

Acquisitions, 61

Acting resume, 173, 175176


agent for, 250

career path for, 108

finding, 267

Adventure, 20

Advice from experts

according to Eve, 337340

according to everyone else, 340347

words of wisdom, 347

Age discrimination, 26

resume and, 171

Agencies. See Temp agencies

Agency jobs

as learning experience, 67


for actors and writers, 250

career path for, 108

commission for, 251

job of, 251252

literary manager vs., 69

maintenance of contacts and, 6869

pros and cons of, 6768

requirements for having, 250, 251

salaries of, 68

specialists, 251

types of jobs as, 67

Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP)

work of, 51

American Association of Producers (AAP), for production team, 51

American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), 50


acknowledgment of, 201202

Associate producer, 75

Attaching talent

A-list talent for, 266

finding an actor, 267

for low-budget indie film, 266

to package project, 265266

through actor’s agent, 266267

Attitude, 190, 191

for success, 43

winning, 4041


Bad behavior

diffusing, 309310

ego-driven vs. project-driven, 309

handling, 308

insecurity and, 308309

Bad language

handling, 312, 331


nonunion workers and, 29

of union and guild membership, 21, 23, 24


uses for, 179

versions of, 179

vs. resume, 178179

Body language

in meeting people, 235


accepting, 219220

with celebrities, 221

Branding, for self-promotion, 154


bond company and, 53

in independents, 54

Unit Production Manager and, 77

Business card

company name on, 156157

headshot on, 157

mailing address on, 157158

Business plan, for film funding, 256257


Career goal

goal setting and, 109111

passion in, 106107

selection of career paths for, 107109

Career options

agent, 6670

books on, 46

casting, 9596

commercials, 9293

continuity, 9799

crew, 4850

educator, 8889

extras casting, 9697

features vs. television, 5556

freelance vs. staff, 4648

independents vs. studio films, 5255

international distribution, 8385

location management, 99101

major studios, 5665

creative, 5759

production, 5961

various, 6165

music, 8992

new media, 103104

post production, 8183

reality TV, 9395

researching and choosing, 107108

routes to, 108109

script doctor, 8788

unions and guilds and, 5052

unit publicity, 8587

Career paths

common sense and, 108109

entry level positions on, 107108

Career plan. See also Plan B

keeping on track, 111112, 113

location and timing in, 117118

examples of, 118119

mission statement in, 115, 116117

opportunity in, 117119

progress record for, 112

support system for, 111112

time management in, 112, 114115

vision statement in, 115116

Career success

asking for what you want, 40

attitude in, 4041

connections and, knowing and being known, 3334

five “Ps” for, 4344

ingredients for, 3144

interview skills for, 3940

knowledge of industry, past and current, 34

networking for, 3536

ongoing learning for, 38

passion and, 3132

planning and commitment for, 3637

preparedness and, 32

reputation and, 42 rough times plan for, 43

standing out for, 37

Teflon coat for, 38

willingness and playing the game and, 4142

Cast, 2223

production management and, 76


description of, 6162

of extras, 9697

people involved in, 95

Casting director

best and worst of, 9596

entry to, 96

qualities for, 95

CD/DVD of work, 243244


working around, 220222, 289

Chain of command, 212

production office, 282

Classes, workshops, seminars

ongoing learning and, 245

College degrees

agency jobs and, 130

Commercial producer

entry into, 93

qualities for, 9293

responsibilities of, 92

Commercials, 9293

Commission, agency, 251

Commitment, 3637, 342

to goals, 111


assets in, 236237

liabilities in, 237238

Composer, 91

Computer software, keeping current, 247


loss of, 323324

mantras for, 321


avoiding, 310

Connections, 343

door-to-door approach to, 198199

for getting to the top, 306

for success, 3334

Contacts, 21

cultivation and maintenance of, 241244

for recommendations, 151152

staying in touch with, 242244

variety of, 242

Continuity (script supervisor)

