9.3 Thyristors

The final power device to be considered is the pnpn thyristor. The thyristor is a four-layer, three-junction power switch that can be thought of as two merged bipolar transistors, as illustrated in Figure 9.27. The pnp BJT has a narrow base, and its emitter serves as the anode. The npn BJT has a wide, lightly-doped base, and its emitter acts as the cathode. The base of the pnp BJT is provided with an external contact called the gate, whose purpose will be described below. SiC thyristors are typically fabricated on c09-math-0649 substrates because of the high resistance of c09-math-0650 substrates.


Figure 9.27 Cross-section of a pnpn thyristor with a c09-math-0651 buffer layer to prevent punch-through in the blocking state. The dashed box identifies a one-dimensional slice that will be used for analysis.

As seen in Figure 9.27, the collector of the pnp BJT is the base of the npn BJT, and the collector of the npn is the base of the pnp. Consequently, when both BJTs are conducting there is no need to supply external base current, since the collector of each BJT supplies base current to the other BJT, and conduction through the four-layer structure is self-sustaining. If both BJTs are off and there is no external supply of base current, the structure is non-conducting. This gives rise to two distinct regimes for c09-math-0652, as illustrated in Figure 9.28. These are the forward blocking mode and the forward conducting mode. In the blocking mode the thyristor holds off a large c09-math-0653 with very little current, while in the conducting mode the thyristor carries a large current with very low voltage drop. Forward operation is therefore bi-stable, since the device can be in either of two regimes at the same c09-math-0654. The thin dotted lines depict a negative resistance regime where the anode–cathode voltage snaps back to a low value once a triggering threshold is reached. The triggering threshold can be varied by supplying external base current to the pnp BJT through the gate terminal. Once the BJTs begin to conduct and conduction becomes self-sustaining, the gate current can be removed and the device will remain in conducting state until the current falls below the holding current c09-math-0655, or c09-math-0656 is reduced below the holding voltage c09-math-0657. We will now consider the two forward modes in more detail.


Figure 9.28 Current–voltage characteristics of a pnpn thyristor.

9.3.1 Forward Conducting Regime

In the forward conducting regime both BJTs are operating in saturation, and all three junctions in the thyristor are forward biased. As stated above, forward conduction is self-sustaining, but this requires that the increase in current around the loop formed by the interconnected collector and base regions is unity. The increase in current in each BJT is the ratio c09-math-0658, which is the common-emitter current gain c09-math-0659, so we require that c09-math-0660. Since c09-math-0661, this is equivalent to requiring that the sum of the alphas is unity, or c09-math-0662.

To analyze the conduction in more detail, we refer to the one-dimensional slice shown in Figure 9.29. Here we illustrate the hole and electron densities as a function of position throughout the device. As noted, all three junctions are forward biased and injecting carriers. The p− drift region is in high-level injection, but we assume all the other regions are in low-level injection. This is reasonable, since their doping levels are orders of magnitude higher than the drift region. We also assume that the gate region is short compared to the minority-carrier diffusion length, that is, c09-math-0663.


Figure 9.29 Carrier densities in the thyristor in the forward conducting state, showing voltage polarities, and coordinate axes assumed in the analysis. All three junctions are forward biased, and both BJTs operate in saturation.

The total anode-cathode voltage c09-math-0664 is the difference in the quasi-Fermi levels from anode to cathode, as illustrated in the band diagram of Figure 9.30. With reference to the band diagram, we can write c09-math-0665 as


Figure 9.30 Band diagram through the thyristor in the forward conducting regime, showing the different potentials and voltages used in the analysis.

We first consider the potential drop across the drift region, c09-math-0667. Since this region is in high-level injection, we can set c09-math-0668 and obtain an expression for c09-math-0669 by solving the ambipolar diffusion equation, subject to the appropriate boundary conditions. We assume unity injection efficiency at both ends of the drift region, which allows us to set c09-math-0670 and c09-math-0671. Setting c09-math-0672 is equivalent to assuming the hole current diffusing across the n-type gate region from the anode is much larger than any electron current injected into the drift region from the gate. Under these assumptions, the development is the same as for the pin diode in Section 7.3, and the carrier densities are given by Equation 7.46, which can be written

Here c09-math-0674, and c09-math-0675 refer to parameters in the lightly-doped drift region. To obtain the potential drop across the drift region, we again proceed as with the pin diode: We write an expression for the total current as a function of the electric field, solve for the electric field as a function of current, then integrate the electric field to obtain the potential as a function of position using Equation 9.112 for the carrier densities. We then evaluate this expression at the two ends of the drift region c09-math-0676 to calculate the potential drop. The result is the same as Equation 7.51, and can be written

where c09-math-0678 and c09-math-0679. c09-math-0680 is the change in electrostatic potential, or the change in the intrinsic Fermi level c09-math-0681, across the drift region.

