Chapter 2. What Is Functional Programming?

Functional programming, in its “purest” sense, is rooted in how functions, variables, and values actually work in mathematics, which is different from how they typically work in most programming languages.

Functional programming got its start before digital computers even existed. Many of the theoretical underpinnings of computation were developed in the 1930s by mathematicians like Alonzo Church and Haskell Curry.

In the 1930s, Alonzo Church developed the Lambda Calculus, which is a formalism for defining and invoking functions (called applying them). Today, the syntax and behavior of most programming languages reflect this model.

Haskell Curry (for whom the Haskell language is named) helped develop Combinatory Logic, which provides an alternative theoretical basis for computation. Combinatory Logic examines how combinators, which are essentially functions, combine to represent a computation. One practical application of combinators is to use them as building blocks for constructing parsers. They are also useful for representing the steps in a planned computation, which can be analyzed for possible bugs and optimization opportunities.

More recently, Category Theory has been a fruitful source of ideas for functional programming, such as ways to structure computations so that side effects like IO (input and output), which change the state of the “world,” are cleanly separated from code with no side effects.

A lot of the literature on functional programming reflects its mathematical roots, which can be overwhelming if you don’t have a strong math background. In contrast, object-oriented programming seems more intuitive and approachable. Fortunately, you can learn and use the principles of functional programming without a thorough grounding in mathematics.

The first language to incorporate functional programming ideas was Lisp,[3] which was developed in the late 1950s and is the second-oldest high-level programming language, after Fortran. The ML family of programming languages started in the 1970s, including Caml, OCaml (a hybrid object-functional language), and Microsoft’s F#. Perhaps the best known functional language that comes closest to functional “purity” is Haskell, which was started in the early 1990s. Other recent functional languages include Clojure and Scala, both of which run on the JVM but are being ported to the .NET environment. Today, many other languages are incorporating ideas from functional programming.

The Basic Principles of Functional Programming

Don’t all programming languages have functions? If so, why aren’t all programming languages considered functional languages? Functional languages share a few basic principles.

Avoiding Mutable State

The first principle is the use of immutable values. You might recall the famous Pythagorean equation from school, which relates the lengths of the sides of a triangle:

x2 + y2 = z2

If I give you values for the variables x and y, say x=3 and y=4, you can compute the value for z (5 in this case). The key idea here is that values are never modified. It would be crazy to say 3++, but you could start over by assigning new values to the same variables.

Most programming languages don’t make a clear distinction between a value (i.e., the contents of memory) and a variable that refers to it. In Java, we’ll use final to prohibit variable reassignment, so we get objects that are immutable values.

Why should we avoid mutating values? First, allowing mutable values is what makes multithreaded programming so difficult. If multiple threads can modify the same shared value, you have to synchronize access to that value. This is quite tedious and error-prone programming that even the experts find challenging [Goetz2006]. If you make a value immutable, the synchronization problem disappears. Concurrent reading is harmless, so multithreaded programming becomes far easier.

A second benefit of immutable values relates to program correctness in other ways. It is harder to understand and exhaustively test code with mutable values, particularly if mutations aren’t localized to one place. Some of the most difficult bugs to find in large systems occur when state is modified non-locally, by client code that is located elsewhere in the program.

Consider the following example, where a mutable List is used to hold a customer’s orders:

public class Customer {
  // No setter method
  private final List<Order> orders;
  public List<Order> getOrders() { return orders; }
  public Customer(...) {...}

It’s reasonable that clients of Customer will want to view the list of Orders. Unfortunately, by exposing the list through the getter method, getOrders, we’ve lost control over them! A client could modify the list without our knowledge. We didn’t provide a setter for orders and it is declared final, but these protections only prevent assigning a new list to orders. The list itself can still be modified.

We could work around this problem by having getOrders return a copy of the list or by adding special accessor methods to Customer that provide controlled access to orders. However, copying the list is expensive, especially for large lists. Adding ad-hoc accessor methods increases the complexity of the object, the testing burden, and the effort required of other programmers to comprehend and use the class.

However, if the list of orders is immutable and the list elements are immutable, these worries are gone. Clients can call the getter method to read the orders, but they can’t modify the orders, so we retain control over the state of the object.

