Page numbers for entries occurring in figures are followed by an f and those for entries in notes, by an n.

academic freedom, 6566, 91n60

ACE. See American Council on Education

achievement gaps, 24

active learning, 44, 150, 151

adaptive learning, 44, 58, 160

administrators: cost control responsibilities of, 6263; decision-making structures, 9091n56; number of, 10, 30n17, 102, 103; reservations about online learning, 50, 87n42

admissions: criteria, 33n27, 89n51, 102; yield, 32n25, 125

affirmative action, 2324

affordability of higher education: decline in, 1921; factors in, 3536n43, 110; interest in, 1819; perceptions of, 90n53; tuition increases and, 19, 20f, 115. See also costs of higher education; student debt; tuition

Agarwal, Anant, 8586n36

AGB. See Association of Governing Boards

Allen, I. Elaine, 90n55, 95n75

American Association of University Professors, 91n59

American Council on Education (ACE), 55, 87n42

Anderson, Nick, 8485n33

Antioch University, 61, 89n49

Aoun, Joseph E., 66, 92n62

Arabian Nights, 71

Archibald, Robert B., 109

ARTstor, 8, 9, 29n13

Association of Governing Boards (AGB),8990n52

athletics. See sports

attainment, 24, 40n69. See also completion rates

Auguste, Byron G., 30n16

Auletta, Ken, 78n6

Avery, Christopher, 22, 38nn5960, 39n64

Babson College–Olin College–Wellesley College (BOW) collaboration, 104

Babson Survey Research Group, 72, 90n54, 95n75

Bacow, Lawrence S., 1112, 14, 31n22, 34n37, 78n7, 85n34, 89nn5051, 94n72

Bailey, Martha J., 40n70

Bain & Company, 10, 30n16

Barriers to Adoption of Online Learning Systems in U.S. Higher Education (Bacow et al.), 5556, 59, 62

Basken, Paul, 33n31

Baum, Sandy, 4, 22, 26, 28n6, 33n33, 36n45, 36nn4748, 37n52, 38nn5657, 41n75

Baumol, William J., 3, 4, 25, 27n2, 27n4, 41n72, 4748, 79n12, 124, 135, 15859

Belkin, Douglas, 30n17

Berdahl, Robert M., 15, 33n30

Berkner, Lutz, 3839n62

Bezos, Jeff, 6970, 94n71, 142

Bienen, Henry S., 80n13

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 24, 53, 153

blended learning. See hybrid-format courses

Bok, Derek, 8, 23, 29n12, 39nn6566, 47, 91n58

Boston magazine, 132, 133f

Bound, John, 33n33

Bowen, Howard, 31n21

Bowen, William G., 3, 4, 8, 15, 23, 27nn12, 27nn45, 29n12, 31n18, 32n25, 33n27, 33n29, 34nn3536, 34nn3940, 38n61, 39nn6567, 7778nn13, 78n7, 80n15, 8182nn1819, 82nn2223, 83n28, 90n56, 92n66, 12930

Bowen’s Law, 2. See also cost disease

Brooks, David, 142

Brown, Gordon, 156

Brown, Tina, 130

California: community colleges in, 34n35, 15152; enrollment caps in, 40n70; higher education funding in, 25

Cambridge University, 92n64

Carey, Kevin, 8485n33

Carnegie Commission on the Future of Higher Education, 2

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), 58, 64. See also ITHAKA study of hybrid-format statistics course; Open Learning Initiative

Carroll, C. Dennis, 3839n62

Chakrabarti, Rajashri, 36n46

Chance, Beth, 81n16

cheating, 8485n33, 99

Chingos, Matthew M., 22, 32n25, 34nn3536, 34nn3940, 38n58, 38n61, 39n67, 40n70, 80n15

Christensen, Clayton, 136

City University of New York (CUNY), 17, 34n38, 48

Clark, M. H., 8384n29

Class2Go platform, 59, 8687n40

Clobridge, Abby, 7879n10

Clotfelter, Charles T., 11, 31n20

CMU. See Carnegie Mellon University

cognitive science, 53, 58, 8182n19, 9495n73

cognitive tutors, 48, 73, 76, 80n14

Cohen, Jennifer, 38n62

Cohodes, Sarah, 3435n40

collaboration: among universities, 1035, 127; challenges of, 127; international, 1056

