
  • 80/20 rule, 83


  • Access Initiative, 157
  • Acknowledgment letters, manual creation, 9
  • After-tax cash, donation, 68
  • Alternative investing
    • growth, impact, 41–42
    • trends, high-level view, 36–40
  • American Heart Association, Instagram post (overflow example), 112f
  • Amplitude, conference leverage, 163–164
  • Angel investing, usage (reasons), 21
  • AngelList
    • creation, 21
    • funds, 40
    • startup company democratization/investment, 39–40
  • Annual recurring revenue (subscriptions), 90
  • Appreciated stock donation, example, 69f
  • Artwork, securitization/holding, 36
  • Asset classes, millennial preferences, 19
  • Automatic clearing house (ACH), 8, 173
    • merchant credit ACH, reductions, 83, 84–88
    • payments, acceptance, 88


  • Benevity, 93
  • Bethel Church, 156
  • Binance Coin, 46
  • Bitcoin, 19–20, 45–46
    • value (change), 19f
  • Brand, clarity/intentionality (donor experience principles component), 107, 118–120
  • Brokerage firms
    • accounts, number (ranking), 66, 67
    • calls, 9
    • donor, secure connection, 74


  • Capital asset, investment holding, 68
  • Cash donation (size), stock donation size (contrast), 70–71
  • Cash processing fees, collection (explanation), 84–85
  • Celcius (crypto), 34
  • Charities, giving (facilitation), 6–8
  • Charity Global, water donation page, 110f
  • Charity:Water, impact, 24, 110, 119, 155
  • Charles Schwab, 9, 10
  • Churches, giving (facilitation), 6–8
  • Communication, 170
    • cadence, donor experience principles component, 107, 116–118
    • consistency, 25
    • follow-up communication, usage, 123
    • investment measures, 117
    • plan, presence, 117
    • strategy, creation, 175
  • Community
    • entrepreneurs, business value alignment, 27
    • generosity, unlocking, 161–163
    • tiers, 172–173
  • Content pieces
    • cryptocurrency donation awareness, 57–58
    • stock donation awareness, 80
  • Corporate matching benefits, exploitation, 83, 93–96
    • process, 95–96
  • COVID-19 pandemic
    • health/human service nonprofits donations, 48
    • impact, 7
  • Creatives, royalties distribution (desire), 27
  • Cross-generation giving preferences, 8f
  • Cryptocurrencies (crypto)
    • acceptance, ease, 51
    • bull run, 33–35
    • direct acceptance, 53
    • donate-transfer-receive, donation process explanation, 52
    • donors
      • awareness/education, 52, 58–59
      • enthusiasm, generation, 52, 59–61
      • pool, creation, 49–50
    • educate-engage-repeat process, 58–59
    • gift size, increase, 50
    • giving
      • flow, education/awareness, 55
      • increase, 50
      • options, placement, 52, 55
      • trends, 47–48
    • inclusion, 13–14
    • investments, capital appreciation, 48
    • investors
      • donation, reasons, 48–49
      • identification, 46–47
      • persona, 46
    • liquidation, 53
    • millennial ownership, 20
    • millennial preferences, 19
    • placement/donation flow, focus, 55
    • platforms (consistency), awareness (increase), 52, 55–58
    • self-service crypto donation
      • channel, 51, 53–54
      • flow, appearance, 54
    • value, gaining (process), 45–46
  • Cryptocurrencies (crypto) donations, 46
    • acceptance, 53
    • awareness, methods, 56–58
    • benefits, 49–51
    • nonprofit acceptance, 47–51
    • receiving, internal education, 51, 52–53
    • tax efficiencies, 50, 58
    • usage, 51–61
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
    • data, usage, 95
    • platforms, examples, 92
    • provider, 97


  • Davidson, Hillary, 28
  • Davies, Drew/Emma, 158–160
  • Debit processing fees, reduction, 83, 84–88
  • Dogecoin, speculation, 21, 34
  • Donations
    • channel, usage, 65–66, 74–75
    • electronic processing, cash/check processing (contrast), 85–87
    • flow, support, 74–75
  • Donor-advised funds (DAFs), 11, 168
    • definition, 12–14
    • increase, 12f
  • Donors
    • experience
      • crafting, principles, 107–123
    • experience, importance, 103–107
    • honoring, 132
    • noncash assets (donation channel), 65–66
    • shares selection/gift initiation, 75
    • stock donation education/awareness, 71
    • stock holdings, presentation (clarity), 74
    • wealth, liquid noncash asset holdings, 65
    • win-win proposition, 76
  • Double the Donation, unmatched giving estimation, 94f
  • Dunn, Liz, 29