What happens when the list of orders is supposed to change, but it has become huge? Should we relent and make it mutable to avoid the overhead of making big copies? Fortunately, we have an efficient way to copy large data structures; we’ll reuse the parts that aren’t changing! When we add a new order to our list of orders, we can reuse the rest of the list. We’ll explore how in Chapter 3.

Some mutability is unavoidable. All programs have to do IO. Otherwise, they could do nothing but heat up the CPU, as a joke goes. However, functional programming encourages us to think strategically about when and where mutability is necessary. If we encapsulate mutations in well-defined areas and keep the rest of the code free of mutation, we improve the robustness and modularity of our code.

We still need to handle mutations in a thread-safe way. Software Transactional Memory and the Actor Model give us this safety. We’ll explore both in Chapter 4.


Make your objects immutable. Declare fields final. Only provide getters for fields and then only when necessary. Be careful that mutable final objects can still be modified. Use mutable collections carefully. See “Minimize Mutability” in [Bloch2008] for more tips.

Functions as First-Class Values

In Java, we are accustomed to passing objects and primitive values to methods, returning them from methods, and assigning them to variables. This means that objects and primitives are first-class values in Java. Note that classes themselves aren’t first-class values, although the reflection API offers information about classes.

Functions are not first-class values in Java. Let’s clarify the difference between a method and a function.


A method is a block of code attached to a particular class. It can only be called in the context of the class, if it’s defined to be static, or in the context of an instance of the class. A function is more general. It is not attached to any particular class or object. Therefore, all instance methods are functions where one of the arguments is the object.

Java only has methods and methods aren’t first-class in Java. You can’t pass a method as an argument to another method, return a method from a method, or assign a method as a value to a variable.

However, most anonymous inner classes are effectively function “wrappers.” Many Java methods take an instance of an interface that declares one method. Here’s a common example, specifying an ActionListener for an AWT/Swing application (see the Preface for details on obtaining and using all the source code examples in this book):

package functions;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

class HelloButtonApp2 {
        private final Button button = new Button();

  public HelloButtonApp2() {
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        System.out.println("Hello There: event received: " + e);

If we want the button to do something, we have to specify an ActionListener object, which has a single method: actionPerformed. We used an anonymous inner class to implement the interface and the method.

It is very common in Java APIs to define custom interfaces like this that declare a single abstract method. They are often labelled “callback methods,” because they are typically used to enable registration of client code that will be called for particular events.

The world’s Java APIs must have hundreds of one-off, special-purpose interfaces like ActionListener. It greatly increases the cognitive load on the developer to learn all of them. You spend a lot of time reading Javadocs or letting your IDE remember for you. We’ve been told that abstraction is a good thing, right? Well, let’s introduce abstractions for all these “function objects”!

First, here is an interface that defines a “function” that takes one argument of type parameter A and returns void:

package functions;

public interface Function1Void<A> {
  void apply(A a);

You could call the generic method name anything you want, but I chose apply because it is a common name in functional programming, derived from the convention of saying that you “apply” a function to its arguments when you call it.

Now, let’s pretend that there is a “functional” version of the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), java.fawt.Component, with a method addActionListener that takes a Function1Void object instead of ActionListener:

package functions;
import java.fawt.*;
import java.fawt.event.*;

class FunctionalHelloButtonApp {
  private final Button button = new Button();

  public FunctionalHelloButtonApp() {
    button.addActionListener(new Function1Void<ActionEvent>() {  // 1
      public void apply(ActionEvent e) {                         // 2
        System.out.println("Hello There: event received: "+e);

I have indicated the changes with the two comments 1 and 2. Otherwise, the code is identical to the previous example.

You might argue that having a custom type for the argument to addActionListener prevents a user from passing an arbitrary and inappropriate object to it. You might also claim that the custom name of the interface and the custom method name help document the API for the reader. Neither argument really holds up.

First, giving abstractions special names does nothing to prevent the user from implementing the wrong thing. As far as documentation is concerned, addActionListener must document its expectations (as we’ll discuss in The Liskov Substitution Principle). The type parameter for Function1Void<ActionEvent> must still appear in addActionListener signature. That’s another bit of essential documentation for the user.

Once the developer is accustomed to using Function1Void<A> all over the JDK (in our more perfect world…), it’s no longer necessary to learn all the one-off interfaces defined in the library. They are all effectively the same thing; a function wrapper.

