accountability partners, 44

achievement, 20

actions, experimenting with new, 4142

active listening, 144149, 194

addictions, 97

adrenaline, 70

alcohol, 97

analytic network (AN), 8390

Aristotle, 160

attention, 8283, 144

Avolio, Bruce, 178

Baer, Chris, 168

Bachkirova, Tatiana, 202

Barrett, Frank, 160

Batista, Joan Manuel, 95

behavioral change. See change

behavioral empathy, 147148


experimenting with new, 4142

learning new, 62

practicing new, 42

trying to change, 6768

biases, 145, 169

Bilimoria, Diana, 117, 118

blind spots, 44

boundaries, 138

Boyatzis, Richard, 19, 88, 90

brain, 8290, 93, 94, 116

broaden and build theory, 137

Buse, Kathleen, 117, 118

business coaching, 6. See also coaching

caffeine, 97

Carnegie, Andrew, 142143

Carroll, Lewis, 105

Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE), 137, 167

centering, 72


desire for, 29, 5376

intentional, 3444, 81

positive, hindering, 6768

readiness for, 178179

sustainable, 57, 30, 4549, 58, 81, 90, 94

chronic stress, 70. See also stress response

cigarettes, 97

Cisco Systems, 155, 171

civil rights movement, 8182

Cleveland Clinic, 167168

coachable moments, 11, 175190

micro-coachable moments, 180181

recognizing, 176179, 180181, 195

responding to, 179


certification of, 166167

developing managers as, 168170

emotional self-control by, 59, 145

external, 166168

internal, 166168

mindful, 23

personal sustainability of, 195196

personal vision of, 8, 196198

role of, 1314

coaching, 2

bringing to work organizations, 154156

challenges in, 180189

with compassion, 59, 14, 18, 2952, 58, 179, 192195

for compliance, 6, 18, 2930, 46, 191, 192

conversations, 1521

cornerstones of, 142143

culture of, 11, 153173

defined, 15

dyadic, 15

effective, 5657

emotional flow of, 4849

ethics of, 137138

executive, 6, 178

focusing in, 6163

hindering positive change and, 6768

holistic, 78

liberation, 181182

listening in, 143149

model for intentional change and, 3444

neuroscience and, 8889

peer, 156166

quality of, 131, 134, 139, 155

research on, 89, 109

skill development, 160161

to survive, 7882

vision-based, 102105, 109, 116117

coaching mindset, 139141

coaching relationships, 2124, 127151. See also resonant relationships

Coaching Research Lab (CRL), 89

codes of ethics, 137138

cognitive empathy, 147


as antidote to self-centeredness, 192195

call of, 191198

coaching with, 59, 14, 18, 2952, 58, 179, 192195

demonstration of, 2224

shared, 136, 139

use of, 69, 71

competition neglect, 90

compliance, coaching for, 6, 18, 2930, 46, 191, 192

confidentiality, 137138

connection-level listening, 148149

connections. See also relationships

high-quality, 130131

meaningful, 2224

contemplation stage, 178

contracts, 137

“Conversations That Inspire” course, 89, 15

Coopers & Lybrand, 164

corticosteroids, 70

cortisol, 70

Covey, Stephen, 42

creativity, 46, 58

critical mass, 171

Darner, Jeff, 153154, 155

David, Susan, 210, 215

default mode network, 83

defensive response, 46, 58, 132, 192, 194

degree of connectivity, 130

de Haan, Eric, 200, 204

developmental feedback, 168

developmental networks, 158

DiMarco, Brandi, 117118

disconnection, 19


experimentation with new behaviors, 4142

ideal self, 3537

learning agenda, 4041

real self, 3740

resonant relationships and social identity groups, 4344

dosage, 98

dreams, 69, 101105, 119, 185186, 196198. See also personal vision

drinking, 97

Druskat, Vanessa, 159

Dunning, David, 44

Dutton, Jane, 130

dyadic coaching, 15

education, 58

Emotional and Social Competence Inventory (ESCI), 109

emotional and social intelligence, 19, 43, 165

emotional carrying capacity, 130131

emotional contagion, 24, 4849, 7172, 131, 158, 193, 198

emotional empathy, 147

emotional self-control, 145

empathic concern, 147148

empathic network (EN), 8390

empathy, 6263, 69, 146148

enablers, 6768

epinephrine, 70


ethics of coaching, 137138

exchanging addictions, 97