described, 9798

entry to, 9899

what it takes, 98

Conventions and trade shows, 246247


music, 91

Co-producer, 73

Cover letter

addressee for, 162

appearance of, 161162

in case something turns up, 164

close, 165166

content of, 161

for general information meeting vs. for job, 164

introducing yourself in, 163164

purpose of, 161

second paragraph of, 165

for specific job, 164

spell-checking, 162

Creative group

access to, 5859

creative executive in, 57

hierarchy of titles in, 57

project greenlight in, 58

submissions to, 58

Creative people, 21, 23

noncreative people vs., 2728

Creative Producer

job description of, 7273

Creativity, 2123, 190

Crew jobs

television, 56

transferable skills for, 50

Crew membership

friendships on, 49

Crews, 2223

as family unit, 4849


Deal memo

for new job, 328329

for non-school internship, 129


do something for others, 323

get back out there for, 324

mantras for, 324

taking time off for, 322

turning to friends for, 323

Difficult people, 26

burning bridges with, 311312

diffusing, 317

leaving or distancing yourself from, 312313

standing up to, 310

working with, pros and cons of, 311


career path for, 108

Directors Guild of America (DGA), 50, 51

Basic Qualification List, West Coast, 292

Commercials Contract Administration of, New York-based, 292

definition of production team, 292

Directors Guild–Producer Training Plan for, 290291

getting into, 290293

New York Assistant Directors Training Program and, 291

third area work and qualification for, 291, 292

training program of, requirements and tests for, 290291

working as incumbent and, 292

Directors Guild–Producer Training

Plan (DGPTP)

requirements for, 290

test for, 290291


getting past, 321322


survival and, 332


with film industry career, 351

Diversity, 2123

Doing business as (DBA), 154

Door-to-door approach

connections through, 198199

gatekeepers and, 197198

theory of, 198


back-up plan and, 345

pragmatism and, 334

Dreams and dreamers, 1

reality check, 13


Editors. See Script doctor

music, 91


entry-level position as, 9, 10

film school vs. practical, 58

on-the-job-training, 12

Egos, 346

check at door, 338

dealing with, 26

in film industry, 307311


for maintaining contacts, 243

E-mail domain name

registration and hosting of, 155

website and, 155156

Emma L. Bowen Foundation, 137

Entertainment attorney

film financing and, 256

Enthusiasm, 190, 191

Entry-level positions. See also New Job

basic job responsibilities, 208209

on career path, 107108

equipment for, 209210

exploitation in, 222223

hiring for, 183184

know your supervisor and work through channels in, 212

overtime in, 222

as paying your dues, 9, 10

phone etiquette and, 210212

production assistant, 89

qualities for, 184

relax and lighten up, 224

resume for, 174

target for blame in, 223

Episodic television

First Assistant Director in, 77


casting of

by agencies, 9697

described, 9697

what it takes, 97

non-union, 137



lack of, 2829

Family life, 24, 26


of not succeeding, 325326

overcoming, 325

Feature films

vs. television or cable movies, 5556

Feature Producer, job of, 73


agent’s, 251

producer’s for selling script, 275

Film, making your own

as calling card, 252

costs of, 255

as film student, 254

financing of, 255256

as shoe string project, 254

story and script for, 257

uses for, 252

videotapes vs. DVD, 252

Film commissions

local, 138139

as networking resource, 138

Film financing

business plan for, 256257

entertainment attorney in, 256

information resources for, 257

raising funds for, 265

Film industry

cons from pros, 2526, 2528

ego and bad tempers in, 307311

fairness and, 2829

good news about, 2021

having what it takes in, 23, 346

historical sources on, 3435

knowing why you’re here, 1316

knowledge of, past and current, 3435

less glamorous aspects of, 2325

pros and cons of, 2021

pros from pros, 2123

reality of, 35, 89

why you chose it, 1617

Film industry career

decision for and early emotions, 349350

disillusionment with, 351

magic of, 349350

negatives in, 350

recapturing magic of, 350351

word according to Eve, 337340

Film Industry Network (FIN)