So, we have introduced a new, highly reusable abstraction. You no longer need to remember the name of the special type you pass to addActionListener. It’s just the same Function1Void that you use “everywhere.” You don’t need to remember the special name of its method. It’s always just apply.

It was a revelation for me when I realized how much less I have to learn when I can reuse the same function abstractions in a wide variety of contexts. I no longer care about trivial details like one-off interface names. I only care about what a particular function is supposed to do.

Lambdas and Closures

While we’ve reduced some of the unnecessary complexity in the JDK (or pretended to do so), the syntax is still very verbose, as we still have to say things like new Function1Void<ActionEvent>() {…}. Wouldn’t it be great if we could just write an anonymous function with just the argument list and the body?

Most programming languages now support this. After years of debate, JDK 8 will introduce a syntax for defining anonymous functions, also called lambdas (see [Project Lambda] and [Goetz2010]). Here is what the planned syntax looks like:

public FunctionalHelloButtonApp() {
    #{ ActionEvent e -> System.out.println("Hello There: event received: "+e) }

The #{…} expression is the literal syntax for lambda expressions. The argument list is to the left of the “arrow” (->) and the body of the function is to the right of the arrow. Notice how much boilerplate code this syntax removes!


The term lambda is another term for anonymous function. It comes from the use of the Greek lambda symbol λ to represent functions in lambda calculus.

For completeness, here is another example function type, one that takes two arguments of types A1 and A2, respectively, and returns a non-void value of type R. This example is inspired by the Scala types for anonymous functions:

package functions;

public interface Function2<A1, A2, R> {
  R apply(A1 a1, A2 a2);

Unfortunately, you would need a separate interface for every function “arity” you want (arity is the number of arguments). Actually, it’s that number times two; one for the void return case and one for the non-void return case. However, the effort is justified for a widely used concept. Actually, the [Functional Java] project has already done this work for you.

Higher-Order Functions

There is a special term for functions that take other functions as arguments or return them as results: higher-order functions. Java methods are limited to primitives and objects as arguments and return values, but we can mimic this feature with our Function interfaces.

Higher-order functions are a powerful tool for building abstractions and composing behavior. In Chapter 3, we’ll show how higher-order functions allow nearly limitless customization of standard library types, like Lists and Maps, and also promote reusability. In fact, the combinators we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter are higher-order functions.

Side-Effect-Free Functions

Another source of complexity, which leads to bugs, are functions that mutate state, e.g., setting values of an object’s field or global variables.

In mathematics, functions never have side effects, meaning they are side-effect-free. For example, no matter how much work sin(x) has to do, its entire result is returned to the caller. No external state is changed. Note that a real implementation might cache previously calculated values, for efficiency, which would require changing the state of a cache. It’s up to the implementer to preserve the side-effect-free external behavior (including thread safety), as seen by users of the function.

Being able to replace a function call for a particular set of parameters with the value it returns is called referential transparency. It has a fundamental implication for functions with no side effects; the function and the corresponding return values are really synonymous, as far as the computation is concerned. You can represent the result of calling any such function with a value. Conversely, you can represent any value with a function call!

Side-effect-free functions make excellent building blocks for reuse, since they don’t depend on the context in which they run. Compared to functions with side effects, they are also easier to design, comprehend, optimize, and test. Hence, they are less likely to have bugs.


Recall that functional programming in its purest form doesn’t allow mutable values. That means we can’t use mutable loop counters to iterate through a collection! Of course, Java already solves this problem for us with the foreach loop:

for (String str: myListOfStrings) {...}

which encapsulates the required loop counting. We’ll see other iteration approaches in the next chapter, when we discuss operations on functional collections.

The classic functional alternative to an iterative loop is to use recursion, where each pass through the function operates on the next item in the collection until a termination point is reached. Recursion is also a natural fit for certain algorithms, such as traversing a tree where each branch is itself a tree.