We will next obtain an expression for the sum c09-math-0682. Referring to the band diagram in Figure 9.30, the electron density at c09-math-0683 can be written

where c09-math-0685 is the difference between the electron quasi-Fermi level and the intrinsic level at c09-math-0686, a quantity known as the chemical potential for electrons. Likewise, at c09-math-0687 the hole density can be written

where c09-math-0689 is the difference between the intrinsic level and the hole quasi-Fermi level at c09-math-0690, or the chemical potential for holes. Solving Equations 9.114 and 9.115 for c09-math-0691 and c09-math-0692 and adding yields

When evaluated in equilibrium, Equation 9.116 gives the built-in potential of the junction. We can express Equation 9.116 in terms of current using Equation 9.112 to evaluate c09-math-0694 and c09-math-0695, resulting in

where c09-math-0697 is

We note that this treatment parallels that of the pin diode, and Equation 9.118 is simply a re-statement of Equation 7.59.

The quasi-Fermi level splitting at the GD junction c09-math-0699 can be obtained from the law of the junction evaluated at c09-math-0700,

9.119 equation

Solving for c09-math-0702 and employing Equation 9.112 for c09-math-0703 yields

Finally, we need to calculate the quasi-Fermi level splitting at the AG junction, c09-math-0705. The anode and gate are assumed to be in low-level injection and the electric fields in the quasi-neutral regions are negligible, so current flow in these regions is due to diffusion. The total current crossing the AG junction is the sum of electron and hole diffusion currents, and can be written

where c09-math-0707 is the hole diffusion coefficient in the gate region and c09-math-0708 is the electron diffusion coefficient in the anode. The electron and hole densities in the anode and gate regions are obtained by solving the minority carrier diffusion equations in each region. If the anode is long compared to the electron diffusion length, the electron density in the anode can be written

9.122 equation

From this it follows that

Since the gate region is short compared to the hole diffusion length, the hole density in the gate is a linear function of position, and we can write

Using the law of the junction, the c09-math-0712 product throughout the GD depletion region can be written

9.125 equation


9.126 equation

and we can write Equation 9.124 as

Inserting Equations 9.123 and 9.127 into Equation 9.121 and using Equation 9.112 for c09-math-0716 yields

Equation 9.128 is a quadratic equation in c09-math-0718, and can be written more compactly as


9.130 equation
9.131 equation

We note that c09-math-0722 and c09-math-0723 are constants that depend only on device parameters. Solving Equation 9.129 for c09-math-0724 gives

We now express c09-math-0726 in Equation 9.132 in terms of c09-math-0727 using Equation 9.111,

Inserting Equation 9.120 for c09-math-0729 and Equation 9.117 for c09-math-0730 into Equation 9.133 allows us to write


9.135 equation

Once again we note that the new parameter c09-math-0733 is a computable constant that depends only on device parameters. Inserting Equation 9.134 into Equation 9.132 gives the desired expression for the current–voltage characteristics in the forward conducting regime:

9.136 equation

At the high current densities at which thyristors typically operate, the exponential term in the square root dominates all other terms, and we can write


Here c09-math-0737 and c09-math-0738 are constants that depend only on device parameters, and are given by Equations 9.118 and 9.113 respectively.

The result of this long derivation is perhaps somewhat anticlimactic. Equation 9.137 tells us that the thyristor current in the forward conduction regime increases exponentially with c09-math-0739, with an exponential slope of 1/2. This is the same dependence as the pin diode, Equation 7.57. Moreover, the prefactor c09-math-0740 in Equation 9.138 is identical to the prefactor of the pin diode in Equation 7.58 except for the square root factor, which has a value close to unity. Thus we conclude that the forward c09-math-0741 characteristics of the thyristor are almost identical to those of a comparable pin diode.

The above analysis assumed that the anode is thick compared to an electron diffusion length, c09-math-0742. If the anode is thinner than a diffusion length, we simply replace c09-math-0743 with c09-math-0744 in all the foregoing equations.

9.3.2 Forward Blocking Regime and Triggering

We turn now to the forward blocking regime and consider how the thyristor is switched from the forward blocking to the forward conducting regimes. Figure 9.28 contains a simple circuit with the thyristor connected to a resistive load. Kirchoff's current and voltage laws tell us there are two stable operating points, formed by the intersections of the resistive load line (dashed) with the thyristor I–V characteristics. If the supply voltage c09-math-0745, the thyristor is in the forward blocking mode at the origin. As c09-math-0746 is increased with c09-math-0747, the operating point (1) moves laterally along the forward blocking characteristics until c09-math-0748 becomes greater than the forward blocking voltage c09-math-0749, when the circuit abruptly switches to operating point (2). As we shall see, the switching threshold can be reduced in a controllable manner by drawing current out of the gate.

The switching threshold is best understood by considering the internal currents in two cross-coupled BJTs, as illustrated in Figure 9.31, where the npn BJT is designated BJT-1 and the pnp BJT is designated BJT-2. The cathode current can be written

9.139 equation

Figure 9.31 Visualization of the thyristor as two cross-coupled BJTs. The collector of each BJT supplies base current to the other BJT, and the gate terminal allows base current to be supplied to BJT-2 externally.