  • E-commerce platforms, usage, 20
  • El-Ansary, Tarik, 155
  • Electronic fund transfers, 86
  • Electronic processing, cash/check processing (contrast), 85–87
  • Emails
    • cryptocurrency donation awareness, 57
    • stock donation awareness, 79
  • Empathy, happiness (relationship), 29–30
  • End-of-year giving strategy, 127
  • Entrepreneurs, business value alignment, 27
  • Eradicating Medical Debt, 5
  • Ethereum (cryptocurrency), growth, 19, 46
  • Events
    • cryptocurrency donation awareness, 57
    • sponsorship revenue line, creation, 84, 99–100
    • stock donation awareness, 80
  • Exchange-traded funds (ETFs), giving (difficulties), 8–9
  • Execution, excellence (donor experience principles component), 107, 112–114


  • Fear of missing out (FOMO), 33
  • Federal income tax deduction, 49
  • Feeling good, 28–29
  • Fidelity, 9
  • Fidelity Charitable, millennial survey, 22
  • Five-by-five vision, usage, 113
  • Five-by-one vision, usage, 113
  • Follow-up communication, usage, 123
  • Ford Mustang, value, 38f
  • Francey, Mark, 150–152
  • Fundraising, crypto donations (usage), 51–61
  • Fundrise (real estate investing platform), 40
  • Funds, raising (components), 25


  • Generation Z, investment holdings, 67f
  • Generosity
    • culture, donor experience principles component, 107, 120–121
    • identity, 23–27
    • opportunity, 30
    • science, 27–28
    • unlocking, 11
  • Gifts
    • manual reconciliation, 9
    • receiving, 27
  • Givers, volunteer opportunities, 25
  • Giving
    • campaigns, timing/scheduling, 25
    • changes, 11
    • core identity (millennials), 22
    • crypto giving, trends, 47–48
    • culture, 120
    • delivery/presentation, impact, 24–25
    • difficulties, 8–9
    • donor trust, 25
    • experience, 11
    • flow, donor education/awareness, 76
    • gratitude, connection, 91
    • recurrence, donor experience principles component, 107, 114–116
    • relationships, health (improvement), 29
    • tactics, 83–84
    • vision, importance, 24
  • Grant, Adam, 28
  • Guests, selection, 128, 130–133, 175


  • Harrison, Scott, 155
  • Health/human service nonprofits (donations), COVID-19 (impact), 48
  • High-capacity givers, identification, 83, 91–93
  • Hope Village Church, donations success, 149, 158–160
  • Hospitality (practice), health (improvement), 29
  • Household financial assets (breakdown), 66f
  • House Party (app), 137


  • Impact, clarity (donor experience principles component), 107, 110–112
  • Income, donation portion, 28
  • Indiegogo, platform/processing fee (reduction), 87
  • Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
    • giving, donation difficulties, 8–9
    • required minimum distributions, explanation, 84, 96–97
  • Instagram posts, overflow examples, 111f, 112f
  • Interchange fees, 86
  • Intergenerational wealth transfer (Morgan Stanley report), 17
  • Investing trends, capitalization, 168
  • Investment
    • increase, millennials, 20
    • trends, high-level view, 36–40


  • James, Russell, 69–70, 106–107
  • JustGiving, platform/processing fees, 87


  • Kingdom builders, 26, 151


  • Launching
    • crypto donations, usage, 51–61
    • stock donations, usage, 71–80
  • Legacy giving, exploitation, 84, 97–99


  • Marketing, usage, 141–142
  • Masterworks, art democratization, 36
  • Merchant credit ACH, reductions, 83, 84–88
  • Messaging, alignment, 30
  • Messenger Cup, 135
  • Millennial Impact Report, the, 47
  • Millennials
    • communication, 30
    • crypto owners, donations (reasons), 48
    • Fidelity Charitable survey, 22
    • generosity, reasons, 20–22
    • gifts, identification, 30
    • giving, core identity, 22
    • investment
      • actions, 20
      • holdings, 67f
    • major gifts, giving, 30
    • money management (SpendMeNot list), 17–18
    • negative stereotypes, attributions, 22
  • Mobile alerts, cryptocurrency donation awareness, 56–57
  • Mona Lisa (Banksy IPO), 36
  • Multigenerational communities, creation, 171
  • Mutual funds
    • giving, difficulties, 8–9
    • millennial preferences, 19


  • Neece, Derek, 85
  • Network effect, 132–133
  • New Story, impact, 24, 116, 172
  • Noncash asset-giving strategy, 173–174
  • Noncash assets donation
    • channel, 65–66
    • options, selection, 162
  • Nonfungible tokens (NFTs), 37
  • Nonprofits
    • crypto donations
      • acceptance, 47–51
      • benefits, 49–51
    • fundraiser, alternative investing growth (meaning), 41–42
    • fundraising (increase), stock donations (impact), 69–70
    • gift receipt, information capture, 75
    • impact, scaling, 172–173
    • information, capture/usage, 75
    • overflow, example, 169–176
    • start-up costs, underwriting, 172
    • stock donation acceptance, growth, 70f