Consider the following example, where a unit test defines a simple tree type, with a value at each node, and left and right subtrees. The Tree type defines a recursive toString method that walks the tree and builds up a string from each node. After the definition, the unit test declares an instance of the tree and tests that toString works as expected:

package functions;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Test;

public class RecursionTest {

  static class Tree {
    // public fields for simplicity
    public final Tree left;   // left subtree
    public final Tree right;  // right subtree
    public final int  value;  // value at this node

    public Tree(Tree left, int value, Tree right) {
      this.left  = left;
      this.value = value;
      this.right = right;

    public final String toString() {
      String leftStr  = left  == null ? "^" : left.toString();
      String rightStr = right == null ? "^" : right.toString();
      return "(" + leftStr + "-" + value + "-" + rightStr + ")";

  public void walkATree() {
    Tree root = new Tree(
      new Tree(
        new Tree(null, 3, null), 2, new Tree(new Tree(null, 5, null), 4, null)),
      new Tree(
        new Tree(null, 7, null), 6, new Tree(null, 8, null)));

    String expected = "(((^-3-^)-2-((^-5-^)-4-^))-1-((^-7-^)-6-(^-8-^)))";
    assertEquals(expected, root.toString());

However, each recursion adds a new frame to the stack, which can exceed the stack size for deep recursions. Tail-call recursions can be converted to loops, eliminating the extra function call overhead. Unfortunately, the JVM and the Java compiler do not currently perform this optimization.

Lazy vs. Eager Evaluation

Mathematics defines some infinite sets, such as the natural numbers (all positive integers). They are represented symbolically. Any particular finite subset of values is evaluated only on demand. We call this lazy evaluation. Eager evaluation would force us to represent all of the infinite values, which is clearly impossible.

Some languages are lazy by default, while others provide lazy data structures that can be used to represent infinite collections and only compute a subset of values on demand. Here is an example that represents the natural numbers:

package math;
import static datastructures2.ListModule.*;

public class NaturalNumbers {
  public static final int ZERO = 0;

  public static int next(int previous) { return previous + 1; }

  public static List<Integer> take(int count) {
    return doTake(emptyList(), count);

  private static List<Integer> doTake(List<Integer> accumulator, int count) {
    if (count == ZERO)
      return accumulator;
      return doTake(list(next(count - 1), accumulator), count - 1);

We start with a definition of zero, then use next to compute each natural number from its predecessor. The take(n) method is a pragmatic tool for extracting a fixed subset of the integers. It returns a List of the integers from 1 to n. (The List type shown will be discussed in Chapter 3. It isn’t java.util.List.) Note that the helper method doTake is tail-call recursive.

We have replaced values, integers in this case, with functions that compute them on demand, an example of the referential transparency we discussed earlier. Lazy representation of infinite data structures wouldn’t be possible without this feature! Both referential transparency and lazy evaluation require side-effect-free functions and immutable values.

Finally, lazy evaluation is useful for deferring expensive operations until needed or never executing them at all.

Declarative vs. Imperative Programming

Finally, functional programming is declarative, like mathematics, where properties and relationships are defined. The runtime figures out how to compute final values. The definition of the factorial function provides an example:

factorial(n) = 1                   if n = 1
               n * factorial(n-1)  if n > 1

The definition relates the value of factorial(n) to factorial(n-1), a recursive definition. The special case of factorial(1) terminates the recursion.

Object-oriented programming is primarily imperative, where we tell the computer what specific steps to do.

To better understand the differences, consider this example, which provides a declarative and an imperative implementation of the factorial function:

package math;

public class Factorial {

  public static long declarativeFactorial(int n) {
    assert n > 0 : "Argument must be greater than 0";
    if (n == 1) return 1;
    else return n * declarativeFactorial(n-1);

  public static long imperativeFactorial(int n) {
    assert n > 0 : "Argument must be greater than 0";
    long result = 1;
    for (int i = 2; i<= n; i++) {
      result *= i;
    return result;

The declarativeFactorial method might look “imperative,” in the sense that it implements a calculation of factorials, but its structure is more declarative than imperative. I formatted the method to look similar to the definition of factorial.

The imperativeFactorial method uses mutable values, the loop counter and the result that accumulates the calculated value. The method explicitly implements a particular algorithm. Unlike the declarative version, this method has lots of little mutation steps, making it harder to understand and keep bug free.

Declarative programming is made easier by lazy evaluation, because laziness gives the runtime the opportunity to “understand” all the properties and relations, then determine the optimal way to compute values on demand. Like lazy evaluation, declarative programming is largely incompatible with mutability and functions with side effects.