Solving for c09-math-0751 gives

Equation 9.140 shows that the cathode current becomes infinite when the sum of the alphas equals one. The alphas are evaluated in the forward blocking mode where very little current flows and all regions are in low-level injection. Equation 9.10 defines the common-base current gain c09-math-0753 as the product of the base transport factor c09-math-0754 and the emitter injection efficiency c09-math-0755. For wide-base npn BJT-1 the base transport factor c09-math-0756 is given by Equation 9.11,

9.11 equation

The emitter injection efficiency c09-math-0758 is the fraction of emitter current due to electrons injected into the base, so c09-math-0759. Equation 9.10 specifies the emitter current c09-math-0760 as c09-math-0761, but when the currents are small, as in the forward blocking regime, c09-math-0762 must also take into account the current due to recombination in the EB depletion region. With this in mind, c09-math-0763 can be written

Here c09-math-0765 is the recombination current in the depletion region of the EB junction, and c09-math-0766 due to the large doping asymmetry between the c09-math-0767 emitter and the c09-math-0768 base. For an c09-math-0769 one-sided step junction, the recombination current can be written

where A is the junction area and the generation lifetime c09-math-0771 is the same as the ambipolar lifetime c09-math-0772. Note that c09-math-0773 is the total dopant concentration in the base, rather than the ionized concentration. Combining Equation 9.142 with Equation 9.7 and assuming the CB junction is strongly reverse biased, we can write Equation 9.141 in the form

Equation 9.143 can now be combined with Equations 9.10 and 9.11 to calculate c09-math-0775.

Examining Equation 9.143, we see that c09-math-0776 in the low-current regime is no longer a constant, but instead depends on c09-math-0777 and hence on the current. When c09-math-0778 is small, c09-math-0779 approaches zero. As c09-math-0780 increases, c09-math-0781 increases, and at sufficiently high c09-math-0782. Figure 9.32a is a plot of c09-math-0783 versus c09-math-0784 for several values of c09-math-0785, using Equation 9.143 for c09-math-0786 and Equation 9.7 for c09-math-0787. As seen, c09-math-0788 (and therefore c09-math-0789) increases monotonically with current. The same general arguments apply to the narrow-base pnp BJT-2.


Figure 9.32 (a) Emitter injection efficiency as a function of current, calculated using Equation 9.143 with c09-math-0790 given by Equation 9.7. In this example, c09-math-0791, and c09-math-0792. (b) Gummel plot for the BJT of (a) with c09-math-0793. At low currents, c09-math-0794 is dominated by recombination in the depletion region, and c09-math-0795 and c09-math-0796 depend on current.

The dependence of c09-math-0797 on current can also be illustrated using a Gummel plot, shown in Figure 9.32b. This presentation depicts c09-math-0798 and c09-math-0799 on a log scale as a function of c09-math-0800, and we have also included c09-math-0801 and c09-math-0802 to aid the discussion. For c09-math-0803 is dominated by recombination in the depletion region, Equation 9.142, whereas for c09-math-0804 is dominated by hole injection into the emitter, Equation 9.2. Recombination in the neutral base is small, since the base is short compared to a diffusion length. At high currents the ratio c09-math-0805 is constant, independent of current, but at low currents c09-math-0806 and c09-math-0807 increase with increasing current.

The thyristor's triggering threshold is reached when the sum of the alphas equals one, as shown by Equation 9.140. Considering the thyristor in the forward blocking regime, we can now ask how the alphas of the internal BJTs depend on c09-math-0808. As c09-math-0809 is increased, the alphas increase through two mechanisms. The first mechanism is base width modulation. Figure 9.33 illustrates the depletion regions in the device in the forward blocking mode. The middle junction is reverse biased, and its depletion region spreads mainly into the lightly-doped drift region, the base of BJT-1. As c09-math-0810 increases, c09-math-0811 expands, c09-math-0812 shrinks, and c09-math-0813 increases. The second mechanism is more subtle. As c09-math-0814 increases and c09-math-0815 widens, the thermal generation current within the depletion region of the middle junction increases. The generation current is identified in Figure 9.33, and can be written

9.144 equation

where we have assumed all the applied voltage c09-math-0817 appears across the reverse-biased middle junction. As seen, the generation current increases as the square root of c09-math-0818. Since c09-math-0819, Figure 9.33 shows that this generation current must flow through the emitters of both BJTs. When the currents are small, as they are in the forward-blocking mode, c09-math-0820 is an increasing function of current, as shown in Figure 9.32a. Thus, increasing c09-math-0821 increases c09-math-0822, which increases the current, which increases c09-math-0823.


Figure 9.33 One-dimensional slice through the thyristor in the forward blocking state, showing the generation current in the depletion region of the middle junction. The depletion regions are shaded.