activities of, 228

inception of, 227

Film libraries

as learning resource, 246


be true to yourself in, 338, 339

as jigsaw puzzle, 337

keeping big picture in sight, 340

prima donnas in, 338

stages in, 4546

treatment of coworkers in, 338

word according to everyone else, 340347

Film school

advantages of, 56

attendance in Los Angeles or New York, 67

degree from, 7

positions taught in, 45

practical experience vs., 7

First Assistant Director

job of, 77

Five “Ps,” 4344

Follow through

on the job, 215216, 218


of meetings and interviews, 201203

to pitch, 274

of resume, 176178

wining over the gatekeeper, 176178

Freelance work

compensation for, 4647

decision for, 4748

description of, 46, 47

as independent contractor, 47

time looking for, 47

vs. staff job, 49



door-to-door meetings and, 197198

wining over at follow-up, 176178

General information meeting

advantages of, 195

follow-up to resume, 195

goal of, 194

letter requesting, 164

setting up, 153154, 194195

seven steps to successful, 196197


with thank-you note after meeting, 202


setting, 36

smaller career path goals, 110, 111

ultimate career goal, 110

writing out, 111

Gossip, 339, 345

Grip, 65

Guild membership

on resume, 173


Handwritten notes

for maintaining contacts, 243


on business card, 157

privacy protection resources for, 181

safeguarding, Screen Actors Guild tips for, 179181

Helping others, 218


qualities for, 184

Hollywood dream, 1

reality check on, 13

Home video department, 63

Human resources, 63


for survival, 333


Incident log, 329

Independent contractors

music producers, 90

Independents (Indies)

completion bond requirement for, 53

freedom of, 54

funding project for, 265

opportunities with, 53

pros and cons of, 54

as source of employment, 5253

vs. studio films, 5355

Insecurity, 25, 330

bad behavior and, 309

of co-workers, 345

Instability, 26


handling, 331, 332333

Integrity, 190, 191, 193

stand up to challenge of, 313

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), 50

International distribution

attributes and qualifications for, 84

best and worst of, 85

description of, 8384

entry into, 8485


goal of, 129

school placement, 127, 129

starting out, 126, 127129

with NBC and CBS News, 136


common questions in, 193

follow-up of, 201203

goal of, 183

personal pitch in, 184185

preparing for, 188189

skills for success, 39


qualities looking for, 189193

Interviews and meetings

entry-level, 183184

gatekeepers and, getting past, 185188

interviewer questions in, 193



know your reason for accepting, 1416

Job search

asking for what you want, 153154

finding your market, 142144

personal pitch in, 149151

recommendation of others, 151152

self-promotion in, 154158

selling yourself, 141142, 147149

targets, 144147


Labor relations department, 62


climb to top, 305307

crowded at top, 305307

as pyramid, 306

Learning, 342

about the industry, 3435

keeping current and, 245247

ongoing, 38, 343

opportunities for continuation of, 78

resources for, 245246

Legal and business affairs jobs, 61

Legal matters, in production, 295, 296, 300


query, to targets, 270271

of recommendation, with resume, 171

to request mentor, 249


elements of, 4243

Line Producer

career path for, 108

job responsibilities of, 73, 74

for television, 73

Literary manager

qualities of successful, 6970

vs. agent, 69

Location management

described, 99, 100101

entry into, 101

people skills for, 100


of incidents, 329


for story pitch, 263

Los Angeles. See Tinseltown


Mail room

in agency, 129130

book on, 130131

politics in, 130

Major studios. See also Creative group; Production management

creative group in, 5759

politics in, 5657

production management in, 5960

staff jobs at, 5758


research for projects, 264265

targeting, 265

Marketing department, major

studios, 6364

Market research

for projects, 264

Meetings. See also General

information meeting

door-to-door approach, 197199

general information, 194196

learning from, 245, 246

pitch, 267268

Meetings and interviews

being available after, 204

confirmation of, 199

dress for, 199

etiquette for, 199200

follow-up, 201203

network expansion through, 205

reference to recommendation, 199

sense of humor in, 200

staying in touch and, 203

thanking after, 200

as warning and test, 200201


defined, 247248

film commission office as source of, 249250

professional arrangement with, 248

relationship with, 248

requesting, 249

time with, 248, 249

Mentoring, 323

Minority students

job opportunities for, 137

Mission statement, 115, 116117


mantras for, 321

Moving to tinseltown

advice on, 122123

planning for, 121122

survival basics for, 123

Music, 8990

entry into, 9192

positions in, 91

post production and, 83

resumes for, 173

Music coordinator, 91

Music department, 6263

Music editor, 91

Music producer

description of, 90

Music production

preparation for, 90

Music supervisor, 91


National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians (NABET)