Designing Types

Whether you prefer static or dynamic typing, functional programming has some useful lessons to teach us about good type design. First, all functional languages emphasize the use of core container types, like lists, maps, trees, and sets for capturing and transforming data, which we’ll explore in Chapter 3. Here, I want to discuss two other benefits of functional thinking about types, enforcing valid values for variables and applying rigor to type design.

What About Nulls?

In a pure functional language where values are immutable, each variable must be initialized to a value that can be checked to make sure it is valid. This suggests that we should never allow a variable to reference our old friend, null. Null values are a common source of bugs. Tony Hoare, who invented the concept of null, has recently called it The Billion Dollar Mistake [Hoare2009].

Java’s model is to “pretend” there is a Null type that is the subtype of all other types in the system. Suppose you have a variable of type String. If the value can be null, you could also think of the type as actually StringOrNull. However, we never think in either terms and that’s why we often forget to check for null. What’s really going on is that we have a variable that can “optionally” hold a value. So, why not explicitly represent this idea in the type system? Consider the following abstract class:

package option;

public abstract class Option<T> {
  public abstract boolean hasValue();

  public abstract T get();

  public T getOrElse(T alternative) {
    return hasValue() == true ? get() : alternative;

Option defines a “container” that may have one item of type T or not. The hasValue method returns true if the container has an item or false if it doesn’t. Subclasses will define this method appropriately. Similarly, the get method returns the item, if there is one. A variation of this method is the getOrElse method, which will return the alternative value if the Option doesn’t have a value. This is the one method that can be implemented in this class.

Here is the first subtype, Some:

package option;

public final class Some<T> extends Option<T> {
  private final T value;

  public Some(T value) { this.value = value; }

  public boolean hasValue() { return true; }

  public T get() { return value; }

  public String toString() { return "Some("+value+")"; }

  public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (other == null || other.getClass() != Some.class)
      return false;
    Some<?> that = (Some<?>) other;
    Object thatValue = that.get();
    return value.equals(thatValue);

  public int hashCode() { return 37 * value.hashCode(); }

A Some instance is used when the Option has a value. So, its hasValue always returns true and its get method simply returns the value. It also provides conventional toString, equals, and hashCode methods. I’ll explain why Some is declared final in the next section.

Finally, here is None, the only other valid subtype of Option:

package option;

public final class None<T> extends Option<T> {
  public static class NoneHasNoValue extends RuntimeException {}

  public None() {}

  public boolean hasValue() { return false; }

  public T get() { throw new NoneHasNoValue(); }

  public String toString() { return "None"; }

  public boolean equals(Object other) {
    return (other == null || other.getClass() != None.class) ? false : true;

  public int hashCode() { return -1; }

A None instance is used when the Option has no value. So, its hasValue always returns false and its get method throws an exception, because there is nothing to get! It also provides toString, equals, and hashCode methods. Since None has no value, all instances are considered equal! None is also final.

The following unit test exercises Option, Some, and None:

package  option;

import java.util.*;
import org.junit.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class OptionTest {
  private List<Option<String>> names = null;

  public void setup() {
    names = new ArrayList<Option<String>>();
    names.add(new Some<String>("Dean"));
    names.add(new None<String>());
    names.add(new Some<String>("Wampler"));

  public void getOrElseUsesValueForSomeAndAlternativeForNone() {
    String[] expected = { "Dean", "Unknown!", "Wampler"};;

    System.out.println("*** Using getOrElse:");
    for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
      Option<String> name = names.get(i);
      String value = name.getOrElse("Unknown!");
      System.out.println(name + ": " + value);
      assertEquals(expected[i], value);

  public void hasNextWithGetUsesOnlyValuesForSomes() {
    String[] expected = { "Dean", null, "Wampler"};;

    System.out.println("*** Using hasValue:");
    for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
      Option<String> name = names.get(i);
      if (name.hasValue()) {
        String value = name.get();
        System.out.println(name + ": " + value);
        assertEquals(expected[i], value);

  static Option<String> wrap(String s) {
    if (s == null)
      return new None<String>();
      return new Some<String>(s);

  public void exampleMethodReturningOption() {
    System.out.println("*** Method that Returns an Option:");
    Option<String> opt1 = wrap("hello!");
    System.out.println("hello! -> "+opt1);
    assertEquals(Some.class, opt1.getClass());
    assertEquals("hello!", opt1.get());

    Option<String> opt2 = wrap(null);
    System.out.println("null -> "+opt2);
    assertEquals(None.class, opt2.getClass());
    assertEquals("str", opt2.getOrElse("str"));

After creating an array of Some and None instances in the setup method, the first test uses getOrElse to extract the value for Some instances, or the “alternative” for None instances. Print statements output each case before the assertion verifies the expected behavior.