Although the above analysis of the triggering threshold appears reasonable, it turns out that triggering does not actually require c09-math-0824 to become infinite, as suggested by Equation 9.140. Instead, triggering only requires that c09-math-0825 becomes infinite. When this condition is met, any small fluctuation in gate current will produce an unlimited increase in cathode current, and the thyristor switches on. By reference to Figure 9.31 we can write

where c09-math-0827 and c09-math-0828 are small-signal alphas defined by

If c09-math-0830, the small-signal c09-math-0831 will be greater than the DC c09-math-0832, and this is usually the case. Returning to Figure 9.31, we can also write

Substituting Equation 9.147 into Equation 9.145 yields

Equation 9.148 indicates that the thyristor actually triggers when the sum of the small-signal alphas equals one. The small-signal alphas are defined by Equation 9.146, but how do we calculate c09-math-0835? We know from Equation 9.143 that the emitter injection efficiency increases with current, so alpha also increases with current. Thus c09-math-0836, as postulated, and the small-signal alphas are indeed slightly higher than the DC alphas. The expressions for the small-signal alphas can be calculated by writing Equation 9.143 in terms of current and then differentiating. The resulting expressions have been derived by Yang and Voulgaris [5], and the reader is referred to this reference for the details.

Once the triggering threshold is reached, the thyristor switches quickly from the blocking to the conducting state, and the internal BJTs go from their forward-active regimes to their saturation regimes. This process can be understood by reference to Figure 9.34. Here we assume the thyristor is driving a resistive load, and the gate current is zero. As the supply voltage c09-math-0837 is increased from zero, the thyristor is initially in the blocking mode, and the operating point moves along the lower part of the characteristic, as illustrated by points (1) and (2). The internal BJTs likewise move along their c09-math-0838 lines from point (1) to point (2), as shown. When the supply voltage reaches the switching threshold, which happens just beyond point (2), the thyristor switches to the conducting state and comes to rest at point (5). Once at point (5), if c09-math-0839 is increased or decreased, the operating point moves along the conducting characteristic, so long as the current remains above the holding current. For reference, the carrier densities and band diagrams in the thyristor at points (1) and (5) are illustrated in Figure 9.35.


Figure 9.34 Illustration of the trajectory of the thyristor and its internal BJTs during the turn-on transient.


Figure 9.35 Band diagrams and minority carrier densities in the thyristor in the forward-blocking mode (a) and forward-conducting mode (b).

We will now examine the trajectory in more detail. While the thyristor is in the blocking state, the product c09-math-0840 (remember the npn BJT has a very wide base, and the emitter injection efficiencies are very low when the currents are low). As c09-math-0841 approaches the switching threshold, three effects occur. First, the current gain of the npn BJT increases due to base width modulation as c09-math-0842 shrinks. This increases the product c09-math-0843. Second, the widening depletion region of the middle junction increases the leakage current c09-math-0844, which increases the injection efficiencies of both BJTs according to Equation 9.143. This also increases the product c09-math-0845. Third, avalanche multiplication in the reverse-biased middle junction adds more current, further increasing the injection efficiencies and increasing c09-math-0846. At some point c09-math-0847 will exceed 1. When this happens, the current around the loop formed by the interconnected collectors and bases begins to increase. This corresponds to the BJT operating point moving from (2) to (3), (4) and (5) as the base currents increase, as shown in Figure 9.34b. The situation stabilizes when the internal BJTs enter saturation at point (5). Why is this point stable? In saturation the effective c09-math-0848, the ratio of actual collector current to base current in a BJT, is lower than in the forward active region. This reduces the c09-math-0849 product to 1 and operation stabilizes at point (5). To see why the circuit is stable at point (5), imagine that the cathode current tries to increase. With a higher cathode current, the voltage drop across the load increases, the voltage drop across the thyristor c09-math-0850 therefore decreases, the depletion width c09-math-0851 decreases, the base width c09-math-0852 increases, and c09-math-0853 decreases, reducing the current. If the cathode current tries to decrease, the opposite happens. These forces maintain the circuit at point (5).

The switching threshold can be reduced by supplying an external gate current c09-math-0854. This acts as base current to BJT-2, and the collector of BJT-2 then supplies base current to BJT-1. These higher currents increase the betas, allowing c09-math-0855 to reach 1 at a lower value of c09-math-0856. This makes it possible to trigger the thyristor at a specific c09-math-0857 under the control of an external circuit.

9.3.3 The Turn-On Process

The turn-on process occurs in three phases that can be considered sequentially, as illustrated in Figure 9.36. The three critical times are (i) the delay time, (ii) the rise time, and (iii) the spreading time. We will discuss each of these in turn.


Figure 9.36 Three phases of the turn-on transient.

