Chapter 17

Prioritizing Feedback—Even When Time Is Short

by Daisy Wademan Dowling

Virtually all of the young executives I work with want to be good managers and mentors. They just don’t have the time—or so they believe. “I could either bring in a new deal or I could take one of my people out for lunch to talk about their career,” a financial services leader told me recently. “In this industry and in this market, which one do you think I’m going to pick?”

Good question. It’s not easy to help your employees develop while you’re trying to take advantage of every business opportunity, but you can make it easier on yourself, in part by giving feedback efficiently.

Once you’ve identified that you need to give feedback to a direct report, make that process more efficient in three ways.

Create a Standard Way In

For the majority of managers, providing feedback—particularly constructive feedback—is stressful and requires significant forethought. How should you bring up the bungled analysis, the hurdles to promotion, or even the meeting that went unusually well? Like chess masters, we spend most of our time contemplating the first move. That’s why the key to reducing the time you spend mulling over and preparing for each conversation is to have a standard way in: a simple, routinized way to open discussions about performance.

Keep it simple, and announce directly what’s to come. A straightforward “I’m going to give you some feedback” or “Are you open to my coaching on this?” gets immediate attention and sets the right tone. It will make it easier to prepare for the game if you have your opener ready. Furthermore, your direct reports will become familiar with your opener, and that will help them be attuned to and hear the feedback more clearly.

Be Blunt

The number-one mistake executives make in coaching and delivering feedback to their people is being insufficiently candid—typically, because they don’t want to be mean. If you’ve ever used the phrase “Maybe you could . . .” in a coaching conversation or asked one of your people to “think about” a performance issue, there’s a 99% probability you’re not being blunt enough. But the more candid you are, the more likely your direct report is to hear your message, and thus the more likely you are to have impact, and quickly. The trick to being candid without feeling like an ogre? Be honest, be sincere, be personal—while addressing the issue head-on.

The best feedback I ever received came a few years into my career, directly after a terrible meeting I had with senior management in which I had been both unprepared and defensive. As we rode down in the elevator afterward, my boss said quietly, “Next time, I expect you to do better.” Don’t dance around the issues, and don’t let the recipient do so either.

Ask for Playback

If your feedback doesn’t stick, you’ll need to deliver it a second time—and a third, and a fourth—all of which takes your valuable time and managerial energy. To avoid the need for encore performances, make sure you’ve made an impact on the first go-round by asking the person to paraphrase what he heard. If he can clearly explain to you—in his own words—what he needs to change or do next, that goes a long way to ensuring he’s gotten the message. Then you’ll know that the conversation is over and you can get back to other things. If the message is muddled, you can correct it immediately. In either case, you’ve curtailed the need for future follow-up.

By doing these things regularly (perhaps even daily), you’ll not only save yourself and your direct report time, but your employees will feel that you’re not just their boss, but a coach. They’ll sharpen their skills and stay motivated. And for any manager, that’s time well spent.


Daisy Wademan Dowling serves as managing director and head of talent development for the Blackstone Group, the global asset management firm. She is also the author of Remember Who You Are (Harvard Business School Press, 2004) and a regular contributor to HBR.

Adapted from the HBR Guide to Coaching Employees (product #13990), Harvard Business Review Press, 2015

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