College Board, 19, 37n52

College of St. Scholastica, 83n24

Columbia University, 3132n23, 134

communications technology, 8, 146

communities, 100101, 102, 103

community colleges: capacities of, 34n35, 15152; hybrid-format courses at, 53, 79n11, 86n40, 152; students of, 131

completion rates: cost reductions and, 120, 16061; crisis of, 24, 119; declines in, 152; economic impact of, 119; efforts to raise, 24; impact of online learning, 52, 54, 153; of low-income students, 24, 40n70; at selective institutions, 1718, 35n42; by type of institution, 119

computer science classes, 53, 61, 74, 85n35, 8889n47, 152

Cook, Thomas D., 83n29

Cornell University, 10, 94n72, 95n77, 105

cost disease, 34, 25, 27n5, 70, 13536

costs of higher education: compared to other industries, 10910; competitive pressures and, 1115, 32n24; completion rates and, 120, 16061; controlling, 62, 8990n52; data sources on, 2829n6; factors in rise of, 918, 2930n14, 30n17, 31n20; fixed, 11; impact of online learning, 70, 8485n33, 136, 149, 151; inefficiencies and, 911; infrastructure, 52; instructional methods and, 64; measurement of, 33n34; net cost of attendance, 112; productivity improvements and, 9, 149, 16061; public dissatisfaction with increases in, 26; of research, 113, 116, 11718; supply-side problems, 1617; trends in, 23, 3f, 45, 110, 11314; value provided and, 90n53. See also tuition

costs of online learning: funding, 60; future research on, 53; of MOOCs, 53, 5960; ongoing, 45, 60; potential savings, 5052, 63, 65, 70, 82n22, 83n24; simulations of, 5152, 54; start-up and transition, 45, 51, 65, 151; studies of, 82n21, 83n24

Cota, Adam, 30n16

Council of Independent Colleges, 83n24

Coursera: business model of, 61, 8788n44, 89n49; credit-bearing courses, 55, 87n42; customization options, 59; data collected, 153; description of, 74; future development of, 160; potential impact of, 9394n69; proposed models for, 86n40; research projects of, 53, 55, 79n11; student characteristics, 8889n47; student feedback to teachers, 8586n36; student interactions, 14647. See also massive open online courses

creative destruction, 136

credit card debt, 21f

Crossing the Finish Line (Bowen, Chingos, and McPherson), 16, 17, 32n25, 116, 125

CUNY. See City University of New York

debt. See credit card debt; student debt

decision-making: changing models of, 124, 139; in collaborations, 127; “hour-glass” power structure, 9091n56; shared governance, 6466, 67

Delaware Studies, 2829n6

Delbanco, Andrew, 100

Delisle, Jason, 38n62

delMas, Robert, 81n16

Delta Cost Project, 4, 28n6

demand for higher education, 2021

Denneen, Jeff, 30n16

DeParle, Jason, 40n70

Derby, Samara Kalk, 41n76

Desrochers, Donna M., 28n6

de Vise, Daniel, 34n37

distance learning. See online learning; technology in education

Doar, John, 27

Donne, Finley Peter, 105

Dretler, Tom, 30n16

Duke University, 31n20

Duneier, Mitchell, 8586n36, 9293n66, 155

Dynarski, Susan M., 40n70

Eaton, Coffin, 39n68

The Economics of the Major Private Universities (Bowen), 23, 27nn45

Economist, 9192n61, 92n64

education: lifelong, 154; of women, 155

Edwards, Jonathan, 14142

edX: business model of, 8788n44; collaborating universities, 74, 8687n40, 8990n52, 104; community college courses, 5253, 79n11; customization options, 59; description of, 74; goals of, 8687n40; research projects of, 79n11; student characteristics, 61; student interactions, 8586n36. See also massive open online courses

efficiency, 7, 911, 135

Ehrenberg, Ronald, 33n28

Ekman, Richard, 83n24

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 14041, 143

endowments, 5, 3132n23, 35n43, 11213

extracurricular activities, 99, 100, 102. See also sports

faculty: academic freedom of, 6566, 91n60; attitudes toward online courses, 50, 62, 8586nn3536, 93n69; changing roles of, 6364, 6667; decision-making on instructional methods, 6466; impact of online learning, 44, 45, 6667, 13739; instructional quality differences, 126; mandatory retirement of, 14, 33n28; relationships with institutions, 13739; relationships with students, 62, 6768, 101, 103, 124, 14142, 143; salaries of, 12, 52, 115; star system, 137, 138; stratification of, 13738; student-faculty ratios, 89n51, 11718, 120; tenure of, 14; training of, 151

