
For any data that can be tied to a geographic location, map visualizations are often very desirable. However, unlike simple bar graphs and line charts, it would be very difficult to redraw entire geographic regions of the world every time a visualization were needed. So, it would seem a basic template of geographic regions at varying scope would be helpful for developers. Rather than requiring all map visualizations to be created with the Google Maps API, the Visualization API provides several basic geographic data maps. These basic charts are the geochart and geomap visualizations. Both geomap and geochart are methods of representing intensity or quantity across geographical spaces, from provinces or states to worldwide.

geochart versus geomap

The only key difference between geomap and geochart visualizations is the method used to render the actual drawing of the map. Any other differences stem from the difference in rendering techniques. geomap uses Adobe Flash, which is quick to implement but lacks certain configuration options. geochart is rendered in VML (Vector Markup Language) or SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), which allows for more detailed configurations. Finally, geochart (but not geomap) is also available as a chart option in Google Spreadsheets. These differences are generally due to the fact that geochart is the newer version although geomap has not yet been depreciated. Regardless, HTML5 or CSS3 geochart is the preferred choice over the older Flash version.

The frameworks of both geochart and geomap are also very similar to each other. Both visualizations have two modes of display, regions and markers. (The auto setting will select which of the two is the best fit for the data.) The regions setting displays data associated with cities, states, or countries as a color gradient in the shape of the state. The selection of the color for each state or country is determined by the value of the associated data. In the following example, higher data numbers correspond to darker blue states, while lighter blue indicates lower numbers.

The region option

The region option

The marker mode displays the same quantitative data as the region option. However, quantity is visualized through the diameter of each marker point in addition to data-related color variations. For a geochart with a number of marker points in a small geographical area, enable the magnifyingGlass option as part of the draw method's options.

The marker option

The marker option

Both the region and marker versions of the map are interactive. Hovering over an item on either chart will activate a pop-up window with detailed information.


Basic geochart data formatting consists of two columns. The first column lists geographical locations and the second associates a data value with the corresponding location in each row. In the column of locations, each location should be of the same type. For example, United States and France are countries and are thus of the same type. A mismatch of type would be a data column that lists North America and Mexico City, as one is a continent and the other is a city. To define the geographic scope of a geochart, there are several configuration requirements that must be set.

Setting requirements for geochart:

  • Define a region
  • Define a resolution

The region option will set the overall scope for the map. Regions are the larger of the two settings, and will have a value of world, or a specific continent, country, state, or province as identified by the ISO 3166 global naming standard. The resolution setting then defines the granularity of the specified region. The available options for the resolution setting are countries, provinces, or metros. Note that, depending on the region selected, certain options may not be available as resolutions. However, resolutions follow the same ISO 3166 global naming standard as regions.


Resolution options may vary depending on the region selected.

The ISO 3166 standard

ISO 3166 is an internationally standardized list that defines two or three digit codes for countries, territories, and other subdivisions around the world. The ISO 3166 is published and maintained by the International Standards Organization (ISO). The Google Visualization API complies with this standard when specifying the scope and granularity of geographic areas.


The geochart visualization is available as a chart option in the Google Spreadsheets Chart Editor. To use geochart, the first column in the spreadsheet must contain geographical information, such as the names of countries or states. The second column must contain numerical values related to the geographic names listed in the first column.


geochart in Spreadsheets – limitation

The Spreadsheets version of geochart only allows for a single column of data (beyond the region column). To use more columns in the visualization, create geochart using the code method.


In the preceding example, the second column holds the combined population of two familiar Chicago Census age groups, 20-24 years and 25-29 years. The additional functionality of the spreadsheet is used here to convert raw numbers into the desired values to be displayed. In this case, the desired metric is the total population of people between ages 20 and 30 years who reside in a selected group of U.S. The chart range is set to only visualize the first two columns, which results in the visualization of the combination of the raw values.


