About the Authors

Matt Richardson is a San Francisco–based product evangelist for Raspberry Pi, and is responsible for outreach within the United States. He’s a graduate of New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. Highlights from his work include the Descriptive Camera (a camera that outputs a text description instead of a photo) and The Enough Already (a DIY celebrity-silencing device). Matt’s work has been featured at The Nevada Museum of Art, The Rome International Photography Festival, and Milan Design Week, and has garnered attention from The New York Times, Wired, and New York Magazine.

Shawn Wallace is the director of AS220 Industries, part of the AS220 community arts center in Providence, RI. There he shepherds the Providence Fab Lab, Printshop, and Media Arts programming, designs open hardware kits for Modern Device, and runs the local node of the Fab Academy. He’s also the member of the Fluxama artist collective responsible for new iOS musical instruments such as Noisemusick and Doctor Om. Shawn was formerly an editor at O’Reilly and Maker Media and is a cofounder of the SMT Computing Society.

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