executive coaching, 6, 178

experimentation, 4142

expert systems, 58

external coaches, 166168

Facebook, 156

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 156


developmental, 168

effective, 1718

negative, 85, 127128, 144

360-degree, 3839, 95, 109110, 127128

Fernández-Aráoz, Claudio, 177

fight-or-flight response, 57, 78, 83. See also stress response

flourishing, 137


brain and, 8283

on others, 5657, 59, 6163

on wrong things, 6063

focused-level listening, 148149

Frankl, Viktor, 184

Fredrickson, Barbara, 94, 137

friendships, 156, 160

future, ideal, 5, 2425, 35, 102105, 182

Gawande, Atul, 68

Ghods, Niloofar, 155, 171

Gladwell, Malcolm, 42

global-level listening, 148149

goals, 102105, 115116

Goldsmith, Marshall, 203

Goleman, Daniel, 43

Gottman, John, 94

graduate school, 164

Grant, Anthony, 200, 221

Gresham, Darryl, 6367, 193

Groopman, Jerome, 68

growth, 131132, 142

Grubb, Amy, 156

habits, 42, 61, 97, 142

habituation, 97

Hannah, Sean, 178

healing, personal vision and, 106108

Heaphy, Emily, 130

helping others, 25, 191. See also coaching

enabling and, 6768

by focusing on them, 5657, 59

problem-centered approach to, 56

research on, 89

Higgins, Monica, 158

Higgins, Tory, 116

high-quality connections (HQCs), 130131


arousal of, 2324

benefits of, 22

in medical settings, 68

message of, 1112

self-efficacy and, 117

Hopkins, Margaret, 155

hormonal processes, 45, 46, 57, 78, 193194

Howard, Anita, 8182

humble inquiry, 5960

humor, 72

ideal future, 5, 2425, 35, 102, 182

ideal self, 7, 21, 3537, 58, 102103, 105, 117, 182183, 193

implicit biases, 145, 169

inspiration, 7, 8, 1314, 18

intentional change, 3444, 58, 81

Intentional Change Theory (ICT), 7, 10, 19, 3435, 4445, 84, 106, 131

intentions, 38

internal coaches, 166168

International Coach Federation (ICF), 15, 137, 167

intrinsic motivation, 2, 5, 7

inward mindset, 59

Itzchakov, Guy, 146

Jack, Anthony, 8283, 85, 88

Jones, DeWitt, 37

joy, rediscovering lost, 1921

Kauffman, Carol, 47

Keyes, Chris, 159

Kimsey-House, Henry, 148

Kimsey-House, Karen, 148

Kleovoulos, 93

Kluger, Avi, 146

Kram, Kathy, 131, 158

Lakin, Greg, 12, 4, 7, 1921, 193

Lally, Phillippa, 42

laughter, 73

learning agenda, 4041

learning focus, 58

learning orientation, 115

learning styles, 87

learning teams, 162

LeDoux, Joseph, 71

Lee, Robert, 145

Lewis, Ray, 175176, 188189

liberation coaching, 181182

life aspirations, 12, 4. See also dreams; personal vision

life balance, 79, 80, 94

life satisfaction, 181183

life transitions, 114115

listening skills, 143149, 194

Livingstone, David, 63

Mahler, Walt, 168

Maltbia, Terry, 169

Maltz, Maxwell, 42

managers, developing as coaches, 168170

massive open online course (MOOC), 89, 15

MBA programs, 164165

meaning, 2324

mentoring, 131

micro-coachable moments, 180181

midlife crises, 115

Miller, Claire Scott, 2223

Milley, Karen, 104105, 194

mindfulness, 22, 23, 72, 73, 96

mindset, coaching, 139141

mindshare, 82

minorities, 155

mirror neurons, 147

Moen, 153154, 155

Mosteo, Leticia, 95

multi-rater feedback, 3839

Murphy, Wendy, 131

mutual trust, 5960

narcissism, 192

nature, 73

negative emotional attractor (NEA), 7, 10, 62

balancing PEA and, 78, 79, 9398

invocation of, 46, 48, 6768, 80, 194

moments, 57

neuroscience of, 8390

peer coaching and, 159160

research on, 135136

survival and, 7778, 7982

negative feedback, 85, 127128, 144

Neiswander, Lori, 165, 193

neural networks, 8390, 116, 147

neural pathways, 47

neurons, 8283

mirror, 147

neuroscience, 78, 8290, 93, 94, 116

New Year’s resolutions, 116

noradrenaline, 70

norepinephrine, 70

Nyad, Diana, 101102

O’Neil, Deborah, 155

open-ended questions, 59

oppressive environments, 183185

optimism, 117

organizational cultures, 62, 153173

ought self, 35, 188189, 193

outward mindset, 59

overeating, 97

oxytocin, 70

parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), 47, 57, 69, 70, 83, 96, 193194