The overall framework for geochart is not much different from other chart frameworks. The only difference is the required configuration of the region and resolution options as seen in the Chart Editor of the Spreadsheet version.

// Set to: auto / regions / markers
displayMode: 'regions',  
// Set to: countries / provinces / metros
resolution: 'provinces',

The following code snippet is the complete example of geochart:

<html xmlns="">
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; 
  charset=utf-8" />
  <title>Google Visualization API Sample</title>
  <script type="text/javascript" 
  <script type="text/javascript">
    google.load('visualization', '1', {packages: ['geochart']});
    function drawVisualization() {
      // Import data from the Spreadsheets example of Geochart
      var query = new google.visualization.Query(
      // Send the query with a callback function.
    // Query handling for the Spreadsheet data
    function handleQueryResponse(response) {
      if (response.isError()) {
        alert('Error in query: ' + response.getMessage() + ' ' + 
      // Put the data from the Spreadsheet in the 'data' variable
      var data = response.getDataTable(); 
      options = {region: 'US', 
      displayMode: 'regions', 
      // Note 'provinces' means states for USAresolution: 'provinces',
      // Set color gradientcolorAxis: {colors: ['#ADC2EB','#000046']},width: 556, height: 347,
      // Set mouseover tooltip colortooltip: {textStyle: {color: '#FF6633'}, 
      showColorCode: true},
    var geochart = new google.visualization.GeoChart(
      geochart.draw(data, options);
<body style="font-family: Arial;border: 0 none;">
<div id="visualization"></div>


As the predecessor to geochart, geomap inherently has fewer opportunities for customization. This is largely due to the fact that the graphic rendering process is handled by Adobe Flash. The geomap visualization, however, has its usages. For example, as a Flash file, geomap is compatible with any browser that supports Flash. If for some reason a browser does not support or has trouble reconciling VML or SVG, the visualization cannot run. The Flash format also requires fewer variables to be set, as the resolution variable is automatically configured based on the region setting.


The following screenshot shows the geomap visualization in the marker mode:



The code for a geomap visualization is very similar to the geochart. In fact, the only difference between the two types is the visualization name and formatting of the options.

var options = {
  dataMode: 'markers', region: 'US', 
  colors: ['0xADC2EB','0x000046'] 
  var geomap = new google.visualization.GeoMap(
  geomap.draw(data, options);

Given that geomap is considered as the earlier version of geochart, it would come as no surprise if Google decided to depreciate the older geomap. Also, the inclusion of geochart and not geomap in Spreadsheets indicates a possible slow depreciation to come for geomap.


Google technology and tools are constantly improving and changing. Often this means a product has come to the end of its life and is no longer developed. Another possibility is for a tool or feature to be combined with other Google products. To keep abreast of changes, there is really one general rule of thumb to follow when evaluating the lifespan of a Google technology.

From this observation the following question arises: Is the tool or technology being actively integrated with key Google products?


It's true; the documentation is not being regularly updated or even the word "depreciated" is appearing in the documentation, but it seems a tool or technology is expected to be around for a while if it is actively being integrated with stable Google offerings. Regardless, it is still wise to regularly check the status of tools, technology, or applications provided by Google, especially if they are in a beta phase.

A live example of geochart is available at

A live example of geomap is available at

For more information on geomap, geochart, ISO 3166, and the aforementioned graphics standard, visit the following links:


geochart and geomap are not intended to be overly sophisticated visualizations, and do not therefore provide the detail of control available in the Google Map API. In the Map API, layers are introduced as a method for creating heat maps, outlined areas, elevation visualizations, overlays, and other data-rich options for maps. An in-depth exploration of the Map API is out of the scope of this book, but it is mentioned here to highlight the importance of knowing the strengths and weaknesses between similar functionality in different APIs. The Visualization API can also be thought of as a jumping off point for learning the Maps API, as frameworks' elements such as getID, listeners, button on-click messages, and other features are often the same between the Google APIs.


The Map API documentation is available at

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