Let us assume the thyristor is initially in the forward-blocking mode, and is triggered to switch on by a gate current pulse c09-math-0858 that begins at c09-math-0859. Conditions inside the device prior to c09-math-0860 are as indicated in Figure 9.35a; both BJTs are in their forward-active modes but there is essentially no minority carrier injection into either base region. Referring to Figure 9.31, the gate current pulse that begins at c09-math-0861 supplies base current to pnp BJT-2. This causes injection of holes from the c09-math-0862 emitter into the narrow n-type base. The holes diffuse across the base, and the first holes arrive at the collector of BJT-2 in a base transit time c09-math-0863 given by

9.149 equation

where c09-math-0865 is the width of the neutral base and c09-math-0866 is the diffusion coefficient for holes in the base. Once the holes reach the collector of BJT-2, they act as base current to npn BJT-1. This causes the injection of electrons from the c09-math-0867 emitter of BJT-1 into the wide c09-math-0868 base. These electrons diffuse toward the collector of BJT-1, and the first electrons reach the collector in a transit time c09-math-0869 given by

9.150 equation

where c09-math-0871 is the width of the neutral base and c09-math-0872 is the diffusion coefficient for electrons in the wide c09-math-0873 base. At this point, the regenerative build-up of current within the thyristor begins. The delay time is then approximately given by the sum of the base transit times, or

9.151 equation

The second phase is characterized by regenerative current feedback between the two BJTs, and the current rapidly builds up until a steady state is reached. The current rise time c09-math-0875 can be calculated by considering the build-up of stored charge in the base regions of the BJTs. We assume the build-up of stored charge is due only to carriers that flow in as base current, and we neglect recombination since the rise time c09-math-0876 is short compared to the minority carrier lifetimes in the base. Again referring to Figure 9.31, the build-up of charge in the base of BJT-1 can be written

Likewise, the build-up of charge in the base of BJT-2 can be written

Focusing on Equation 9.152, we can write c09-math-0879 as

where the collector current is expressed as the base minority carrier charge divided by the diffusion transit time across the base (note that in the forward-active mode, c09-math-0881, so Equation 9.154 is equivalent to setting c09-math-0882 c09-math-0883 c09-math-0884, which is the usual expression for diffusion current in the base). Inserting Equation 9.154 into Equation 9.152 and differentiating yields

where we have used Equation 9.153 for c09-math-0886. However, we can also write

9.156 equation

so Equation 9.155 becomes

Equation 9.157 is a second-order differential equation describing the build-up of minority carrier charge in the base of BJT-1, and the solution can be written

where c09-math-0890 is the steady-state value of the cathode current. Equation 9.158 tells us that the charge in the thyristor base builds up exponentially with a time constant given by the square root of the product of the base transit times: c09-math-0891. The rise time c09-math-0892 can be found by setting the base charge c09-math-0893 to zero at c09-math-0894, resulting in

9.159 equation

In a real thyristor, two-dimensional effects play a major role, and the third phase of the turn-on process represents the lateral spread of regenerative action from the region near the gate contact into the interior of the device. When the gate pulse is applied, charge injection occurs initially in the region near the gate contact, and regenerative action begins there first. As the charge builds up, this conducting region supplies base current to adjacent regions, and regenerative action spreads across the device until nearly homogeneous current flow is established. The time required for this stabilization is the spreading time c09-math-0896. It has been found that the spreading is characterized by a spreading velocity c09-math-0897, and the spreading time can be written

9.160 equation

where c09-math-0899 is the half-width of the anode, as shown in Figure 9.27. In silicon, the spreading velocity has been found to be proportional to c09-math-0900, with a typical value in the range c09-math-0901 to c09-math-0902. The spreading velocity therefore increases with anode current density and ambipolar lifetime, and is inversely proportional to the thickness of the wide p-base region. The base-width dependence means that the spreading velocity will be lower for devices designed for high blocking voltages.

SiC thyristors differ from silicon thyristors in several important respects. First, due to incomplete ionization of acceptors in the heavily-doped c09-math-0903 anode, the emitter injection efficiency of the pnp BJT, c09-math-0904, is less than 1. This is different from silicon, where the injection efficiencies are routinely assumed to be 1. As temperature is increased, the acceptor ionization increases, as shown in Figure A.1, and c09-math-0905 increases. One result is that the rise time c09-math-0906 decreases with increasing temperature due to the increased injection efficiency. Secondly, as noted by Levinshtein et al. [6], the turn-on process in SiC thyristors is more homogeneous than in silicon devices. In silicon, the three phases of the turn-on transient have the relationship c09-math-0907, and the turn-on transient is dominated by the spreading time c09-math-0908, which is c09-math-0909 to c09-math-0910 for a 4 kV device. In SiC, the three phases of turn-on transient are nearly equal, c09-math-0911 for the same 4 kV device. Thus the SiC thyristor switches to the conducting state about 3 orders-of-magnitude faster than a comparable silicon thyristor.

9.3.4 dV/dt Triggering

When the thyristor is in the forward-blocking mode, a rapid rise in anode-cathode voltage c09-math-0912 can cause the device to switch on prematurely. This is known as c09-math-0913 triggering, and can be understood as follows. The middle junction is reverse biased, and its depletion region extends primarily into the lightly-doped c09-math-0914 drift region, as shown in Figure 9.33. As c09-math-0915 is increased, the depletion region widens and the neutral base of the npn BJT-1 shrinks, increasing c09-math-0916. In addition, the majority carriers moving out of the widening depletion region represent an internal current of magnitude c09-math-0917, where c09-math-0918 is the capacitance of the middle junction. This can be viewed as base current to both BJT-1 and BJT-2, which in turn induces additional emitter current, causing the alphas to rise, as shown in Figure 9.32a. The increasing alphas and increasing base currents can enable the coupled BJTs to reach a self-sustaining condition, whereupon the thyristor switches on. The effect increases with both the magnitude and the first derivative of c09-math-0919.