Fain, Paul, 83n24

families: affordability of higher education for, 1921, 3536n43, 40n70, 110; incomes of, 1920, 3536n43, 40n70, 110, 113, 116; sizes of, 110, 134, 145, 146

federal government, aid to higher education, 19, 63. See also U.S. Department of Education

feedback loops, 48, 51, 56, 73, 80n14

Feldman, David H., 109

Fethke, Gary C., 31n19, 41n71, 9091n56

Filreis, Al, 147

financial aid: antitrust regulation, 1314; availability of, 3536n43; funding of, 113; grants, 23, 34n37, 114; trends in, 19, 21, 11013, 111f

Fisher, Douglas H., 85n35

Flaherty, Colleen, 33n28

flipped classroom model: challenges of, 151; costs of, 64; definition of, 90n54; examples of, 79n11, 85n35, 151; faculty interest in, 6364; using television, 13334

Ford Foundation, 133

for-profit online learning entities, 58, 74, 87n41. See also Coursera

for-profit universities, 119, 120, 139

Frank, Robert H., 4, 27n3

Fry, Richard, 39n63

Fuchs, Ira, 86n39

Gallagher, Billy, 78n6

Garber, Alan M., 79n11

Garfield, Joan, 81n16

Gates Foundation, 24, 53, 153

George Washington University, 32n24

globalization, 15455

Goldberg, Idana, 33n26

Golding, William, Lord of the Flies, 99

Goldrick-Rab, Sara, 29n8

Goodman, Joshua, 3435n40

governance. See decision-making

graduate programs, 15, 33n32

graduation rates. See completion rates

Graham, Rosalinda, 28n6

Gunter, David L., 29n14

Guthrie, Kevin M., 29n13, 78n7, 80n13, 84n30, 92nn65

Hall, Dee J., 41n76

Harris, Douglas N., 29n8

Harvard College, 98, 99

Harvard University, 3132n23, 79n11, 101, 1034, 138. See also edX

HarvardX, 79n11, 8687n40

Heaton, Paul S., 29nn911, 84n31

Hebel, Sara, 8990n52

Heffernan, Neil, 94n73

Hennessy, John, 2, 5, 2930n14, 33n32, 46, 67, 78n6, 8586nn3637, 88n46, 93n68

Heussner, Ki Mae, 8485n33

high school students, 5455, 75

Hill, Catherine, 32n24

honor codes, 102

Howard University, 72

Hoxby, Caroline M., 18, 3132n23, 3435n40, 88n45

Hubbard, Kin, 70

humanities courses, 141, 142, 155

Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 69, 94n70

hybrid-format courses, 95n75; benefits of, 136; at community colleges, 53, 79n11, 86n40, 152; cost savings from, 5152; costs of, 64. See also ITHAKA study of hybrid-format statistics course

ILO courses. See interactive learning online courses

income-based loan repayment program, 39n64

incomes, family, 1920, 3536n43, 40n70, 110, 113, 116

Indiana University, 73

information technology: productivity of,67, 54, 84n31, 120; research impact of, 89. See also online learning platforms; technology in education

innovation: destructive, 136; in online learning, 50, 7071, 7274, 146

instructional methods: adapting to situations, 15759; decision-making on, 6466, 67; Emerson on, 14041; evaluations of, 4748; evolution of, 6364; flipped classroom model, 6364, 79n11, 85n35, 90n54, 13334, 151; lectures, 64, 147, 151; portfolio approach, 68, 159; student perceptions of, 8182n19; traditional in-person, 6768, 14143. See also online learning

intellectual property rights, 60, 77, 95n79

interactive learning online (ILO) courses,8081n15. See also online learning

“Interactive Learning Online at Public Universities” (Bowen et al.). See ITHAKA study of hybrid-format statistics course

international collaboration, 1056

international students, 15455

Internet: use in higher education, 73; YouTube, 75. See also massive open online courses; online learning