Nepotism, 27, 29


building on, 226

expansion through meetings and interviews, 205

Networking, 2324, 247, 344

body language and, 235

choose network, 239

communication assets and liabilities in, 236238

ending conversation, 238239

Film Industry Network for, 227228

film school support in, 6

giving as part of, 232233

groups for, 227

helping out and, 233

Jeff’s e-mail Info List, 230231

keeping track of your network, 239240

Marc’s e-mail network newsletter, 229230

music production and, 90

personal referral vs. cold call, 226

power of, 226

examples of, 229231

remembering names and, 236

research small talk for, 235236

schmoozing and, 226227

shyness and, 233235

starting conversations and, 236

tag team with friend, 239

as two-way street, 228229

understanding power of, 3536

volunteering and, 232233

Networking events

learning and, 245

New job

accepting boundaries on, 219

becoming indispensable in, 215217

reliability on, 217218

sense of urgency on, 218219

what not to do, 214215

what to do, 213214

working around celebrities, 220222

New media

defined, 103

jobs in, 103104

platforms in, 103

writing for, 104

Next door

contacts and, 241244

finding a mentor for, 247250

having an agent for, 250252

learning for, keeping up with, 244247

making your own film, 252258

No one’s-ever-going-to-hire-me-again syndrome, 329330



handling, 332333


openness to, 344

readiness for, 117119

Option agreement, 262


finding and buying, 260261

legal agreement for, 262



attaching talent and, 265267

smart, 266

Packaging project, 265266

Page programs, 135136

CBS, 136

NBC, 136

Passion, 191, 193, 342, 343

about the industry, 3132

in agency trainees, 130

for filmmaking career, 350, 351

finding yours, 106107

in interview, 39

in pitch meetings, 273

in self-definition, 148

Paying your dues

entry-level position as, 9, 10

examples of success with, 1112

People, 2123, 22

best, 311

best and worst, 20, 27, 28, 307313

difficult, 26

extras casting and, 97

high-maintenance, 309

powerful, and your career, 312

screamers, 310

People skills

cultivation of, 344

Persistence, 344

Personal assistants

value of, 207

Personality, 190, 191, 192

Personal pitch, 147148

for different occasions, 151

in door-to-door approach, 198

examples of, 159151

uniqueness of, 151

Phone calls

handling on job, 211212

for maintaining contacts, 244

Phone etiquette

answering and, 212

caller information and, 211

for entry-level job, 210212

Phone system, 214


book, 260261

ideas, 260

self and project, 259260

stories, 260261

teaching others to, 277

Pitching and selling

to buyers, 267273

cold call, 269270

knowing market, 264265

knowing your story, 262264

material for, 260261

odds of success, 275276

packaging for, 265266, 265267

partner with established producer, 268269

pitch fests, 271272

as producer, 274275

query letters to targets, 270271

screenplay competitions, 271

scripts for, 261

story for, 262 submission on-line, websites for, 272283

submission via agent, manager, or attorney, 268

through contacts, 269

tips for pitching, 273274

tips on, 273274

Pitch meeting

introduction in, 273

Plan B

back-up jobs in, 131132, 326327

Planning and commitment, 3637

Playing the game

questions to ask yourself, 4142

Politics, 27, 29

affability and, 315316

chain of command and, 315316

common ground and, 317

corporate type, 314

ego and, 314315

handling difficult people and, 313

industry, 25

know your business partner, 318

liking people and, 317

in mail room, 130

people skills in, 316317

power and, 314

respect for others and, 317318

in studio operations and administration, 102

successful filmmakers and, 314

survival and, 13

team player vs. personal agenda, 315


holding onto, 306307

Positive attitude, 343

Positive thinking vs. negative, 320321, 322

Post production

career path for, 108

description of, 81

entry to, 83

guide to, 83

positions in, 8182, 83

pros and cons of, 8283

qualities for, 82

Post production department, 62

Post Production Producer, 7475

Post-shoot depression, 24


fall from, 307

Problem-solving, 23

studio operations and administration and, 103


associate, 75

career path for, 108

creative, 72

on episodic television show, 70

executive, 72

feature film, 70, 73

in independents, 54

job description for, 7273

line, 73, 74

movement to standardize credits for, 7071

overlapping of duties of, 70

post production, 7475

television, 73

Producers Guild of America (PGA), 5152

erosion of credits and, 71

movement to standardize producing credits and, 7071

Truth in Credits campaign, 70


resumes for, 173

Production Assistant

as entry-level position, 89

set, 288290

support role of, 1011

Production company

creation of yours, 274275

packaging of, 275

Production coordinator

responsibilities of, 7879

skills needed for, 79

Production management

activities and responsibilities of, 7576

entry to, 60

job description for, 5960

production executive–shooting company relationship, 60

skills needed for, 60

staff titles in, 59

Production manager

career path for, 108

Production office

accounting in, 283284

activities and operation of, 280281

central information center in, 282283

first day crew members packet, 284

kitchen area in, 283

location of, 279280

personnel and departments in, 281282

prep for shoot, 284285

pre-production operation, 284

reporting in, 282

shift work in, 283

shooting period, 285286

Production resources, 62

Production Supervisor, 78

Production team

collaboration on, 294

coordination and, 300

core group, 293

defined, 51, 293

financial matters and, 295, 296, 298, 299, 300

involvement of, in film phases, 294

job responsibilities and positions on, 294301

legal matters and, 295, 296, 300

liaisons and, 297, 300, 301

for physical production, 293

supervision, 301


choosing and turning down, 334335

finding markets for, 264265



aspirations and pragmatism in, 334335

degree program entertainment industry-related studies, 34

dreams and, 345

of earnings, 3

entry-level positions, 89

foreign film competition, 45

know why you chose the industry, 1617

loss of show business jobs, 5

questions to ask yourself, 4142

vs. assumptions, 2

Reality check

don’t count those chickens just yet, 303305

Reality TV

demands of, 9395

requirements for, 94

Recommendations, 151152.