The c09-math-0920 effect can be reduced by (i) reverse biasing the gate with respect to the anode to prevent injection from the emitter of the pnp BJT, (ii) reducing the lifetime in the base regions of the BJTs to reduce the alphas, although this degrades on-state performance, or (iii) providing anode shorts. Anode shorts have the desirable effect of reducing the effective current gain of the pnp BJT when the current is low, while allowing the gain to increase rapidly at higher currents. The basic concept is equivalent to placing a resistor across the EB junction of the BJT-2, as shown in Figure 9.37. The effective current gain of this composite structure can be written

9.161 equation

Figure 9.37 Illustration of the effect of anode shorts on thyristor operation. (a) The basic concept and (b) the c09-math-0922 characteristics.

As shown by the c09-math-0923 characteristics in Figure 9.37b, at low currents c09-math-0924 and c09-math-0925. However as c09-math-0926 increases, c09-math-0927 increases more rapidly than c09-math-0928, and c09-math-0929. The use of anode shorts also has the desirable effect of increasing the forward blocking voltage, as will be discussed below.

Anode shorts can be implemented by simply extending the top metal layer across the entire cell area in Figure 9.27, thereby connecting the anode ohmic contacts to the gate ohmic contacts. The lateral spreading resistance of the n-type gate layer provides the desired resistance, which can be adjusted by the spacing of the anode and gate contacts. The anode shorts do not interfere with turn-on initiated by a gate current pulse, provided the shunt current c09-math-0930 is small compared to the gate current c09-math-0931.

9.3.5 The dI/dt Limitation

When the turn-on process is initiated by a gate current pulse, regenerative action occurs first in the region adjacent to the gate contacts, then spreads laterally into areas further removed from the gate contacts. The time required for the thyristor to stabilize is the spreading time c09-math-0932. During the initial part of the spreading transient, conduction occurs mainly within a very small area near the gate contacts, and the high local current density can lead to extreme local heating that can destroy the device. While this is an important limitation in silicon thyristors, it is much less severe in SiC devices for several reasons: (i) the thermal conductivity of SiC is twice as high as in silicon, (ii) the maximum allowable temperature is higher than in silicon, due to the lower intrinsic carrier concentration and more robust material properties, and (iii) the plasma spreading time in SiC thyristors is orders-of-magnitude shorter than in silicon devices, leading to more homogeneous turn-on.

9.3.6 The Turn-Off Process

There are two principal ways in which the thyristor may be turned off. If the supply voltage c09-math-0936 is reversed, the thyristor naturally transitions into the reverse-blocking mode. The cathode current immediately reverses direction, and a large reverse current flows until all stored charge is extracted from the interior of the device. This form of turn-off is used in AC applications where c09-math-0937 reverses every half cycle, and is the only method of turn-off for two-terminal thyristors (semiconductor-controlled rectifiers, or SCRs). In DC applications the supply voltage remains positive, and to quench the current the thyristor must transition to the forward-blocking mode. This can be accomplished by a suitable negative pulse applied to the gate. This method of turn-off requires careful design so that the reverse gate current can break the self-sustaining current feedback of the internal cross-coupled BJTs. Such a device is known as a gate turn-off thyristor or GTO. We will first describe the turn-off process by c09-math-0938 reversal, and then consider gate-controlled turn-off in the GTO. Turn-Off due to Voltage Reversal

Figure 9.38 shows the current and voltage waveforms for turn-off by supply voltage reversal. The turn-off process can be described qualitatively as follows. The thyristor is initially in the forward-conducting mode and driving a resistive load, as illustrated in Figure 9.39. At time c09-math-0939 the supply voltage is suddenly switched from c09-math-0940 to c09-math-0941. The cathode current will immediately change sign, as stored carriers are drawn out of the device. The reversal of current only requires a change in the slope of the carrier distributions at the edges of J1 and J3, as illustrated in Figure 9.40a, and this can happen very quickly. However both junctions remain forward biased until the carrier densities at the junction edges drop below their equilibrium values. This can be understood by recalling the law of the junction, Equation 7.25,

which shows that c09-math-0943 remains positive until the c09-math-0944 product at the junction edges falls below c09-math-0945. As a result, the voltage across the thyristor c09-math-0946 remains positive, although the current switches immediately from c09-math-0947 to c09-math-0948, as shown in Figures 9.39 and 9.40. The current and voltage then remain almost constant during the first phase of the turn-off, shown as c09-math-0949 in the figure, as carriers are removed from the base regions of the BJTs. Since the pnp BJT has a narrow base, it discharges more rapidly than the wide base npn BJT, and at the end of phase 1 the carrier density at the edge of J3 drops below its equilibrium value, and J3 becomes reverse biased, Figure 9.40a. This marks the beginning of phase 2.


