygen at much lower operation temperature.

4.2.4 Photobiological

The photobiological refers to the photonic-driven bioprocesses for hydrogen production by using solar energy and light-sensitive microorganisms (i.e., algae, cyanobacteria, and photosynthetic bacteria) as biological converters.

There are three main categories in photobiology for hydrogen production, i.e., water dissociation by using algae or cyanobacteria, decomposition of organic substances by using photosynthetic bacteria, and fermentative conversion of organics by using solar energy. The detail description of the photobiological routes will be presented in Section 4.3.2.

4.3 Hydrogen Production Routes From Bioenergy

Bioenergy, referring to the sustainable energy derived from biological sources, has several significant advantages such as renewability and unique versatility. The available techniques for hydrogen production by employing bioenergy can be classified into two categories: Thermochemical routes for treating biomass and biological routes by using microorganism.

4.3.1 Thermochemical Routes

Biomass refers to plants or plant-based materials, such as algae, trees, crops, or even animal manure, that can be used as a source of fossil fuel-substitute energy. Currently, three primary pathways are available for converting biomass feedstock into hydrogen via thermochemical methods, i.e., pyrolysis, conventional gasification, and supercritical water gasification.


Biomass pyrolysis refers to the process of incomplete thermal degradation of biomass feedstock (contents of C, H, and O) into useful fuels like char, condensable liquids (bio-oil) and noncondensable gases (H2, CO, and CH4). In the process, the complex biomass molecules are first dissociated into simple units (Eq. 2.xxv) by being rapidly heated to 380–530°C at 0.1–0.5 MPa in the absence of oxygen, or by being partially combusted with a limited amount of oxygen supply. Then, the catalytic steam reforming reaction (Eq. 2.xxvi) at 750–850°C over a nickel-based catalyst coupled with the water–gas shift reaction (Eq. 2.ii) is used to convert the bio-oil into (more) hydrogen (Balat, 2009).

BiomassEnergyBio-oil+Char+H2+CO+CH4+ (2.xxv)

image (2.xxv)

Bio-oil+H2OCatalyticCO+H2 (2.xxvi)

image (2.xxvi)

A variety of agricultural and forest product residues can be taken as feedstock to produce hydrogen by conventional gasification. Among all the available bio-based hydrogen technologies, gasification (Eq. 2.xxvii) coupled with water–gas shift (Eq. 2.ii) is the most practical process, in which the biomass is firstly dried to the moisture content of less than 35%. Subsequently, thermal gasification of the solid feedstock is carried out in a gasifier at the temperature ranging from 600°C to 1000°C (Kalinci et al., 2009). Similar with the process of coal gasification, the gasification of biomass also generates useful gas products including H2, CO, CO2, etc.

Biomass+H2OCO+H2+CO2 (2.xxvii)

image (2.xxvii)
Supercritical Water Gasification (SCWG)

The critical point for pure water is 374°C and 22.1 MPa, beyond which, supercritical water (SCW) with gas-like viscosity and liquid-like density can be formed. The dramatic change in its physical properties makes water to behave as a homogeneous fluid as well as a catalyst; in other words, SCW has good solvation capacity as well as excellent mass transfer rate. In the SCWG process, the undried biomass as the feedstock can be directly gasified in the supercritical water. Under the supercritical condition, oxygen in water transfers to the carbon atoms of the biomass to generate CO, which further reacts with steam to generate the gas products of H2, CO, and CO2 by the water–gas shift reaction (Reddy et al., 2014).

4.3.2 Biological Routes

The fundamental concept of biological routes is to use microalgae to catalyze the conversion of feedstock (i.e., water, organics) into hydrogen and other substances (i.e., oxygen, dioxide carbon, and light hydrocarbons). The biological methods realize the bio-hydrogen production at ambient temperature and pressure with less energy consumption as well as lower pollution emission, which can be categorized into biophotolysis routes (direct-, indirect-) and fermentation routes (photo-, dark-). As shown in Eqs. 2.xxviii2.xxxii, all the biological processes fundamentally depend on the enzymes-catalyzed reactions.