See also Referrals

for prospective employer, 151

reference to

in cover letter, 163

in meetings and interviews, 199

with resume, 160, 171

sources of, 152

for specific job, 152


interviewer trust of, 190


to individuals on likely target list, 151152

Rehearse, 287

Rejection, 26

handling, 25, 38, 40, 345

shyness and, 233234


strain on personal, 24

Reliability, 190191


for success, 42


buyers, 273

before interview, 39

market, 264265

Research/clearances department, 62


in politics, 317

Resume Goddess, The, 157

biography of, 171

on resumes, 171175


for acting, 173, 175176

agency submission and, 160

for agent’s representation, 251

appearance of, 166167

bio vs., 178179

for business end of industry, 172

as calling card, 160

CD version of, 171

common themes in, 174

e-mailed with cover letter, 166167

entertainment-related, 171174, 182

entry-level, 174

for established professionals, 174

filing of, 159160, 167

follow-up, 176178

guiding questions for, 174175

for performers, 173

privacy protection resources, 181

for production and performance, 172173

recommendation with, 160

safeguarding, Screen Actors Guild tips for, 179181

sample formats for, 168170

specialists in, 182

tips on, 170171

title or specialty on, 167168

updating, 170

versions of, 168

via a referral, 178

what you can bring vs. what you want on, 172

Risk management department, 63


Safety department, 63

Schmoozing, 2324. See alsoNetworking

Screen Actors Guild (SAG), 50, 52

safeguarding resume and, 179181

Screen Producers Guild (SPG), 51

Script consultant. See Script doctor

Script doctor

description of, 87

entry into, 8788

requirements for, 87

Script editor. See Script doctor

Script reader, 58


criteria for good, structure, format, legal right to, 262

finding for option and sale, 261

odds for production of, 276

odds of being read, 275276

producer’s fee for selling, 275

for your own film, 257

Script writer

getting started as, 127

Second Assistant Director

mobility of, 78

work of, 7778

Self-assessment, 3637

Self-definition, 147149


branding in, 154

business and note cards in, 156, 157

DBA (doing business as) and, 154

e-mail domain name in, 155156

headshot in, 157

logo in, 154155

slogan in, 156157

website in, 155156, 158

Selling yourself, 2324

personal pitch in, 147148

self-definition in, 147149


career path to, 345

for real movie or TV show vs. student film, 286

sequence of events on, 287288

shoot schedule for, 286

work calls for actors and stunt performers, 286

work day on, 286287

Set production assistant tips

learn names and terminology, 288, 289

personal clothing and gear, 288

sense of urgency and, 289

supplies, 288

things you should know, 288290

working around celebrities, 289

Sexist language

handling, 331332

Sexual harassment

handling, 331

Shoot, 287288

activities and management of, 285286

schedule for, 286

time allowances for, 286


breaking barrier with strangers, 234235

fear of rejection, 233234

in networking, 233235


in back-up plan, 124125

Sound design supervisor, 91

Stability, 341

Staff jobs, 65. See also Creative

group; Production


advantages and disadvantages of, 48

at major studios, 5758, 6165