Figure 9.38 Three phases of a turn-off transient initiated by supply voltage reversal.


Figure 9.39 Operating points and load lines for a thyristor in the forward-conducting mode and the reverse-blocking mode. If c09-math-0933 changes instantly from c09-math-0934 to c09-math-0935, the thyristor operating trajectory is depicted by the dotted line.


Figure 9.40 (a–d) Illustration of conditions in the thyristor during the turn-off transient.

Because the emitter and base are heavily doped, J3 enters avalanche breakdown at a low reverse voltage, and c09-math-0950 drops to approximately c09-math-0951, a negative value that is small compared to c09-math-0952, as shown in Figure 9.38. The cathode current drops slightly as the voltage drop across c09-math-0953 decreases. The current and voltage remain constant during phase 2, shown as c09-math-0954 in the figure, and the next major event comes at the end of phase 2 when the carrier density at J1 falls below its equilibrium value and J1 becomes reverse biased, Figure 9.40b. This marks the beginning of phase 3.

Since the c09-math-0955 drift region is wide and lightly doped, J1 can support a large reverse voltage, and c09-math-0956 becomes increasingly negative as the depletion region expands during phase three, Figure 9.40c,d. As c09-math-0957 becomes more negative, the thyristor supports more of the negative supply voltage, reducing the voltage drop across c09-math-0958, and the current falls, as shown in Figures 9.39 and 9.40. During the entire turn-off transient, J2 remains forward biased and the npn BJT operates in the inverse-active mode, with J2 forward biased and J1 reverse biased. The n-type collector of the npn BJT (the gate layer of the thyristor) injects electrons into the c09-math-0959 base, while the reverse-biased J1 sweeps electrons out of the base. Because of the low injection efficiency for holes from the base into the collector, very few holes are injected into the collector, and the hole charge in the base decays mainly by recombination. Recombination is a relatively slow process, and this phase tends to be the longest portion of the turn-off transient.

An estimate of the recombination time can be obtained from the charge-control equation for base charge,

where c09-math-0961 is the total hole charge in the c09-math-0962 base and c09-math-0963 is the ambipolar lifetime in the drift region. This assumes that the majority of the base charge is removed by recombination, and not by diffusion. Equation 9.162 has the solution

9.163 equation

where c09-math-0965 is the total charge stored in the conducting state, and can be written

9.164 equation

We now define the critical charge as the base charge corresponding to the holding current in the forward-conducting mode,

The turn-off can be considered complete when the base charge falls below the critical charge, since at that point the regenerative feedback is insufficient to sustain forward operation, and the device is incapable of spontaneously turning on. Combining Equations 9.165 and setting c09-math-0968 equal to the time when c09-math-0969, we can write

c09-math-0971 is the approximate duration of the third period of the thyristor turn-off, which typically dominates the transient.

In the above discussion, the supply voltage is suddenly switched from a positive to a negative value at c09-math-0972. However, in most practical applications the thyristor is operated with an AC power source, and the voltage reversal occurs at the zero crossing of the sinusoidal c09-math-0973 waveform. This tends to obscure the first two periods of the turn-off transient, and a triangular reverse current waveform is observed, followed by a recombination tail, as illustrated in Figure 9.41 for two values of c09-math-0974. To shorten the current tail, we could reduce the lifetime c09-math-0975 in the c09-math-0976 base region as shown by Equation 9.166, but this would increase the forward voltage drop in the conducting state and also increase the leakage current that triggers avalanche breakdown in the forward-blocking mode.


Figure 9.41 Thyristor waveforms when operating with an AC power source. Current tails are illustrated for two values of recombination time c09-math-0977. Turn-Off due to a Negative Gate Pulse

In DC applications the supply voltage remains positive, and the thyristor turns off by transitioning to the forward-blocking mode, moving from point (2) to point (1) in Figure 9.28. This is accomplished in the gate-turn-off (GTO) thyristor by a negative pulse to the gate that diverts base current from the pnp BJT and breaks the regenerative feedback that sustains forward conduction.

We will first consider the GTO turn-off process using a simplified one-dimensional model, then we will discuss two-dimensional effects. The first question is: “What magnitude of gate current is needed to turn the device off?” To answer, we note with reference to Figure 9.31 that when the thyristor is stabilized in forward conduction, the base current of the pnp BJT is given by

9.167 equation

Since this is the base current required to sustain stable conduction, we require a negative gate pulse c09-math-0979 applied to the base of BJT-2 that brings c09-math-0980 below this value, namely,

9.168 equation

Note that c09-math-0982 has the opposite polarity to c09-math-0983 in Figure 9.31. Solving for c09-math-0984 yields

9.169 equation

The negative gate current required to turn off the thyristor is proportional to the cathode current c09-math-0986, and this ratio can be expressed in the form of a turn-off gain,

9.170 equation

A large turn-off gain is desirable to simplify operation, and this requires that c09-math-0988 be close to unity and c09-math-0989 be small. A high c09-math-0990 occurs naturally in the GTO, since the base of the pnp BJT is narrow and the emitter is heavily doped. However, to take advantage of the high c09-math-0991 we must avoid anode shorts. c09-math-0992 is naturally low due to the wide base of the npn BJT, and it can be reduced further by inserting a thin heavily-doped c09-math-0993 buffer between the c09-math-0994 drift region and the c09-math-0995 substrate, as shown in Figure 9.27. This layer reduces the injection efficiency of the npn emitter, thereby reducing c09-math-0996.