Ipsos, 2021, 3637n50, 37n52

ITHAKA, 5556, 80n13, 126

ITHAKA S+R, 80n13, 83n27

ITHAKA study of hybrid-format statistics course: learning outcomes compared to traditional course, 4850, 49f, 8182nn1619, 82n23, 140, 14849, 150; limitations of, 52, 15960; media coverage of, 80n15; potential cost savings, 5052; research methodology of, 48, 5354, 81n18, 83n28; student demographics in, 4950, 81n18

Jacobs, Joanne, 41n76

Jaschik, Scott, 31n19

Jayaram, Kartik, 30n16

Jenkins, Davis, 29n8

Jones, Spencer S., 29nn911, 84n31

JSTOR, 8, 9, 29n13, 61, 91n57

Kane, Thomas J., 29n14

Kantrowitz, Mark, 39n64

Kelderman, Eric, 34n35

Kemple, James, 9495n73

Kerr, Clark, 2, 27n1, 13738

Keynes, John Maynard, 57, 78n5, 86n38

Khan, Salman, 50, 78n6, 8586n36, 88n46

Khan Academy, 50, 7475, 79n11, 82n20, 88n46, 93n67

Kiley, Kevin, 30n16, 41n73

Kirp, David L., 95n76

Kirwan, William E. (“Brit”), 15, 2425, 41n71, 159

Knight, Frank H., 37n52

Koch, James V., 78n4

Koller, Daphne, 84nn3233, 8788n44. See also Coursera

Kolowich, Steven, 8485n33, 87n43, 8889n47, 89n49, 8990n52, 90n5455

Kurose, Charles, 4, 26, 28n6, 33n33, 36n45, 41n75

Laboissière, Martha C. A., 30n16

labor-intensive sectors, productivity in,34, 25, 11516, 135

Lack, Kelly A., 45, 46, 47, 78nn78, 7880nn1011, 80n15, 82n21

Lauerman, John, 83n25

learning outcomes: evidence on effects of online learning, 4650, 5254, 61, 78n9, 157; potential impact of technology, 136; productivity improvements and, 9, 14953; as productivity measure, 148. See also completion rates; ITHAKA study of hybrid-format statistics course

LeBlanc, Paul, 137

Lehren, Andrew W., 38n55

Lemann, Nicholas, 38n56

Levin, Sarah, 33n27

Lewin, Tamar, 8485n33, 8586n36, 89n48

loans. See student debt

Long, Matthew P., 78n7

Lovenheim, Michael F., 33n33

Lumina Foundation, 24

Lyman, Richard, 69

Lynds, Jen, 95n79

Ma, Jennifer, 36nn4748, 37n52

Mabutas, Maricar, 36n46

Mangan, Katherine, 8788n44

Marks, Jonathan, 9394n69

Martin, Andrew, 38n55

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): collaboration with Harvard, 1034; cost increases at, 1112; MITx, 4041n70, 53, 61, 8687n40; Open-CourseWare, 60; presidents of, 88n45, 89n49; Singapore campus, 105. See also edX

massive open online courses (MOOCs): advantages of, 15354; anti-cheating measures in, 8485n33, 99; business models of, 60, 61, 8788n44, 140; costs of, 53, 5960; customization options, 5960; description of, 7374, 7879n10; evaluations of, 47, 5253, 55, 61, 79n11, 87n42, 140; fees for, 60, 8788n44, 89n49; media coverage of, 59, 70; non-credit-bearing, 74, 7879n10, 84n32; organizations offering, 74; potential impact of, 5455, 6061, 8485n33, 9394n69; potential uses of, 5455, 8687n40, 8990n52, 15354; productivity improvements from, 55; social networking aspects of, 8586n36, 9293n66; student characteristics, 61, 8889n47, 154; time spent by students, 84n32; transfer credits for, 55, 8485n33, 86n40, 87n42, 8990n52, 153. See also Coursera; edX

Mazur, Eric, 150

McAdory, Alice, 78n4

McKinsey & Company, 30n16

McPherson, Michael S., 4, 22, 26, 28n6, 32n25, 33n33, 34nn3536, 34nn3940, 36n45, 38nn5657, 38n61, 39n67, 41n75, 4849

Means, Barbara, meta-analysis of, 78n9

Medicaid, 11415

medical schools, 93n67, 113

Medina, Jonathan, 41n74

Mellon Foundation, 15, 80n13

mental health services, 116

Middaugh, Michael F., 28n6

Miller, Ben, 91n58, 95n74

mismatch problem, 1718, 23, 3435nn4042

MIT. See Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Mitchell, Josh, 38n54