  • Oceans Church, donations success, 149, 150–152
    • logistics, 150
  • OnDeck, donations success, 149, 156–158
  • Overflow (platform), 97–98, 103
    • color palette, 144f
    • creation, 6
    • frontend/back-office tooling, 54
    • origin story, 8–10
    • photo direction, 145f
  • Overflow for Corporations, 149, 160–164


  • Paradox of Generosity, The (Smith/Davidson), 28
  • Patton, Scott, 153–154
  • Philanthropy, future, 65
  • Platforms, consistency (impact), 79–80
  • Ponzi scheme, 34
  • Portfolio assets, types, 41f
  • Pre-commitments, determination, 137
  • Processing fee rates, location, 87–88
  • Project VIVE, 5
  • Pushpay, card processing fees, 87



  • Rally, ownership fractionalization, 36–38
  • Real estate
    • investment opportunity, 40
    • investors, equity appreciation donation, 27
  • Reality SF, donations success, 149, 154–156
  • Recurring giving, donor experience principles component, 107, 114–116
  • Required minimum distributions (RMD), 96
  • Return on investment (ROI), 99–100
  • RIP Medical Debt, donations success, 149, 152–154
  • Robb Elementary School (Uvalde shooting), 163
  • Run sheet, creation, 138, 175


  • Sageant, Adrian, 73
  • Scaling
    • crypto donations, usage, 51–61
    • stock donations, usage, 71–80
  • Self-service crypto donation
    • channel, 51, 53–54
    • flow, appearance, 54
  • Short Message Service (SMS)
    • marketing, usage, 56
    • organization presence, 117
  • Signed basketball, value, 37f
  • Smallcombe, Adam/Keira, 3–4
  • Smith, Christian, 28, 29
  • Social media
    • cryptocurrency donation awareness, 56
    • organization presence, 117
    • stock donation awareness, 79–80
  • SpendMeNot, millennial money management list, 17–18
  • Sponsorship revenue line, creation, 84, 99–100
  • Star wars action figure, value, 37f
  • Stock donations
    • awareness (increase), platform consistency (impact), 79
    • factors, 65–66
    • impact, 69–70
    • launching/scaling, 71–80
    • processing, internal processes, 71
    • receiving, internal processes, 71, 72–74
    • size, cash donation size (contrast), 70–71
  • Stocks
    • appreciated stock donation, example, 69f
    • fair market value, increase, 68
    • gifts, size, 69
    • millennial preferences, 19
    • nonprofit donation acceptance, growth, 70f
  • Stocks, giving
    • donation difficulties, 8–9
    • ease, 78
    • engagement, copy appearance (survey results), 77f
    • impact, maximization, 78, 79
    • options, placement, 75–76
    • tax efficiency, 68–69, 78
  • Storytelling, usage, 139
  • Story/testimony, donor experience principles component, 107, 118
  • Streetcode, Instagram post (overflow example), 111f


  • Tax forms, usage/IRS compliance, 9
  • Team intentionality/alignment, donor experience principles component, 107, 121–123
  • Technology, impact, 74
  • Terra Luna (crypto), 34
  • Time lines, donor experience principles component, 107, 109
  • Tithe, principles (usage), 83, 88–91
  • Transformation, stories, 118
  • Trusts, exploitation, 84, 97–99
  • Twilio, generosity (unlocking), 161–163


  • UNICEF, give page/footer/ways to give, 105f–106f


  • Venue, organization, 128, 133–137, 175
  • Vinovest, wine investments, 38–39
  • Vision
    • carrier, 167
    • communication, 23
    • detailing, 129
    • donor experience principles component, 107–109
    • importance, 24, 114
    • inspiration, 24
    • introduction/plan, 113
    • statement, 129–130
    • steps, 109
    • weakness/strength, signs, 108
  • VIVE at Home, 4–5
  • VIVE Church, 112
    • generosity culture, 121
    • tithe, teaching, 88–89
    • Vision Gala, 3, 130
  • VIVE University, 4
  • VIVE Vision Gala, 10, 133–134
  • Volunteering, happiness, 28


  • Wealth distribution, portfolio asset types, 41f
  • Website, characteristics, 104
  • Wills, exploitation, 84, 97–99
  • Wine investing, benefits, 38
  • Wine value, factors, 39


  • Year-end giving event
    • anticipation, building, 128, 141–146
    • content/agenda, 128, 138–141
    • guests
      • online breakout sessions, 136
      • selection, 128, 130–133
    • leader alignment, 128–130
    • maximization process, 128–146
    • one-on-one/small-group meetups, 136
    • venue, organization, 128, 133–137
  • Year-end giving, maximization, 175


  • Zhang, Anthony, 38
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