The second test shows an alternative way to work with the Options. The hasValue method is called to determine if the Option has a value (that is, if it is a Some instance). Only then is the get method called and the value is output and tested with an assertion.

The final test demonstrates the wrap method defined in the test, which demonstrates how an arbitrary method might return an Option instead of returning another type when the value could be null. In this case, if the input String is null, then a None is returned. Otherwise, the input String is wrapped in a Some.

Here is the output from running the test. The following listing shows just the output from the println calls:

*** Using getOrElse:
Some(Dean): Dean
None: Unknown!
Some(Wampler): Wampler
*** Using hasValue:
Some(Dean): Dean
Some(Wampler): Wampler
*** Method that Returns an Option:
hello! -> Some(hello!)
null -> None

Look at the method signature for the test’s wrap method again:

static Option<String> wrap(String s) ...

What’s most interesting about this signature is the return value. The type tells you that a value may or may not be available. That is, a value is optional. Furthermore, Java’s type safety won’t let you “forget” that an option is returned. You must determine if a Some was returned and extract the value before calling methods with it, or handle the None case. Using Option as a return type improves the robustness of your code compared to allowing nulls and it provides better documentation for users of the code. We are expressing and enforcing the optional availability of a value through the type system.

Algebraic Data Types and Abstract Data Types

In the previous discussion the Option interface has only two valid implementing types: Some and None. Mathematically, Option is an algebraic data type, which for our purposes means that there can be only a few well-defined types that implement the abstraction [AlgebraicDT]. It also means that there are well-defined rules for transitioning from an instance of one type to another. We’ll see a good example of these transitions when we discuss lists in Chapter 3.

A similar-sounding (and easy to confuse) concept is the abstract data type. This is already familiar from object-oriented programming, where you define an interface for an abstraction and give it well-defined semantics. The abstraction is implemented by one or more types. Usually, abstract data types have relatively little polymorphic behavior. Instead, the subtypes optimize for different performance criteria, like search speed vs. update speed. Unlike algebraic data types, you might make these concrete classes private and hide them behind a factory, which could decide which class to instantiate based on the input arguments, for example.

A good example of an abstract data type is a map of key-value pairs. The abstraction tells us how to put new pairs in the map, query for existing pairs, remove pairs, etc.

To compare these two concepts, an algebraic data type like Option constrains the number of possible subtypes that implement the abstraction. Usually these subtypes are visible to users. In contrast, an abstract data type imposes no limit on the possible subtypes, but often those subtypes exist only to support different implementation goals and they may be hidden behind a factory.

One final point on algebraic data types. Recall that Some and None are final and can’t be subtyped. Final types are often considered bad in Java, because you can’t subclass them to create special versions for testing. That’s really only a problem for types with strong dependencies on other objects that would make testing difficult, like networked services. Well-designed algebraic data types should never have such connections, so there is really nothing that would need to be replaced by a test-only derivative.


Note: Some of these exercises are difficult.

  1. Write unit tests for Function1Void and Function2.

  2. Write a method that uses recursion to add a list of numbers.

  3. Find some Java code you wrote before that does null checks. Try modifying it to use Option instead.

  4. Explore the typing of functions under inheritance. Hint: this exercise anticipates The Liskov Substitution Principle. If you get stuck, see the unit tests for the functions package that is part of the code distribution.

    1. Suppose some method m1 takes a Function1<String,Object> argument. What would happen if you passed an instance f1 of type Function1<Object,Object> to m1? In Java, how could you change the declaration of m1 so that the compiler would allow you to pass f1 to it? Why would that be a valid thing to do, at least from the perspective of “safe typing”?

    2. Considering the same method m1, suppose you wanted to pass a function f2 of type Function1<String,String> to m1? How could you change the declaration of m1 so that the compiler would allows you to pass f2 to it? Why would that be a valid thing to do from the safe typing perspective?

[3] See the References for links to information about the languages mentioned here.

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