Chapter 25

A Recipe for Success






A sincere love of the business.

One positive attitude.

One winning personality.

An array of well-developed people skills.

One large network, along with a vast collection of solid industry relationships.

Endless reserves of energy.

The resolve to check your ego in at the door.

Huge portions of assertiveness and chutzpah.

A large dose of humility.

A dash of realistic expectations.

Heaps of inspiration and creativity.

A plethora of determination.

One well-written and captivating cover letter.

One impressive resume.

The fortitude to start at the bottom and pay your dues.

An abundance of hard work mixed together with a “can do” philosophy.

A substantial knowledge of the business, blended thoroughly with an assortment of well-informed opinions.

One formidable online presence.

The desire to keep learning and stay on top of the learning curve.

The determination to give more than what’s expected.

The time to have fun and make new friends.

At least one unique quality that sets you apart from the crowd.

One foot capable of gaining entrance into multiple doors.

One memorable personal brand.

An impressive online presence.

One killer business card.

The capability to do well on interviews.

One workable plan to get you where you want to go.

An intuitive GPS to direct you to Plan B, just in case.

The reasonable expectation that you’re in it for the long haul.

A large measure of patience and tenacity to get there.

Enough savings and/or an alternate source of income to get you through the lean times.

Oodles of confidence, motivation and self-esteem.

The ability to line-up general information meetings.

The intuitiveness to anticipate the needs of others and to remain one step ahead.

The readiness to volunteer, help others and give back.

The skill to deliver a compelling pitch.

One thick skin.

The dexterity to climb outside of the proverbial box and think on your feet.

Ten gallons of shark repellent to ward off all overinflated egos, nasty tempers, annoying back-stabbers and sleazeballs.

Liberal amounts of schmoozing.

A sufficient quantity of time and effort to keep up contacts.

The support and recommendation of others.

The willingness to ask for advice.

The flair needed to effectively ask for what you want.

One sense of humor.

At least one helpful and inspiring mentor.

The belief that in spite of all the competition, rejection, insecurity, uncertainty, nepotism and politics—you will work again, sell a project or get a good role.

One stellar reputation.

Generous doses of passion and excitement.

A large measure of steadfastness to keep your goals and dreams in front of you.

A huge sense of pride and accomplishment for having made it this far!

‘May the Force be with you’ is charming, but it’s not important. What’s important is that you become the Force—for yourself and perhaps for other people.

—Harrison Ford

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