Biophotolysis Routes

By absorbing and then utilizing the solar energy, some phototropic organisms, e.g., purple bacteria, green algae, and Cyanobacteria, can produce hydrogen. The biophotolysis can be fulfilled by the direct and indirect pathways with a similar mechanism: Microalgae adsorb solar energy and generate electrons. The generated electrons is transfered to ferredoxin, which in turn acts on the hydrogen production enzymes to release H2 from water or organic.

Direct Biophotolysis. In the direct biophotolysis pathway, photosynthetic microalgae, such as green algae or Cyanobacteria, is used to directly generate hydrogen via the photosynthetic reaction (Eq. 2.xxviii), in which the feedstock (usually water) is dissociated into H2 and O2 with the aid of hydrogenase enzyme. Since the activity of hydrogenase enzyme is sensitive to oxygen, the O2 partial pressures should be kept below 0.1% to maintain the hydrogen production process (Hallenbeck and Benemann, 2002).

2H2O+SolarenergyEnzymes2H2+O2 (2.xxviii)

image (2.xxviii)

Indirect Biophotolysis. The indirect biomass route is a two-stage light driven process, it usually utilizes Cyanobacteria to produce hydrogen and oxygen in separated phases, respectively (Manish and Banerjee, 2008). The first stage refers to the photosynthetic reaction (CO2-fixation and O2-generation) in which the reduced substrates such as carbohydrates (i.e., starch in microalgae or glycogen in cyanobacteria) are accumulated and O2 is generated simultaneously (Eq. 2.xxix). While in the second stage (CO2-evolution and H2 generation), the carbohydrates are subsequently dissociated into H2 and CO2 under anaerobic conditions (Eq.

12H2O+6CO2+SolarenergyEnzymesC6H12O6+6O2 (2.xxix)

image (2.xxix)

C6H12O6+12H2O+SolarenergyEnzymes12H2+6CO2 (

image (
Fermentation Routes

Fermentation routes provide environmentally-friendly bio-approaches for the fermentative conversion of organic substrates into hydrogen. The processes can be realized by photo-fermentation under light condition and dark-fermentation without the sunlight. Moreover, the utilization of combined dark- and photo-fermentation processes could achieve a higher hydrogen production.

Photo-Fermentation. In the photo-fermentation process, photosynthetic microorganisms are employed as biological converters to produce hydrogen through their nitrogenase action under nitrogen-limited conditions. The process uses sunlight as the energy resource, while organic acids or biomass as the feedstock. In the absence of oxygen, the fermentative microorganisms can take simple organic acids as donors to provide electrons. When the nitrogenase enzymes receive the electrons with the aid of ferredoxin, protons can be reduced into hydrogen under the nitrogen-deficient conditions. The overall reaction for hydrogen production through the photo-fermentation process is given in Eq. 2.xxxi.

C6H12O6+12H2O+SolarenergyEnzymes12H2+6CO2 (2.xxxi)

image (2.xxxi)

Dark-Fermentation. In dark-fermentation, the heterotrophic bacteria and microalgae have the ability to convert carbohydrate-rich substrates to hydrogen, volatile fatty acids (VFAs), and carbon dioxide under anaerobic conditions without the sunlight. In this route, the hydrogenase enzyme also plays an important role in the catalyzed formation of H2 by combining protons and electrons. Meanwhile, the pH value of the process should be maintained at 5–6 for achieving the optimum hydrogen production. In a typical dark fermentative process, the model substrate of glucose is converted to H2, CO2, and acetic acid or butyrate under different reaction conditions as shown in Eq. 2.xxxii (Argun and Kargi, 2011):

C6H12O6+2H2OEnzymes2CH3COOH+4H2+2CO2orC6H12O6+2H2OEnzymesCH2CH2CH2OOH+2H2+2CO2 (2.xxxii)

image (2.xxxii)


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