MITx, 4041n70, 53, 61, 8687n40

MOOCs. See massive open online courses

Moody’s, 24

Mossberg, Walt, 88n46

NACUBO. See National Association of College and University Business Officers

National Academy of Sciences, 6

National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO), 3132n23

National Center for Academic Transformation (NCAT), 72, 82n21, 91n58

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 2223, 28n6, 3839n62

National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA), 13

National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), 37n51, 38n61

Navarro, Peter, 78n2

NCAA. See National Collegiate Athletics Association

NCAT. See National Center for Academic Transformation

NCES. See National Center for Education Statistics

New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), 67, 54

Newfield, Christopher, 29n7

Newsweek, 130, 131f

New York City public schools, 103

New York Times, 2122, 38n56, 114

New York University (NYU), 105

Ng, Andrew, 84nn3233, 8788n44

Noer, Michael, 82n20

NSSE. See National Survey of Student Engagement

Nygren, Thomas I., 80n15

NYU. See New York University

Obama, Barack, 24, 3940n68, 41n71

OCW. See OpenCourseWare

OLI. See Open Learning Initiative

Olin College, 104

One Day University, 138

online learning: adaptive learning, 44, 58, 160; advantages of, 147; appeal of, 8182n19, 160; barriers to adoption of, 46, 5556, 62; business models of, 60, 61, 77, 89n49, 140; challenges of, 151; credit-bearing courses, 55, 75, 8485n33, 86n40, 87n42, 8990n52, 153; customizing courses, 56, 58, 5960, 7677, 85n35, 87n42; decision-making on, 6466; early attempts at, 134, 145; enrollments in, 72; evaluations of, 55, 71, 7980n11; faculty attitudes toward, 50, 62, 8586nn3536, 93n69; fees for, 60, 89n49, 140; future research on, 5354, 7071, 140; in humanities, 141, 155; implementation challenges, 6267; limits to, 6768, 141; new paradigm, 14547, 150; pressure to participate in, 70, 94n72, 95n77; public perceptions of, 132; resistance to, 92n64; student expectations for, 68; student exploration with, 5455, 15354. See also costs of online learning

online learning, potential impact of: on capacity, 152; on completion rates, 52, 54, 153; on costs, 70, 8485n33, 136, 149, 151; data analysis, 44, 153; on faculty, 44, 45, 6667, 13739; global, 6061, 15556; on governance, 124, 139; on institutional structures, 9192n61; on instruction, 44; on learning outcomes, 4650, 5254, 61, 78n9, 14950, 157; in long term, 152; of MOOCs, 5455, 6061, 8485n33, 9394n69; productivity improvements, 52, 5455, 14953, 16061; on student-faculty ratios, 89n51; on time-to-degree, 52, 54. See also learning outcomes

online learning platforms: cognitive tutors, 48, 73, 76, 80n14; customization capabilities of, 56, 58; data collected, 5859, 153; development costs of, 60; distinctions among, 7577, 95n75; future research on, 53; innovations, 50, 7071, 7274, 146; interaction techniques, 50, 8081n15, 146, 160; open source, 8687n40; tool kits, 5561; variety of, 45, 5657, 7071, 7274, 77. See also hybrid-format courses; massive open online courses

Ooms, Ann, 81n16

OpenCourseWare (OCW), 60

Open Learning Initiative (OLI), 73, 80n14, 95n78, 140

Open University (OU), 73, 95n76

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 40n69

Orszag, Peter R., 29n14

Otani, Akane, 94n72, 95n77

Otterman, Sharon, 33n33

OU. See Open University

outputs: of education, 6, 8, 148; increases in, 78, 27n5. See also learning outcomes; productivity; research

