Foreword by Alberto Savoia

Writing a foreword for a book you wish you had written yourself is a dubious honor; it’s a bit like serving as best man for a friend who is about to spend the rest of his life with the girl you wanted to marry. But James Whittaker is a cunning guy. Before asking me if I’d be willing to write this preface, he exploited my weakness for Mexican food by treating me to a very nice dinner and plying me with more than a couple Dos Equis before he “popped the question.” By the time this happened, I was as malleable and agreeable as the bowl of guacamole I had just finished. “Si senor,” was pretty much all I could say. His ploy worked and here he stands with his book as his bride and I get to make the wedding speech.

As I said, he’s one cunning guy.

So here we go...a preface to the book I wish I had written myself. Cue the mushy wedding music.

Does the world really need yet another software testing book, especially yet another software testing book from the prolific James Whittaker, whom I’ve publicly called “the Octomom1 of test book publishing” on more than one occasion? Aren’t there enough books out there describing the same old tired testing methodologies and dishing out dubious and dated advice? Well, there are enough of those books, but this book I am afraid is not one of them. That’s why I wish I had written it myself. The world actually needs this particular testing book.

The Internet has dramatically changed the way most software is designed, developed, and distributed. Many of the testing best practices, embodied in any number of once popular testing books of yesteryear, are at best inefficient, possibly ineffective, and in some cases, downright counterproductive in today’s environment. Things have been moving so fast in our industry that many of the software testing books written as recently as a few years ago are the equivalent of surgery books containing advice about leeches and skull drilling to rid the body of evil spirits; it would be best to recycle them into adult diapers to make sure they don’t fall into the hands of the gullible.

Given the speed at which things are evolving in the software industry, I would not be too surprised if ten years from now this book will also be obsolete. But until the paradigm shifts again, How Google Tests Software gives you a very timely and applicable insider’s view into how one of the world’s most successful and fastest growing Internet companies deals with the unique challenges of software testing in the twenty-first century. James Whittaker and his coauthors have captured the very essence of how Google is successful at testing some of the most complicated and popular software of our times. I know this is the case because I’ve been there through the transition.

I first joined Google as engineering director in 2001. At the time, we had about two hundred developers and...a whopping three testers! My developers were already taking responsibility for testing their own code, but test-driven development and test automation tools such as JUnit were just entering the scene, so our testing was mostly ad-hoc and dependent on the diligence of the individual writing the code. But that was okay; we were a startup and we had to move fast and take risks or we couldn’t compete with the big established players.

However, as the company grew in size and our products became more mission-critical for our users and customers (such as AdWords, one of the products I was responsible for, was quickly becoming a major source of monetizing websites), it became clear that we had to increase our focus and investment in testing. With only three testers, we had no choice but to get developers more involved in testing. Along with a few other Googlers, I introduced, taught, and promoted unit testing. We encouraged developers to make testing a priority and use tools such as JUnit to automate them. But adoption was slow and not everybody was sold on the idea of developers testing their own code. To keep the momentum going, every week at the company’s Friday afternoon beer bash (appropriately named TGIF), I gave out testing awards to the developers who wrote tests. It felt a lot like an animal trainer giving treats to doggies for performing a trick, but at least it drew attention to testing. Could I be so lucky that getting developers to test would be this simple?

Unfortunately, the treats didn’t work. Developers realized that in order to have adequate tests, they had to write two or three lines of unit test code for every line of code under test and that those tests required at least as much maintenance as the functional code itself and had just as much chance of being buggy. It also became clear to no one’s surprise that developer-unit testing was not sufficient. We still needed integration tests, system tests, UI tests, and so on. When it came to testing, we had a lot of growing up (and substantial learning) to do, and we had to do it fast. Very fast!

Why the urgency? Well, I don’t believe that any amount of testing can turn a bad idea or an ill-advised product into a success. I do believe that the wrong approach to testing can kill the chances of a good product or company or, at the very least, slow down its growth and open the door for the competition. Google was at that point. Testing had become one of the biggest barriers to continued success and coming up with the right testing strategy to keep up with our ultra-rapid growth in users, products, and employees without slowing the company down involved a lot of innovative approaches, unorthodox solutions, and unique tools. Not everything worked, of course, but in the process, we learned valuable lessons and practices that are applicable to any company that wants to grow or move at the speed of Google. We learned how to have attention to quality without derailing development or the speed at which we got things done. The resulting process, with some insights into the thinking behind them and what makes them work, is what this book is about. If you want to understand how Google met the challenges of testing in the twenty-first century on modern Internet, mobile, and client applications, then you have come to the right place. I may wish it was me who was telling the rest of the story, but James and his coauthors beat me to it and they have nailed the essence of what testing is like here at Google.

One final note on the book: James Whittaker is the guy who made this book happen. He came to Google, dug in to the culture, took on big and important projects, and shipped products such as Chrome, Chrome OS, and dozens of smaller ones. Somewhere in that time, he became the public face of Google testing. But, unlike some of his other books, much of this material is not his. He is as much a reporter on the evolution of how Google tests software as he is a contributor to it. Keep that in mind as you read it because James will probably try to take all the credit for himself!

As Google grew from 200 to over 20,000 employees, there were many people who played important roles in developing and putting into action our testing strategy. James credits many of them and they have contributed directly by writing sidebars and giving interviews that are published in this book. However, no one, not me, James, or anyone else mentioned in this book, has had as much influence as Patrick Copeland, the architect of our current organizational structure and leader of Google’s Engineering Productivity team. Every tester in the company reports up through Patrick and he is the executive whose vision created what James has documented and contributed to here. If anyone can take credit for how Google tests software today, it’s Patrick. I am not just saying this because he’s my boss; I am saying it because he’s my boss and he told me to say it!

Alberto Savoia is an engineering director and innovation agitator at Google. He first joined Google in 2001 when, among other things, he managed the launch of Google AdWords and played a key role in kick-starting a developer / unit testing culture in the company. He is also the author of The Way of Testivus and of “Beautiful Tests” in O’Reilly’s Beautiful Code.

Note by James Whittaker: I couldn’t agree more! As a scribe and journalist in this process, I owe most of the material to the organization that Patrick has created. And I am not just saying this because he gave me permission to write this book. As my boss, he made me write this book!

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