Since the GTO is designed for DC operations under a positive supply voltage, a high reverse blocking capability is not needed. This allows us to optimize the forward blocking voltage without regard to the reverse blocking voltage. The c09-math-0997 buffer layer has a beneficial effect in this regard, since it permits a punch-through design, as illustrated in Figure 9.42b. Here the c09-math-0998 buffer layer prevents the depletion region of the J2 junction from reaching the substrate in the forward-blocking mode, allowing the desired c09-math-0999 to be achieved with a thinner c09-math-1000 base. This reduces the forward voltage drop of the thyristor in the conducting state, as shown by Equation 9.113 and Figure 7.13.


Figure 9.42 Comparison of a non-punch-through drift region (a) and a punch-through drift region (b). The punch-through design allows a thinner drift region for the same blocking voltage (note that the areas under the electric fields are the same).

The turn-off process in the GTO can be described in three phases, as shown in Figure 9.43. Conditions inside the thyristor during the transient are illustrated in Figure 9.44. In the first phase, stored holes are removed from the base of the pnp BJT by the negative gate current. The process is as follows: A negative gate current corresponds to the flow of majority electrons out of the base. This reduces the injection of electrons from the base into the emitter, which reduces c09-math-1001. The reduced c09-math-1002 reduces the injection of holes from the emitter, lowering the hole density in the base. At the end of the storage phase, junction J2 becomes reverse biased and both BJTs enter their forward-active regions. During the second phase, the depletion region of J2 spreads into the c09-math-1003 base layer, and the reverse voltage supported by J2 increases. As a result, the voltage drop across the thyristor c09-math-1004 rises, and the current, limited by the load resistance, falls. The final phase corresponds to the recombination of the remaining electrons in the base of the npn BJT.


Figure 9.43 Three phases of a GTO turn-off transient, initiated by a negative gate pulse.


Figure 9.44 Illustration of conditions in the GTO during the turn-off transient, assuming a one-dimensional structure.

We now consider each of the three phases in turn. During the first (storage) phase, the injection of holes from the pnp emitter is reduced until J2 becomes reverse biased and the BJTs enter their forward-active modes. This process is inherently two-dimensional, since injection is first reduced in the regions adjacent to the gate contacts, and the quenching process spreads laterally into areas further removed from the gate contacts. This is the inverse of the turn-on process, where the electron–hole plasma spreads laterally from the gate into the interior with a spreading velocity c09-math-1005. Here we talk of a squeezing velocity, as the injection is squeezed into a smaller and smaller region under the center of the anode before being quenched entirely. The situation can be visualized by reference to Figure 9.27. Since gate current flows laterally through the n-type base, a lateral voltage drop develops due to the sheet resistivity of the base, given by Equation 9.78, and the voltage drop across the EB junction of the pnp BJT is reduced as we proceed toward the edges of the anode. This reduces the injection near the anode edges, squeezing the current into a small region under the center of the anode. The effect of base spreading resistance in BJTs was discussed in Section 9.1.9.

An approximate analysis of the storage time given by Wolley [7] shows that c09-math-1006 increases with turn-off gain c09-math-1007, and can be approximated by

Here c09-math-1009 is the hole diffusion coefficient in the gate layer, c09-math-1010 is the hole diffusion length in the gate layer, and c09-math-1011 is the thickness of the gate layer, that is, the base of BJT-2. Equation 9.171 shows that there is a conflict between the desire for a high c09-math-1012 to reduce drive requirements, and a low c09-math-1013 to speed the turn-off process.

At the end of the storage phase, the entire area of junction J2 is reverse biased. During the second phase, the depletion region of J2 expands into the base of the npn BJT. As this occurs, the reverse voltage supported by J2 increases. With more voltage dropped across the thyristor, the current (limited by the load resistance) falls. An approximate expression for the time for the current to fall to 10% of its initial value can be derived by considering the rate of expansion of the depletion region [8]. The result is

9.172 equation

where c09-math-1015 is the average electron density in the undepleted portion of the drift region. We note that the fall time is proportional to the square root of supply voltage and inversely proportional to the initial cathode current density, c09-math-1016.

9.3.7 Reverse-Blocking Mode

The reverse-blocking mode is important for thyristors that operate under AC conditions, where the supply voltage oscillates between positive and negative values. We will discuss avalanche breakdown and blocking voltage in Chapter 10.


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