Oxford University, 92n64

Pappano, Laura, 7879n10

Paris peace treaty negotiations, 57

Parry, Marc, 79n11

Paul, Annie Murphy, 94n73

Payea, Kathleen, 37n52

Pearson, 72, 95n75

Pew Research Center, 23, 90n53

Policano, Andrew J., 31n19, 41n71, 9091n56

portfolio approach to curriculum development, 68, 159

Princeton University: admissions, 32n25, 33n27, 125; costs of, 23; endowment of, 3132n23; faculty of, 14; student aid at, 123

private colleges and universities: collaboration among, 1035; completion rates of, 119; cost savings from online learning, 83n24; endowments of, 3132n23, 11213; federal support of, 63; future of, 41n71; student aid at, 5, 23, 112, 113; tuition at, 5

productivity: definition of, 6; of information technology, 67, 54, 84n31, 120; in labor-intensive sectors, 34, 25, 11516, 135; measurement of, 6, 7, 148; quality and, 6, 31n20, 12021

productivity improvements: cost reductions, 9, 149, 16061; economy-wide, 25; increased student-faculty ratios, 120; in labor-intensive sectors, 11516;

productivity improvements (continued) in numerator or denominator of ratio, 78, 9, 5051, 65, 148, 149; from online learning, 52, 5455, 14953, 16061; output increases, 78, 9; public demand for, 26; time-to-degree, 52, 54, 16061

provocation, 14042, 15758

public universities: completion rates of, 119; cost trends at, 11314; enrollment caps in, 25, 36n44, 40n70; federal support of, 19, 63; financial aid at, 19, 21; funding cuts for, 5, 19, 25, 36n44, 41n71, 113, 11415, 152; performance goals for, 26, 41n76; public support of, 25, 63; resource allocation in, 161; time-to-degree increases at, 1617; tuition at, 5, 19, 20f, 21, 25, 36n46, 11314

rankings, 13, 89n51, 125, 126

Reardon, Sean F., 40n70

Reed, Charlie, 41n71

reflection sessions, 103

Reif, L. Rafael, 88n45, 89n49

research: costs of, 113, 116, 11718; funding of, 113, 118; methodologies of, 48, 5354, 81n18, 8384nn2830; technology use in, 89

research universities, 15, 11718

residential education: advantages of,6768, 98101, 1067; amenities of, 13, 32n24, 102, 116, 124, 13031; disadvantages of, 99; ideals, 100101; improving, 1016; international collaboration, 1056; net cost of attendance, 112; retaining best features of, 6770, 99100, 161; room and board costs in, 111, 112; technology use in, 73

returns to education, 2021, 37nn5152, 119, 13032, 148, 15556

revenues: of higher education institutions, 2425, 3536n43, 41n71; of online courses, 60, 61, 140. See also endowments; state governments

Rice, Andrew, 94n72

Robinson, Joan, 25

Rodriguez, Olga, 29n8

Rogers, Jenny, 3031n17

Romanes Lecture, 4445, 135, 139

Rosovsky, Henry, 138

Rothstein, Jesse, 39n64

Rouse, Cecilia, 39n64

Rudenstein, Neil L., 15, 33n29

Rudin, Robert S., 29nn911, 84n31

Sallie Mae/Ipsos survey, 2021, 3637n50, 37n52

Sands, Tim, 94n72

San Jose State University, 11718

Schneider, Eric C., 29nn911, 84n31

School of One, 9495n73

Schumpeter, Joseph, 136

Seaman, Jeff, 90n55, 95n75

Seligson, Hannah, 95n80

Selingo, Jeff, 4041nn7071

Semester Online, 75

Sexton, John, 105

Shadish, William R., 8384n29

Shahid, Abdus, 28n6

The Shape of the River (Bowen and Bok),2324

shared governance, 6466, 67. See also decision-making

Sherwin, Jay, 35n41

Shirky, Clay, 6667, 92n63

Sloan Consortium, 72, 95n75

Smith, Joel, 80n14, 95n78

social media, 146

software. See online learning platforms

Solow, Robert, 6

Sparger, Elena, 94n72

sports, 13, 102, 127

SRI International, 78n9, 79n11

Stanford University: Class2Go platform, 59, 8687n40; dormitories of, 116; endowment of, 11213; graduate programs of, 33n32; income sources of, 113; Lyman presidency of, 69; medical school, 93n67, 113; MOOC spin-offs of, 74; reflection sessions of, 103; student aid at, 123; tuition and student aid trends at, 5, 11013, 111f. See also Hennessy, John

state governments: higher education funding cuts by, 5, 19, 25, 36n44, 41n71, 113, 11415, 152; Medicaid spending of, 11415; scholarship programs of, 3435n40

State Higher Education Executive Officers, 36n44, 36n49

state universities. See public universities

State University of New York (SUNY), 48

statistics courses, 48, 81n16, 126, 15960. See also ITHAKA study of hybrid-format statistics course

