

About the Authors

1 Overview of the New Web Standard

1.1 How It All Started

1.2 Time Travel through Historic Events

1.3 In Medias Res

1.3.1 What Is New?

1.3.2 What Has Become Obsolete?

1.3.3 And What About XHTML?

1.4 Can I Start Using HTML5 Now?


2 Structure and Semantics for Documents

2.1 Header with “header” and “hgroup”

2.2 Content with “article”

2.3 Footer with “footer” and “nav”

2.4 Sidebar with “aside” and “section”

2.5 The Outline Algorithm

2.6 Figures with “figure” and “figcaption”

2.7 Text-Level Semantics—More New Tags

2.7.1 The Elements “ruby,” “rt,” and “rp”

2.7.2 The “time” Element

2.7.3 The “mark” Element

2.7.4 The “wbr” Element

2.7.5 Elements with Marginal Changes


3 Intelligent Forms

3.1 New Input Types

3.1.1 The Input Types “tel” and “search”

3.1.2 The Input Types “url” and “email”

3.1.3 Date and Time with “datetime”, “date”, “month”, “week”, “time”, and “datetime-local”

3.1.4 The Input Types “number” and “range”

3.1.5 The Input Type “color”

3.1.6 The New Input Types in Action

3.2 Useful Attributes for Forms

3.2.1 Focusing with “autofocus”

3.2.2 Placeholder Text with “placeholder”

3.2.3 Compulsory Fields with “required”

3.2.4 Even More Attributes for the “input” Element

3.3 New Elements

3.3.1 Displaying Measurements with “meter”

3.3.2 Displaying the Progress of a Task with “progress”

3.3.3 Lists of Options with “datalist”

3.3.4 Cryptographic Keys with “keygen”

3.3.5 Calculations with “output”

3.4 Client-Side Form Validation

3.4.1 The “invalid” Event

3.4.2 The “checkValidity” Function

3.4.3 Error Handling with “setCustomValidity()”

3.4.4 Summary of Validity Checks

3.4.5 Or Perhaps Better Not to Validate? “formnovalidate”

3.5 Example: A Support Form


4 Video and Audio

4.1 A First Example

4.2 The “video” Element and Its Attributes

4.3 Video Codecs

4.3.1 Ogg: Theora and Vorbis

4.3.2 MPEG-4: H.264 and AAC

4.3.3 WebM: VP8 and Vorbis

4.4 Tools for Video Conversion

4.4.1 FFmpeg

4.4.2 VLC

4.4.3 Firefogg

4.4.4 Miro Video Converter

4.5 Which Format for Which Browser?

4.6 Interim Solutions for Older Browsers

4.6.1 mwEmbed

4.6.2 html5media

4.7 Video and Scripting—A Simple Video Player

4.7.1 Integrating the Video

4.7.2 Starting and Stopping the Video

4.7.3 Displaying and Setting the Playback Position

4.7.4 Fast Forward and Backward

4.7.5 Selecting Specific Scenes in the Film

4.7.6 Set Volume to High, Low, or Mute

4.7.8 Other Attributes and Methods of the “HTMLMediaElement” Interface

4.7.9 The Long List of Media Events

4.8 And What About Audio?


5 Canvas

5.1 A First Example

5.2 Rectangles

5.3 Colors and Shadows

5.4 Gradients

5.5 Paths

5.5.1 Lines

5.5.2 Bézier Curves

5.5.3 Arcs

5.5.4 Rectangles

5.5.5 Outlines, Fills, and Clipping Masks

5.6 Text

5.6.1 Fonts

5.6.2 Horizontal Anchor Point

5.6.3 Vertical Anchor Point

5.6.4 Drawing and Measuring Text

5.7 Embedding Images

5.8 Pixel Manipulation

5.8.1 Working with the “ImageData” Object

5.8.2 Color Manipulation with “getImageData()”, “createImageData()”, and “putImageData()”

5.9 Compositing

5.10 Patterns

5.11 Transformations

5.12 Base64 Encoding with “canvas.toDataURL()”

5.13 “save()” and “restore()”

5.14 Animations

5.14.1 Animation with Multicolored Spheres

5.14.2 Playing a Video with “drawImage()”

5.15 Anything Still Missing?

5.15.1 “isPointInPath(x, y)”

5.15.2 Accessibility in Canvas?

5.15.3 Security Aspects

5.15.4 Browser Support

5.15.5 Further Links


6 SVG and MathML

6.1 MathML

6.2 SVG


7 Geolocation

7.1 Introduction to Geolocation

7.1.1 About Geographical Data

7.1.2 Online Map Services

7.2 A First Experiment: Geolocation in the Browser

7.3 Technical Background of Determining Position

7.4 Display of Current Position on OpenStreetMap

7.5 Location Tracking with Google Maps

7.6 Example: Geonotes

7.6.1 Operation

7.6.2 Important Code Fragments

7.7 Browser Support


8 Web Storage and Offline Web Applications

8.1 Storage

8.1.1 The “Storage” Interface

8.1.2 “sessionStorage”

8.1.3 “localStorage”

8.1.4 The “storage” Event

8.1.5 Debugging

8.2 Offline Web Applications

8.2.1 The Cache Manifest File

8.2.2 Offline Status and Events

8.2.3 Debugging

8.3 Browser Support

8.4 Example: Click to tick!

8.4.1 Using the Application: As a Player

8.4.2 Using the Application: As an Administrator

8.4.3 Important Code Fragments

8.4.4 Expansion Options


9 WebSockets

9.1 The WebSocket Server

9.2 Example: A Broadcast Server

9.2.1 The Broadcast Client

9.2.2 The Broadcast Server

9.3 Example: Battleships!


10 Web Workers

10.1 Introduction to Web Workers

10.2 Search for Leap Years

10.3 Calculate Altitude Profiles with Canvas

10.3.1 Important Code Fragments


11 Microdata

11.1 The Syntax of Microdata

11.1.1 The Attributes “itemscope” and “itemprop”

11.1.2 The “itemtype” Attribute

11.1.3 The “itemid” Attribute

11.1.4 The “itemref” Attribute

11.2 The Microdata DOM API


12 Finishing Touches: Some Global Attributes

12.1 News for the “class” Attribute

12.2 Defining Custom Attributes with “data-*”

12.3 The “hidden” Attribute

12.4 The “classList” Interface

12.5 Drag and Drop with the “draggable” Attribute

12.5.1 Drag and Drop in Combination with the “FileAPI”

12.6 The Attributes “contenteditable” and “spellcheck”




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