Passarelli, Angela, 105, 109

passions, 12, 14, 3034, 36

pathways to renewal, 2122

peer coaching, 156166

perceptions, of others, 3738

performance orientation, 115

personal balance sheet (PBS), 3940

personal board of directors, 4344, 158

personal growth, 7

personal vision, 7, 10, 58, 69

about, 102105

articulating, 2, 4, 5, 116117

change and, 115118

changing direction to reach, 186188

of coaches, 8, 196198

creating, 118120

discovering, 20, 102, 108115, 160, 196198

focusing on, 95

vs. goals, 115116

healing and, 106108

power of, 101136

self-efficacy and, 117118

torn between mutually exclusive ideals for, 185186

updating, 114115

personal vision statements, 3637

pets, 69, 71

playfulness, 7273

positive change, when helpers hinder, 6768

positive emotional attractor (PEA), 7, 10, 4647

balancing NEA and, 78, 79, 9398

invoking, 5760, 6268, 7074, 139, 193194

need for, 94

neuroscience of, 8390

research on, 135136

thriving and, 7778, 9093

as tipping point, 67, 78

positive psychology, 171

positive regard, 130

positivity ratio, 94

practice, 4142, 50, 129, 139

pre-contemplation stage, 178

preparation stage, 178179

problem-centered approach, 56

Prochaska, James, 178

professional relationships, 138

psychotherapy, 178


in life, 5, 24, 35, 40, 101, 102, 193

sense of, 36, 72, 86, 116, 119, 134, 194

shared, 4, 114, 136, 157, 162, 164

quality circles, 162

quality relationships, 134, 139


asking, 34, 5560, 63, 143144, 193194

open-ended, 59

reflective, 1617

style and timing of, 1011

rapport building, 129

readiness, 178179

reality testing, 44

real self, 3740

reflection, 9, 119120

reflective questions, 1617

refugees, 184

relationships. See also resonant relationships

coaching, 2124, 127151

peer-coaching, 158159

professional, 139

quality of, 134, 139, 193

renewal, 83, 9598, 195196

repressive environments, 183185

resilience, 131

resonant relationships

characteristics of, 129136, 139

coaching and, 2124, 193

cultivating, 5, 1011, 127151

establishing, 14

PEA and, 7374

research on, 135136

social identity groups and, 4344

Riess, Helen, 147

Rochford, Kylie, 73

Roethlisberger, F. J. 145

Rogers, Carl, 145

Runnels, Patrick, 169170

Sala, Fabio, 72

Sandahl, Phillip, 148

satisfaction, 181183

Schein, Ed, 5960

Schwartz, Kyle, 24, 6, 60

Scott, Mark, 71, 72


centering, 72

ideal, 7, 21, 3537, 58, 102103, 105, 117, 182183, 193

ought, 35, 188189, 193

real, 3740

self-assessment, 3840

self-awareness, 38, 131132, 145, 146

self-centeredness, 191195

self-control, 59, 145

self-deception, 44

self-disclosure, 23

self-efficacy, 117, 118

self-managing teams, 162

self-regulatory focus, 116117

sense of purpose, 36, 72, 86, 116, 119, 134, 194

Serlavos, Ricard, 95

Shaffer, Bob, 7981, 9798, 194

shared compassion, 136, 139

shared mind intelligence, 147

shared vision, 35, 134136, 139

Sinclair, Emily, 1314, 45, 193

Smith, Melvin, 3035, 3945, 181183

social identity groups, 4344, 161162, 163

social mimicry, 131

Stephens, John Paul, 130

strengths, 37, 38, 39, 40, 46, 194

stress, 9596

stress response, 46, 48, 70, 78, 83, 85, 93, 9596

study groups, 162, 164165

support groups, 162


coaching and, 7882

NEA and, 7782

thriving and, 7778

sympathetic nervous system (SNS), 46, 57, 70, 93, 9596, 194

sympathy, 6263

Szabo, Amy, 108112, 116, 119, 193

task positive network, 83

Taylor, Scott, 38

teachers, 24

teaching focus, 58

tensility, 130

T groups, 162

Thompson, Neil, 2223, 193

thoughtful attention, 144

360-degree feedback, 3839, 95, 109110, 127128

thriving, 7778, 9093

tipping points, 67, 78

Torres, Carlos de Barnola, 166

transitions, 114115


in coaching relationship, 138

listening and, 144

mutual, 5960

Tuuk, Mary, 9193, 98, 193

vagus nerve, 70

values, 122124

Van Oosten, Ellen, 106107, 139143

variety, 9798

vasopressin, 69

vision. See personal vision; shared vision

vision-based coaching, 102105, 109, 116117

vision statements, 3637. See also personal vision statements

WAIT acronym, 149

wake-up calls, 8586

weaknesses, 37, 38, 39, 40, 46, 48, 194

Whitworth, Laura, 148

women, coaching and, 154155

work-life balance, 2, 94

Worldwide Association of Business Coaches (WABC), 167

written contracts, 137

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