Steele, Claude, 81n18

Steiner, Peter M., 83n29

Stigler, Steve, 126

Stiglitz, Joseph E., 1920, 36n50

stratification: among faculty, 13738; among higher education institutions, 5, 1213, 3132n23, 12324, 137; in instructional quality, 126

Streisand, Barbra, 138

student debt: amounts of, 2123, 21f,3839n62, 114; borrowing decisions, 22, 23; default rates on, 120; forgiveness of, 39n64; income-based repayment program, 39n64; of non-graduates, 119

student-faculty ratios, 89n51, 11718, 120

students: amenities for, 13, 32n24, 102, 116, 124, 13031; demographics of, 11617; financial concerns, 38n61, 40n70; international, 15455; jobs of, 16, 22, 38n61, 131; mental health services for, 116; peer interactions of, 56, 68, 98, 99, 100, 14647, 150, 15455; predicting performance of, 32n25, 12526; readiness of, 33n33; relationships with teachers, 62, 6768, 101, 103, 124, 14142, 143; revealed preferences of, 37n53; rights of, 69; share of college expenses paid by, 3637n50. See also completion rates; learning outcomes; time-to-degree

Sullivan, Teresa A., 29n8, 31n19

SUNY. See State University of New York

Swarthmore College, 102, 104

Taylor, Paul, 90n53

technology in education: increased use of,78, 73; measuring productivity improvements from, 79; output increases, 78; potential impact of, 6667, 13334, 148;

television, 7, 13334, 140, 145, 146. See also online learning

television, 7, 13334, 140, 145, 146. See also videos

Thille, Candace, 73, 80n14, 86n39, 95n78

Thoreau, Henry David, 143

Thurm, Scott, 30n17

time-to-degree (TTD): impact of online learning, 52, 54; increases in, 1617, 34n35, 152; reducing, 16061

Trachtenberg, Stephen, 32n24

TTD. See time-to-degree

Tufts University, 31n18, 34n37, 94n72

tuition: cost drivers of, 11518; HEPI index of, 112; increases in, 19, 20f, 21, 25, 36n46, 11314, 115; net, 11012, 111f; private-public gap, 5; at public universities, 5, 21, 25, 36n46, 11314; trends in, 4, 5, 11012, 111f

Turner, Sarah, 16, 18, 22, 33n33, 38n56, 38nn5960, 39n64

Twigg, Carol, 82n21 2U, 75

Udacity, 74. See also massive open online courses

United Nations, Education First Initiative, 156

University of California, Berkeley, 10, 74, 11718, 13738

University of Chicago, 2, 31n18, 3132n23, 69, 102, 126

University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research, 17

University of Delaware, 28n6

University of Florida system, 72

University of Illinois, 45

University of Kansas, 72

University of Maine at Presque Isle, 95n79

University of Michigan, 74

University of Minnesota, 30n17

University of Nebraska, 30n17

University of North Carolina, 10

University of Pennsylvania, 3132n23, 147

University of Phoenix, 72, 139

University of Southern New Hampshire, 137

University of Texas (UT) System, 74, 8990n52

University of Virginia, 31n19, 94n72

University System of Maryland, 15, 48, 53

Unlocking the Gates (Walsh), 83n26, 95n78, 134

U.S. Department of Education, 24. See also National Center for Education Statistics

U.S. Department of Justice, 1314

U.S. News rankings, 13

Utah Valley University, 72

UT System. See University of Texas System

values, 6970, 94n70, 1067, 142, 161

Vanderbilt University, 2, 85n35

Venturi, Robert, 4

videos, of lectures, 7, 93n67. See also Khan Academy; television

Viner, Jacob, 14, 68

Walker, Scott, 26

Walsh, Taylor, 83n26, 95n78, 134

Wei, Christina Chang, 3839n62

Wellesley College, 74, 104

Wellman, Jane V., 28n6, 30n17

Wessel, David, 80n15

Western Governors University, 4041n70

Why Does College Cost So Much? (Archibald and Feldman), 109

Wieman, Carl, 150

Windsor Working Groups, 86n37

Wolfe, Tom, I Am Charlotte Simmons, 101

Wong, Vivian C., 8384n29

Yale University, 3132n23, 105

Young, Jeffrey R., 8687n40, 8788n44

YouTube, 75. See also Khan Academy

Zafar, Basit, 36n46

Zilkha, Ezra, 71

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