with specialty companies, 6566

Standing out, 37, 42

what it takes, 11

Starting out

back-up plan skills for, 124125

big fish in small market vs. small fish in large market, 123124

at the bottom, 345, 346

internship in, 126, 127129

mail room, 129131

moving to tinseltown, 121124

networking organizations, 137139

network opportunities, 135136

as non-union extra, 137

temp agencies, 131135

working for free, 126129

Status report, 216


elements of good, 262

legal right to, 262

pitching, 260261

structure and format of, 262

Story, pitching

becoming one with, 262263

comparative description of, 263

defend for uniqueness, 263

independent route, 265

logline for, 263

memorize pitch, 264

research market for, 264265

time allotment for, 263

Story analysis, 58

Story editor, 57

Studio Operations and Administration, 63

described, 101102

people skills for, 102103

politics in, 102


departments of, 6165

staff jobs at, 5758

Survival, 1

accepting a stacked deck, 327328

business affairs in writing, 328329

dreams and reality in, 334335

favors in writing for, 329

fear and, 325326

game plan for, 43

getting past disappointment and depression, 321324

huggy-kissy-touchy people and, 330331

humor for, 333

insults and offenses and, 332333

for move to tinseltown, 123

no one’s-ever-going-to-hire-me-again syndrome, 329330

Plan B in, 326327

political correctness and, 330333

preserving you motivation and confidence, 320321

reinventing yourself for, 325

self-acceptance for, 328

Teflon coat for, 319320

temperament for, 13

tips for, 335

walking around the brick wall, 324325



organizing information on likely, 144146

questions for list of likely, 142143

research sources, 143144


of future film makers, 8889

requirements for, 89

Team play

to get ahead, 11

Team player, 21, 190, 192

Teflon coat, 43

for success, 38

for survival, 319320


similarity with independents, 55

Television producers, 73

Television Producers Guild (TPG), 51 Television series

working on, 5556

Temp agencies and assignments

advantages of, 131

in back-up plan B, 131132

common sense and, 133134

future possibilities through, 131132

general letter of reference through, 134

partial list of, 134135

skills needed for, 132133

Thank-you note

for meeting, 201

Third area

work on, 291292

Third Area Qualification List, 291, 292

Time management

personal time in, 114115

prioritizing in, 114, 115

scheduling in, 112

Tinseltown, moving to, 121124

Trade papers, 245


freelance work and, 47

home base and, 124

opportunities for, 21, 22


Unions and guilds, 5052

keeping current and, 246

membership requirement for, 52

Unit Production Manager

responsibilities of, 7677

skills of, 77

Unit publicity

abilities needed for, 86

description of, 8586

entry into, 86

pros and cons of, 8687



scheduling, 24

Vision statement, 115116

Volunteering, 323

on the job, 217

in network building, 232233


Website, 155156, 158

Work hours, 26

Working for free, 342

advantages of, 126127

as script writer, 127


career path for, 108

Writers Guild of America (WGA), 50, 52

story registration with, 262


for new media, 104

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